SB 6731
BYSenators McCaslin and Sutherland
Including absentee ballots in state-wide election abstracts.
Senate Committee on Governmental Operations
Senate Hearing Date(s):January 30, 1990; February 1, 1990
Majority Report: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6731 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass and be referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
Signed by Senators McCaslin, Chairman; DeJarnatt, Patrick, Sutherland.
Senate Staff:Barbara Howard (786-7410)
February 2, 1990
Senate Committee on Ways & Means
Senate Hearing Date(s):February 5, 1990; February 6, 1990
Majority Report: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 6731 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass.
Signed by Senators McDonald, Chairman; Craswell, Vice Chairman; Amondson, Bailey, Bauer, Bluechel, Cantu, Fleming, Gaspard, Hayner, Johnson, Lee, Newhouse, Saling, Smith, Williams, Wojahn.
Senate Staff:Mary Poole (786-7613)
February 7, 1990
In primary and general elections, the county auditor or election officer must submit an abstract of all votes in that county regarding state ballot measures and candidates for federal, state and legislative offices to the Secretary of State no later than the business day after the county canvassing board has certified the votes. Total votes by precinct are not required in these abstracts, nor is the count of absentee ballots for measures or candidates required to be segregated by precinct. In recent years, more and more voters have routinely cast their ballots as absentees.
The district totals are not fully reflective of outcomes in the various precincts. This is particularly significant as the 1990 census approaches, following which the State Redistricting Commission must reapportion congressional and legislative districts (Chap. 44.05 RCW). The Joint Legislative Redistricting Task Force has concluded that such data must be available for the commission to develop a plan which does not favor or discriminate against any political party or group.
The county abstract of votes must show the total vote tally by precinct, and must include the number of absentee ballots cast for and against each ballot measure and each candidate for federal, state and legislative office.
After the general election in an even-numbered year, the county election officer must send the Secretary of State a report of absentee votes cast by precinct on state measures and federal or state elective offices. The information must be furnished no later than March 31 of the following year.
Absentee votes may be incorporated into the votes cast for each precinct or may be reported separately by precinct. If the absentees are not incorporated into the precinct total, the votes from more than one precinct may be aggregated, but the precincts should be contiguous to the extent practicable. Except for these requirements, absentee ballots may still be grouped and counted by congressional or legislative district.
The appropriation is removed.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: requested January 29, 1990
Senate Committee - Testified: GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS: Jennifer Helget, Legislative Redistricting Coordinator (pro); Karen Flynn, Kitsap County Auditor; Jane Hague, King County Elections Manager; Brian Sonntag, Pierce County Auditor; and Sam Reed, Thurston County Auditor; Gary McIntosh, Elections Director, Secretary of State (pro with appropriation)