HB 1719
BYRepresentatives Hine, Silver and D. Sommers; by request of Department of Retirement Systems
Providing for disposition of excess retirement benefits upon death of the recipient.
House Committe on Appropriations
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
Senate Hearing Date(s):March 29, 1989; March 30, 1989
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators McDonald, Chairman; Craswell, Vice Chairman; Bailey, Bauer, Bluechel, Cantu, Gaspard, Hayner, Johnson, Lee, Matson, Newhouse, Niemi, Owen, Saling, Talmadge.
Senate Staff:Charles Langen (786-7715)
March 31, 1989
Persons who retire on a service retirement under Plan II provisions of the Public Employee's Retirement System, Teachers' Retirement System, and Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Retirement System may choose from several options of how their benefit is paid out. If they select the single life option and die before the total allowance paid to them equals the value of their accumulated contributions, a refund of the balance of their accumulated contributions is made either to a person designated by the retiree or to the estate.
For persons who retire on an earned disability, current law does not provide for any refund of accumulated contributions if the person dies prior to recovering earned disability payments equal to the value of accumulated contributions. Accumulations are retained by the retirement system.
Accumulated contributions are the monies contributed by the employee during active employment, plus interest.
A refund of the balance of accumulated contributions for Plan II earned disability retirees is allowed, if the retiree dies before the earned disability payments equal the value of accumulated contributions. This applies to members of the Public Employee's Retirement System, Teachers' Retirement System, and Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters Retirement System.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: available
Senate Committee - Testified: Sheryl Wilson, Acting Director, Department of Retirement Systems