SSB 5594



BYSenate Committee on Health Care & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Nelson, West, Wojahn, Smith, Newhouse, Conner, Niemi and Sutherland)



Allowing prescriptions to be filled across state borders.



House Committe on Health Care


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (9)

      Signed by Representatives Braddock, Chair; Day, Vice Chair; Brooks, Ranking Republican Member; Cantwell, Prentice, D. Sommers, Sprenkle, Vekich and Wolfe.


      House Staff:John Welsh (786-7133)



                         AS PASSED HOUSE MARCH 1, 1990




Washington residents living in remote areas of the state bordering Canada, such as Point Roberts, encounter difficulty in accessing appropriate health care services, and often must rely on the services of Canadian health practitioners in British Columbia.


While the law already permits medical prescriptions issued by Canadian physicians licensed in the province of British Columbia to be filled by pharmacists in this state, this authority does not extend to prescriptions written by Canadian dentists, podiatrists, or veterinarians in British Columbia.


In addition, pharmacists in this state may legally fill the prescriptions of physicians licensed in other states, but they cannot fill prescriptions of dentists, podiatrists, or veterinarians licensed in other states.




Pharmacists in this state may fill the prescriptions of Canadian dentists, podiatrists and veterinarians licensed in British Columbia.


Pharmacists in this state may also fill the prescriptions of dentists, podiatrists, and veterinarians licensed in other states.


Fiscal Note:      Available.


Effective Date:The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Lars Hennum, Pharmacists of Washington; Alison Johnston, Washington State Pharmacists Association; George Bradley; Don Williams, State Pharmacy Board; and Joan Gaumer, MEDCO.


House Committee - Testified Against:      No one.


House Committee - Testimony For:    Residents of this state in Point Roberts lack access to Washington health care practitioners and must often rely on Canadian practitioners.  Washington pharmacists cannot legally fill the drug prescriptions of Canadian practitioners, thereby denying necessary drugs to Washington residents.  Residents in Point Roberts should have access to prescription drugs, which is an important part of health care.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None.