SB 5411
BYSenator Smith
Providing for aid to minor parents.
Senate Committee on Children & Family Services
Senate Hearing Date(s):January 26, 1989; February 24, 1989
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5411 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators Smith, Chairman; Craswell, Vice Chairman; Stratton.
Senate Staff:Alice Zaleski (786-7755)
March 2, 1989
A minor parent who has a dependent child in his or her care or who is pregnant, is not required to live in the home of his or her parent, guardian or relative to qualify for aid to families with dependent children (AFDC). The concern is that teenagers are having children in order to set up their own households and are being supported in doing so by AFDC funds.
An unmarried minor who has a child in his or her care or who is pregnant may receive aid to families with dependent children only if the minor and child live with a parent, guardian or other adult relative or in a foster home, maternity home or other adult supervised home. AFDC payments will be made to the parent, guardian or relative on behalf of the minor and child.
The minor is not required to live with a parent, guardian or adult relative if: 1) the minor has no living relative or guardian; 2) the relative or guardian refuses to allow the minor and child to live in the home; 3) the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) determines that the health or safety of the minor or the child would be jeopardized by living with the relative or guardian; 4) the minor has lived apart from the relative or guardian for one year before the child's birth or before applying for AFDC; 5) the Department of Social and Health Services waives the requirement when it is determined there is good cause.
An unmarried minor who has a child in his or her care or who is pregnant may receive aid to families with dependent children only if the individual resides in the home of a parent, legal guardian or other adult relative or in an alternative residential placement agreed upon by the individual and his or her parent. The alternative placement must be one that does not receive foster care payments for the individual.
The Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) shall provide the AFDC check in the individual's name and send it to the address of the parent, legal guardian, relative or residential placement where the individual resides.
DSHS must determine if a dependency petition should be filed where the individual has no parent, guardian or relative or where the parent, guardian or relative refuses to allow the individual to live in his or her home, or where the juvenile court has determined that the physical or emotional safety of the individual or child will be jeopardized if they reside with the parent, guardian or relative.
Once the individual states an exception applies, he or she remains eligible for AFDC benefits until DSHS determines otherwise. The burden of proof is on DSHS.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: available
Senate Committee - Testified: AGAINST: Mary Ann Liebert, WACSAP; Pat Thibaudeau, Washington Women United; Mishell DeMoss, concerned citizen; Bernice Morehead, DSHS; Ned Dolejsi, Washington State Catholic Conference; Anne Ireton, concerned citizen; June Beleford, Medina Children's Service Teen Parent Program