Senate Chamber, Olympia, Monday, March 2, 2009
The Senate was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Owen. The Secretary called the roll and announced to the President that all Senators were present with the exception of Senators Marr, McCaslin and Pflug.
The Sergeant at Arms Color Guard consisting of Pages Brooke Bridges and Mark Larkin, presented the Colors. Pastor Matthew Larson of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Olympia offered the prayer.
On motion of Senator Eide, the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with and it was approved.
There being no objection, the Senate advanced to the first order of business.
February 26, 2009
SB 5321 Prime Sponsor, Senator Prentice: Extending a local sales and use tax that is credited against the state sales and use tax. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5321 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kohl-Welles; Murray; Parlette; Pflug; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Carrell; Honeyford and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5331 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kauffman: Granting tribal authorities limited control over speed limits on nonlimited access state highways within tribal reservation boundaries. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5331 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5368 Prime Sponsor, Senator Prentice: Making provisions for all counties to value property annually for property tax purposes. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5368 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pflug; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 27, 2009
SB 5458 Prime Sponsor, Senator Marr: Concerning economic stimulus transportation funding and appropriations. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5458 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5537 Prime Sponsor, Senator Fraser: Eliminating the statutory debt limit. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5537 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Carrell.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Honeyford; Parlette; Pflug and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5542 Prime Sponsor, Senator Franklin: Providing a minimum retirement allowance for members of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system plan 2 who were disabled in the line of duty before January 1, 2001. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pflug; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5596 Prime Sponsor, Senator Jacobsen: Supporting the continued operation of the northwest weather and avalanche center. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman and Ranker.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Becker; Delvin and King.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 25, 2009
SB 5682 Prime Sponsor, Senator Haugen: Requiring the secretary of transportation to realign the transportation regions. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5682 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jarrett; Kauffman; Kilmer; King and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5684 Prime Sponsor, Senator Haugen: Addressing environmental mitigation in highway construction. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5684 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5816 Prime Sponsor, Senator Eide: Concerning vehicle dealer documentary service fees. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5816 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer and King.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5846 Prime Sponsor, Senator Tom: Addressing the covering of vehicular loads. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5846 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King and Ranker.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Becker; Berkey; Delvin and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 25, 2009
SB 5878 Prime Sponsor, Senator Sheldon: Requiring criminal history record checks of current and prospective department of licensing employees who issue or may issue enhanced drivers' licenses and identicards. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 25, 2009
SB 5938 Prime Sponsor, Senator Ranker: Clarifying the permitting, training, and licensing process for driver training schools. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5938 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 5953 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kilmer: Eliminating the requirement that security amounts for certain marine vessel contracts adequately protect one hundred percent of the state's or county's exposure to loss. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 6006 Prime Sponsor, Senator Regala: Including costs as authorized expenditures from the OASI revolving fund and OASI contribution account. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pflug; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 25, 2009
SB 6012 Prime Sponsor, Senator Sheldon: Increasing the maximum amount of financial assistance that may be granted or loaned by the department of transportation for airports owned or controlled by municipalities or federally recognized Indian tribes. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6012 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SB 6020 Prime Sponsor, Senator Haugen: Concerning the compilation, collection, and release of traffic accident information in compliance with certain federal law. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6020 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Jarrett; Kastama; King and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 25, 2009
SB 6068 Prime Sponsor, Senator Swecker: Modifying the definition of "conviction" for the purposes of the uniform commercial driver's license act. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 27, 2009
SB 6088 Prime Sponsor, Senator Fraser: Addressing commute trip reduction for state agencies. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6088 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 27, 2009
SB 6095 Prime Sponsor, Senator Haugen: Clarifying that retirement costs continue to be authorized as a charge included in the Puget Sound pilotage district tariff. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6095 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SGA 9027 CHARLES DAVIS, reappointed on January 9, 2006, for the term ending December 26, 2009, as Member of the Board of Pilotage Commissioners. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That said appointment be confirmed. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SGA 9052 ELSIE HULSIZER, appointed on September 1, 2007, for the term ending December 26, 2010, as Member of the Board of Pilotage Commissioners. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That said appointment be confirmed. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SGA 9069 CRAIG LEE, reappointed on December 27, 2007, for the term ending December 26, 2011, as Member of the Board of Pilotage Commissioners. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That said appointment be confirmed. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SGA 9114 WILLIAM SNYDER, reappointed on December 27, 2007, for the term ending December 26, 2011, as Member of the Board of Pilotage Commissioners. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That said appointment be confirmed. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SGA 9141 JEFFREY L THOMPSON, appointed on January 22, 2009, for the term ending December 26, 2012, as Member of the Board of Pilotage Commissioners. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That said appointment be confirmed. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
February 26, 2009
SGA 9151 PATRICK M HANNIGAN, reappointed on January 22, 2009, for the term ending December 26, 2012, as Member of the Board of Pilotage Commissioners. Reported by Committee on Transportation
MAJORITY recommendation: That said appointment be confirmed. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; Becker; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jacobsen; Jarrett; Kastama; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
On motion of Senator Eide, all measures listed on the Standing Committee report were referred to the committees as designated.
On motion of Senator Eide, the Senate advanced to the fourth order of business.
February 27, 2009
The House has passed the following bills:
and the same are herewith transmitted.
February 27, 2009
The House has passed the following bills:
and the same is herewith transmitted.
February 27, 2009
The House has passed the following bills:
and the same are herewith transmitted.
February 27, 2009
The House has passed the following bills:
and the same is herewith transmitted.
There being no objection, the Senate advanced to the fifth order of business.
AN ACT Relating to funding the state wildlife account; amending RCW 67.70.040 and 67.70.240; and adding a new section to chapter 67.70 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
SB 6108 by Senators Prentice, Holmquist and Kohl-Welles
AN ACT Relating to allowing the state lottery to enter into agreements to conduct multistate shared games; and amending RCW 67.70.040, 67.70.044, and 67.70.340.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
On motion of Senator Eide, all measures listed on the Introduction and First Reading Report were referred to the committees as designated.
On motion of Senator Eide, the Senate advanced to the sixth order of business.
On motion of Senator Kauffman, Senators Keiser and Marr were excused.
Senator Shin moved that Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9134, Jean-Paul A. Willynick, as a member of the Board of Regents, University of Washington, be confirmed.
Senator Shin spoke in favor of the motion.
On motion of Senator Brandland, Senators McCaslin and Pflug were excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9134, Jean-Paul A. Willynick as a member of the Board of Regents, University of Washington.
The Secretary called the roll on the confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9134, Jean-Paul A. Willynick as a member of the Board of Regents, University of Washington and the appointment was confirmed by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Marr, McCaslin and Pflug
Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9134, Jean-Paul A. Willynick, having received the constitutional majority was declared confirmed as a member of the Board of Regents, University of Washington.
SENATE BILL NO. 5233, by Senators Delvin, Hewitt, Schoesler, Carrell, Swecker, Parlette, Stevens and Honeyford
Addressing county elected officials keeping offices at the county seat.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Delvin, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5233 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Delvin spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5233.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5233 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5233, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5739, by Senators King, Hobbs, Holmquist, Kastama, Swecker, Sheldon, Morton, Shin, Berkey and Honeyford
Revising provisions relating to renewing a concealed pistol license by members of the armed forces.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator King, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5739 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator King spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5739.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5739 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5739, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5406, by Senators Keiser, Pflug, Kohl-Welles and Parlette
Concerning the standard health questionnaire.
On motion of Senator Keiser, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5406 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5406 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
Senator Keiser moved that the following amendment by Senators Pflug and Keiser be adopted.
On page 3, line 12, after "U.S.C. Sec. 1163" insert ", or application for coverage is made within sixty days after the effective date of this act following a qualifying event that occurred on or after September 1, 2008"
On page 3, line 37, after "U.S.C. Sec. 1163" insert ", or application for coverage is made within sixty days after the effective date of this act following a qualifying event that occurred on or after September 1, 2008"
On page 4, line 12, after "coverage" insert ", or within sixty days after the effective date of this act if termination of continuation coverage occurred on or after September 1, 2008"
Senator Keiser spoke in favor of adoption of the amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the amendment by Senators Pflug and Keiser on page 3, line 12 to Substitute Senate Bill No. 5406.
The motion by Senator Keiser carried and the amendment was adopted by voice vote.
On motion of Senator Keiser, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5406 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Keiser spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5406.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill No. 5406 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5406, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5673, by Senators Pridemore, Zarelli, Keiser, Murray, Rockefeller, Hobbs, Regala and Shin
Concerning certificates of need.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Pridemore, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5673 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Pridemore and Keiser spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
Senator Roach spoke against passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5673.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5673 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 41; Nays, 6; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senators Becker, Carrell, Holmquist, Honeyford, Roach and Stevens
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5673, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5195, by Senators Berkey, Swecker, Kauffman, Hobbs, King, Marr, Haugen, Franklin, Parlette, Schoesler and Shin
Adopting the life settlements model act.
On motion of Senator Berkey, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5195 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5195 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
On motion of Senator Berkey, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5195 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Berkey and Benton spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5195.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5195 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 1; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senator Holmquist
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5195, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5348, by Senators Swecker, Haugen, Jacobsen, Parlette, Rockefeller and Shin
Removing references to mitigation banking project eligibility for moneys in the habitat conservation account and the riparian protection account.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Swecker, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5348 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Swecker spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5348.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5348 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5348, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5350, by Senators Haugen, Ranker and Hatfield
Changing special permit provisions for poultry slaughter, preparation, and care.
On motion of Senator Hatfield, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5350 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5350 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
On motion of Senator Hatfield, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5350 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Hatfield spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5350.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5350 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 40; Nays, 7; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senators Benton, Carrell, Holmquist, Honeyford, Parlette, Roach and Stevens
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5350, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5370, by Senators Franklin, Becker, Fairley, Keiser, Marr and Murray
Allowing electronic approval of vital records.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Franklin, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5370 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Franklin spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5370.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5370 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5370, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5267, by Senators Sheldon, Berkey, Morton, Kastama and Delvin
Regarding the issuance of checks by joint operating agencies and public utility districts.
On motion of Senator Sheldon, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5267 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5267 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
On motion of Senator Sheldon, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5267 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Sheldon spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5267.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5267 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5267, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5200, by Senator Brandland
Concerning marauding dogs.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Hargrove moved that the following striking amendment by Senator Hargrove be adopted:
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. RCW 16.08.030 (Marauding dog--Duty of owner to kill) and 1929 c 198 s 7 are each repealed."
Senators Hargrove and Roach spoke in favor of adoption of the striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the striking amendment by Senator Hargrove to Senate Bill No. 5200.
The motion by Senator Hargrove carried and the striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "marauding dogs;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and repealing RCW 16.08.030."
On motion of Senator Brandland, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5200 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Brandland spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5200.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Senate Bill No. 5200 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
ENGROSSED SENATE BILL NO. 5200, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5009, by Senators Marr, Swecker, Hobbs, King, Sheldon, Kilmer, Ranker, Berkey, Haugen, Kauffman, Rockefeller, Hatfield, McAuliffe, Shin and Roach
Creating a military service exemption for benefits charged to the experience rating accounts of employers.
On motion of Senator Marr, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5009 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5009 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
On motion of Senator Marr, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5009 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Marr spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5009.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5009 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5009, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5469, by Senators Parlette, Eide, Jarrett and McCaslin
Modifying limitations on the use of intermediate licenses.
On motion of Senator Parlette, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5469 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5469 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
On motion of Senator Parlette, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5469 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Parlette and Eide spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5469.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5469 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5469, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5797, by Senators Haugen, Ranker, Brandland and Hatfield
Regarding exemptions from solid waste handling permit requirements.
On motion of Senator Hatfield, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5797 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5797 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
On motion of Senator Hatfield, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5797 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Haugen spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5797.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5797 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 1; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senator Oemig
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5797, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 8003, by Senators Pflug, Keiser and Parlette
Requesting that Congress issue a date at which health information technology must comply with a uniform national standard of interoperability.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Keiser, the rules were suspended, Senate Joint Memorial No. 8003 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the memorial was placed on final passage.
Senators Keiser and Parlette spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Joint Memorial No. 8003.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Joint Memorial No. 8003 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 1; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senator Benton
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 8003, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed.
SENATE BILL NO. 5989, by Senator Sheldon
Regarding the greenhouse gas emissions performance standard under chapter 80.80 RCW.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Sheldon, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5989 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Sheldon spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5989.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5989 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5989, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5184, by Senators Brandland, Hobbs, McAuliffe, Regala, Stevens, Pflug, Hewitt, King, Swecker and Roach
Evaluating the need for a digital forensic crime lab.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Brandland, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5184 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Brandland spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5184.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5184 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5184, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5199, by Senators Fraser, Morton, Rockefeller and Shin
Modifying provisions regarding the operators of public water supply systems.
On motion of Senator Rockefeller, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5199 was substituted for Senate Bill No. 5199 and the substitute bill was placed on the second reading and read the second time.
On motion of Senator Fraser, the rules were suspended, Substitute Senate Bill No. 5199 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Fraser and Honeyford spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5199.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute Senate Bill No. 5199 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL NO. 5199, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senator Regala was excused.
SENATE BILL NO. 5205, by Senators Hargrove, Sheldon, Fraser and Kline
Adding one judge to division two of the court of appeals.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kline, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5205 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kline spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5205.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5205 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin, Pflug and Regala
SENATE BILL NO. 5205, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SENATE BILL NO. 5298, by Senators Regala and Kline
Removing the penalty language from natural resource civil infractions.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kline, the rules were suspended, Senate Bill No. 5298 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kline spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5298.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Senate Bill No. 5298 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Berkey, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Fairley, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators McCaslin and Pflug
SENATE BILL NO. 5298, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
Senator Schoesler: “Thank you Mr. President. Over the past weekend many of you probably saw in the news the passing of a ninety year old American who was beloved by millions of Americans from coast to coast. I recall my younger days on a old tractor with only AM radio and we didn’t have tape players but every day at noon I could hear Paul Harvey. Every day in the morning. I could hear Paul Harvey’s updates and late in the afternoon. ‘The Rest of the Story.’ The hours of enjoyment that that gave me growing up at work when there weren’t a lot of other choices in radio or talk radio, he was the guy. He was decidedly humorous. He was decidedly on the conservative side but from time to time he did surprise those of us on the conservative side as well as a former President Nixon. He was decidedly conservative, humorous and kept us all informed. I guess the final thing is about Paul Harvey, for those of us that followed him over the years, was ‘The Rest of the Story.’ Paul Harvey got into broadcast work and he didn’t have a very good last name for the radio. Ethic names like Aurandt were difficult for listeners so the middle name Harvey was taken and that’s the rest of the story.”
At 12:02 p.m., on motion of Senator Eide, the Senate was declared to be at ease subject to the call of the President.
The Senate was called to order at 9:06 p.m. by President Owen.
On motion of Senator Eide, the Senate reverted to the first order of business.
March 2, 2009
SB 5045 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kilmer: Promoting economic development and community revitalization. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5045 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Carrell; Hewitt; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland and Parlette.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5067 Prime Sponsor, Senator Jacobsen: Expanding hunter access to certain private lands. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Hewitt.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Honeyford; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5138 Prime Sponsor, Senator Rockefeller: Creating an integrated climate change response strategy. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5138 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Carrell; Honeyford and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland; Hewitt and Parlette.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5176 Prime Sponsor, Senator Shin: Creating a bi-state partnership for teachers of children with visual impairments. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5176 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5248 Prime Sponsor, Senator Hobbs: Enacting the interstate compact on educational opportunity for military children. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5248 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5255 Prime Sponsor, Senator Jacobsen: Regarding aquatic lands lease rates for marinas. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5255 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hewitt; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Honeyford.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Carrell.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5421 Prime Sponsor, Senator Parlette: Establishing the upper Columbia river recreational salmon and steelhead pilot stamp program. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5421 as recommended by Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Brandland; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Hewitt.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Carrell; Honeyford and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5433 Prime Sponsor, Senator Regala: Modifying provisions of local option taxes. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5433 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Carrell; Hewitt; Parlette and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Brandland.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5484 Prime Sponsor, Senator Marr: Concerning developmental screening. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5484 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Zarelli.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland; Carrell; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5486 Prime Sponsor, Senator Fraser: Requiring a comprehensive lakes management strategic plan. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5486 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray and Pridemore.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland; Hewitt; Honeyford; Parlette; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5491 Prime Sponsor, Senator Brandland: Requiring school districts or educational service districts to purchase employee health insurance coverage through the state health care authority. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5491 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Pridemore; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Carrell.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5501 Prime Sponsor, Senator Keiser: Concerning the secure exchange of health information. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5501 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5523 Prime Sponsor, Senator Hobbs: Including court commissioners employed by the supreme court, court of appeals, superior courts, district courts, and municipal courts in the judicial benefit multiplier program of the public employees' retirement system. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5523 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5557 Prime Sponsor, Senator Pridemore: Adopting the recommendations of the citizen commission for performance measurement of tax preferences. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5557 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hewitt; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Carrell.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5560 Prime Sponsor, Senator Ranker: Regarding state agency climate leadership. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5560 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Carrell; Honeyford and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland; Hewitt and Parlette.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5572 Prime Sponsor, Senator Marr: Providing collective bargaining for child care center directors and workers. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5572 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Carrell; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland and Parlette.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5624 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kauffman: Restricting the use of mechanical restraints and chemical sprays for discipline in public schools. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5624 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Zarelli.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Carrell and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5649 Prime Sponsor, Senator Rockefeller: Regarding energy efficiency in buildings. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5649 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Honeyford.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5676 Prime Sponsor, Senator McAuliffe: Providing for career and technical education opportunities for middle school students. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5676 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland and Parlette.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Carrell.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5680 Prime Sponsor, Senator Jarrett: Modifying the property tax exemption for nonprofit artistic, scientific, historical, and performing arts organizations. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5687 Prime Sponsor, Senator Marr: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through land use and transportation requirements. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5687 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Honeyford; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5691 Prime Sponsor, Senator Brandland: Increasing boating safety. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5691 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Parlette; Pridemore; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5714 Prime Sponsor, Senator Tom: Providing conditional funding for teachers to pursue national board for professional teaching standards certification. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Brandland; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Carrell.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5721 Prime Sponsor, Senator Tom: Changing school levy provisions. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5721 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Parlette; Pridemore and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5735 Prime Sponsor, Senator Rockefeller: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5735 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5788 Prime Sponsor, Senator Prentice: Addressing state funding for low-income housing. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5788 as recommended by Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5791 Prime Sponsor, Senator Hobbs: Creating the Washington voluntary retirement accounts program. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5791 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Honeyford; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5809 Prime Sponsor, Senator Hargrove: Creating a temporary workforce employment and training program. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5809 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5850 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kohl-Welles: Protecting workers from human trafficking violations. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5850 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Carrell; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Hewitt; Honeyford; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5854 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kilmer: Reducing climate pollution in the built environment. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5854 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli and Carrell.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5865 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kauffman: Requiring a report on early learning services for low-income families. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5865 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Carrell.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5892 Prime Sponsor, Senator Keiser: Concerning prescription drug use in state purchased health care programs. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5892 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Carrell and Hewitt.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5895 Prime Sponsor, Senator Tom: Addressing residential real property construction improvements through consumer education, warranty protections, legal remedies, municipal liability, third-party inspections, contractor registration requirements, worker certification standards, and bonding requirements. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5895 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Carrell and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli and Parlette.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5916 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kohl-Welles: Authorizing the department of information services to engage in high-speed internet adoption, deployment, and digital inclusion activities. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5916 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland and Hewitt.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5930 Prime Sponsor, Senator Prentice: Regarding public employees' health care costs. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5930 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Carrell; Hewitt; Parlette and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Brandland.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5941 Prime Sponsor, Senator Oemig: Regarding comprehensive education data improvement systems. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5941 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Carrell.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Brandland.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5943 Prime Sponsor, Senator Hargrove: Requiring performance-based contracts for the provision of child welfare services. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5943 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hobbs; Kline; Murray; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Kohl-Welles; McDermott and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5945 Prime Sponsor, Senator Keiser: Creating the Washington health partnership plan. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5945 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Parlette and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland; Carrell and Hewitt.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5957 Prime Sponsor, Senator Jacobsen: Regarding the department of natural resources' authority for transactions involving certain commercial lands, natural resource lands, or forest lands at risk of development. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5957 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Carrell and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5973 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kauffman: Closing the achievement gap in order to provide all students an excellent and equitable education. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5973 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Zarelli.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland; Carrell; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 5986 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kauffman: Permitting certain higher education employees to engage in collective bargaining. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Honeyford and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Carrell and Hewitt.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 6015 Prime Sponsor, Senator Murray: Establishing the director of commercialization and innovation within the office of the governor. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 6015 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Hewitt; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Carrell; Honeyford; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 6038 Prime Sponsor, Senator Keiser: Concerning the basic health plan. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 6038 be substituted therefor, and the second substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Pridemore and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 6051 Prime Sponsor, Senator Murray: Removing an expiration date applicable to heritage and arts program funding. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 6051 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Hewitt; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Carrell and Honeyford.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Parlette and Schoesler.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 6070 Prime Sponsor, Senator Hatfield: Regarding disposal of dredged riverbed materials. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair and McDermott.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 6096 Prime Sponsor, Senator Tom: Concerning the taxation of the manufacturing and selling of fuel for consumption outside the waters of the United States by vessels in foreign commerce. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala and Rockefeller.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Hewitt and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Parlette.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 6103 Prime Sponsor, Senator Prentice: Modifying the definition of gambling. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Fairley; Hobbs; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senator Hewitt.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator Carrell.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SB 6104 Prime Sponsor, Senator Prentice: Addressing state agency hours of operation. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Carrell; Fairley; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; McDermott; Murray; Oemig; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senators Brandland and Parlette.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
March 2, 2009
SJR 8209 Prime Sponsor, Senator Zarelli: Requiring extraordinary revenue growth to be transferred to the budget stabilization account. Reported by Committee on Ways & Means
MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Prentice, Chair; Fraser, Vice Chair, Capital Budget Chair; Tom, Vice Chair, Operating Budget; Zarelli; Brandland; Carrell; Fairley; Hewitt; Hobbs; Honeyford; Keiser; Kline; Kohl-Welles; Murray; Oemig; Parlette; Pridemore; Regala; Rockefeller and Schoesler.
MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without recommendation. Signed by Senator McDermott.
Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading.
On motion of Senator Eide, all measures listed on the Supplemental Standing Committee report were referred to the committees as designated.
At 9:07 p.m., on motion of Senator Eide, the Senate adjourned until 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate