Amendment 30 (1956) — Art. 2 Section 1(a) INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM, SIGNATURES REQUIRED — Hereafter, the number of valid signatures of legal voters required upon a petition for an initiative measure shall be equal to eight per centum of the number of voters registered and voting for the office of governor at the last preceding regular gubernatorial election. Hereafter, the number of valid signatures of legal voters required upon a petition for a referendum of an act of the legislature or any part thereof, shall be equal to four per centum of the number of voters registered and voting for the office of governor at the last preceding regular gubernatorial election. These provisions supersede the requirements specified in section 1 of this article as amended by the seventh amendment to the Constitution of this state. [AMENDMENT 30, 1955 Senate Joint Resolution No. 4, p 1860. Approved November 6, 1956.]