SJM 8011
BYSenators Metcalf and Owen
Requesting that Congress continue to support federal and international greenhouse and sea level rise funding.
Senate Committee on Environment & Natural Resources
Senate Hearing Date(s):February 23, 1989
Majority Report: Do pass.
Signed by Senators Metcalf, Chairman; Benitz, Kreidler, Owen, Sutherland.
Senate Staff:Atsushi Kiuchi (786-7708)
March 17, 1989
A direct impact on Washington State from the global warming due to the "greenhouse effect" is the rise of sea levels on our coastal and inland marine waters. The rise of sea levels will cause major environmental and economic problems.
Sea level rise will affect the state's major centers of commerce and population. The impacts include coastal floods, shoreline erosion, and changes in tidal currents and patterns as well as water quality degradation and property damages.
The Department of Ecology has formed a task force to study the potential impacts, bringing together both public and private interests under its federally delegated coastal zone management authority and the state Shoreline Management Act.
Due to the major impacts of sea level rise in Washington State, the memorial requests the President and Congress to continue support of state and local activities through technical and funding assistance through appropriate federal entities.
Appropriation: none
Revenue: none
Fiscal Note: none requested
Senate Committee - Testified: E. Rodney Mack, Department of Ecology (for)