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Senate Chamber, Cherberg Building, Olympia, Wednesday, March 7, 2001

      The Senate was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by President Owen. The Secretary called the roll and announced to the President that all Senators were present except Senators Brown, Finkbeiner and Patterson. On motion of Senator Honeyford, Senator Finkbeiner was excused. On motion of Senator Eide, Senators Brown and Patterson were excused.

      The Sergeant at Arms Color Guard, consisting of Juanita Hamre and Jim Ruble, presented the Colors. Reverend John Stroeh, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Olympia, offered the prayer.


      On motion of Senator Betti Sheldon, the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with and it was approved.


March 5, 2001


SB 5633             Prime Sponsor, Senator Haugen: Granting the utilities and transportation commission authority to inspect businesses that ship hazardous materials by rail. Reported by Committee on Transportation

      MAJORITY Recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Gardner, Vice Chair; Eide, Finkbeiner, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, McAuliffe, Oke, Patterson, Prentice, T. Sheldon, Shin and Swecker.


MINORITY Recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Benton.

      Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.

March 5, 2001


SB 5735             Prime Sponsor, Senator Gardner: Allowing motorcycles to have blue dot taillights. Reported by Committee on Transportation

      MAJORITY Recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Gardner, Vice Chair; Benton, Eide, Finkbeiner, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, McAuliffe, Oke, Patterson, Prentice, T. Sheldon, Shin and Swecker.

      Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.

March 5, 2001


SB 5738             Prime Sponsor, Senator Kohl-Welles: Adjusting snowmobile license fees. Reported by Committee on Transportation

      MAJORITY Recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Gardner, Vice Chair; Horn, Jacobsen, Kastama, McAuliffe, Oke, Patterson, Prentice and Swecker.

      Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.

March 5, 2001

SB 5739             Prime Sponsor, Senator Gardner: Addressing transportation needs of persons with special transportation needs. Reported by Committee on Transportation

      MAJORITY Recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Gardner, Vice Chair; Benton, Eide, Horn, Johnson, Kastama, McAuliffe, Oke, Patterson, T. Sheldon, Shin and Swecker.

      Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.

March 5, 2001


SB 5795             Prime Sponsor, Senator Thibaudeau: Providing for determination of disability for special parking privileges by advanced registered nurse practitioners. Reported by Committee on Transportation

      MAJORITY Recommendation: Refer to Committee on Rules without recommendation: Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Gardner, Vice Chair; Benton, Eide, Finkbeiner, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, McAuliffe, Oke, Prentice, T. Sheldon, Shin and Swecker.

      Referred to Committee on Rules without recommendation.


March 6, 2001


      The House has adopted SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8411, and the same is herewith transmitted.





SB 6140             by Senators McDonald, Prentice, Horn, Eide, Johnson, Finkbeiner, Patterson, Shin, Benton, Kastama, Costa, McAuliffe, Rossi, Long, Roach, Zarelli and Oke


AN ACT Relating to the creation of congestion relief boards; and adding a new chapter to Title 47 RCW.

Referred to Committee on Transportation.


SB 6141             by Senators Fraser, Winsley, Kastama, Costa, Gardner, Eide, Haugen, Constantine, Prentice, Shin, Rasmussen, Sheahan, Swecker, Oke, Zarelli, and Roach (by request of Lieutenant Governor Owen, Attorney General Gregoire, State Treasurer Murphy, Superintendent of Public Instruction Bergeson, State Auditor Sonntag, Secretary of State Reed, Commissioner of Public Lands Sutherland and Insurance Commissioner Kreidler)


AN ACT Relating to an annual cost-of-living increase for state employees; adding a new section to chapter 41.04 RCW; creating a new section; and declaring an emergency.

Referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


SJM 8022           by Senators Stevens, West, Horn, Hewitt, Parlette, Honeyford, Hochstatter, Benton, Long, Zarelli, Oke, Johnson, Hale, Deccio and McCaslin


Petitioning Congress to amend the Social Security Act.


Referred to Committee on Ways and Means.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5057, by Senators Gardner, Hale, Haugen, Horn, Spanel, Patterson, Costa, Kline and McCaslin


Specifying how code cities may change the plan of government.

      The bill was read the second time.


      On motion of Senator Gardner, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5057 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5057.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5057 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Oke, Parlette, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 46.

     Excused: Senators Brown, Finkbeiner and Patterson - 3.

      SENATE BILL NO. 5057, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8406, by Senators Shin, Rasmussen, Franklin, Roach, Prentice, McAuliffe, Regala, Fraser, Jacobsen and Gardner


Encouraging legislator trade mission participation.

      The concurrent resolution was read the second time.


      On motion of Senator Rasmussen, the rules were suspended, Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8406 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the concurrent resolution was placed on final passage.

      Debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8406.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8406 and the concurrent revolution passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 48; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 1.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Oke, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 48.

     Excused: Senator Brown - 1.

      SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8406, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5051, by Senators Long, Hargrove, Winsley, Haugen, Stevens, Patterson, McAuliffe, Fairley and Carlson


Changing provisions relating to persons incapacitated by a chemical dependency.

      The bill was read the second time.


      On motion of Senator Long, the following striking amendment by Senators Long and Hargrove was adopted:

       Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

       "Sec. 1. RCW 70.96A.020 and 1998 c 296 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:

       For the purposes of this chapter the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise:

       (1) "Alcoholic" means a person who suffers from the disease of alcoholism.

       (2) "Alcoholism" means a disease, characterized by a dependency on alcoholic beverages, loss of control over the amount and circumstances of use, symptoms of tolerance, physiological or psychological withdrawal, or both, if use is reduced or discontinued, and impairment of health or disruption of social or economic functioning.

       (3) "Approved treatment program" means a discrete program of chemical dependency treatment provided by a treatment program certified by the department of social and health services as meeting standards adopted under this chapter.

       (4) "Chemical dependency" means:

       (a) Alcoholism ((or)); (b) drug addiction((,)); or (c) dependence on alcohol and one or more other psychoactive chemicals, as the context requires.

       (5) "Chemical dependency program" means expenditures and activities of the department designed and conducted to prevent or treat alcoholism and other drug addiction, including reasonable administration and overhead.

       (6) "Department" means the department of social and health services.

       (7) "Designated chemical dependency specialist" or "specialist" means a person designated by the county alcoholism and other drug addiction program coordinator designated under RCW 70.96A.310 to perform the commitment duties described in RCW 70.96A.140 and qualified to do so by meeting standards adopted by the department.

       (8) "Director" means the person administering the chemical dependency program within the department.

       (9) "Drug addict" means a person who suffers from the disease of drug addiction.

       (10) "Drug addiction" means a disease characterized by a dependency on psychoactive chemicals, loss of control over the amount and circumstances of use, symptoms of tolerance, physiological or psychological withdrawal, or both, if use is reduced or discontinued, and impairment of health or disruption of social or economic functioning.

       (11) "Emergency service patrol" means a patrol established under RCW 70.96A.170.

       (12) "Gravely disabled by alcohol or other ((drugs)) psychoactive chemicals" or "gravely disabled" means that a person, as a result of the use of alcohol or other ((drugs)) psychoactive chemicals: (a) Is in danger of serious physical harm resulting from a failure to provide for his or her essential human needs of health or safety; or (b) manifests severe deterioration in routine functioning evidenced by a repeated and escalating loss of cognition or volitional control over his or her actions and is not receiving care as essential for his or her health or safety.

       (13) "History of one or more violent acts" refers to the period of time ten years prior to the filing of a petition under this chapter, excluding any time spent, but not any violent acts committed, in a mental health facility, or a long-term alcoholism or drug treatment facility, or in confinement.

       (14) "Incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals" means that a person, as a result of the use of alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, ((has his or her judgment so impaired that he or she is incapable of realizing and making a rational decision with respect to his or her need for treatment and)) is gravely disabled or presents a likelihood of serious harm to himself or herself, to any other person, or to property.

       (((14))) (15) "Incompetent person" means a person who has been adjudged incompetent by the superior court.

       (((15))) (16) "Intoxicated person" means a person whose mental or physical functioning is substantially impaired as a result of the use of alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals.

       (((16))) (17) "Licensed physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine and surgery in the state of Washington.

       (((17))) (18) "Likelihood of serious harm" means ((either)):

       (a) A substantial risk that: (i) Physical harm will be inflicted by an individual upon his or her own person, as evidenced by threats or attempts to commit suicide or inflict physical harm on one's self; (((b) a substantial risk that)) (ii) physical harm will be inflicted by an individual upon another, as evidenced by behavior that has caused the harm or that places another person or persons in reasonable fear of sustaining the harm; or (((c) a substantial risk that)) (iii) physical harm will be inflicted by an individual upon the property of others, as evidenced by behavior that has caused substantial loss or damage to the property of others; or

       (b) The individual has threatened the physical safety of another and has a history of one or more violent acts.

       (((18))) (19) "Medical necessity" for inpatient care of a minor means a requested certified inpatient service that is reasonably calculated to: (a) Diagnose, arrest, or alleviate a chemical dependency; or (b) prevent the worsening of chemical dependency conditions that endanger life or cause suffering and pain, or result in illness or infirmity or threaten to cause or aggravate a handicap, or cause physical deformity or malfunction, and there is no adequate less restrictive alternative available.

       (((19))) (20) "Minor" means a person less than eighteen years of age.

       (((20))) (21) "Parent" means the parent or parents who have the legal right to custody of the child. Parent includes custodian or guardian.

       (((21))) (22) "Peace officer" means a law enforcement official of a public agency or governmental unit, and includes persons specifically given peace officer powers by any state law, local ordinance, or judicial order of appointment.

       (((22))) (23) "Person" means an individual, including a minor.

       (((23))) (24) "Professional person in charge" or "professional person" means a physician or chemical dependency counselor as defined in rule by the department, who is empowered by a certified treatment program with authority to make assessment, admission, continuing care, and discharge decisions on behalf of the certified program.

       (((24))) (25) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social and health services.

       (((25))) (26) "Treatment" means the broad range of emergency, detoxification, residential, and outpatient services and care, including diagnostic evaluation, chemical dependency education and counseling, medical, psychiatric, psychological, and social service care, vocational rehabilitation and career counseling, which may be extended to alcoholics and other drug addicts and their families, persons incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons.

       (((26))) (27) "Treatment program" means an organization, institution, or corporation, public or private, engaged in the care, treatment, or rehabilitation of alcoholics or other drug addicts.

       (28) "Violent act" means behavior that resulted in homicide, attempted suicide, nonfatal injuries, or substantial damage to property.

       Sec. 2. RCW 70.96A.050 and 1989 c 270 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:

       The department shall:

       (1) Develop, encourage, and foster statewide, regional, and local plans and programs for the prevention of alcoholism and other drug addiction, treatment of alcoholics and other drug addicts and their families, persons incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons in cooperation with public and private agencies, organizations, and individuals and provide technical assistance and consultation services for these purposes;

       (2) Coordinate the efforts and enlist the assistance of all public and private agencies, organizations, and individuals interested in prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction, and treatment of alcoholics and other drug addicts and their families, persons incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons;

       (3) Cooperate with public and private agencies in establishing and conducting programs to provide treatment for alcoholics and other drug addicts and their families, persons incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons who are clients of the correctional system;

       (4) Cooperate with the superintendent of public instruction, state board of education, schools, police departments, courts, and other public and private agencies, organizations and individuals in establishing programs for the prevention of alcoholism and other drug addiction, treatment of alcoholics or other drug addicts and their families, persons incapacitated by alcohol ((and)) or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons, and preparing curriculum materials thereon for use at all levels of school education;

       (5) Prepare, publish, evaluate, and disseminate educational material dealing with the nature and effects of alcohol and other psychoactive chemicals and the consequences of their use;

       (6) Develop and implement, as an integral part of treatment programs, an educational program for use in the treatment of alcoholics or other drug addicts, persons incapacitated by alcohol ((and)) or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons, which program shall include the dissemination of information concerning the nature and effects of alcohol and other psychoactive chemicals, the consequences of their use, the principles of recovery, and HIV and AIDS;

       (7) Organize and foster training programs for persons engaged in treatment of alcoholics or other drug addicts, persons incapacitated by alcohol ((and)) or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons;

       (8) Sponsor and encourage research into the causes and nature of alcoholism and other drug addiction, treatment of alcoholics and other drug addicts, persons incapacitated by alcohol ((and)) or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons, and serve as a clearing house for information relating to alcoholism or other drug addiction;

       (9) Specify uniform methods for keeping statistical information by public and private agencies, organizations, and individuals, and collect and make available relevant statistical information, including number of persons treated, frequency of admission and readmission, and frequency and duration of treatment;

       (10) Advise the governor in the preparation of a comprehensive plan for treatment of alcoholics and other drug addicts, persons incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons for inclusion in the state's comprehensive health plan;

       (11) Review all state health, welfare, and treatment plans to be submitted for federal funding under federal legislation, and advise the governor on provisions to be included relating to alcoholism and other drug addiction, persons incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons;

       (12) Assist in the development of, and cooperate with, programs for alcohol and other psychoactive chemical education and treatment for employees of state and local governments and businesses and industries in the state;

       (13) Use the support and assistance of interested persons in the community to encourage alcoholics and other drug addicts voluntarily to undergo treatment;

       (14) Cooperate with public and private agencies in establishing and conducting programs designed to deal with the problem of persons operating motor vehicles while intoxicated;

       (15) Encourage general hospitals and other appropriate health facilities to admit without discrimination alcoholics and other drug addicts, persons incapacitated by alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals, and intoxicated persons and to provide them with adequate and appropriate treatment;

       (16) Encourage all health and disability insurance programs to include alcoholism and other drug addiction as a covered illness; and

       (17) Organize and sponsor a statewide program to help court personnel, including judges, better understand the disease of alcoholism and other drug addiction and the uses of chemical dependency treatment programs.

       Sec. 3. RCW 70.96A.140 and 1995 c 312 s 49 are each amended to read as follows:

       (1) When a designated chemical dependency specialist receives information alleging that a person ((is incapacitated)) presents a likelihood of serious harm or is gravely disabled as a result of chemical dependency, the designated chemical dependency specialist, after investigation and evaluation of the specific facts alleged and of the reliability and credibility of the information, may file a petition for commitment of such person with the superior court ((or)), district court, or in another court permitted by court rule.

       If a petition for commitment is not filed in the case of a minor, the parent, guardian, or custodian who has custody of the minor may seek review of that decision made by the designated chemical dependency specialist in superior or district court. The parent, guardian, or custodian shall file notice with the court and provide a copy of the designated chemical dependency specialist's report.

       If the designated chemical dependency specialist finds that the initial needs of such person would be better served by placement within the mental health system, the person shall be referred to either a county designated mental health professional or an evaluation and treatment facility as defined in RCW 71.05.020 or 71.34.020. If placement in a chemical dependency program is available and deemed appropriate, the petition shall allege that: The person is chemically dependent and ((is incapacitated)) presents a likelihood of serious harm or is gravely disabled by alcohol or drug addiction, or that the person has twice before in the preceding twelve months been admitted for detoxification, sobering services, or chemical dependency treatment pursuant to RCW 70.96A.110 or 70.96A.120, and is in need of a more sustained treatment program, or that the person is chemically dependent and has threatened, attempted, or inflicted physical harm on another and is likely to inflict physical harm on another unless committed. A refusal to undergo treatment, by itself, does not constitute evidence of lack of judgment as to the need for treatment. The petition shall be accompanied by a certificate of a licensed physician who has examined the person within five days before submission of the petition, unless the person whose commitment is sought has refused to submit to a medical examination, in which case the fact of refusal shall be alleged in the petition. The certificate shall set forth the licensed physician's findings in support of the allegations of the petition. A physician employed by the petitioning program or the department is eligible to be the certifying physician.

       (2) Upon filing the petition, the court shall fix a date for a hearing no less than two and no more than seven days after the date the petition was filed unless the person petitioned against is presently being detained in a program, pursuant to RCW 70.96A.120, 71.05.210, or 71.34.050, in which case the hearing shall be held within seventy-two hours of the filing of the petition: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That the above specified seventy-two hours shall be computed by excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays: PROVIDED FURTHER, That, the court may, upon motion of the person whose commitment is sought, or upon motion of petitioner with written permission of the person whose commitment is sought, or his or her counsel and, upon good cause shown, extend the date for the hearing. A copy of the petition and of the notice of the hearing, including the date fixed by the court, shall be served by the designated chemical dependency specialist on the person whose commitment is sought, his or her next of kin, a parent or his or her legal guardian if he or she is a minor, and any other person the court believes advisable. A copy of the petition and certificate shall be delivered to each person notified.

       (3) At the hearing the court shall hear all relevant testimony, including, if possible, the testimony, which may be telephonic, of at least one licensed physician who has examined the person whose commitment is sought. Communications otherwise deemed privileged under the laws of this state are deemed to be waived in proceedings under this chapter when a court of competent jurisdiction in its discretion determines that the waiver is necessary to protect either the detained person or the public. The waiver of a privilege under this section is limited to records or testimony relevant to evaluation of the detained person for purposes of a proceeding under this chapter. Upon motion by the detained person, or on its own motion, the court shall examine a record or testimony sought by a petitioner to determine whether it is within the scope of the waiver.

       The record maker shall not be required to testify in order to introduce medical, nursing, or psychological records of detained persons so long as the requirements of RCW 5.45.020 are met, except that portions of the record that contain opinions as to whether the detained person is chemically dependent shall be deleted from the records unless the person offering the opinions is available for cross-examination. The person shall be present unless the court believes that his or her presence is likely to be injurious to him or her; in this event the court may deem it appropriate to appoint a guardian ad litem to represent him or her throughout the proceeding. If deemed advisable, the court may examine the person out of courtroom. If the person has refused to be examined by a licensed physician, he or she shall be given an opportunity to be examined by a court appointed licensed physician. If he or she refuses and there is sufficient evidence to believe that the allegations of the petition are true, or if the court believes that more medical evidence is necessary, the court may make a temporary order committing him or her to the department for a period of not more than five days for purposes of a diagnostic examination.

       (4) If after hearing all relevant evidence, including the results of any diagnostic examination, the court finds that grounds for involuntary commitment have been established by clear, cogent, and convincing proof, it shall make an order of commitment to an approved treatment program. It shall not order commitment of a person unless it determines that an approved treatment program is available and able to provide adequate and appropriate treatment for him or her.

       (5) A person committed under this section shall remain in the program for treatment for a period of sixty days unless sooner discharged. At the end of the sixty-day period, he or she shall be discharged automatically unless the program, before expiration of the period, files a petition for his or her recommitment upon the grounds set forth in subsection (1) of this section for a further period of ninety days unless sooner discharged.

       If a petition for recommitment is not filed in the case of a minor, the parent, guardian, or custodian who has custody of the minor may seek review of that decision made by the designated chemical dependency specialist in superior or district court. The parent, guardian, or custodian shall file notice with the court and provide a copy of the treatment progress report.

       If a person has been committed because he or she is chemically dependent and likely to inflict physical harm on another, the program shall apply for recommitment if after examination it is determined that the likelihood still exists.

       (6) Upon the filing of a petition for recommitment under subsection (5) of this section, the court shall fix a date for hearing no less than two and no more than seven days after the date the petition was filed: PROVIDED, That, the court may, upon motion of the person whose commitment is sought and upon good cause shown, extend the date for the hearing. A copy of the petition and of the notice of hearing, including the date fixed by the court, shall be served by the treatment program on the person whose commitment is sought, his or her next of kin, the original petitioner under subsection (1) of this section if different from the petitioner for recommitment, one of his or her parents or his or her legal guardian if he or she is a minor, and his or her attorney and any other person the court believes advisable. At the hearing the court shall proceed as provided in subsection (3) of this section.

       (7) The approved treatment program shall provide for adequate and appropriate treatment of a person committed to its custody. A person committed under this section may be transferred from one approved public treatment program to another if transfer is medically advisable.

       (8) A person committed to the custody of a program for treatment shall be discharged at any time before the end of the period for which he or she has been committed and he or she shall be discharged by order of the court if either of the following conditions are met:

       (a) In case of a chemically dependent person committed on the grounds of likelihood of infliction of physical harm upon himself, herself, or another, the likelihood no longer exists; or further treatment will not be likely to bring about significant improvement in the person's condition, or treatment is no longer adequate or appropriate.

       (b) In case of a chemically dependent person committed on the grounds of the need of treatment and incapacity, that the incapacity no longer exists.

       (9) The court shall inform the person whose commitment or recommitment is sought of his or her right to contest the application, be represented by counsel at every stage of any proceedings relating to his or her commitment and recommitment, and have counsel appointed by the court or provided by the court, if he or she wants the assistance of counsel and is unable to obtain counsel. If the court believes that the person needs the assistance of counsel, the court shall require, by appointment if necessary, counsel for him or her regardless of his or her wishes. The person shall, if he or she is financially able, bear the costs of such legal service; otherwise such legal service shall be at public expense. The person whose commitment or recommitment is sought shall be informed of his or her right to be examined by a licensed physician of his or her choice. If the person is unable to obtain a licensed physician and requests examination by a physician, the court shall employ a licensed physician.

       (10) A person committed under this chapter may at any time seek to be discharged from commitment by writ of habeas corpus in a court of competent jurisdiction.

       (11) The venue for proceedings under this section is the county in which person to be committed resides or is present.

       (12) When in the opinion of the professional person in charge of the program providing involuntary treatment under this chapter, the committed patient can be appropriately served by less restrictive treatment before expiration of the period of commitment, then the less restrictive care may be required as a condition for early release for a period which, when added to the initial treatment period, does not exceed the period of commitment. If the program designated to provide the less restrictive treatment is other than the program providing the initial involuntary treatment, the program so designated must agree in writing to assume such responsibility. A copy of the conditions for early release shall be given to the patient, the designated chemical dependency specialist of original commitment, and the court of original commitment. The program designated to provide less restrictive care may modify the conditions for continued release when the modifications are in the best interests of the patient. If the program providing less restrictive care and the designated chemical dependency specialist determine that a conditionally released patient is failing to adhere to the terms and conditions of his or her release, or that substantial deterioration in the patient's functioning has occurred, then the designated chemical dependency specialist shall notify the court of original commitment and request a hearing to be held no less than two and no more than seven days after the date of the request to determine whether or not the person should be returned to more restrictive care. The designated chemical dependency specialist shall file a petition with the court stating the facts substantiating the need for the hearing along with the treatment recommendations. The patient shall have the same rights with respect to notice, hearing, and counsel as for the original involuntary treatment proceedings. The issues to be determined at the hearing are whether the conditionally released patient did or did not adhere to the terms and conditions of his or her release to less restrictive care or that substantial deterioration of the patient's functioning has occurred and whether the conditions of release should be modified or the person should be returned to a more restrictive program. The hearing may be waived by the patient and his or her counsel and his or her guardian or conservator, if any, but may not be waived unless all such persons agree to the waiver. Upon waiver, the person may be returned for involuntary treatment or continued on conditional release on the same or modified conditions.

       NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 70.96A RCW to read as follows:

       The county alcoholism and other drug addiction program coordinator may designate the county designated mental health professional to perform the detention and commitment duties described in RCW 70.96A.120 and 70.96A.140.

       NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected."


      On motion of Senator Long, the following title amendment was adopted:

       On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "dependency;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 70.96A.020, 70.96A.050, and 70.96A.140; and adding a new section to chapter 70.96A RCW."

      On motion of Senator Long, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5051 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5051.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5051 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 48; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 1.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Oke, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 48.

     Excused: Senator Brown - 1.

      ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5051, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      Senator Hale: “A parliamentary inquiry, Mr. President. It was my understanding that on the amendments that would appear on our desks, especially on longer ones like this, that there would be an explanation on the bottom--just a short version of what the amendment did. I think that is very helpful to most of the members and I would just like to offer that to staff.”


      President Owen: “Thank you, Senator Hale. Message received and I understand that that has been passed on.”


      On motion of Senator Honeyford, Senator Oke was excused.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5070, by Senators Kline, McCaslin, Franklin, Kastama, Thibaudeau, Fraser, Patterson, Fairley and Winsley


Restricting the length of the term of jury service.


      On motion of Senator Kline, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5070 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5070 and the substitute bill was placed on second reading and read the second time.

      On motion of Senator Kline, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5070 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      Debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5070.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5070 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 47.

     Excused: Senators Brown and Oke - 2.

      SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5070, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5459, by Senators Roach, Kline, Rasmussen and Winsley


Establishing the crime of mail theft or receipt of stolen mail.

      The bill was read the second time.


      On motion of Senator Roach, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5459 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      Debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5459.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5459 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 2; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 45.

      Voting nay: Senators Fairley and Hochstatter - 2.

      Excused: Senators Brown and Oke - 2.

      SENATE BILL NO. 5459, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5138, by Senators Morton, Hochstatter, Benton, Oke, Stevens, McCaslin, Honeyford, Swecker, Sheahan, Johnson, Zarelli, Hale and Rossi


Increasing the weight of vehicles exempted from scale stops.

      The bill was read the second time.


      On motion of Senator Morton, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5138 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5138.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5138 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 47.

       Excused: Senators Brown and Oke - 2.

      SENATE BILL NO. 5138, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5035, by Senators Prentice, Winsley, Deccio and Fairley (by request of Department of Financial Institutions)


Creating the financial services regulation fund.

      The bill was read the second time.


      On motion of Senator Prentice, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5035 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5035.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5035 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 0; Absent, 2; Excused, 2.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 45.

      Absent: Senators Hargrove and Horn - 2.

      Excused: Senators Brown and Oke - 2.

      SENATE BILL NO. 5035, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5179, by Senators Costa, Roach, Constantine, McCaslin, Fairley, Sheahan, Hargrove, Rasmussen, Kline, Gardner, Eide, Haugen, Franklin, Johnson, McAuliffe and Kohl-Welles


Providing for victim notification.


      On motion of Senator Kline, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5179 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5179 and the substitute bill was placed on second reading and read the second time.

      On motion of Senator Costa, the following striking amendment was adopted:

       Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:

       "NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 36.28A RCW to read as follows:

       (1) The Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall integrate a victim notification system into its electronic statewide city and county jail booking and reporting system described in RCW 36.28A.040.

       (2) At a minimum, the victim notification system shall provide to victims of crime who have made a notification request, notification of information received by the statewide city and county jail booking and reporting system about the release or transfer of an incarcerated person from a local jail.

       (3) The Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs is not required to activate the victim notification component described in this section unless the victim notification component is funded by the federal, state, or local government.

       Sec. 2. RCW 36.28A.040 and 2000 c 3 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:

       (1) No later than ((December 31, 2001)) July 1, 2002, the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall implement and operate an electronic state-wide city and county jail booking and reporting system. The system shall serve as a central repository and instant information source for offender information and jail statistical data. The system shall be placed on the Washington state justice information network and be capable of communicating electronically with every Washington state city and county jail and with all other Washington state criminal justice agencies as defined in RCW 10.97.030.

       (2) After the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs has implemented an electronic jail booking system as described in subsection (1) of this section, if a city or county jail or law enforcement agency receives state or federal funding to cover the entire cost of implementing or reconfiguring an electronic jail booking system, the city or county jail or law enforcement agency shall implement or reconfigure an electronic jail booking system that is in compliance with the jail booking system standards developed pursuant to subsection (4) of this section.

       (3) After the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs has implemented an electronic jail booking system as described in subsection (1) of this section, city or county jails, or law enforcement agencies that operate electronic jail booking systems, but choose not to accept state or federal money to implement or reconfigure electronic jail booking systems, shall electronically forward jail booking information to the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs. At a minimum the information forwarded shall include the name of the offender, vital statistics, the date the offender was arrested, the offenses arrested for, the date and time an offender is released or transferred from a city or county jail, and if available, the mug shot. The electronic format in which the information is sent shall be at the discretion of the city or county jail, or law enforcement agency forwarding the information. City and county jails or law enforcement agencies that forward jail booking information under this subsection are not required to comply with the standards developed under subsection (4)(b) of this section.

       (4) The Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs shall appoint, convene, and manage a state-wide jail booking and reporting system standards committee. The committee shall include representatives from the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs correction committee, the information service board's justice information committee, the judicial information system, at least two individuals who serve as jailers in a city or county jail, and other individuals that the Washington association of sheriffs and police chiefs places on the committee. The committee shall have the authority to:

       (a) Develop and amend as needed standards for the state-wide jail booking and reporting system and for the information that must be contained within the system. At a minimum, the system shall contain:

       (i) The offenses the individual has been charged with;

       (ii) Descriptive and personal information about each offender booked into a city or county jail. At a minimum, this information shall contain the offender's name, vital statistics, address, and mugshot;

       (iii) Information about the offender while in jail, which could be used to protect criminal justice officials that have future contact with the offender, such as medical conditions, acts of violence, and other behavior problems;

       (iv) Statistical data indicating the current capacity of each jail and the quantity and category of offenses charged; ((and))

       (v) The ability to communicate directly and immediately with the city and county jails and other criminal justice entities; and

       (vi) The date and time that an offender was released or transferred from a local jail;

       (b) Develop and amend as needed operational standards for city and county jail booking systems, which at a minimum shall include the type of information collected and transmitted, and the technical requirements needed for the city and county jail booking system to communicate with the state-wide jail booking and reporting system;

       (c) Develop and amend as needed standards for allocating grants to city and county jails or law enforcement agencies that will be implementing or reconfiguring electronic jail booking systems.

       (5) By January 1, 2001, the standards committee shall complete the initial standards described in subsection (4) of this section, and the standards shall be placed into a report and provided to all Washington state city and county jails, all other criminal justice agencies as defined in RCW 10.97.030, the chair of the Washington state senate human services and corrections committee, and the chair of the Washington state house of representatives criminal justice and corrections committee."


      On motion of Senator Costa, the following title amendment was adopted:

       On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "system;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 36.28A.040; and adding a new section to chapter 36.28A RCW."

      On motion of Senator Costa, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5179 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5179.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5179 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 47.

     Excused: Senators Brown and Oke - 2.

      ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5179, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      At 9:35 a.m., on motion of Senator Betti Sheldon, the Senate was declared to be at ease.

      The Senate was called to order at 11:13 a.m. by President Owen.


      The President signed:



      SENATE BILL NO. 5053, by Senators Constantine and Johnson


Making corrections to Article 9A of the Uniform Commercial Code.

      The bill was read the second time.


       Senator Constantine moved that the following amendment be adopted:

       On page 56, after line 18, insert the following:

       "Sec. 38. RCW 62A.9A-516 and 2000 c 250 s 9A-516 are each amended to read as follows:

       WHAT CONSTITUTES FILING; EFFECTIVENESS OF FILING. (a) What constitutes filing. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, communication of a record to a filing office and tender of the filing fee or acceptance of the record by the filing office constitutes filing.

       (b) Refusal to accept record; filing does not occur. Filing does not occur with respect to a record that a filing office refuses to accept because:

       (1) The record is not communicated by a method or medium of communication authorized by the filing office;

       (2) An amount equal to or greater than the applicable filing fee is not tendered or, in the case of a filing office described in RCW 62A.9A-501(a)(1), an amount equal to the applicable filing fee is not tendered;

       (3) The filing office is unable to index the record because:

       (A) In the case of an initial financing statement, the record does not provide a name for the debtor;

       (B) In the case of an amendment or correction statement, the record:

       (i) Does not identify the initial financing statement as required by RCW 62A.9A-512 or 62A.9A-518, as applicable; or

       (ii) Identifies an initial financing statement whose effectiveness has lapsed under RCW 62A.9A-515;

       (C) In the case of an initial financing statement that provides the name of a debtor identified as an individual or an amendment that provides a name of a debtor identified as an individual which was not previously provided in the financing statement to which the record relates, the record does not identify the debtor's last name; or

       (D) In the case of a record filed or recorded in the filing office described in RCW 62A.9A-501(a)(1), the record does not provide a name for the debtor or a sufficient description of the real property to which ((it)) the record relates;

       (4) In the case of an initial financing statement or an amendment that adds a secured party of record, the record does not provide a name and mailing address for the secured party of record;

       (5) In the case of an initial financing statement or an amendment that provides a name of a debtor which was not previously provided in the financing statement to which the amendment relates, the record does not:

       (A) Provide a mailing address for the debtor;

       (B) Indicate whether the debtor is an individual or an organization; or

       (C) If the financing statement indicates that the debtor is an organization, provide:

       (i) A type of organization for the debtor;

       (ii) A jurisdiction of organization for the debtor; or

       (iii) An organizational identification number for the debtor or indicate that the debtor has none;

       (6) In the case of an assignment reflected in an initial financing statement under RCW 62A.9A-514(a) or an amendment filed under RCW 62A.9A-514(b), the record does not provide a name and mailing address for the assignee; or

       (7) In the case of a continuation statement, the record is not filed within the six-month period prescribed by RCW 62A.9A-515(d).

       (c) Rules applicable to subsection (b) of this section. For purposes of subsection (b) of this section:

       (1) A record does not provide information if the filing office is unable to read or decipher the information; and

       (2) A record that does not indicate that it is an amendment or identify an initial financing statement to which it relates, as required by RCW 62A.9A-512, 62A.9A-514, or 62A.9A-518, is an initial financing statement.

       (d) Refusal to accept record; record effective as filed record. A record that is communicated to the filing office with tender of the filing fee, but which the filing office refuses to accept for a reason other than one set forth in subsection (b) of this section, is effective as a filed record except as against a purchaser of the collateral which gives value in reasonable reliance upon the absence of the record from the files.

       Sec. 39. RCW 62A.9A-520 and 2000 c 250 s 9A-520 are each amended to read as follows:

       ACCEPTANCE AND REFUSAL TO ACCEPT RECORD. (a) Mandatory refusal to accept record. ((A)) The filing office described in RCW 62A.9A-501(a)(2) shall refuse to accept a record for filing for a reason set forth in RCW 62A.9A-516(b) ((and)). A filing office described in RCW 62A.9A-501(a)(1) shall refuse to accept a record for filing for a reason set forth in RCW 62A.9A-516(b) (1) through (4) and any filing office may refuse to accept a record for filing only for a reason set forth in RCW 62A.9A-516(b).

       (b) Communication concerning refusal. If a filing office refuses to accept a record for filing, it shall communicate to the person that presented the record the fact of and reason for the refusal and the date and time the record would have been filed had the filing office accepted it. The communication must be made at the time and in the manner prescribed by filing-office rule but, in the case of a filing office described in RCW 62A.9A-501(a)(2), in no event more than two business days after the filing office receives the record.

       (c) When filed financing statement effective. A filed financing statement satisfying RCW 62A.9A-502 (a) and (b) is effective, even if the filing office is required to refuse to accept it for filing under subsection (a) of this section. However, RCW 62A.9A-338 applies to a filed financing statement providing information described in RCW 62A.9A-516(b)(5) which is incorrect at the time the financing statement is filed.

       (d) Separate application to multiple debtors. If a record communicated to a filing office provides information that relates to more than one debtor, this part applies as to each debtor separately.

       Sec. 40. RCW 62A.9A-523 and 2000 c 250 s 9A-523 are each amended to read as follows:

       INFORMATION FROM FILING OFFICE; SALE OR LICENSE OF RECORDS. (a) Acknowledgment of filing written record. If a person that files a written record requests an acknowledgment of the filing, the filing office shall send to the person an image of the record showing the number assigned to the record pursuant to RCW 62A.9A-519(a)(1) and the date and time of the filing of the record. However, if the person furnishes a copy of the record to the filing office, the filing office may instead:

       (1) Note upon the copy the number assigned to the record pursuant to RCW 62A.9A-519(a)(1) and the date and time of the filing of the record; and

       (2) Send the copy to the person.

       (b) Acknowledgment of filing other record. If a person files a record other than a written record, the filing office shall communicate to the person an acknowledgment that provides:

       (1) The information in the record;

       (2) The number assigned to the record pursuant to RCW 62A.9A-519(a)(1); and

       (3) The date and time of the filing of the record.

       (c) Communication of requested information. The filing office shall communicate or otherwise make available in a record the following information to any person that requests it:

       (1) Whether there is on file on a date and time specified by the filing office, but not a date earlier than three business days before the filing office receives the request, any financing statement that:

       (A) Designates a particular debtor or, if the request so states, designates a particular debtor at the address specified in the request;

       (B) Has not lapsed under RCW 62A.9A-515 with respect to all secured parties of record; and

       (C) If the request so states, has lapsed under RCW 62A.9A-515 and a record of which is maintained by the filing office under RCW 62A.9A-522(a);

       (2) The date and time of filing of each financing statement; and

       (3) The information provided in each financing statement.

       (d) Medium for communicating information. In complying with its duty under subsection (c) of this section, the filing office may communicate information in any medium. However, if requested, the filing office shall communicate information by issuing a record that can be admitted into evidence in the courts of this state without extrinsic evidence of its authenticity.

       (e) Timeliness of filing office performance. The filing office described in RCW 62A.9A-501(a)(2) shall perform the acts required by subsections (a) through (d) of this section at the time and in the manner prescribed by filing-office rule, but not later than two business days after the filing office receives the request.

       (f) Public availability of records. At least weekly, the filing office described in RCW 62A.9A-501(a)(2) shall offer to sell or license to the public on a nonexclusive basis, in bulk, copies of all records filed in it under this part, in every medium from time to time available to the filing office. If information provided pursuant to this section includes a list of individuals, disclosure of the list is specifically authorized."

       Renumber the remaining sections consecutively and correct any internal references accordingly.

      Debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the amendment by Senator Constantine on page 56, after line 18, to Senate Bill No. 5053.

      The motion by Senator Constantine carried and the amendment was adopted.


      On motion of Senator Constantine, the following title amendment was adopted:

       On page 1, line 8 of the title, after "62A.9A-513," insert "62A.9A-516, 62A.9A-520, 62A.9A-523,"

      On motion of Senator Constantine, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5053 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and e bill was placed on final passage.

      Debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5053.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5053 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 49; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 0.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Brown, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Oke, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 49.

      ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5053, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      Senator Patterson: “I rise to a point of personal privilege, Mr. President. Members of the Senate, I want to share with you some very sad news from my legislative district. At 1:20 this morning, a young city of Des Moines police officer--a young man in his twenties--stopped four individuals along Old 99 and he was shot to death, about five miles from my house. He radioed in and he was found by back-ups that came. He had a wonderful record in the city of Des Moines. He was greatly respected; he was known and liked by just about everyone in the city there. He showed tremendous skills as a police officer and as a human being. I want you to know that the response from my community has been tremendous. The city of Kent police department is leading the investigation. I wanted to ask the Senate if you would please say a prayer for this police office and for his wife and two year old child.”


      The members of the Senate stood for a moment of silence to remember the slain city of Des Moines police officer and for his wife and two year old child.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5702, by Senators Snyder, Winsley, Spanel, Rossi and Rasmussen


Changing taxation of forest lands.


      On motion of Senator Constantine, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5702 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5702 and the substitute bill was placed on second reading.

      On motion of Senator Constantine, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5702 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      Debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5702.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5702 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 49; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 0.

     Voting yea: Senators Benton, Brown, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Oke, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Rossi, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Stevens, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West, Winsley and Zarelli - 49.

      SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5702, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5870, by Senators Spanel, Horn, McCaslin, Snyder, Patterson and Kohl-Welles


Clarifying the deadline for primary contributions to candidates who do not advance to the general election.

      The bill was read the second time.


      On motion of Senator Patterson, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5870 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5870.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5870 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 41; Nays, 8; Absent, 0; Excused, 0.

     Voting yea: Senators Brown, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Deccio, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Hochstatter, Horn, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDonald, Oke, Parlette, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Swecker, Thibaudeau, West and Winsley - 41.

     Voting nay: Senators Benton, Finkbeiner, Honeyford, Morton, Roach, Rossi, Stevens and Zarelli - 8.

      SENATE BILL NO. 5870, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      SENATE BILL NO. 5528, by Senators McAuliffe, Winsley, Kohl-Welles, Eide, Regala, Kline, Costa and Gardner (by request of Governor Locke, Attorney General Gregorie and Superintendent of Public Instruction Bergeson)


Requiring policies prohibiting harassment, intimidation, and bullying on school grounds and at school activities.


      On motion of Senator McAuliffe, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5528 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5528 and the substitute bill was placed on second reading and read the second time.

      Senator McAuliffe moved that the following amendment by Senators McAuliffe, Eide and Zarelli be adopted:

       On page 2, line 6, after "creates" insert "what a reasonable person under the circumstances would find"

      Debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the amendment by Senators McAuliffe, Eide and Zarelli on page 2, line 6, to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5528.

      The motion by Senator McAuliffe carried and the amendment was adopted.



      On motion of Senator McAuliffe, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5528 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.

      Debate ensued.


      Senator Deccio: “Senator McAuliffe, I am looking at the summary of the bill. It says, ‘Each school district must develop a policy prohibiting, bullying, intimidation or harassment of students.’ Then further down, its says, ‘Schools and school districts are also encouraged, but not required, to develop anti-bullying task forces, programs and initiatives that involve students, teachers, parents, administrators and other community members.’ Aren’t you taking away the last part of this with what you are trying to institute in the first past of the summary?”      Senator McAuliffe: “I don’t think I am following your question. What the bill says--”

      Senator Deccio: “Would you like--”

      Senator McAuliffe: “Let’s go from the bill. What the bill says is that schools and school districts are encouraged to form task forces,

programs and other initiatives involving school staff, students, administrators, parents and law enforcement. What this says it actually is preventing of harassment, bullying and intimidation. There are programs out there and there are ways to--”

      Senator Deccio: “What my point is they are encouraged, but the bill doesn’t says that they have to.”

      Senator McAuliffe: “No, it does not, but it goes on to say, ‘That to the extend that funds are appropriated, the school district shall do training.’ They will do employee training, they shall also help students to understand. Does that help?”

      Senator Deccio: “You are missing the whole point. The bill does not require anything. It is strictly voluntary. I think I have to agree with Senator Honeyford in what good is the bill if it does not require something to be done?”

      Senator McAuliffe: “I am sorry. I misunderstood you. Let’s go back to the first part of the bill. The bill requires that school districts put in place a policy that prohibits students from harassing, bullying and intimidating other students. That is a policy that they must pass--each school board must develop their own.”

      Senator Deccio: “I still haven’t had the last part of my question addressed, but thank you.”

      Further debate ensued.

      The President declared the question before the Senate to be the roll call on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5528.


      The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5528 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 36; Nays, 13; Absent, 0; Excused, 0.

     Voting yea: Senators, Brown, Carlson, Constantine, Costa, Eide, Fairley, Finkbeiner, Franklin, Fraser, Gardner, Hale, Hargrove, Haugen, Hewitt, Jacobsen, Johnson, Kastama, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Long, McAuliffe, Oke, Patterson, Prentice, Rasmussen, Regala, Roach, Sheahan, Sheldon, B., Sheldon, T., Shin, Snyder, Spanel, Thibaudeau, Winsley and Zarelli - 36.

       Voting nay: Senators Benton, Deccio, Hochstatter, Honeyford, Horn, McCaslin, McDonald, Morton, Parlette, Rossi, Stevens, Swecker and West - 13

      ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5528, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill will stand as the title of the act.


      Senator McCaslin: “Mr. President, a point of personal privilege. May I turn my back on you--that is my best side? I believe, but in my late stages of life, I could be incorrect, but anyone can correct me, but I believe that was Senator Hewitt’s first speech. Is that correct, Senator? You know the long-standing tradition that because you make your first speech, you will also make your first contribution to all of us on both sides of the aisle. You have to be fair and distribute the same food to the same people. Do you have anything to say to this august body as what type of gift we might expect to receive, Senator Hewitt--tomorrow?”


      Senator Hewitt: “Thank you, Senator, and yes it will be tomorrow. I am very privileged to speak to this group. I am humbled to be here. I had hoped that my maiden speech would be in the awesome building that we sit next to. I am not sure be are going to be back there this year. Actually, this subject kind of caught me by surprise and I felt that I had to speak. You have been after me all year long and I am trying to get you off that beat, so you will leave me alone. Yes, your gift will be available tomorrow. Thank you.”


      Senator Rasmussen: “A point of personal privilege, Mr. President. Today is Dairy Day. As you know, we have always had our Dairy Ambassador here to speak to us, but she won’t be here today. However, at noon today, there will be ice cream bars for everyone out by the Sun Dial. So, today, we are going to honor the dairy farmers and we are going to have a wonderful treat--ice cream bars. Thank you.”


      At 12:03 p.m., on motion of Senator Betti Sheldon, the Senate adjourned until 8:30 a.m., Thursday, March 8, 2001.

BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate

TONY M. COOK, Secretary of the Senate