SB 5736
BYSenators Bailey, Rinehart, Gaspard, Smitherman, Bender, Lee, Fleming, Metcalf, Murray, Anderson, Conner and Smith; by request of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Modifying local funding requirements for school construction.
Senate Committee on Education
Senate Hearing Date(s):February 15, 1989; February 27, 1989
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Bailey, Chairman; Lee, Vice Chairman; Anderson, Bender, Benitz, Craswell, Fleming, Gaspard, Metcalf, Murray, Rinehart.
Senate Staff:Leslie Goldstein (786-7424)
April 12, 1989
House Committe on Education
Rereferred House Committee on Capital Facilities & Financing
Under law and State Board of Education rules, school districts are eligible for state matching funds for school construction projects approved by the board and for which local funds have been or are expected to be secured. High school students living in a nonhigh district and attending school in a high school district are not counted as resident students by the nonhigh district in determining the adjusted valuation per full-time equivalent pupil for an elementary building project in the nonhigh district. At the same time, a nonhigh school district is required to contribute capital assistance for building programs in the designated high school district.
The allotment procedures for school construction and the local match requirements are clarified. A district is required to provide matching funds equal to or greater than the difference between the total approved project cost and the amount of state assistance calculated under the formula. The matching requirement may be waived if the district provides funds through bonds or levies equal to 2.5 percent of the assessed valuation of their taxable property.
After the effective date of the bill, the state matching percentage is calculated using the district's adjusted valuation per full-time equivalent resident pupil. Full-time equivalent pupils are determined using the October enrollment reports for the purposes of basic education and handicapped education allocations. Preschool handicapped students and kindergarten students are counted as half-time students.
For calculating allocations for school construction, the enrollment of a school district is decreased by the number of nonresident students enrolled in that school district with two exceptions. The first exception is that students in a nonhigh school district attending high school are counted in the high school district if it has not been identified as a designated serving district by the nonhigh school district. The second exception is that a high school district may count nonresident students if the nonresident district approved a bond issue for the project in the high school before the effective date of the bill.
A nonhigh school district may count students living there and attending high school in the designated serving district for purposes of computing the state matching percentage for allocations for school facilities.
If a high school district is identified as a serving district, the nonhigh school district must place a measure on the ballot regarding proposals for the issuance of bonds or levies for capital building programs for the serving high school.
A district without a high school must designate a serving high school district if more than 33.3 percent of the high school students residing in the nonhigh district are enrolled in the high school district. A district without a high school is not required to designate more than one serving high school district. The district without a high school may designate more than one serving high school district.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: requested February 13, 1989
Senate Committee - Testified: Mike Roberts, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (for)
Technical and grammatical changes are made to the bill. The amendment makes no policy change to the bill.