SHB 1430



                                  C 341 L 89



BYHouse Committee on Higher Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Jacobsen, Miller, Spanel, Belcher, Brough, G. Fisher, Peery, Cole, Van Luven, Appelwick, Locke, R. King, K. Wilson, Anderson, Ebersole, Grant, Hine, Holland, Kremen, Wineberry, Wang, Wood, Leonard, Prentice, Pruitt, Dellwo, Basich, Dorn, Brekke, Morris, Todd and Phillips)



Requiring gender equality in higher education.



House Committe on Higher Education



Senate Committee on Higher Education and Committee on Ways & Means



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




During 1988, a subcommittee of the House Higher Education and Education Committees studied the opportunities available to men and women athletes in high school and college.  The subcommittee found that, during the 1987-88 academic year at state baccalaureate universities, participants in intercollegiate athletic programs comprised 29 to 38 percent of the total participants.  These women athletes comprised between 29 to 31 percent of the athletes receiving financial aid, and their programs received between 26 to 36 percent of the available funding.  In contrast, young women competing in high school interscholastic competition comprised 39 percent of the participants. The subcommittee also reviewed the court cases requiring Washington State University to provide opportunities to participate in intercollegiate athletics based on the percentage of men and women enrolled in undergraduate programs at the university.


The subcommittee recommended the introduction of legislation to encourage equitable opportunities for men and women students, including a bill requiring equal treatment of men and women students in all aspects of college life.




In consultation with institutions of higher education, the Higher Education Coordinating Board is directed to adopt rules and guidelines to eliminate gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, at institutions of higher education.  The areas to be covered in the rules include, but are not limited to: access to academic programs, student employment, counseling and guidance programs, financial aid, recreational activities, and intercollegiate athletics. Institutions are directed to provide services and access in each of these areas without regard to gender.


With respect to intercollegiate athletics, institutions that provide the following must do so with no disparities based on gender:


(1) Support services, such as equipment and supplies, opportunities for competition, conditioning programs, and scholarships.


(2) Opportunities to participate in intercollegiate athletics.  Institutions shall provide equitable opportunities to men and women students.


(3) Male and female coaches and administrators.  Institutions must attempt to provide participants with some coaches and administrators of each gender to act as role models.


By September 30, 1990, each institution must complete a self-study on its compliance with the requirements.  By November 30, 1990, each institution must submit a plan for compliance to the Higher Education Coordinating Board.  If the institution finds that participation in activities such as intercollegiate athletics is not proportionate to undergraduate enrollment percentages for male and female students, the plan should outline efforts to identify barriers to equal participation.  The plan should also encourage gender equity in all aspects of college or university life.


The Higher Education Coordinating Board is directed to monitor institutional compliance with these requirements. The board may delegate to the State Board for Community College Education the responsibility for monitoring community college compliance.  The board is directed to report biennially to the Governor and the Legislature on institutional compliance efforts.  The reports must include recommendations on measures to assist the institutions with their efforts.


A violation of the act's requirements constitute an unfair practice under the Washington law against discrimination.  All rights and remedies available under that law apply.





      House 98   0

      Senate    45     0


EFFECTIVE:July 23, 1989