SSB 5469
BYSenate Committee on Health Care & Corrections (originally sponsored by Senators Nelson and Talmadge)
Revising record release criteria for alcoholism treatment facility patients.
Senate Committee on Health Care & Corrections
Senate Hearing Date(s):February 14, 1989; February 23, 1989
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5469 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators West, Chairman; Smith, Vice Chairman; Amondson, Johnson, Kreidler, Niemi, Wojahn.
Senate Staff:Kris Zabriskie (786-7439)
March 9, 1989
Registration and other records of alcohol treatment facilities are confidential and privileged to the patient. Truthful disclosure of such treatment is often required of a person applying for certain benefits, such as insurance coverage.
Some persons have fraudulently denied receiving such treatment, but allegations of fraud or perjury have been impossible to prove because the law does not allow the court to order disclosure.
State law is broadened to bring it into accordance with federal law regarding disclosure of confidential patient records from alcoholism treatment facilities.
A court may order a person's alcohol treatment records be disclosed after application showing good cause. The records may also be disclosed when the patient has given prior written consent, in cases of child abuse or neglect, and/or when a patient commits or threatens to commit a crime on program premises or against program personnel.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: requested January 26, 1989
Senate Committee - Testified: Ken Stark, DSHS (pro); Basil Badley, American Council of Life Insurance (pro)