SSB 6348
BYSenate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Madsen, Patrick, Bender and Patterson)
Permitting temporary-use nonpneumatic spare tires.
Senate Committee on Transportation
Senate Hearing Date(s):January 25, 1990
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6348 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators Patterson, Chairman; Thorsness, Vice Chairman; von Reichbauer, Vice Chairman; Barr, Bender, DeJarnatt, Hansen, McMullen, Madsen, Murray, Nelson, Sellar.
Senate Staff:Gene Baxstrom (786-7303)
February 7, 1990
In general, it is unlawful to operate a vehicle upon the public highways unless that vehicle is equipped with pneumatic rubber tires. Special provision is made under Chapter 46.61 RCW to allow vehicles equipped with solid rubber tires or hollow center cushioned tires to operate on the public roads at a speed not greater than 10 miles per hour.
With the advances in the life expectancy and dependability of vehicle tires, the likelihood of need to use the spare tire is reduced. Vehicle manufacturer's commitment to reduce vehicle weights and costs have resulted in the development and application of lighter weight spare tires, intended for temporary use. New technology for spare tires may result in nonpneumatic temporary use spare tires.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is currently developing performance and labeling standards for nonpneumatic temporary use spare tires.
The requirement that vehicles operated on the public highway be equipped with pneumatic rubber tires is amended. Vehicles may be equipped with temporary use spare tires which meet federal standards and are installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: none requested
Senate Committee - Testified: Lee Ridgeway, General Motors; Jim Boldt, Washington Automobile Dealers Association