SECTION 1A VOTER QUALIFICATIONS FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. [Repealed by AMENDMENT 105, 2011 Senate Joint Resolution No. 8205, p 4281. Approved November 8, 2011.]


Original text — Art. 6 Section 1A VOTER QUALIFICATIONS FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS — In consideration of those citizens of the United States who become residents of the state of Washington during the year of a presidential election with the intention of making this state their permanent residence, this section is for the purpose of authorizing such persons who can meet all qualifications for voting as set forth in section 1 of this article, except for residence, to vote for presidential electors or for the office of President and Vice-President of the United States, as the case may be, but no other: Provided, That such persons have resided in the state at least sixty days immediately preceding the presidential election concerned.
The legislature shall establish the time, manner and place for such persons to cast such presidential ballots.