SB 6577
BYSenators Metcalf, Kreidler and Benitz
Extending the termination date for the committee for recycling markets.
Senate Committee on Environment & Natural Resources
Senate Hearing Date(s):January 17, 1990
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Metcalf, Chairman; Amondson, Vice Chairman; Barr, Benitz, DeJarnatt, Kreidler, Patterson, Sutherland.
Senate Staff:Dawn P. Vyvyan (786-7717)
February 27, 1990
House Committe on Environmental Affairs
A comprehensive solid waste management program was established by the Legislature in 1989. The legislation prioritized the collection, handling, and management of solid waste in this order: waste reduction; source separated recycling; energy recovery, incineration, or landfilling of source separated materials; and finally, energy recovery, incineration or landfill of mixed waste.
Recycling plans have been established by each county and city statewide, in order to meet the goal of recycling 50 percent of the state's solid waste by 1995. In order to accomplish this goal, markets for recyclables need to be established to increase the demand for products manufactured with recycled materials.
The Department of Trade and Economic Development has responsibility for developing existing recycling markets, and has established the Committee for Recycling Markets to develop recommendations on how to achieve improved markets. The committee is comprised of private and public interests including citizen groups, recycling businesses, solid waste collectors, manufacturers, and state agencies.
The committee first met in August, 1989, and provided its preliminary report to the Legislature in January, 1990. Its final report is due on or before November 30, 1990, whereupon its duties will be terminated.
The Committee for Recycling Markets shall continue its duties until June 30, 1991.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: none requested
Senate Committee - Testified: J.P. Jones, Washington Waste Management Association (pro); D. Dougherty, Assistant Director, Department of Trade and Economic Development (pro); D. Dicesare, Committee for Recycling Markets (pro)
SB 6842 is incorporated which allows the Committee for Recycling Markets to endeavor to ensure that state funds are matched by private funds or in-kind services when entering into contracts to assist in its responsibilities.