Senate Chamber, Olympia, Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Senate was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Owen. The Secretary called the roll and announced to the President that all Senators were present with the exception of Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Haugen, Parlette, Pflug and Sheldon.
The Sergeant at Arms Color Guard consisting of Pages Alyssa Brianne Brandland and TaiShaeng Yeager, presented the Colors. Pastor Rusty Carlson of Rainier View Christian Church of Parkland offered the prayer.
On motion of Senator Eide, the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with and it was approved.
On motion of Senator Eide, the Senate advanced to the fourth order of business.
April 6, 2009
The House has passed the following bills:
and the same are herewith transmitted.
There being no objection, the Senate advanced to the fifth order of business.
SB 6152 by Senator Prentice
AN ACT Relating to clarifying the definition of gambling for the purpose of assisting in the regulation and control of gambling; and amending RCW 9.46.010 and 9.46.0237.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
On motion of Senator Eide, the measure listed on the Introduction and First Reading report was referred to the committee as designated.
On motion of Senator Eide, the Senate advanced to the eighth order of business.
Senator Kohl-Welles moved adoption of the following resolution:
By Senators Kohl‑Welles, Kline, Pflug, Keiser, McDermott, Regala, Hobbs, Prentice, Schoesler, Parlette, Zarelli, Tom, Rockefeller, and Murray
WHEREAS, The State of Washington considers science, mathematics, and technology education to be the highest priority in preparing students for the workforce of tomorrow; and
WHEREAS, The State of Washington has developed science and mathematics essential learnings that will prepare all students to live and thrive in a science and technology-based society; and
WHEREAS, Dennis Schatz, Senior Vice President for Strategic Programs at the Pacific Science Center, has been awarded the prestigious 2009 Faraday Science Communicator Award at the National Science Teachers Association's conference in New Orleans; and
WHEREAS, Dennis Schatz received this award for his lifelong efforts to inspire public interest in and appreciation of the sciences through piloting educational programs, authoring children's books on scientific topics, service at the Pacific Science Center, and many other endeavors; and
WHEREAS, This is Dennis Schatz's fourth award from the National Science Teachers Association. In the past, he received the 1996 Distinguished Informal Science Educator Award; NSTA's lifetime achievement award in 2005; and, in 2006, NSTA made him an Association of Science Technology Centers Fellow; and
WHEREAS, Dennis Schatz has authored 21 science books for children, which have sold almost 2 million copies and have been translated into 23 different languages; and
WHEREAS, As Senior Vice President for Strategic Programs at the Pacific Science Center, Dennis works with the Portal to Public program and the Washington State Leadership and Science Education Reform. As codirector of LASER, he coleads an effort to implement an inquiry-based science program in every school district in our state; and
WHEREAS, More than one hundred eighty school districts in the state are using the LASER process to implement a standards/inquiry-based K-8 science program; and
WHEREAS, Dennis Schatz has served the Pacific Science Center since 1977 promoting the sciences through numerous exhibits, education programs, and community-based organizations;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate commend Dennis Schatz for his outstanding efforts in making science accessible to all by his ability to communicate the scientific method effectively and helping the public understand current science research by face-to-face interactions with scientists; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be immediately transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Dennis Schatz and the Pacific Science Center.
Senator Kohl-Welles spoke in favor of adoption of the resolution.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of Senate Resolution No. 8659.
The motion by Senator Kohl-Welles carried and the resolution was adopted by voice vote.
The President welcomed and introduced Dennis Schatz, Faraday Science Communicator, Award recipient; wife Leilas Schatz; Bruce Seidl, Pacific Science Center, President/Executive Director; Kevin Hughes, Pacific Science Center, Vice President of Public Affairs and Maria Chiechi, Chiechi & Associates who were seated in the gallery.
On motion of Senator Eide, the Senate reverted to the sixth order of business.
The President signed:
The President signed:
Senator Morton moved that Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9082, Thomas W. McLane, as a member of the Public Employment Relations Commission, be confirmed.
Senator Morton spoke in favor of the motion.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Berkey, Fairley, Haugen and Sheldon were excused.
On motion of Senator Brandland, Senators Benton, Hewitt, Parlette and Pflug were excused.
On motion of Senator Hatfield, Senator Hobbs was excused.
On motion of Senator McDermott, Senator Kline was excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9082, Thomas W. McLane as a member of the Public Employment Relations Commission.
The Secretary called the roll on the confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9082, Thomas W. McLane as a member of the Public Employment Relations Commission and the appointment was confirmed by the following vote: Yeas, 41; Nays, 0; Absent, 1; Excused, 7.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senator Brown
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Fairley, Haugen, Parlette, Pflug and Sheldon
Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9082, Thomas W. McLane, having received the constitutional majority was declared confirmed as a member of the Public Employment Relations Commission.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1338, by Representatives Conway, Condotta, Wood, Armstrong, Hunt, Green, Williams, Crouse, Moeller, Chandler, Chase, Simpson and Kelley
Qualifying for good cause for late filing of reports, contributions, penalties, or interest.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kohl-Welles, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1338 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Kohl-Welles and Honeyford spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Brown and Oemig were excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1338.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1338 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 42; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 7.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Haugen, Pflug and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1338, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1120, by Representatives Pedersen, Rodne, Goodman and Morrell
Concerning uniform laws.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Kline moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Judiciary be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 43.56.010 and 1965 c 8 s 43.56.010 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The governor shall appoint three ((suitable))
qualified persons ((as a board of commissioners)) to serve on
the Washington state uniform law commission for the promotion of uniformity
of legislation in the United States. ((Any vacancy on the board shall be
filled by appointment by the governor.)) A qualified person is a
resident of the state of Washington and a member of the state bar association
of this or another state, who is or has been a judge, law professor,
legislator, or practicing attorney.
(2) In addition to the members of the commission appointed pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the governor may appoint to the commission any person who has served at least twenty years on the commission and who is a life member in the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws or its successor.
(3) In addition to the members of the commission appointed pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the code reviser shall serve as a member of the commission.
Sec. 2. RCW 43.56.020 and 1965 c 8 s 43.56.020 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The ((board)) commission
shall ((examine the subjects of marriage and divorce, insolvency, the
descent and distribution of property, the execution and probate of wills, and
other subjects upon which uniformity of legislation in the various states is
desirable, but which are outside of the jurisdiction of the congress of the
United States)) identify areas of the law in which (a) uniformity in the
laws among the states and other jurisdictions is desirable and practicable and
(b)(i) the congress of the United States lacks jurisdiction to act or (ii) it
is preferable that the several states enact the laws.
((It)) (2) The
commissioners, at the national conference of commissioners on uniform state
laws or its successor, shall confer upon these matters with the
commissioners appointed by other states for the same purpose and shall
consider and draft uniform laws to be submitted for approval and adoption by
the several states((;)).
(3) The commission shall propose to the legislature for approval and adoption the uniform acts developed with the other commissioners and generally devise and recommend such other and further courses of action as shall accomplish such uniformity.
Sec. 3. RCW 43.56.040 and 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 s 118 are each amended to read as follows:
No member of the ((board)) commission
shall receive any compensation for ((his)) services, but each member
shall be paid travel expenses incurred in the discharge of official duty in
accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 ((as now existing or hereafter
amended)), after the account thereof has been audited by the ((board))
The ((board)) commission
shall keep a full account of its expenditures and shall report it in each
report. ((There shall be allowed such)) The commission shall allow
expenses for only one ((annual)) meeting of the ((board)) commission
within this state each year, and shall allow expenses for the
members ((in attendance, not oftener)) to attend, no more than
once in each year, ((at)) any conference of the national conference
of commissioners on uniform state laws, or its successor, outside of
this state.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. RCW 43.56.050 (Membership‑-Code reviser) and 2001 c 205 s 1 are each repealed."
Senator Kline spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Judiciary to House Bill No. 1120.
The motion by Senator Kline carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "laws;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 43.56.010, 43.56.020, and 43.56.040; and repealing RCW 43.56.050."
On motion of Senator Kline, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1120 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kline spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1120 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1120 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 43; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 6.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Pflug and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1120 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1388, by House Committee on Technology, Energy & Communications (originally sponsored by Representatives Jacks, McCoy, Crouse and Morris)
Changing the date for setting the amount of pipeline safety fees.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Rockefeller, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1388 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Rockefeller spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1388.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1388 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 43; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 6.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Pflug and Sheldon
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1388, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1789, by Representatives Dammeier, O'Brien, Dickerson, Hurst, Klippert, Morrell, Orwall, Green, Walsh and Darneille
Allowing the department of corrections to rely upon jail certification in the calculation of release dates for offenders.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Regala moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Human Services & Corrections be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 9.94A.728 and 2008 c 231 s 34 are each amended to read as follows:
No person serving a sentence imposed pursuant to this chapter and committed to the custody of the department shall leave the confines of the correctional facility or be released prior to the expiration of the sentence except as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided for in subsection (2) of this section, the term of the sentence of an offender committed to a correctional facility operated by the department may be reduced by earned release time in accordance with procedures that shall be developed and promulgated by the correctional agency having jurisdiction in which the offender is confined. The earned release time shall be for good behavior and good performance, as determined by the correctional agency having jurisdiction. The correctional agency shall not credit the offender with earned release credits in advance of the offender actually earning the credits. Any program established pursuant to this section shall allow an offender to earn early release credits for presentence incarceration. If an offender is transferred from a county jail to the department, the administrator of a county jail facility shall certify to the department the amount of time spent in custody at the facility and the amount of earned release time. The department may approve a jail certification from a correctional agency that calculates earned release time based on the actual amount of confinement time served by the offender before sentencing when an erroneous calculation of confinement time served by the offender before sentencing appears on the judgment and sentence. An offender who has been convicted of a felony committed after July 23, 1995, that involves any applicable deadly weapon enhancements under RCW 9.94A.533 (3) or (4), or both, shall not receive any good time credits or earned release time for that portion of his or her sentence that results from any deadly weapon enhancements.
(a) In the case of an offender convicted of a serious violent offense, or a sex offense that is a class A felony, committed on or after July 1, 1990, and before July 1, 2003, the aggregate earned release time may not exceed fifteen percent of the sentence. In the case of an offender convicted of a serious violent offense, or a sex offense that is a class A felony, committed on or after July 1, 2003, the aggregate earned release time may not exceed ten percent of the sentence.
(b)(i) In the case of an offender who qualifies under (b)(ii) of this subsection, the aggregate earned release time may not exceed fifty percent of the sentence.
(ii) An offender is qualified to earn up to fifty percent of aggregate earned release time under this subsection (1)(b) if he or she:
(A) Is classified in one of the two lowest risk categories under (b)(iii) of this subsection;
(B) Is not confined pursuant to a sentence for:
(I) A sex offense;
(II) A violent offense;
(III) A crime against persons as defined in RCW 9.94A.411;
(IV) A felony that is domestic violence as defined in RCW 10.99.020;
(V) A violation of RCW 9A.52.025 (residential burglary);
(VI) A violation of, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to violate, RCW 69.50.401 by manufacture or delivery or possession with intent to deliver methamphetamine; or
(VII) A violation of, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to violate, RCW 69.50.406 (delivery of a controlled substance to a minor); (C) Has no prior conviction for:
(I) A sex offense;
(II) A violent offense;
(III) A crime against persons as defined in RCW 9.94A.411;
(IV) A felony that is domestic violence as defined in RCW 10.99.020;
(V) A violation of RCW 9A.52.025 (residential burglary);
(VI) A violation of, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to violate, RCW 69.50.401 by manufacture or delivery or possession with intent to deliver methamphetamine; or
(VII) A violation of, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to violate, RCW 69.50.406 (delivery of a controlled substance to a minor);
(D) Participates in programming or activities as directed by the offender's individual reentry plan as provided under RCW 72.09.270 to the extent that such programming or activities are made available by the department; and
(E) Has not committed a new felony after July 22, 2007, while under community custody.
(iii) For purposes of determining an offender's eligibility under this subsection (1)(b), the department shall perform a risk assessment of every offender committed to a correctional facility operated by the department who has no current or prior conviction for a sex offense, a violent offense, a crime against persons as defined in RCW 9.94A.411, a felony that is domestic violence as defined in RCW 10.99.020, a violation of RCW 9A.52.025 (residential burglary), a violation of, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to violate, RCW 69.50.401 by manufacture or delivery or possession with intent to deliver methamphetamine, or a violation of, or an attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to violate, RCW 69.50.406 (delivery of a controlled substance to a minor). The department must classify each assessed offender in one of four risk categories between highest and lowest risk.
(iv) The department shall recalculate the earned release time and reschedule the expected release dates for each qualified offender under this subsection (1)(b).
(v) This subsection (1)(b) applies retroactively to eligible offenders serving terms of total confinement in a state correctional facility as of July 1, 2003.
(vi) This subsection (1)(b) does not apply to offenders convicted after July 1, 2010.
(c) In no other case shall the aggregate earned release time exceed one-third of the total sentence;
(2)(a) A person convicted of a sex offense, a violent offense, any crime against persons under RCW 9.94A.411(2), or a felony offense under chapter 69.50 or 69.52 RCW, may become eligible, in accordance with a program developed by the department, for transfer to community custody in lieu of earned release time pursuant to subsection (1) of this section;
(b) The department shall, as a part of its program for release to the community in lieu of earned release, require the offender to propose a release plan that includes an approved residence and living arrangement. All offenders with community custody terms eligible for release to community custody in lieu of earned release shall provide an approved residence and living arrangement prior to release to the community;
(c) The department may deny transfer to community custody in lieu of earned release time pursuant to subsection (1) of this section if the department determines an offender's release plan, including proposed residence location and living arrangements, may violate the conditions of the sentence or conditions of supervision, place the offender at risk to violate the conditions of the sentence, place the offender at risk to reoffend, or present a risk to victim safety or community safety. The department's authority under this section is independent of any court-ordered condition of sentence or statutory provision regarding conditions for community custody;
(d) If the department denies transfer to community custody in lieu of earned early release pursuant to (c) of this subsection, the department may transfer an offender to partial confinement in lieu of earned early release up to three months. The three months in partial confinement is in addition to that portion of the offender's term of confinement that may be served in partial confinement as provided in this section;
(e) An offender serving a term of confinement imposed under RCW 9.94A.670(5)(a) is not eligible for earned release credits under this section;
(3) An offender may leave a correctional facility pursuant to an authorized furlough or leave of absence. In addition, offenders may leave a correctional facility when in the custody of a corrections officer or officers;
(4)(a) The secretary may authorize an extraordinary medical placement for an offender when all of the following conditions exist:
(i) The offender has a medical condition that is serious enough to require costly care or treatment;
(ii) The offender poses a low risk to the community because he or she is physically incapacitated due to age or the medical condition; and
(iii) Granting the extraordinary medical placement will result in a cost savings to the state.
(b) An offender sentenced to death or to life imprisonment without the possibility of release or parole is not eligible for an extraordinary medical placement.
(c) The secretary shall require electronic monitoring for all offenders in extraordinary medical placement unless the electronic monitoring equipment interferes with the function of the offender's medical equipment or results in the loss of funding for the offender's medical care. The secretary shall specify who shall provide the monitoring services and the terms under which the monitoring shall be performed.
(d) The secretary may revoke an extraordinary medical placement under this subsection at any time;
(5) The governor, upon recommendation from the clemency and pardons board, may grant an extraordinary release for reasons of serious health problems, senility, advanced age, extraordinary meritorious acts, or other extraordinary circumstances;
(6) No more than the final six months of the offender's term of confinement may be served in partial confinement designed to aid the offender in finding work and reestablishing himself or herself in the community. This is in addition to that period of earned early release time that may be exchanged for partial confinement pursuant to subsection (2)(d) of this section;
(7) The governor may pardon any offender;
(8) The department may release an offender from confinement any time within ten days before a release date calculated under this section;
(9) An offender may leave a correctional facility prior to completion of his or her sentence if the sentence has been reduced as provided in RCW 9.94A.870; and
(10) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, an offender sentenced for a felony crime listed in RCW 9.94A.540 as subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of total confinement shall not be released from total confinement before the completion of the listed mandatory minimum sentence for that felony crime of conviction unless allowed under RCW 9.94A.540, however persistent offenders are not eligible for extraordinary medical placement.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. This act takes effect August 1, 2009."
Senator Regala spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Human Services & Corrections to House Bill No. 1789.
The motion by Senator Regala carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 3 of the title, after "offenders;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 9.94A.728; and providing an effective date."
On motion of Senator Regala, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1789 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Regala spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1789 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1789 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 42; Nays, 0; Absent, 1; Excused, 6.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senator Carrell
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Pflug and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1789 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1997, by Representatives Finn, Rolfes, Smith, Dunshee, Upthegrove, Kretz, Chase, Dickerson, Liias, Kagi, Nelson, Kessler, Hunt and Blake
Regarding Puget Sound scientific research.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Rockefeller, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1997 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Rockefeller spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1997.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1997 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1997, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2126, by House Committee on Commerce & Labor (originally sponsored by Representatives Orwall, Darneille, Nelson, Jacks, Hasegawa, Van De Wege, Liias and Kenney)
Consolidating the cemetery board and the board of funeral directors and embalmers.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Marr, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2126 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Marr spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2126.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 2126 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley and Sheldon
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2126, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 2165, by Representatives Van De Wege, Haler, Blake, Kretz, McCoy, Hinkle, Ormsby, Nelson, Eddy, Hasegawa, Takko, Chase, Kenney, Warnick and Morrell
Authorizing the department of natural resources to conduct a forest biomass energy demonstration project.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Jacobsen moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that forest biomass is an abundant and renewable byproduct of Washington's forest land management. Forest biomass can be utilized to generate clean renewable energy.
In some Washington forests, residual forest biomass is burned on site or left to decompose. The lack of forest products markets in some areas means that standing forest biomass removed for forest health and wildfire risk reduction treatments must occur at substantial cost. Utilizing forest biomass to generate energy can reduce the greenhouse gases emitted by burning forest biomass.
The legislature further finds that the emerging forest biomass energy economy is challenged by: Not having a reliable supply of predictably priced forest biomass feedstock; shipping and processing costs; insufficient forest biomass processing infrastructure; and feedstock demand.
The legislature finds that making use of the state's forest biomass resources for energy production may generate new revenues or increase asset values of state lands and state forest lands, protect forest land of all ownerships from severe forest health problems, stimulate Washington's economy, create green jobs, and reduce Washington's dependence on foreign oil.
It is the intent of the legislature to support forest biomass demonstration projects that employ promising processing technologies. The demonstration projects must emphasize public and private forest biomass feedstocks that are generated as byproducts of current forest practices. The project must reveal ways to overcome the current impediments to the developing forest biomass energy economy, and ways to realize ecologically sustainable outcomes from that development.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. (1) The department may develop and implement forest biomass energy demonstration projects, one east of the crest of the Cascade mountains and one west of the crest of the Cascade mountains. The demonstration projects must be designed to:
(a) Reveal the utility of Washington's public and private forest biomass feedstock;
(b) Create green jobs and generate renewable energy;
(c) Generate revenues or improve asset values for beneficiaries of state lands and state forest lands;
(d) Improve forest health, reduce pollution, and restore ecological function; and
(e) Avoid interfering with the current working area for forest biomass collection surrounding an existing fixed location biomass energy production site.
(2) To develop and implement the forest biomass energy demonstration projects, the department may form forest biomass energy partnerships or cooperatives.
(3) The forest biomass energy partnerships or cooperatives are encouraged to be public-private partnerships focused on convening the entities necessary to grow, harvest, process, transport, and utilize forest biomass to generate renewable energy. Particular focus must be given to recruiting and employing emerging technologies that can locally process forest biomass feedstock to create local green jobs and reduce transportation costs.
(4) The forest biomass energy partnerships or cooperatives may include, but are not limited to: Entrepreneurs or organizations developing and operating emerging technology to process forest biomass; industrial electricity producers; contractors capable of providing the local labor needed to collect, process, and transport forest biomass feedstocks; tribes; federal land management agencies; county, city, and other local governments; the department of community, trade, and economic development; state trust land managers; an organization dedicated to protecting and strengthening the jobs, rights, and working conditions of Washington's working families; accredited research institution representatives; an industrial timber land manager; a small forest landowner; and a not-for-profit conservation organization.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. By December 2010, the department shall provide a progress report to the legislature regarding its efforts to develop, implement, and evaluate forest biomass energy demonstration projects and any other department initiatives related to forest biomass. The report may include an evaluation of:
(1) The status of the department's abilities to secure funding, partners, and other resources for the forest biomass energy demonstration projects;
(2) The status of the biomass energy demonstration projects resulting from the department's efforts;
(3) The status and, if applicable, additional needs of forest landowners within the demonstration project areas for estimating sustainable forest biomass yields and availability;
(4) Forest biomass feedstock supply and forest biomass market demand barriers, and how they can best be overcome including actions by the legislature and United States congress; and
(5) Sustainability measures that may be instituted by the state to ensure that an increasing demand for forest biomass feedstocks does not impair public resources or the ecological conditions of forests.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. For the purposes of implementing this act, the department may seek grants or financing from the federal government, industry, or philanthropists.
Sec. 5. RCW 76.06.150 and 2004 c 218 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The commissioner of public lands is designated as the state of Washington's lead for all forest health issues.
(2) The commissioner of public lands shall strive to promote communications between the state and the federal government regarding forest land management decisions that potentially affect the health of forests in Washington and will allow the state to have an influence on the management of federally owned land in Washington. Such government-to-government cooperation is vital if the condition of the state's public and private forest lands are to be protected. These activities may include, when deemed by the commissioner to be in the best interest of the state:
(a) Representing the state's interest before all appropriate local, state, and federal agencies;
(b) Assuming the lead state role for
developing formal comments on federal forest management plans that may have an
impact on the health of forests in Washington; ((and))
(c) Pursuing in an expedited manner any available and appropriate cooperative agreements, including cooperating agency status designation, with the United States forest service and the United States bureau of land management that allow for meaningful participation in any federal land management plans that could affect the department's strategic plan for healthy forests and effective fire prevention and suppression, including the pursuit of any options available for giving effect to the cooperative philosophy contained within the national environmental policy act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 4331); and
(d) Pursuing agreements with federal agencies in the service of forest biomass energy partnerships and cooperatives authorized under sections 2 through 4 of this act.
(3) The commissioner of public lands shall report to the chairs of the appropriate standing committees of the legislature every year on progress under this section, including the identification, if deemed appropriate by the commissioner, of any needed statutory changes, policy issues, or funding needs.
Sec. 6. RCW 43.30.020 and 1965 c 8 s 43.30.020 are each amended to read as follows:
((For the purpose of this
chapter, except where a different interpretation is required by the context:))
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the
context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Department" means the
department of natural resources((;)).
(2) "Board" means the
board of natural resources((;)).
(3) "Administrator" means
the administrator of the department of natural resources((;)).
(4) "Supervisor" means the
supervisor of natural resources((;)).
(5) "Agency" and
"state agency" means any branch, department, or unit of the state
government, however designated or constituted((;)).
(6) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of public lands.
(7) "Forest biomass" means the byproducts of: Current forest practices prescribed or permitted under chapter 76.09 RCW; current forest protection treatments prescribed or permitted under chapter 76.04 RCW; or the byproducts of forest health treatments prescribed or permitted under chapter 76.06 RCW. "Forest biomass" does not include wood pieces that have been treated with chemical preservatives such as: Creosote, pentachlorophenol, or copper-chrome-arsenic; wood from old growth forests, except wood removed for forest health treatments under chapter 76.06 RCW and RCW 79.15.540; wood required by chapter 76.09 RCW for large woody debris recruitment; or municipal solid waste.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. Sections 2 through 4 of this act are each added to chapter 43.30 RCW under the subchapter heading "duties and powers‑-forested lands.""
Senator Jacobsen spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation to House Bill No. 2154.
The motion by Senator Jacobsen carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "project;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 76.06.150 and 43.30.020; adding new sections to chapter 43.30 RCW; and creating a new section."
On motion of Senator Jacobsen, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 2165 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Jacobsen spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 2165 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 2165 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 2165 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1678, by Representatives Van De Wege, Simpson, Ericks, Williams, Kelley, Sells, Ross, Hope and Conway
Providing a minimum retirement allowance for members of the law enforcement officers' and firefighters' retirement system plan 2 who were disabled in the line of duty before January 1, 2001.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Prentice, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1678 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Prentice spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1678.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1678 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1678, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1475, by Representatives Orcutt, Probst, McCune, Eddy, Herrera, Johnson, Short and Kelley
Requiring state agency rule-making information to be posted on each state agency's web site.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Oemig, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1475 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Oemig spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1475.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1475 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1475, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1071, by House Committee on Health Care & Wellness (originally sponsored by Representatives Green, Morrell, Dickerson and Kenney)
Concerning advanced registered nurse practitioners.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Franklin moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Health & Long-Term Care be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 71.05.210 and 2000 c 94 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
Each person involuntarily detained
and accepted or admitted at an evaluation and treatment facility (1)
shall, within twenty-four hours of his or her admission or acceptance at the facility,
be examined and evaluated by (a) a licensed physician who may be
assisted by a physician assistant according to chapter 18.71A RCW or a
mental health professional, (b) an advanced registered nurse practitioner
according to chapter 18.79 RCW and a mental health professional, or (c) a
licensed physician and a psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner
and (2) shall receive such treatment and care as his or her condition
requires including treatment on an outpatient basis for the period that he or
she is detained, except that, beginning twenty-four hours prior to a trial or
hearing pursuant to RCW 71.05.215, 71.05.240, 71.05.310, 71.05.320, 71.05.340,
or ((71.05.370)) 71.05.217, the individual may refuse psychiatric
medications, but may not refuse: (((1))) (a) Any other medication
previously prescribed by a person licensed under Title 18 RCW; or (((2)))
(b) emergency lifesaving treatment, and the individual shall be informed
at an appropriate time of his or her right of such refusal. The person shall
be detained up to seventy-two hours, if, in the opinion of the professional
person in charge of the facility, or his or her professional designee, the
person presents a likelihood of serious harm, or is gravely disabled. A person
who has been detained for seventy-two hours shall no later than the end of such
period be released, unless referred for further care on a voluntary basis, or
detained pursuant to court order for further treatment as provided in this
If, after examination and evaluation, the mental
health professional and licensed physician ((and mental health
professional)) or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner
determine that the initial needs of the person would be better served by
placement in a chemical dependency treatment facility, then the person shall be
referred to an approved treatment program defined under RCW 70.96A.020.
An evaluation and treatment center
admitting or accepting any person pursuant to this chapter whose physical
condition reveals the need for hospitalization shall assure that such person is
transferred to an appropriate hospital for evaluation or admission for
treatment. Notice of such fact shall be given to the court, the designated
attorney, and the ((county)) designated mental health professional and
the court shall order such continuance in proceedings under this chapter as may
be necessary, but in no event may this continuance be more than fourteen days.
Sec. 2. RCW 71.05.230 and 2006 c 333 s 302 are each amended to read as follows:
A person detained for seventy-two hour evaluation and treatment may be detained for not more than fourteen additional days of involuntary intensive treatment or ninety additional days of a less restrictive alternative to involuntary intensive treatment. There shall be no fee for filing petitions for fourteen days of involuntary intensive treatment. A petition may only be filed if the following conditions are met:
(1) The professional staff of the agency or facility providing evaluation services has analyzed the person's condition and finds that the condition is caused by mental disorder and either results in a likelihood of serious harm, or results in the detained person being gravely disabled and are prepared to testify those conditions are met; and
(2) The person has been advised of the need for voluntary treatment and the professional staff of the facility has evidence that he or she has not in good faith volunteered; and
(3) The facility providing intensive treatment is certified to provide such treatment by the department; and
(4) The professional staff of the agency or facility or the designated mental health professional has filed a petition for fourteen day involuntary detention or a ninety day less restrictive alternative with the court. The petition must be signed either by:
(a) Two physicians ((or by));
(b) One physician and a mental health
(c) Two psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioners;
(d) One psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner and a mental health professional; or
(e) A physician and a psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner. The persons signing the petition must have examined the person. If involuntary detention is sought the petition shall state facts that support the finding that such person, as a result of mental disorder, presents a likelihood of serious harm, or is gravely disabled and that there are no less restrictive alternatives to detention in the best interest of such person or others. The petition shall state specifically that less restrictive alternative treatment was considered and specify why treatment less restrictive than detention is not appropriate. If an involuntary less restrictive alternative is sought, the petition shall state facts that support the finding that such person, as a result of mental disorder, presents a likelihood of serious harm, or is gravely disabled and shall set forth the less restrictive alternative proposed by the facility; and
(5) A copy of the petition has been served on the detained person, his or her attorney and his or her guardian or conservator, if any, prior to the probable cause hearing; and
(6) The court at the time the petition was filed and before the probable cause hearing has appointed counsel to represent such person if no other counsel has appeared; and
(7) The court has ordered a fourteen day involuntary intensive treatment or a ninety day less restrictive alternative treatment after a probable cause hearing has been held pursuant to RCW 71.05.240; and
(8) At the conclusion of the initial commitment period, the professional staff of the agency or facility or the designated mental health professional may petition for an additional period of either ninety days of less restrictive alternative treatment or ninety days of involuntary intensive treatment as provided in RCW 71.05.290; and
(9) If the hospital or facility designated to provide outpatient treatment is other than the facility providing involuntary treatment, the outpatient facility so designated has agreed to assume such responsibility.
Sec. 3. RCW 71.05.290 and 2008 c 213 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) At any time during a person's fourteen day intensive treatment period, the professional person in charge of a treatment facility or his or her professional designee or the designated mental health professional may petition the superior court for an order requiring such person to undergo an additional period of treatment. Such petition must be based on one or more of the grounds set forth in RCW 71.05.280.
(2) The petition shall summarize the facts which support the need for further confinement and shall be supported by affidavits signed by:
(a) Two examining physicians((, or by));
(b) One examining physician and examining mental health professional;
(c) Two psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioners;
(d) One psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner and a mental health professional; or
(e) An examining physician and an examining psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner. The affidavits shall describe in detail the behavior of the detained person which supports the petition and shall explain what, if any, less restrictive treatments which are alternatives to detention are available to such person, and shall state the willingness of the affiant to testify to such facts in subsequent judicial proceedings under this chapter.
(3) If a person has been determined to be incompetent pursuant to RCW 10.77.086(4), then the professional person in charge of the treatment facility or his or her professional designee or the designated mental health professional may directly file a petition for one hundred eighty day treatment under RCW 71.05.280(3). No petition for initial detention or fourteen day detention is required before such a petition may be filed.
Sec. 4. RCW 71.05.300 and 2008 c 213 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The petition for ninety day treatment shall be filed with the clerk of the superior court at least three days before expiration of the fourteen-day period of intensive treatment. At the time of filing such petition, the clerk shall set a time for the person to come before the court on the next judicial day after the day of filing unless such appearance is waived by the person's attorney, and the clerk shall notify the designated mental health professional. The designated mental health professional shall immediately notify the person detained, his or her attorney, if any, and his or her guardian or conservator, if any, the prosecuting attorney, and the regional support network administrator, and provide a copy of the petition to such persons as soon as possible. The regional support network administrator or designee may review the petition and may appear and testify at the full hearing on the petition.
(2) At the time set for appearance the detained person shall be brought before the court, unless such appearance has been waived and the court shall advise him or her of his or her right to be represented by an attorney and of his or her right to a jury trial. If the detained person is not represented by an attorney, or is indigent or is unwilling to retain an attorney, the court shall immediately appoint an attorney to represent him or her. The court shall, if requested, appoint a reasonably available licensed physician, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, psychologist, or psychiatrist, designated by the detained person to examine and testify on behalf of the detained person.
(3) The court may, if requested, also appoint a professional person as defined in RCW 71.05.020 to seek less restrictive alternative courses of treatment and to testify on behalf of the detained person. In the case of a person with a developmental disability who has been determined to be incompetent pursuant to RCW 10.77.086(4), then the appointed professional person under this section shall be a developmental disabilities professional.
(4) The court shall also set a date for a full hearing on the petition as provided in RCW 71.05.310.
Sec. 5. RCW 71.05.360 and 2007 c 375 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Every person involuntarily detained or committed under the provisions of this chapter shall be entitled to all the rights set forth in this chapter, which shall be prominently posted in the facility, and shall retain all rights not denied him or her under this chapter except as chapter 9.41 RCW may limit the right of a person to purchase or possess a firearm or to qualify for a concealed pistol license.
(b) No person shall be presumed incompetent as a consequence of receiving an evaluation or voluntary or involuntary treatment for a mental disorder, under this chapter or any prior laws of this state dealing with mental illness. Competency shall not be determined or withdrawn except under the provisions of chapter 10.77 or 11.88 RCW.
(c) Any person who leaves a public or private agency following evaluation or treatment for mental disorder shall be given a written statement setting forth the substance of this section.
(2) Each person involuntarily detained or committed pursuant to this chapter shall have the right to adequate care and individualized treatment.
(3) The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to deny to any person treatment by spiritual means through prayer in accordance with the tenets and practices of a church or religious denomination.
(4) Persons receiving evaluation or treatment under this chapter shall be given a reasonable choice of an available physician, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or other professional person qualified to provide such services.
(5) Whenever any person is detained for evaluation and treatment pursuant to this chapter, both the person and, if possible, a responsible member of his or her immediate family, personal representative, guardian, or conservator, if any, shall be advised as soon as possible in writing or orally, by the officer or person taking him or her into custody or by personnel of the evaluation and treatment facility where the person is detained that unless the person is released or voluntarily admits himself or herself for treatment within seventy-two hours of the initial detention:
(a) A judicial hearing in a superior court, either by a judge or court commissioner thereof, shall be held not more than seventy-two hours after the initial detention to determine whether there is probable cause to detain the person after the seventy-two hours have expired for up to an additional fourteen days without further automatic hearing for the reason that the person is a person whose mental disorder presents a likelihood of serious harm or that the person is gravely disabled;
(b) The person has a right to communicate immediately with an attorney; has a right to have an attorney appointed to represent him or her before and at the probable cause hearing if he or she is indigent; and has the right to be told the name and address of the attorney that the mental health professional has designated pursuant to this chapter;
(c) The person has the right to remain silent and that any statement he or she makes may be used against him or her;
(d) The person has the right to present evidence and to cross-examine witnesses who testify against him or her at the probable cause hearing; and
(e) The person has the right to refuse psychiatric medications, including antipsychotic medication beginning twenty-four hours prior to the probable cause hearing.
(6) When proceedings are initiated under RCW 71.05.153, no later than twelve hours after such person is admitted to the evaluation and treatment facility the personnel of the evaluation and treatment facility or the designated mental health professional shall serve on such person a copy of the petition for initial detention and the name, business address, and phone number of the designated attorney and shall forthwith commence service of a copy of the petition for initial detention on the designated attorney.
(7) The judicial hearing described in subsection (5) of this section is hereby authorized, and shall be held according to the provisions of subsection (5) of this section and rules promulgated by the supreme court.
(8) At the probable cause hearing the detained person shall have the following rights in addition to the rights previously specified:
(a) To present evidence on his or her behalf;
(b) To cross-examine witnesses who testify against him or her;
(c) To be proceeded against by the rules of evidence;
(d) To remain silent;
(e) To view and copy all petitions and reports in the court file.
(9) ((The physician-patient
privilege or the psychologist-client privilege shall be)) Privileges
between patients and physicians, psychologists, or nursing staff are deemed
waived in proceedings under this chapter relating to the administration of
antipsychotic medications. As to other proceedings under this chapter, the
privileges shall be waived when a court of competent jurisdiction in its
discretion determines that such waiver is necessary to protect either the
detained person or the public.
The waiver of a privilege under this section is limited to records or testimony relevant to evaluation of the detained person for purposes of a proceeding under this chapter. Upon motion by the detained person or on its own motion, the court shall examine a record or testimony sought by a petitioner to determine whether it is within the scope of the waiver.
The record maker shall not be required to testify in order to introduce medical or psychological records of the detained person so long as the requirements of RCW 5.45.020 are met except that portions of the record which contain opinions as to the detained person's mental state must be deleted from such records unless the person making such conclusions is available for cross-examination.
(10) Insofar as danger to the person or others is not created, each person involuntarily detained, treated in a less restrictive alternative course of treatment, or committed for treatment and evaluation pursuant to this chapter shall have, in addition to other rights not specifically withheld by law, the following rights:
(a) To wear his or her own clothes and to keep and use his or her own personal possessions, except when deprivation of same is essential to protect the safety of the resident or other persons;
(b) To keep and be allowed to spend a reasonable sum of his or her own money for canteen expenses and small purchases;
(c) To have access to individual storage space for his or her private use;
(d) To have visitors at reasonable times;
(e) To have reasonable access to a telephone, both to make and receive confidential calls, consistent with an effective treatment program;
(f) To have ready access to letter writing materials, including stamps, and to send and receive uncensored correspondence through the mails;
(g) To discuss treatment plans and decisions with professional persons;
(h) Not to consent to the administration of antipsychotic medications and not to thereafter be administered antipsychotic medications unless ordered by a court under RCW 71.05.217 or pursuant to an administrative hearing under RCW 71.05.215;
(i) Not to consent to the performance of electroconvulsant therapy or surgery, except emergency life-saving surgery, unless ordered by a court under RCW 71.05.217;
(j) Not to have psychosurgery performed on him or her under any circumstances;
(k) To dispose of property and sign contracts unless such person has been adjudicated an incompetent in a court proceeding directed to that particular issue.
(11) Every person involuntarily detained shall immediately be informed of his or her right to a hearing to review the legality of his or her detention and of his or her right to counsel, by the professional person in charge of the facility providing evaluation and treatment, or his or her designee, and, when appropriate, by the court. If the person so elects, the court shall immediately appoint an attorney to assist him or her.
(12) A person challenging his or her detention or his or her attorney shall have the right to designate and have the court appoint a reasonably available independent physician, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or licensed mental health professional to examine the person detained, the results of which examination may be used in the proceeding. The person shall, if he or she is financially able, bear the cost of such expert examination, otherwise such expert examination shall be at public expense.
(13) Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit the patient from petitioning by writ of habeas corpus for release.
(14) Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a person committed on or prior to January 1, 1974, from exercising a right available to him or her at or prior to January 1, 1974, for obtaining release from confinement.
(15) Nothing in this section permits any person to knowingly violate a no-contact order or a condition of an active judgment and sentence or an active condition of supervision by the department of corrections.
Sec. 6. RCW 71.05.390 and 2007 c 375 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
Except as provided in this section, RCW 71.05.445, 71.05.630, 70.96A.150, or pursuant to a valid release under RCW 70.02.030, the fact of admission and all information and records compiled, obtained, or maintained in the course of providing services to either voluntary or involuntary recipients of services at public or private agencies shall be confidential.
Information and records may be disclosed only:
(1) In communications between qualified professional persons to meet the requirements of this chapter, in the provision of services or appropriate referrals, or in the course of guardianship proceedings. The consent of the person, or his or her personal representative or guardian, shall be obtained before information or records may be disclosed by a professional person employed by a facility unless provided to a professional person:
(a) Employed by the facility;
(b) Who has medical responsibility for the patient's care;
(c) Who is a designated mental health professional;
(d) Who is providing services under chapter 71.24 RCW;
(e) Who is employed by a state or local correctional facility where the person is confined or supervised; or
(f) Who is providing evaluation, treatment, or follow-up services under chapter 10.77 RCW.
(2) When the communications regard the special needs of a patient and the necessary circumstances giving rise to such needs and the disclosure is made by a facility providing services to the operator of a facility in which the patient resides or will reside.
(3)(a) When the person receiving services, or his or her guardian, designates persons to whom information or records may be released, or if the person is a minor, when his or her parents make such designation.
(b) A public or private agency shall release to a person's next of kin, attorney, personal representative, guardian, or conservator, if any:
(i) The information that the person is presently a patient in the facility or that the person is seriously physically ill;
(ii) A statement evaluating the mental and physical condition of the patient, and a statement of the probable duration of the patient's confinement, if such information is requested by the next of kin, attorney, personal representative, guardian, or conservator; and
(iii) Such other information requested by the next of kin or attorney as may be necessary to decide whether or not proceedings should be instituted to appoint a guardian or conservator.
(4) To the extent necessary for a recipient to make a claim, or for a claim to be made on behalf of a recipient for aid, insurance, or medical assistance to which he or she may be entitled.
(5)(a) For either program evaluation or research, or both: PROVIDED, That the secretary adopts rules for the conduct of the evaluation or research, or both. Such rules shall include, but need not be limited to, the requirement that all evaluators and researchers must sign an oath of confidentiality substantially as follows:
"As a condition of conducting evaluation or research concerning persons who have received services from (fill in the facility, agency, or person) I, . . . . . . . . ., agree not to divulge, publish, or otherwise make known to unauthorized persons or the public any information obtained in the course of such evaluation or research regarding persons who have received services such that the person who received such services is identifiable.
I recognize that unauthorized release of confidential information may subject me to civil liability under the provisions of state law.
/s/ ........................................ " |
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit the compilation and publication of statistical data for use by government or researchers under standards, including standards to assure maintenance of confidentiality, set forth by the secretary.
(6)(a) To the courts as necessary to the administration of this chapter or to a court ordering an evaluation or treatment under chapter 10.77 RCW solely for the purpose of preventing the entry of any evaluation or treatment order that is inconsistent with any order entered under this chapter.
(b) To a court or its designee in which a motion under chapter 10.77 RCW has been made for involuntary medication of a defendant for the purpose of competency restoration.
(c) Disclosure under this subsection is mandatory for the purpose of the health insurance portability and accountability act.
(7)(a) When a mental health professional is requested by a representative of a law enforcement or corrections agency, including a police officer, sheriff, community corrections officer, a municipal attorney, or prosecuting attorney to undertake an investigation or provide treatment under RCW 71.05.150, 10.31.110, or 71.05.153, the mental health professional shall, if requested to do so, advise the representative in writing of the results of the investigation including a statement of reasons for the decision to detain or release the person investigated. Such written report shall be submitted within seventy-two hours of the completion of the investigation or the request from the law enforcement or corrections representative, whichever occurs later.
(b) To law enforcement officers, public health officers, or personnel of the department of corrections or the indeterminate sentence review board for persons who are the subject of the records and who are committed to the custody or supervision of the department of corrections or indeterminate sentence review board which information or records are necessary to carry out the responsibilities of their office. Except for dissemination of information released pursuant to RCW 71.05.425 and 4.24.550, regarding persons committed under this chapter under RCW 71.05.280(3) and 71.05.320(3)(c) after dismissal of a sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, the extent of information that may be released is limited as follows:
(i) Only the fact, place, and date of involuntary commitment, the fact and date of discharge or release, and the last known address shall be disclosed upon request;
(ii) The law enforcement and public health officers or personnel of the department of corrections or indeterminate sentence review board shall be obligated to keep such information confidential in accordance with this chapter;
(iii) Additional information shall be disclosed only after giving notice to said person and his or her counsel and upon a showing of clear, cogent, and convincing evidence that such information is necessary and that appropriate safeguards for strict confidentiality are and will be maintained. However, in the event the said person has escaped from custody, said notice prior to disclosure is not necessary and that the facility from which the person escaped shall include an evaluation as to whether the person is of danger to persons or property and has a propensity toward violence;
(iv) Information and records shall be disclosed to the department of corrections pursuant to and in compliance with the provisions of RCW 71.05.445 for the purposes of completing presentence investigations or risk assessment reports, supervision of an incarcerated offender or offender under supervision in the community, planning for and provision of supervision of an offender, or assessment of an offender's risk to the community; and
(v) Disclosure under this subsection is mandatory for the purposes of the health insurance portability and accountability act.
(8) To the attorney of the detained person.
(9) To the prosecuting attorney as necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the office under RCW 71.05.330(2) and 71.05.340(1)(b) and 71.05.335. The prosecutor shall be provided access to records regarding the committed person's treatment and prognosis, medication, behavior problems, and other records relevant to the issue of whether treatment less restrictive than inpatient treatment is in the best interest of the committed person or others. Information shall be disclosed only after giving notice to the committed person and the person's counsel.
(10) To appropriate law enforcement agencies and to a person, when the identity of the person is known to the public or private agency, whose health and safety has been threatened, or who is known to have been repeatedly harassed, by the patient. The person may designate a representative to receive the disclosure. The disclosure shall be made by the professional person in charge of the public or private agency or his or her designee and shall include the dates of commitment, admission, discharge, or release, authorized or unauthorized absence from the agency's facility, and only such other information that is pertinent to the threat or harassment. The decision to disclose or not shall not result in civil liability for the agency or its employees so long as the decision was reached in good faith and without gross negligence.
(11) To appropriate corrections and law enforcement agencies all necessary and relevant information in the event of a crisis or emergent situation that poses a significant and imminent risk to the public. The decision to disclose or not shall not result in civil liability for the mental health service provider or its employees so long as the decision was reached in good faith and without gross negligence.
(12) To the persons designated in RCW 71.05.425 for the purposes described in that section.
(13) Civil liability and immunity for the release of information about a particular person who is committed to the department under RCW 71.05.280(3) and 71.05.320(3)(c) after dismissal of a sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, is governed by RCW 4.24.550.
(14) Upon the death of a person, his or her next of kin, personal representative, guardian, or conservator, if any, shall be notified.
Next of kin who are of legal age and competent shall be notified under this section in the following order: Spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters, and other relatives according to the degree of relation. Access to all records and information compiled, obtained, or maintained in the course of providing services to a deceased patient shall be governed by RCW 70.02.140.
(15) To the department of health for the purposes of determining compliance with state or federal licensure, certification, or registration rules or laws. However, the information and records obtained under this subsection are exempt from public inspection and copying pursuant to chapter 42.56 RCW.
(16) To mark headstones or otherwise memorialize patients interred at state hospital cemeteries. The department of social and health services shall make available the name, date of birth, and date of death of patients buried in state hospital cemeteries fifty years after the death of a patient.
(17) To law enforcement officers and to prosecuting attorneys as are necessary to enforce RCW 9.41.040(2)(a)(ii). The extent of information that may be released is limited as follows:
(a) Only the fact, place, and date of involuntary commitment, an official copy of any order or orders of commitment, and an official copy of any written or oral notice of ineligibility to possess a firearm that was provided to the person pursuant to RCW 9.41.047(1), shall be disclosed upon request;
(b) The law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys may only release the information obtained to the person's attorney as required by court rule and to a jury or judge, if a jury is waived, that presides over any trial at which the person is charged with violating RCW 9.41.040(2)(a)(ii);
(c) Disclosure under this subsection is mandatory for the purposes of the health insurance portability and accountability act.
(18) When a patient would otherwise be subject to the provisions of RCW 71.05.390 and disclosure is necessary for the protection of the patient or others due to his or her unauthorized disappearance from the facility, and his or her whereabouts is unknown, notice of such disappearance, along with relevant information, may be made to relatives, the department of corrections when the person is under the supervision of the department, and governmental law enforcement agencies designated by the physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner in charge of the patient or the professional person in charge of the facility, or his or her professional designee.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the uniform health care information act, chapter 70.02 RCW, applies to all records and information compiled, obtained, or maintained in the course of providing services.
(19) The fact of admission, as well as all records, files, evidence, findings, or orders made, prepared, collected, or maintained pursuant to this chapter shall not be admissible as evidence in any legal proceeding outside this chapter without the written consent of the person who was the subject of the proceeding except in a subsequent criminal prosecution of a person committed pursuant to RCW 71.05.280(3) or 71.05.320(3)(c) on charges that were dismissed pursuant to chapter 10.77 RCW due to incompetency to stand trial, in a civil commitment proceeding pursuant to chapter 71.09 RCW, or, in the case of a minor, a guardianship or dependency proceeding. The records and files maintained in any court proceeding pursuant to this chapter shall be confidential and available subsequent to such proceedings only to the person who was the subject of the proceeding or his or her attorney. In addition, the court may order the subsequent release or use of such records or files only upon good cause shown if the court finds that appropriate safeguards for strict confidentiality are and will be maintained.
Sec. 7. RCW 71.05.420 and 2005 c 504 s 110 are each amended to read as follows:
Except as provided in RCW 71.05.425, when any disclosure of information or records is made as authorized by RCW 71.05.390, the physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner in charge of the patient or the professional person in charge of the facility shall promptly cause to be entered into the patient's medical record the date and circumstances under which said disclosure was made, the names and relationships to the patient, if any, of the persons or agencies to whom such disclosure was made, and the information disclosed.
Sec. 8. RCW 71.05.630 and 2007 c 191 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, all treatment records shall remain confidential and may be released only to the persons designated in this section, or to other persons designated in an informed written consent of the patient.
(2) Treatment records of a person may be released without informed written consent in the following circumstances:
(a) To a person, organization, or agency as necessary for management or financial audits, or program monitoring and evaluation. Information obtained under this subsection shall remain confidential and may not be used in a manner that discloses the name or other identifying information about the person whose records are being released.
(b) To the department, the director of regional support networks, or a qualified staff member designated by the director only when necessary to be used for billing or collection purposes. The information shall remain confidential.
(c) For purposes of research as permitted in chapter 42.48 RCW.
(d) Pursuant to lawful order of a court.
(e) To qualified staff members of the department, to the director of regional support networks, to resource management services responsible for serving a patient, or to service providers designated by resource management services as necessary to determine the progress and adequacy of treatment and to determine whether the person should be transferred to a less restrictive or more appropriate treatment modality or facility. The information shall remain confidential.
(f) Within the treatment facility where the patient is receiving treatment, confidential information may be disclosed to persons employed, serving in bona fide training programs, or participating in supervised volunteer programs, at the facility when it is necessary to perform their duties.
(g) Within the department as necessary to coordinate treatment for mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, or drug abuse of persons who are under the supervision of the department.
(h) To a licensed physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner who has determined that the life or health of the person is in danger and that treatment without the information contained in the treatment records could be injurious to the patient's health. Disclosure shall be limited to the portions of the records necessary to meet the medical emergency.
(i) To a facility that is to receive a person who is involuntarily committed under chapter 71.05 RCW, or upon transfer of the person from one treatment facility to another. The release of records under this subsection shall be limited to the treatment records required by law, a record or summary of all somatic treatments, and a discharge summary. The discharge summary may include a statement of the patient's problem, the treatment goals, the type of treatment which has been provided, and recommendation for future treatment, but may not include the patient's complete treatment record.
(j) Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 71.05.390(7), to a correctional facility or a corrections officer who is responsible for the supervision of a person who is receiving inpatient or outpatient evaluation or treatment. Except as provided in RCW 71.05.445 and 71.34.345, release of records under this section is limited to:
(i) An evaluation report provided pursuant to a written supervision plan.
(ii) The discharge summary, including a record or summary of all somatic treatments, at the termination of any treatment provided as part of the supervision plan.
(iii) When a person is returned from a treatment facility to a correctional facility, the information provided under (j)(iv) of this subsection.
(iv) Any information necessary to establish or implement changes in the person's treatment plan or the level or kind of supervision as determined by resource management services. In cases involving a person transferred back to a correctional facility, disclosure shall be made to clinical staff only.
(k) To the person's counsel or guardian ad litem, without modification, at any time in order to prepare for involuntary commitment or recommitment proceedings, reexaminations, appeals, or other actions relating to detention, admission, commitment, or patient's rights under chapter 71.05 RCW.
(l) To staff members of the protection and advocacy agency or to staff members of a private, nonprofit corporation for the purpose of protecting and advocating the rights of persons with mental disorders or developmental disabilities. Resource management services may limit the release of information to the name, birthdate, and county of residence of the patient, information regarding whether the patient was voluntarily admitted, or involuntarily committed, the date and place of admission, placement, or commitment, the name and address of a guardian of the patient, and the date and place of the guardian's appointment. Any staff member who wishes to obtain additional information shall notify the patient's resource management services in writing of the request and of the resource management services' right to object. The staff member shall send the notice by mail to the guardian's address. If the guardian does not object in writing within fifteen days after the notice is mailed, the staff member may obtain the additional information. If the guardian objects in writing within fifteen days after the notice is mailed, the staff member may not obtain the additional information.
(m) For purposes of coordinating health care, the department may release without informed written consent of the patient, information acquired for billing and collection purposes as described in (b) of this subsection to all current treating providers of the patient with prescriptive authority who have written a prescription for the patient within the last twelve months. The department shall notify the patient that billing and collection information has been released to named providers, and provide the substance of the information released and the dates of such release. The department shall not release counseling, inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, or drug and alcohol treatment information without a signed written release from the client.
(3) Whenever federal law or federal regulations restrict the release of information contained in the treatment records of any patient who receives treatment for chemical dependency, the department may restrict the release of the information as necessary to comply with federal law and regulations.
Sec. 9. RCW 71.05.660 and 2005 c 504 s 114 are each amended to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter or chapter 70.96A, 71.05, 71.34, or 70.96B RCW shall be construed to interfere with communications between physicians, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioners, or psychologists and patients and attorneys and clients.
Sec. 10. RCW 71.06.040 and 1959 c 25 s 71.06.040 are each amended to read as follows:
At a preliminary hearing upon the charge of sexual psychopathy, the court may require the testimony of two duly licensed physicians or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioners who have examined the defendant. If the court finds that there are reasonable grounds to believe the defendant is a sexual psychopath, the court shall order said defendant confined at the nearest state hospital for observation as to the existence of sexual psychopathy. Such observation shall be for a period of not to exceed ninety days. The defendant shall be detained in the county jail or other county facilities pending execution of such observation order by the department.
Sec. 11. RCW 71.12.540 and 1989 1st ex.s. c 9 s 233 are each amended to read as follows:
The authorities of each establishment as defined in this chapter shall place on file in the office of the establishment the recommendations made by the department of health as a result of such visits, for the purpose of consultation by such authorities, and for reference by the department representatives upon their visits. Every such establishment shall keep records of every person admitted thereto as follows and shall furnish to the department, when required, the following data: Name, age, sex, marital status, date of admission, voluntary or other commitment, name of physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, diagnosis, and date of discharge.
Sec. 12. RCW 71.32.140 and 2004 c 39 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A principal who:
(a) Chose not to be able to revoke his or her directive during any period of incapacity;
(b) Consented to voluntary admission to inpatient mental health treatment, or authorized an agent to consent on the principal's behalf; and
(c) At the time of admission to inpatient treatment, refuses to be admitted,
may only be admitted into inpatient mental health treatment under subsection (2) of this section.
(2) A principal may only be admitted
to inpatient mental health treatment under his or her directive if, prior to
admission, a ((physician)) member of the treating facility's
professional staff who is a physician or psychiatric advanced registered
nurse practitioner:
(a) Evaluates the principal's mental condition, including a review of reasonably available psychiatric and psychological history, diagnosis, and treatment needs, and determines, in conjunction with another health care provider or mental health professional, that the principal is incapacitated;
(b) Obtains the informed consent of the agent, if any, designated in the directive;
(c) Makes a written determination that the principal needs an inpatient evaluation or is in need of inpatient treatment and that the evaluation or treatment cannot be accomplished in a less restrictive setting; and
(d) Documents in the principal's medical record a summary of the physician's or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner's findings and recommendations for treatment or evaluation.
(3) In the event the admitting physician is not a psychiatrist, or the advanced registered nurse practitioner is not a psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, the principal shall receive a complete psychological assessment by a mental health professional within twenty-four hours of admission to determine the continued need for inpatient evaluation or treatment.
(4)(a) If it is determined that the principal has capacity, then the principal may only be admitted to, or remain in, inpatient treatment if he or she consents at the time or is detained under the involuntary treatment provisions of chapter 70.96A, 71.05, or 71.34 RCW.
(b) If a principal who is determined by two health care providers or one mental health professional and one health care provider to be incapacitated continues to refuse inpatient treatment, the principal may immediately seek injunctive relief for release from the facility.
(5) If, at the end of the period of time that the principal or the principal's agent, if any, has consented to voluntary inpatient treatment, but no more than fourteen days after admission, the principal has not regained capacity or has regained capacity but refuses to consent to remain for additional treatment, the principal must be released during reasonable daylight hours, unless detained under chapter 70.96A, 71.05, or 71.34 RCW.
(6)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, any principal who is voluntarily admitted to inpatient mental health treatment under this chapter shall have all the rights provided to individuals who are voluntarily admitted to inpatient treatment under chapter 71.05, 71.34, or 72.23 RCW.
(b) Notwithstanding RCW 71.05.050 regarding consent to inpatient treatment for a specified length of time, the choices an incapacitated principal expressed in his or her directive shall control, provided, however, that a principal who takes action demonstrating a desire to be discharged, in addition to making statements requesting to be discharged, shall be discharged, and no principal shall be restrained in any way in order to prevent his or her discharge. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent detention and evaluation for civil commitment under chapter 71.05 RCW.
(7) Consent to inpatient admission in a directive is effective only while the professional person, health care provider, and health care facility are in substantial compliance with the material provisions of the directive related to inpatient treatment.
Sec. 13. RCW 71.32.250 and 2003 c 283 s 25 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If a principal who is a resident of a long-term care facility is admitted to inpatient mental health treatment pursuant to his or her directive, the principal shall be allowed to be readmitted to the same long-term care facility as if his or her inpatient admission had been for a physical condition on the same basis that the principal would be readmitted under state or federal statute or rule when:
(a) The treating facility's
professional staff determine that inpatient mental health treatment is no
longer medically necessary for the resident. The determination shall be made
in writing by a psychiatrist, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner,
or ((by)) a mental health professional and either (i) a physician
or (ii) psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner; or
(b) The person's consent to admission in his or her directive has expired.
(2)(a) If the long-term care facility does not have a bed available at the time of discharge, the treating facility may discharge the resident, in consultation with the resident and agent if any, and in accordance with a medically appropriate discharge plan, to another long-term care facility.
(b) This section shall apply to inpatient mental health treatment admission of long-term care facility residents, regardless of whether the admission is directly from a facility, hospital emergency room, or other location.
(c) This section does not restrict the right of the resident to an earlier release from the inpatient treatment facility. This section does not restrict the right of a long-term care facility to initiate transfer or discharge of a resident who is readmitted pursuant to this section, provided that the facility has complied with the laws governing the transfer or discharge of a resident.
(3) The joint legislative audit and review committee shall conduct an evaluation of the operation and impact of this section. The committee shall report its findings to the appropriate committees of the legislature by December 1, 2004.
Sec. 14. RCW 71.32.260 and 2003 c 283 s 26 are each amended to read as follows:
The directive shall be in substantially the following form:Mental Health Advance Directive
This is an important legal document. It creates an advance directive for mental health treatment. Before signing this document you should know these important facts:
(1) This document is called an advance directive and allows you to make decisions in advance about your mental health treatment, including medications, short-term admission to inpatient treatment and electroconvulsive therapy.
If you choose to complete and sign this document, you may still decide to leave some items blank.
(2) You have the right to appoint a person as your agent to make treatment decisions for you. You must notify your agent that you have appointed him or her as an agent. The person you appoint has a duty to act consistently with your wishes made known by you. If your agent does not know what your wishes are, he or she has a duty to act in your best interest. Your agent has the right to withdraw from the appointment at any time.
(3) The instructions you include with this advance directive and the authority you give your agent to act will only become
effective under the conditions you select in this document. You may choose to limit this directive and your agent's authority to times when you are incapacitated or to times when you are exhibiting symptoms or behavior that you specify. You may also make this directive effective immediately. No matter when you choose to make this directive effective, your treatment providers must still seek your informed consent at all times that you have capacity to give informed consent.
(4) You have the right to revoke this document in writing at any time you have capacity.
(5) This directive will stay in effect until you revoke it unless you specify an expiration date. If you specify an expiration date and you are incapacitated at the time it expires, it will remain in effect until you have capacity to make treatment decisions again unless you chose to be able to revoke it while you are incapacitated and you revoke the directive.
(6) You cannot use your advance directive to consent to civil commitment. The procedures that apply to your advance
directive are different than those provided for in the Involuntary Treatment Act. Involuntary treatment is a different process.
(7) If there is anything in this directive that you do not understand, you should ask a lawyer to explain it to you.
(8) You should be aware that there are some circumstances where your provider may not have to follow your directive.
(9) You should discuss any treatment decisions in your directive with your provider.
(10) You may ask the court to rule on the validity of your directive.
I, . . . . . . . . . . being a person with capacity, willfully and voluntarily execute this mental health advance directive so that my choices regarding my mental health care will be carried out in circumstances when I am unable to express my instructions and preferences regarding my mental health care. If a guardian is appointed by a court to make mental health decisions for me, I intend this document to take precedence over all other means of ascertaining my intent.
The fact that I may have left blanks in this directive does not affect its validity in any way. I intend that all completed sections be followed. If I have not expressed a choice, my agent should make the decision that he or she determines is in my best interest. I intend this directive to take precedence over any other directives I have previously executed, to the extent that they are inconsistent with this document, or unless I expressly state otherwise in either document.
I understand that I may revoke this directive in whole or in part if I am a person with capacity. I understand that I cannot revoke this directive if a court, two health care providers, or one mental health professional and one health care provider find that I am an incapacitated person, unless, when I executed this directive, I chose to be able to revoke this directive while incapacitated.
I understand that, except as otherwise provided in law, revocation must be in writing. I understand that nothing in this directive, or in my refusal of treatment to which I consent in this directive, authorizes any health care provider, professional person, health care facility, or agent appointed in this directive to use or threaten to use abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or abandonment to carry out my directive.
I understand that there are some circumstances where my provider may not have to follow my directive.
I intend that this directive become effective (YOU MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE):
. . . . . . Immediately upon my signing of this directive.
. . . . . . If I become incapacitated.
. . . . . . When the following circumstances, symptoms, or behaviors occur:
I want this directive to (YOU MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE):
. . . . . . Remain valid and in effect for an indefinite period of time.
. . . . . . Automatically expire . . . . . . years from the date it was created.
I intend that I be able to revoke this directive (YOU MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE):
. . . . . . Only when I have capacity.
I understand that choosing this option means I may only revoke this directive if I have capacity. I further understand that if I choose this option and become incapacitated while this directive is in effect, I may receive treatment that I specify in this directive, even if I object at the time.
. . . . . . Even if I am incapacitated.
I understand that choosing this option means that I may revoke this directive even if I am incapacitated. I further understand that if I choose this option and revoke this directive while I am incapacitated I may not receive, treatment that I specify in this directive, even if I want the treatment.
A. Preferences and Instructions About Physician(s) or Psychiatric Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner(s) to
be Involved in My Treatment
I would like the physician(s) or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner(s) named below to be involved in my
treatment decisions:
Dr. or PARNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact information:.....
Dr. or PARNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact information:.....
I do not wish to be treated by Dr. or PARNP..........................
B. Preferences and Instructions About Other Providers
I am receiving other treatment or care from providers who I feel have an impact on my mental health care. I would like
the following treatment provider(s) to be contacted when this directive is effective:
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Profession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact information
Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Profession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contact information
C. Preferences and Instructions About Medications for Psychiatric Treatment (initial and complete all that apply)
. . . . . . I consent, and authorize my agent (if appointed) to consent, to the following
. . . . . . I do not consent, and I do not authorize my agent (if appointed) to consent, to the administration of the following
. . . . . . I am willing to take the medications excluded above if my only reason for excluding them is the side effects
which include..............................................................................
and these side effects can be eliminated by dosage adjustment or other means
. . . . . . I am willing to try any other medication the hospital doctor or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner
. . . . . . I am willing to try any other medications my outpatient doctor or psychiatric advanced registered nurse
practitioner recommends
. . . . . . I do not want to try any other medications.
Medication Allergies
I have allergies to, or severe side effects from, the following:
Other Medication Preferences or Instructions
. . . . . . I have the following other preferences or instructions about medications
D. Preferences and Instructions About Hospitalization and Alternatives
(initial all that apply and, if desired, rank "1" for first choice, "2" for second choice, and so on)
. . . . . . In the event my psychiatric condition is serious enough to require 24-hour care and I have no physical conditions
that require immediate access to emergency medical care, I prefer to receive this care in programs/facilities designed as
alternatives to psychiatric hospitalizations.
. . . . . . I would also like the interventions below to be tried before hospitalization is considered:
. . . . . . Calling someone or having someone call me when needed.
,Name: ................................................................. ,Telephone:
. . . . . . Staying overnight with someone
,Name: ................................................................. ,Telephone:
. . . . . . Having a mental health service provider come to see me
. . . . . . Going to a crisis triage center or emergency room
. . . . . . Staying overnight at a crisis respite (temporary) bed
. . . . . . Seeing a service provider for help with psychiatric medications
. . . . . . Other, specify: ............................................................
Authority to Consent to Inpatient Treatment
I consent, and authorize my agent (if appointed) to consent, to voluntary admission to inpatient mental health treatment
for . . . . . . days (not to exceed 14 days)
(Sign one):
. . . . . . If deemed appropriate by my agent (if appointed) and treating physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse
. . . . . . Under the following circumstances (specify symptoms, behaviors, or circumstances that indicate the need for
hospitalization) ..........................................................................
. . . . . . I do not consent, or authorize my agent (if appointed) to consent, to inpatient treatment
Hospital Preferences and Instructions
If hospitalization is required, I prefer the following hospitals:
I do not consent to be admitted to the following hospitals:
E. Preferences and Instructions About Preemergency
I would like the interventions below to be tried before use of seclusion or restraint is considered
(initial all that apply):
. . . . . . "Talk me down" one-on-one
. . . . . . More medication
. . . . . . Time out/privacy
. . . . . . Show of authority/force
. . . . . . Shift my attention to something else
. . . . . . Set firm limits on my behavior
. . . . . . Help me to discuss/vent feelings
. . . . . . Decrease stimulation
. . . . . . Offer to have neutral person settle dispute
. . . . . . Other, specify .............................................................. ,
F. Preferences and Instructions About Seclusion, Restraint, and Emergency Medications
If it is determined that I am engaging in behavior that requires seclusion, physical restraint, and/or emergency use of
medication, I prefer these interventions in the order I have chosen (choose "1" for first choice, "2" for second choice,
and so on):
. . . . . . Seclusion
. . . . . . Seclusion and physical restraint (combined)
. . . . . . Medication by injection
. . . . . . Medication in pill or liquid form
In the event that my attending physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner decides to use medication
in response to an emergency situation after due consideration of my preferences and instructions for emergency
treatments stated above, I expect the choice of medication to reflect any preferences and instructions I have expressed in
Part III C of this form. The preferences and instructions I express in this section regarding medication in emergency
situations do not constitute consent to use of the medication for nonemergency treatment.
G. Preferences and Instructions About Electroconvulsive Therapy
(ECT or Shock Therapy)
My wishes regarding electroconvulsive therapy are (sign one):
. . . . . . I do not consent, nor authorize my agent (if appointed) to consent, to the administration of electroconvulsive
. . . . . . I consent, and authorize my agent (if appointed) to consent, to the administration of electroconvulsive therapy
. . . . . . I consent, and authorize my agent (if appointed) to consent, to the administration of electroconvulsive therapy,
but only under the following conditions: .............................
H. Preferences and Instructions About Who is Permitted to Visit
If I have been admitted to a mental health treatment facility, the following people are not permitted to visit me there:
Name: ...................................................................................... ,
Name: ...................................................................................... ,
Name: ...................................................................................... ,
I understand that persons not listed above may be permitted to visit me.
I. Additional Instructions About My Mental Health Care
Other instructions about my mental health care: ..............
In case of emergency, please contact:
Name: ...................................................................... ,Address:
Work telephone: ..................................... ,Home telephone:
Physician or Psychiatric Advanced Registered
Nurse Practitioner: ................................................ ,Address:
Telephone: ...............................................................................
The following may help me to avoid a hospitalization: ....
I generally react to being hospitalized as follows: ............
Staff of the hospital or crisis unit can help me by doing the following:
J. Refusal of Treatment
I do not consent to any mental health treatment.
(Fill out this part only if you wish to appoint an agent or nominate a guardian.)
,I authorize an agent to make mental health treatment decisions on my behalf. The authority granted to my agent
includes the right to consent, refuse consent, or withdraw consent to any mental health care, treatment, service, or
procedure, consistent with any instructions and/or limitations I have set forth in this directive. I intend that those
decisions should be made in accordance with my expressed wishes as set forth in this document. If I have not expressed
a choice in this document and my agent does not otherwise know my wishes, I authorize my agent to make the
decision that my agent determines is in my best interest. This agency shall not be affected by my incapacity. Unless I
state otherwise in this durable power of attorney, I may revoke it unless prohibited by other state law.
A. Designation of an Agent
,I appoint the following person as my agent to make mental health treatment decisions for me as authorized in this
document and request that this person be notified immediately when this directive becomes effective:
Name: ...................................................................... ,Address:
Work telephone: ..................................... ,Home telephone:
Relationship: ...........................................................................
B. Designation of Alternate Agent
If the person named above is unavailable, unable, or refuses to serve as my agent, or I revoke that person's authority to
serve as my agent, I hereby appoint the following person as my alternate agent and request that this person be notified
immediately when this directive becomes effective or when my original agent is no longer my agent:
Name: ...................................................................... ,Address:
Work telephone: ..................................... ,Home telephone:
Relationship: ...........................................................................
C. When My Spouse is My Agent (initial if desired)
. . . . . . If my spouse is my agent, that person shall remain my agent even if we become legally separated or our marriage
is dissolved, unless there is a court order to the contrary or I have remarried.
D. Limitations on My Agent's Authority
I do not grant my agent the authority to consent on my behalf to the following:
E. Limitations on My Ability to Revoke this Durable Power of Attorney
I choose to limit my ability to revoke this durable power of attorney as follows:
F. Preference as to Court-Appointed Guardian
In the event a court appoints a guardian who will make decisions regarding my mental health treatment, I nominate the
following person as my guardian:
Name: ...................................................................... ,Address:
Work telephone: ..................................... ,Home telephone:
Relationship: ...........................................................................
The appointment of a guardian of my estate or my person or any other decision maker shall not give the guardian or
decision maker the power to revoke, suspend, or terminate this directive or the powers of my agent, except as authorized
by law.
(Signature required if nomination is made),
(Initial all that apply)
I have executed the following documents that include the power to make decisions regarding health care services for
. . . . . . Health care power of attorney (chapter 11.94 RCW)
. . . . . . "Living will" (Health care directive; chapter 70.122 RCW)
. . . . . . I have appointed more than one agent. I understand that the most recently appointed agent controls except as
stated below:
(Fill out this part only if you wish to provide nontreatment instructions.)
I understand the preferences and instructions in this part are NOT the responsibility of my treatment provider and that no
treatment provider is required to act on them.
A. Who Should Be Notified
I desire my agent to notify the following individuals as soon as possible when this directive becomes effective:
Name: ...................................................................... ,Address:
Day telephone: .................................... ,Evening telephone:
Name: ...................................................................... ,Address:
Day telephone: .................................... ,Evening telephone:
B. Preferences or Instructions About Personal Affairs
I have the following preferences or instructions about my personal affairs (e.g., care of dependents, pets, household) if I
am admitted to a mental health treatment facility:
C. Additional Preferences and Instructions:
By signing here, I indicate that I understand the purpose and effect of this document and that I am giving my
informed consent to the treatments and/or admission to which I have consented or authorized my agent to consent in this
directive. I intend that my consent in this directive be construed as being consistent with the elements of informed
consent under chapter 7.70 RCW.
,Signature: ..................................................................... ,Date:
,Printed Name: ....................................................................... ,
This directive was signed and declared by the "Principal," to be his or her directive, in our presence who, at his or her
request, have signed our names below as witnesses. We declare that, at the time of the creation of this instrument, the
Principal is personally known to us, and, according to our best knowledge and belief, has capacity at this time and does
not appear to be acting under duress, undue influence, or fraud. We further declare that none of us is:
,(A) A person designated to make medical decisions on the principal's behalf;
,(B) A health care provider or professional person directly involved with the provision of care to the principal at the
time the directive is executed;
,(C) An owner, operator, employee, or relative of an owner or operator of a health care facility or long-term care
facility in which the principal is a patient or resident;
,(D) A person who is related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the person, or with whom the principal has a dating
relationship as defined in RCW 26.50.010;
,(E) An incapacitated person;
,(F) A person who would benefit financially if the principal undergoes mental health treatment; or
,(G) A minor.
Witness 1: Signature: ................................................ ,Date:
,Printed Name: ....................................................................... ,
,,Telephone: ............................................................ ,Address:
Witness 2: Signature: ................................................ ,Date:
,Printed Name: ....................................................................... ,
,,Telephone: ............................................................ ,Address:
I have given a copy of this directive to the following persons:
(Initial any that apply):
. . . . . . I am revoking the following part(s) of this directive (specify):
. . . . . . I am revoking all of this directive.
By signing here, I indicate that I understand the purpose and effect of my revocation and that no person is bound by any
revoked provision(s). I intend this revocation to be interpreted as if I had never completed the revoked provision(s).
,Signature: ..................................................................... ,Date:
,Printed Name: ....................................................................... ,
Sec. 15. RCW 71.34.355 and 1985 c 354 s 16 are each amended to read as follows:
Absent a risk to self or others, minors treated under this chapter have the following rights, which shall be prominently posted in the evaluation and treatment facility:
(1) To wear their own clothes and to keep and use personal possessions;
(2) To keep and be allowed to spend a reasonable sum of their own money for canteen expenses and small purchases;
(3) To have individual storage space for private use;
(4) To have visitors at reasonable times;
(5) To have reasonable access to a telephone, both to make and receive confidential calls;
(6) To have ready access to letter-writing materials, including stamps, and to send and receive uncensored correspondence through the mails;
(7) To discuss treatment plans and decisions with mental health professionals;
(8) To have the right to adequate care and individualized treatment;
(9) Not to consent to the performance of electro-convulsive treatment or surgery, except emergency life-saving surgery, upon him or her, and not to have electro-convulsive treatment or nonemergency surgery in such circumstance unless ordered by a court pursuant to a judicial hearing in which the minor is present and represented by counsel, and the court shall appoint a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or physician designated by the minor or the minor's counsel to testify on behalf of the minor. The minor's parent may exercise this right on the minor's behalf, and must be informed of any impending treatment;
(10) Not to have psychosurgery performed on him or her under any circumstances.
Sec. 16. RCW 71.34.720 and 1991 c 364 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Each minor approved by the facility for inpatient admission shall be examined and evaluated by a children's mental health specialist as to the child's mental condition and by a physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner as to the child's physical condition within twenty-four hours of admission. Reasonable measures shall be taken to ensure medical treatment is provided for any condition requiring immediate medical attention.
(2) If, after examination and evaluation, the children's mental health specialist and the physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner determine that the initial needs of the minor would be better served by placement in a chemical dependency treatment facility, then the minor shall be referred to an approved treatment program defined under RCW 70.96A.020.
(3) The admitting facility shall take reasonable steps to notify immediately the minor's parent of the admission.
(4) During the initial seventy-two hour treatment period, the minor has a right to associate or receive communications from parents or others unless the professional person in charge determines that such communication would be seriously detrimental to the minor's condition or treatment and so indicates in the minor's clinical record, and notifies the minor's parents of this determination. In no event may the minor be denied the opportunity to consult an attorney.
(5) If the evaluation and treatment facility admits the minor, it may detain the minor for evaluation and treatment for a period not to exceed seventy-two hours from the time of provisional acceptance. The computation of such seventy-two hour period shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. This initial treatment period shall not exceed seventy-two hours except when an application for voluntary inpatient treatment is received or a petition for fourteen-day commitment is filed.
(6) Within twelve hours of the admission, the facility shall advise the minor of his or her rights as set forth in this chapter.
Sec. 17. RCW 71.34.730 and 1995 c 312 s 54 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The professional person in charge of an evaluation and treatment facility where a minor has been admitted involuntarily for the initial seventy-two hour treatment period under this chapter may petition to have a minor committed to an evaluation and treatment facility for fourteen-day diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment.
If the professional person in charge of the treatment and evaluation facility does not petition to have the minor committed, the parent who has custody of the minor may seek review of that decision in court. The parent shall file notice with the court and provide a copy of the treatment and evaluation facility's report.
(2) A petition for commitment of a minor under this section shall be filed with the superior court in the county where the minor is residing or being detained.
(a) A petition for a fourteen-day
commitment shall be signed ((either)) by (i) two physicians ((or
by one physician and)), (ii) two psychiatric advanced registered nurse
practitioners, (iii) a mental health professional ((who)) and
either a physician or a psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or
(iv) a physician and a psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner. The
person signing the petition must have examined the minor, and ((shall))
the petition must contain the following:
(((i))) (A) The name
and address of the petitioner;
(((ii))) (B) The name
of the minor alleged to meet the criteria for fourteen-day commitment;
(((iii))) (C) The
name, telephone number, and address if known of every person believed by the
petitioner to be legally responsible for the minor;
(((iv))) (D) A
statement that the petitioner has examined the minor and finds that the minor's
condition meets required criteria for fourteen-day commitment and the
supporting facts therefor;
(((v))) (E) A statement that the minor
has been advised of the need for voluntary treatment but has been unwilling or
unable to consent to necessary treatment;
(((vi))) (F) A
statement recommending the appropriate facility or facilities to provide the
necessary treatment; and
(((vii))) (G) A
statement concerning whether a less restrictive alternative to inpatient
treatment is in the best interests of the minor.
(b) A copy of the petition shall be personally delivered to the minor by the petitioner or petitioner's designee. A copy of the petition shall be sent to the minor's attorney and the minor's parent.
Sec. 18. RCW 71.34.750 and 1985 c 354 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) At any time during the minor's period of fourteen-day commitment, the professional person in charge may petition the court for an order requiring the minor to undergo an additional one hundred eighty-day period of treatment. The evidence in support of the petition shall be presented by the county prosecutor unless the petition is filed by the professional person in charge of a state-operated facility in which case the evidence shall be presented by the attorney general.
(2) The petition for one hundred eighty-day commitment shall contain the following:
(a) The name and address of the petitioner or petitioners;
(b) The name of the minor alleged to meet the criteria for one hundred eighty-day commitment;
(c) A statement that the petitioner is the professional person in charge of the evaluation and treatment facility responsible for the treatment of the minor;
(d) The date of the fourteen-day commitment order; and
(e) A summary of the facts supporting the petition.
(3) The petition shall be supported
by accompanying affidavits signed by (a) two examining physicians, one
of whom shall be a child psychiatrist, ((or by one examining physician and))
or two psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioners, one of whom
shall be a child and adolescent or family psychiatric advanced registered nurse
practitioner, (b) one children's mental health specialist and either an
examining physician or a psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or
(c) an examining physician and a psychiatric advanced registered nurse
practitioner, one of which needs to be a child psychiatrist or a child and
adolescent psychiatric nurse practitioner. The affidavits shall describe in
detail the behavior of the detained minor which supports the petition and shall
state whether a less restrictive alternative to inpatient treatment is in the
best interests of the minor.
(4) The petition for one hundred eighty-day commitment shall be filed with the clerk of the court at least three days before the expiration of the fourteen-day commitment period. The petitioner or the petitioner's designee shall within twenty-four hours of filing serve a copy of the petition on the minor and notify the minor's attorney and the minor's parent. A copy of the petition shall be provided to such persons at least twenty-four hours prior to the hearing.
(5) At the time of filing, the court shall set a date within seven days for the hearing on the petition. The court may continue the hearing upon the written request of the minor or the minor's attorney for not more than ten days. The minor or the parents shall be afforded the same rights as in a fourteen-day commitment hearing. Treatment of the minor shall continue pending the proceeding.
(6) For one hundred eighty-day commitment, the court must find by clear, cogent, and convincing evidence that the minor:
(a) Is suffering from a mental disorder;
(b) Presents a likelihood of serious harm or is gravely disabled; and
(c) Is in need of further treatment that only can be provided in a one hundred eighty-day commitment.
(7) If the court finds that the criteria for commitment are met and that less restrictive treatment in a community setting is not appropriate or available, the court shall order the minor committed for further inpatient treatment to the custody of the secretary or to a private treatment and evaluation facility if the minor's parents have assumed responsibility for payment for the treatment. If the court finds that a less restrictive alternative is in the best interest of the minor, the court shall order less restrictive alternative treatment upon such conditions as necessary.
If the court determines that the minor does not meet the criteria for one hundred eighty-day commitment, the minor shall be released.
(8) Successive one hundred eighty-day commitments are permissible on the same grounds and under the same procedures as the original one hundred eighty-day commitment. Such petitions shall be filed at least five days prior to the expiration of the previous one hundred eighty-day commitment order.
Sec. 19. RCW 71.34.770 and 1985 c 354 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The professional person in charge of the inpatient treatment facility may authorize release for the minor under such conditions as appropriate. Conditional release may be revoked pursuant to RCW 71.34.780 if leave conditions are not met or the minor's functioning substantially deteriorates.
(2) Minors may be discharged prior to expiration of the commitment period if the treating physician, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or professional person in charge concludes that the minor no longer meets commitment criteria.
Sec. 20. RCW 71.05.020 and 2008 c 156 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Admission" or "admit" means a decision by a physician or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner that a person should be examined or treated as a patient in a hospital;
(2) "Antipsychotic medications" means that class of drugs primarily used to treat serious manifestations of mental illness associated with thought disorders, which includes, but is not limited to atypical antipsychotic medications;
(3) "Attending staff" means any person on the staff of a public or private agency having responsibility for the care and treatment of a patient;
(4) "Commitment" means the determination by a court that a person should be detained for a period of either evaluation or treatment, or both, in an inpatient or a less restrictive setting;
(5) "Conditional release" means a revocable modification of a commitment, which may be revoked upon violation of any of its terms;
(6) "Crisis stabilization unit" means a short-term facility or a portion of a facility licensed by the department of health and certified by the department of social and health services under RCW 71.24.035, such as an evaluation and treatment facility or a hospital, which has been designed to assess, diagnose, and treat individuals experiencing an acute crisis without the use of long-term hospitalization;
(7) "Custody" means involuntary detention under the provisions of this chapter or chapter 10.77 RCW, uninterrupted by any period of unconditional release from commitment from a facility providing involuntary care and treatment;
(8) "Department" means the department of social and health services;
(9) "Designated chemical dependency specialist" means a person designated by the county alcoholism and other drug addiction program coordinator designated under RCW 70.96A.310 to perform the commitment duties described in chapters 70.96A and 70.96B RCW;
(10) "Designated crisis responder" means a mental health professional appointed by the county or the regional support network to perform the duties specified in this chapter;
(11) "Designated mental health professional" means a mental health professional designated by the county or other authority authorized in rule to perform the duties specified in this chapter;
(12) "Detention" or "detain" means the lawful confinement of a person, under the provisions of this chapter;
(13) "Developmental disabilities professional" means a person who has specialized training and three years of experience in directly treating or working with persons with developmental disabilities and is a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or social worker, and such other developmental disabilities professionals as may be defined by rules adopted by the secretary;
(14) "Developmental disability" means that condition defined in RCW 71A.10.020(3);
(15) "Discharge" means the termination of hospital medical authority. The commitment may remain in place, be terminated, or be amended by court order;
(16) "Evaluation and treatment facility" means any facility which can provide directly, or by direct arrangement with other public or private agencies, emergency evaluation and treatment, outpatient care, and timely and appropriate inpatient care to persons suffering from a mental disorder, and which is certified as such by the department. A physically separate and separately operated portion of a state hospital may be designated as an evaluation and treatment facility. A facility which is part of, or operated by, the department or any federal agency will not require certification. No correctional institution or facility, or jail, shall be an evaluation and treatment facility within the meaning of this chapter;
(17) "Gravely disabled" means a condition in which a person, as a result of a mental disorder: (a) Is in danger of serious physical harm resulting from a failure to provide for his or her essential human needs of health or safety; or (b) manifests severe deterioration in routine functioning evidenced by repeated and escalating loss of cognitive or volitional control over his or her actions and is not receiving such care as is essential for his or her health or safety;
(18) "Habilitative services" means those services provided by program personnel to assist persons in acquiring and maintaining life skills and in raising their levels of physical, mental, social, and vocational functioning. Habilitative services include education, training for employment, and therapy. The habilitative process shall be undertaken with recognition of the risk to the public safety presented by the person being assisted as manifested by prior charged criminal conduct;
(19) "History of one or more violent acts" refers to the period of time ten years prior to the filing of a petition under this chapter, excluding any time spent, but not any violent acts committed, in a mental health facility or in confinement as a result of a criminal conviction;
(20) "Imminent" means the state or condition of being likely to occur at any moment or near at hand, rather than distant or remote;
(21) "Individualized service plan" means a plan prepared by a developmental disabilities professional with other professionals as a team, for a person with developmental disabilities, which shall state:
(a) The nature of the person's specific problems, prior charged criminal behavior, and habilitation needs;
(b) The conditions and strategies necessary to achieve the purposes of habilitation;
(c) The intermediate and long-range goals of the habilitation program, with a projected timetable for the attainment;
(d) The rationale for using this plan of habilitation to achieve those intermediate and long-range goals;
(e) The staff responsible for carrying out the plan;
(f) Where relevant in light of past criminal behavior and due consideration for public safety, the criteria for proposed movement to less-restrictive settings, criteria for proposed eventual discharge or release, and a projected possible date for discharge or release; and
(g) The type of residence immediately anticipated for the person and possible future types of residences;
(22) "Judicial commitment" means a commitment by a court pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(23) "Likelihood of serious harm" means:
(a) A substantial risk that: (i) Physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon his or her own person, as evidenced by threats or attempts to commit suicide or inflict physical harm on oneself; (ii) physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon another, as evidenced by behavior which has caused such harm or which places another person or persons in reasonable fear of sustaining such harm; or (iii) physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon the property of others, as evidenced by behavior which has caused substantial loss or damage to the property of others; or
(b) The person has threatened the physical safety of another and has a history of one or more violent acts;
(24) "Mental disorder" means any organic, mental, or emotional impairment which has substantial adverse effects on a person's cognitive or volitional functions;
(25) "Mental health professional" means a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse, or social worker, and such other mental health professionals as may be defined by rules adopted by the secretary pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(26) "Peace officer" means a law enforcement official of a public agency or governmental unit, and includes persons specifically given peace officer powers by any state law, local ordinance, or judicial order of appointment;
(27) "Private agency" means any person, partnership, corporation, or association that is not a public agency, whether or not financed in whole or in part by public funds, which constitutes an evaluation and treatment facility or private institution, or hospital, which is conducted for, or includes a department or ward conducted for, the care and treatment of persons who are mentally ill;
(28) "Professional person" means a mental health professional and shall also mean a physician, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, registered nurse, and such others as may be defined by rules adopted by the secretary pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(29) "Psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner" means a person who is licensed as an advanced registered nurse practitioner pursuant to chapter 18.79 RCW; and who is board certified in advanced practice psychiatric and mental health nursing;
(30) "Psychiatrist" means a person having a license as a physician and surgeon in this state who has in addition completed three years of graduate training in psychiatry in a program approved by the American medical association or the American osteopathic association and is certified or eligible to be certified by the American board of psychiatry and neurology;
(31) "Psychologist" means a person who has been licensed as a psychologist pursuant to chapter 18.83 RCW;
(32) "Public agency" means any evaluation and treatment facility or institution, or hospital which is conducted for, or includes a department or ward conducted for, the care and treatment of persons with mental illness, if the agency is operated directly by, federal, state, county, or municipal government, or a combination of such governments;
(33) "Registration records" include all the records of the department, regional support networks, treatment facilities, and other persons providing services to the department, county departments, or facilities which identify persons who are receiving or who at any time have received services for mental illness;
(34) "Release" means legal termination of the commitment under the provisions of this chapter;
(35) "Resource management services" has the meaning given in chapter 71.24 RCW;
(36) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of social and health services, or his or her designee;
(37) "Social worker" means a person with a master's or further advanced degree from an accredited school of social work or a degree deemed equivalent under rules adopted by the secretary;
(38) "Treatment records" include registration and all other records concerning persons who are receiving or who at any time have received services for mental illness, which are maintained by the department, by regional support networks and their staffs, and by treatment facilities. Treatment records include mental health information contained in a medical bill including but not limited to mental health drugs, a mental health diagnosis, provider name, and dates of service stemming from a medical service. Treatment records do not include notes or records maintained for personal use by a person providing treatment services for the department, regional support networks, or a treatment facility if the notes or records are not available to others;
(39) "Violent act" means behavior that resulted in homicide, attempted suicide, nonfatal injuries, or substantial damage to property."
Senator Franklin moved that the following amendment by Senators Keiser and Pflug to the committee striking amendment be adopted.
On page 1, line 9 of the amendment,
after "18.71A RCW" strike "or" and insert "((or))
On page 7, line 38 of the amendment, after "or" strike "nursing staff" and insert "psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioners"
Senator Franklin spoke in favor of adoption of the amendment to the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the amendment by Senators Keiser and Pflug on page 1, line 9 to the committee striking amendment to Substitute House Bill No. 1071.
The motion by Senator Franklin carried and the amendment to the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Health & Long-Term Care as amended to Substitute House Bill No. 1071.
The motion by Senator Franklin carried and the committee striking amendment as amended was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "practitioners;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 71.05.210, 71.05.230, 71.05.290, 71.05.300, 71.05.360, 71.05.390, 71.05.420, 71.05.630, 71.05.660, 71.06.040, 71.12.540, 71.32.140, 71.32.250, 71.32.260, 71.34.355, 71.34.720, 71.34.730, 71.34.750, 71.34.770, and 71.05.020."
On motion of Senator Franklin, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1071 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Franklin spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Hobbs and Kastama were excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1071 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1071 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 43; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 6.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Benton, Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Kastama and Sheldon
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1071 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
The President welcomed and introduced Amanda Emerson, the 2009 Omak Stampede Queen, who was seated at the rostrum.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1137, by Representatives Finn, Blake, Orcutt, Ormsby, McCune, Morrell, Van De Wege, Sullivan and Herrera
Protecting landowners' investments in Christmas trees.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Hatfield moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic Development be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 79.02.300 and 2004 c 199 s 207 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Every person who, without
authorization, uses or occupies public lands, removes any valuable material as
defined in RCW 79.02.010 from public lands, or causes waste or damage to public
lands, or injures publicly owned personal property or publicly owned
improvements to real property on public lands, is liable to the state for
treble the amount of the damages. However, liability shall be for single damages
if the department determines, or the person proves upon trial, that the person,
at time of the unauthorized act or acts, did not know, or have reason to know,
that he or she lacked authorization. Damages recoverable under this section
include, but are not limited to, the market value of the use, occupancy, or
things removed, had the use, occupancy, or removal been authorized; and any
damages caused by injury to the land, publicly owned personal property or
publicly owned improvement, including the costs of restoration. In addition,
the person is liable for reimbursing the state for its reasonable costs((,))
including, but not limited to, its administrative costs, survey costs to
the extent they are not included in damages awarded for restoration costs, and
its reasonable attorneys' fees and other legal costs.
(2) This section does not apply in
any case where liability for damages is provided under RCW ((64.12.030,))
4.24.630, 64.12.030, or 79.02.320((, or 79.02.340)).
(3) The department is authorized and
directed to investigate all trespasses and wastes upon, and damages to, public
lands of the state, and to cause prosecutions for, and/or actions for the
recovery of the same, to be commenced as ((is)) provided by law.
Sec. 2. RCW 79.02.310 and 2003 c 53 s 379 are each amended to read as follows:
Every person who willfully commits any trespass upon any public lands of the state and cuts down, destroys, or injures any timber, or any tree, including a Christmas tree as defined in RCW 76.48.020, standing or growing thereon, or takes, or removes, or causes to be taken, or removed, therefrom any wood or timber lying thereon, or maliciously injures or severs anything attached thereto, or the produce thereof, or digs, quarries, mines, takes or removes therefrom any earth, soil, stone, mineral, clay, sand, gravel, or any valuable materials, is guilty of theft under chapter 9A.56 RCW.
Sec. 3. RCW 79.02.320 and 1927 c 255 s 199 are each amended to read as follows:
Every person who shall cut or
remove, or cause to be cut or removed, any timber growing or being upon any
public lands of the state, including a Christmas tree as defined in RCW
76.48.020, or who shall manufacture the same into logs, bolts, shingles,
lumber or other articles of use or commerce, unless expressly authorized so to
do by a bill of sale from the state, or by a lease or contract from the state
under which he or she holds possession of such lands, or by ((the))
provisions of law under ((and by virtue of)) which ((such)) the
bill of sale, lease or contract was issued, shall be liable to the state ((in))
for treble the value of the timber or other articles ((so)) cut,
removed, or manufactured, to be recovered in a civil action, and shall
forfeit to the state all interest in ((and to)) any article into which
((said)) the timber is manufactured.
Sec. 4. RCW 64.12.030 and Code 1881 s 602 are each amended to read as follows:
Whenever any person shall cut down,
girdle, or otherwise injure, or carry off any tree, including a
Christmas tree as defined in RCW 76.48.020, timber, or shrub on the
land of another person, or on the street or highway in front of any person's
house, ((village, town or)) city or town lot, or cultivated
grounds, or on the commons or public grounds of any ((village, town or))
city or town, or on the street or highway in front thereof, without
lawful authority, in an action by ((such)) the person, ((village,
town or)) city, or town against the person committing ((such))
the trespasses or any of them, ((if)) any judgment ((be
given)) for the plaintiff((, it)) shall be ((given)) for
treble the amount of damages claimed or assessed ((therefor, as the case may
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
(1) RCW 79.02.340 (Removal of Christmas trees‑-Compensation) and 2004 c 199 s 208, 2003 c 334 s 504, 1988 c 128 s 66, 1955 c 225 s 1, & 1937 c 87 s 1; and
(2) RCW 79.02.350 (Intent of RCW 79.02.340) and 2003 c 334 s 505 & 1937 c 87 s 2."
Senator Hatfield spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic Development to House Bill No. 1137.
The motion by Senator Hatfield carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "trees;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 79.02.300, 79.02.310, 79.02.320, and 64.12.030; and repealing RCW 79.02.340 and 79.02.350."
On motion of Senator Hatfield, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1137 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Hatfield spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1137 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1137 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Kastama and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1137 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
The President welcomed and introduced members of the Nigeria a delegation from the Republic of Nigeria; His Excellency Deputy Governor of Delta State, Professor Amos Utuama; Special Assistant to the Deputy Governor, Ms. Vivienne Wemambu and Special Adivser of the Governor on Environmental Affairs, Barrister Fred Majemite who were seated in the gallery.
Senator Franklin assumed the chair.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1202, by House Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance (originally sponsored by Representatives Hurst, Bailey, Kelley, Roach, Kirby and Parker)
Allowing noninsurance benefits as part of life insurance policies.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Hobbs, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1202 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Hobbs spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President Pro Tempore declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1202.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1202 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Kastama and Sheldon
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1202, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1536, by Representatives Clibborn, Roach, Eddy, Morris and Simpson
Concerning permits for and advertising by household goods carriers.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Jarrett, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1536 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Jarrett spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President Pro Tempore declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1536.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1536 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 41; Nays, 3; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Shin, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senators Carrell, Holmquist and Stevens
Excused: Senators Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Kastama and Sheldon
HOUSE BILL NO. 1536, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
At 10:31 a.m., on motion of Senator Eide, the Senate was declared to be at ease subject to the call of the President.
The Senate was called to order at 11:44 a.m. by President Owen.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1197, by Representatives Haigh, Kristiansen, Hunt and Armstrong
Regarding alternative public works contracting procedures.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Oemig, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1197 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Oemig spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1197.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1197 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
HOUSE BILL NO. 1197, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1196, by Representatives Haigh, Kristiansen, Hunt and Armstrong
Increasing the dollar limit for small works roster projects.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Oemig, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1196 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Oemig spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1196.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1196 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 43; Nays, 4; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senators Carrell, Honeyford, McCaslin and Morton
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
HOUSE BILL NO. 1196, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
At 11:53 a.m., on motion of Senator Eide, the Senate is recessed until 1:30 p.m.
The Senate was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by President Owen.
Senator Hewitt moved that Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9081, Enriqueta Mayuga, as a member of the Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19, be confirmed.
Senator Hewitt spoke in favor of the motion.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Brown and Prentice were excused.
On motion of Senator Delvin, Senator Brandland was excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9081, Enriqueta Mayuga as a member of the Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19.
The Secretary called the roll on the confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9081, Enriqueta Mayuga as a member of the Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19 and the appointment was confirmed by the following vote: Yeas, 43; Nays, 0; Absent, 3; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senators McCaslin, Pflug and Rockefeller
Excused: Senators Berkey, Brown and Fairley
Gubernatorial Appointment No. 9081, Enriqueta Mayuga, having received the constitutional majority was declared confirmed as a member of the Board of Trustees, Columbia Basin Community College District No. 19.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1323, by House Committee on Community & Economic Development & Trade (originally sponsored by Representatives Kenney, Liias, Haler, Sullivan, Sells, Hasegawa, Maxwell, Chase, Ormsby, Conway, Goodman, Morrell, Driscoll, Simpson and Orwall)
Providing for coordination of workforce and economic development.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kilmer, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1323 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kilmer spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1323.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1323 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Brown and Fairley
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1323, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1324, by Representatives O'Brien, Ericks, Goodman, Crouse and Wood
Modifying the requirements of psychological examinations for peace officer certification.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kline, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1324 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kline spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1324.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1324 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 1; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senator Hargrove
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
HOUSE BILL NO. 1324, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1380, by Representatives Liias, Sells, O'Brien, Dunshee, Kirby and Kagi
Changing the county population requirement in order for a county to lease space with an option to purchase.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Oemig, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1380 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Oemig spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1380.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1380 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
HOUSE BILL NO. 1380, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1518, by House Committee on Commerce & Labor (originally sponsored by Representatives Conway, Condotta, Green, Kelley and Wood)
Regarding prohibited practices in accountancy.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kohl-Welles, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1518 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kohl-Welles spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1518.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1518 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1518, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1435, by House Committee on Commerce & Labor (originally sponsored by Representatives Condotta and Conway)
Modifying licensing provisions for cigarettes and tobacco products.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kohl-Welles, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1435 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kohl-Welles spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1435.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1435 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1435, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1568, by Representatives Bailey, Kirby, Rodne, Roach, Kelley and Simpson
Regulating persons selling, soliciting, or negotiating insurance.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Hobbs, the rules were suspended, Engrossed House Bill No. 1568 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Hobbs spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 1568.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed House Bill No. 1568 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL NO. 1568, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1567, by Representatives Bailey, Kirby and Roach
Addressing insurance, generally.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Hobbs, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1567 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Hobbs spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1567.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1567 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
HOUSE BILL NO. 1567, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1036, by House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Kelley, Morrell, Moeller, Rodne, Seaquist, McCoy, Green, Goodman, Kirby, McCune, Hurst, Miloscia, Hunt, Appleton, Chase, Conway, Williams, Campbell, Ross and Bailey)
Concerning the Washington code of military justice.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Hobbs moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Government Operations & Elections be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 38.32.010 and 1989 c 19 s 39 are each amended to read as follows:
Any member of the organized militia committing
nonmilitary offenses under chapter 38.38 RCW while on duty status ((as
provided in RCW 38.38.624,)) or within state armories((, committing
offenses against the laws of the state,)) shall be promptly arrested by the
military authorities and turned over to the civil authorities of the county or
city in which the offense was committed.
Sec. 2. RCW 38.32.020 and 1989 c 19 s 40 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Military offenses under chapter 38.38 RCW
committed ((while on inactive duty or active state service as defined in RCW
38.04.010)) by members of the organized militia may be tried and
punished as provided under chapter 38.38 RCW ((after this duty or service
has terminated, and if found guilty the accused shall be punished accordingly.
Any member of the organized militia on "inactive duty" or
"active state service," as defined in RCW 38.04.010, committing any
offense under chapter 38.38 RCW, where the offense charged is also made an
offense by the civil law of this state, may, in the discretion of the officer
whose duty it is to approve the charge, be turned over to the proper civil
authorities for trial)).
(2) Primary jurisdiction over military offenses enumerated in chapter 38.38 RCW is with military authorities. Primary jurisdiction over nonmilitary offenses is with civilian authorities. If an offense may be both military and nonmilitary, the military authorities may proceed only after the civilian authorities have declined to prosecute or dismissed the charge, provided jeopardy has not attached. Jurisdiction over attempted crimes, conspiracy crimes, solicitation, and accessory crimes must be determined by whether the underlying offense is a military or nonmilitary offense.
(3) Any member of the organized militia
((on "inactive duty" or "active state service," as
defined in RCW 38.04.010,)) committing any offense under chapter 38.38
RCW((,)) may, if such offense is committed ((upon)) on a
military reservation of the United States within this state, be turned over to
the civil authorities for trial as provided by federal law.
Sec. 3. RCW 38.38.004 and 1989 c 48 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Organized militia" means the national guard of the state, as defined in section 101(3) of title 32, United States Code, and any other military force organized under the laws of the state of Washington.
(2) "Officer" means commissioned or warrant officer.
(3) "Commissioned officer" includes a commissioned warrant officer.
(4) "Commanding officer" includes only commissioned officers in command of a unit.
(5) "Superior commissioned officer" means a commissioned officer superior in rank or command.
(6) "Enlisted member" means a person in an enlisted grade.
(7) "Grade" means a step or degree, in a graduated scale of office or military rank, that is established and designated as a grade by law or regulation.
(8) "Rank" means the order of precedence among members of the organized militia.
(9) ((The term "active state
service" or "active training duty" shall be construed to be any
service on behalf of the state, or at encampments whether ordered by state or
federal authority or any other duty requiring the entire time of any
organization or person except when called or drafted into the federal service
by the president of the United States.
The term "inactive duty"
shall include periods of drill and such other training and service not
requiring the entire time of the organization or person, as may be required
under state or federal laws, regulations, or orders, including travel to and
from such duty.
(10))) "Military court" means
a court-martial or a court of inquiry.
(((11))) (10)
"Military judge" means the presiding officer of a general or special
court-martial detailed in accordance with RCW 38.38.256.
(((12))) (11)
"State judge advocate" means the commissioned judge advocate
officer responsible for supervising the administration of the military justice
in the organized militia.
(((13))) (12)
"Accuser" means a person who signs and swears to charges, any person
who directs that charges nominally be signed and sworn to by another, and any
person who has an interest other than an official interest in the prosecution
of the accused.
(((14))) (13) "Military"
refers to any or all of the armed forces.
(((15))) (14)
"Convening authority" includes, in addition to the person who
convened the court, a commissioned officer commanding for the time being, or a
successor in command.
(((16))) (15)
"May" is used in a permissive sense. The words "no person
may. . ." mean that no person is required,
authorized, or permitted to do the act prescribed.
(((17))) (16)
"Shall" is used in an imperative sense.
(((18))) (17)
"Code" means this chapter.
(((19))) (18) "A
month's pay" or fraction thereof shall be calculated based upon a member's
basic pay entitlement as if the member were serving for a thirty-day period.
(19) "Judge advocate" means an officer of the army or air national guard designated as a judge advocate by the judge advocate general of the army or the judge advocate general of the air force.
(20) "Military offense" means those offenses listed in RCW 38.38.644 through 38.38.800 and sections 25 and 26 of this act.
(21) "Nonmilitary offense" means any offense other than those listed in Title 38 RCW.
Sec. 4. RCW 38.38.008 and 1989 c 48 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
This code applies to all members of the organized militia who are not in federal service pursuant to Title 10 U.S.C.
Sec. 5. RCW 38.38.024 and 1989 c 48 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The governor, on the
recommendation of the adjutant general, shall appoint ((an)) a judge
advocate officer of the ((organized militia)) army or air
national guard as state judge advocate. To be eligible for appointment, an
officer must be a member of the bar of the highest court of the state and must
have been a member of the bar of the state for at least five years.
(2) The adjutant general may appoint as many assistant state judge advocates as he or she considers necessary. To be eligible for appointment, assistant state judge advocates must be officers of the organized militia and members of the bar of the highest court of the state.
(3) The state judge advocate or assistants shall make frequent inspections in the field in supervision of the administration of military justice.
(4) Convening authorities shall at all times communicate directly with their staff judge advocates in matters relating to the administration of military justice; and the staff judge advocate of any command is entitled to communicate directly with the staff judge advocate of a superior or subordinate command, or with the state judge advocate.
(5) No person who has acted as member, law officer, trial counsel, assistant trial counsel, defense counsel, assistant defense counsel, or investigating officer, or who has been a witness for either the prosecution or defense, in any case may later act as staff judge advocate to any reviewing authority upon the same case.
(6) No judge advocate may be assigned nonlegal duties unless authorized by the state judge advocate.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 38.38 RCW to read as follows:
A military judge must be a judge advocate. The adjutant general shall prescribe procedures for certifying, appointing, detailing, and removing military judges.
Sec. 7. RCW 38.38.080 and 1989 c 48 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
Persons confined other than in a
guard house, whether before, during, or after trial by a military court,
shall be confined in civil jails, penitentiaries, or prisons designated by the
governor or ((by such person as the governor may authorize to act)) the
adjutant general.
Sec. 8. RCW 38.38.092 and 1989 c 48 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Under such regulations as may be
prescribed ((under this code)) by the adjutant general, a person
subject to this code ((who is on active state service or inactive duty))
who is accused of an offense against civil authority may be delivered, upon
request, to the civil authority for trial.
(2) When delivery under this section is made to any civil authority of a person undergoing sentence of a court-martial, the delivery, if followed by conviction in a civil tribunal, interrupts the execution of the sentence of the court-martial, and the offender after having answered to the civil authorities for the offense shall, upon the request of competent military authority, be returned to military custody for the completion of the sentence.
Sec. 9. RCW 38.38.132 and 1991 c 43 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Under such regulations as the governor may prescribe, limitations may be placed on the powers granted by this section with respect to the kind and amount of punishment authorized, the categories of commanding officers and warrant officers exercising command authorized to exercise those powers, the applicability of this section to an accused who demands trial by court-martial, and the kinds of courts-martial to which the case may be referred upon such a demand. However, except in the case of a member attached to or embarked in a vessel, punishment may not be imposed upon any member of the organized militia under this section if the member has, before the imposition of such punishment, demanded trial by court-martial in lieu of such punishment. Under similar regulations, rules may be prescribed with respect to the suspension of punishments authorized hereunder. If authorized by regulations of the governor, a commanding officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction or an officer of general rank in command may delegate powers under this section to a principal assistant.
(2) Subject to subsection (1) of this section, any commanding officer may, in addition to or in lieu of admonition or reprimand, impose one or more of the following disciplinary punishments for minor offenses without the intervention of a court-martial:
(a) Upon officers of his or her command:
(i) Restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than fourteen consecutive duty or drill days;
(ii) If imposed by an officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction or an officer of general rank in command:
(A) Forfeiture of up to thirty days' pay, but not more than fifteen days' pay per month;
(B) Restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than fourteen consecutive drill or duty days;
(C) Detention of up to forty-five days' pay, but not more than fifteen days' pay per month;
(b) Upon other personnel of his or her command:
(i) If imposed upon a person attached to or embarked in a vessel, confinement for not more than three consecutive days;
(ii) Forfeiture of not more than seven days' pay;
(iii) Reduction to the next inferior pay grade, if the grade from which demoted is within the promotion authority of the officer imposing the reduction or any officer subordinate to the one who imposes the reduction;
(iv) Extra duties, including fatigue or other duties for not more than fourteen duty or drill days, which need not be consecutive, and for not more than two hours per day, holidays included;
(v) Restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than fourteen consecutive days;
(vi) Detention of not more than fourteen days' pay;
(vii) If imposed by ((an)) a
commanding officer of the grade of major or above:
(A) The punishment authorized in subsection (2)(b)(i) of this section;
(B) Forfeiture of up to thirty days' pay, but not more than fifteen days' pay per month;
(C) Reduction to the lowest or any intermediate pay grade, if the grade from which demoted is within the promotion authority of the officer imposing the reduction or any officer subordinate to the one who imposes the reduction, but an enlisted member in a pay grade above E‑4 may not be reduced more than two pay grades;
(D) Extra duties, including fatigue or other duties, for not more than fourteen drill or duty days, which need not be consecutive, and for not more than two hours per day, holidays included;
(E) Restriction to certain specified limits, with or without suspension from duty, for not more than fourteen consecutive days;
(F) Detention of up to forty-five days' pay, but not more than fifteen days' pay per month.
Detention of pay shall be for a stated period of not more than one year but if the offender's term of service expires earlier, the detention shall terminate upon that expiration. Extra duties and restriction may not be combined to run consecutively in the maximum amount imposable for each. Whenever any such punishments are combined to run consecutively, there must be an apportionment. In addition, forfeiture of pay may not be combined with detention of pay without an apportionment.
(3) An officer in charge may impose upon enlisted members assigned to the unit of which the officer is in charge such of the punishment authorized under subsection (2)(b) of this section as the governor may specifically prescribe by regulation.
(4) The officer who imposes the punishment authorized in subsection (2) of this section, or a successor in command, may, at any time, suspend probationally any part or amount of the unexecuted punishment imposed and may suspend probationally a reduction in grade or a forfeiture imposed under subsection (2) of this section, whether or not executed. In addition, the officer may, at any time, remit or mitigate any part or amount of the unexecuted punishment imposed and may set aside in whole or in part the punishment, whether executed or unexecuted, and restore all rights, privileges, and property affected. The officer may also mitigate reduction in grade to forfeiture or detention of pay. When mitigating extra duties to restriction, the restriction shall not be longer than the number of hours of extra duty that may have been imposed. When mitigating reduction in grade to forfeiture or detention of pay, the amount of the forfeiture or detention shall not be greater than the amount that could have been imposed initially under this section by the officer who imposed the punishment mitigated.
(5) A person punished under this section who considers the punishment unjust or disproportionate to the offense may, through the proper channel, appeal to the next superior authority. The appeal shall be promptly forwarded and decided, but the person punished may in the meantime be required to undergo the punishment adjudged. The superior authority may exercise the same powers with respect to the punishment imposed as may be exercised under subsection (4) of this section by the officer who imposed the punishment. Before acting on an appeal from a punishment of:
(a) Forfeiture of more than seven days' pay;
(b) Reduction of one or more pay grades from the fourth or a higher pay grade;
(c) Extra duties for more than ten days;
(d) Restriction for more than ten days; or
(e) Detention of more than fourteen days' pay;
the authority who is to act on the appeal shall refer the case to a judge advocate for consideration and advice, and may so refer the case upon appeal from any punishment imposed under subsection (2) of this section.
(6) The imposition and enforcement of disciplinary punishment under this section for any act or omission is not a bar to trial by court-martial for a serious crime or offense growing out of the same act or omission, and not properly punishable under this section; but the fact that a disciplinary punishment has been enforced may be shown by the accused upon trial, and when so shown shall be considered in determining the measure of punishment to be adjudged in the event of a finding of guilty.
(7) The governor may by regulation prescribe the form of records to be kept of proceedings under this section and may also prescribe that certain categories of those proceedings shall be in writing.
Sec. 10. RCW 38.38.180 and 1963 c 220 s 18 are each amended to read as follows:
Subject to RCW 38.38.176, general courts-martial have jurisdiction to try persons subject to this code for any offense made punishable by this code and may, under such limitations as the governor may prescribe, adjudge any of the following punishments:
(1) A fine of not more than ((two))
three hundred dollars;
(2) Forfeiture of pay and allowances;
(3) A reprimand;
(4) Dismissal or dishonorable discharge;
(5) Reduction of a noncommissioned officer to the ranks; or
(6) Any combination of these punishments.
Sec. 11. RCW 38.38.188 and 1989 c 48 s 19 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Subject to RCW 38.38.176, summary courts-martial have jurisdiction to try persons subject to this code, except officers for any offense made punishable by this code.
(2) No person with respect to whom summary courts-martial have jurisdiction may be brought to trial before a summary court-martial if the person objects thereto, unless under RCW 38.38.132 the person has been permitted and has elected to refuse punishment under that section. If objection to trial by summary court-martial is made by an accused who has been permitted to refuse punishment under RCW 38.38.132, trial shall be ordered by special or general court-martial, as may be appropriate.
(3) A summary court-martial may
sentence to a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars for a single offense,
to forfeiture of ((pay and allowances)) not more than one-half
month's pay for two months, to reduction in rank of enlisted soldiers, and
to reduction of a noncommissioned officer to the ranks.
Sec. 12. RCW 38.38.240 and 1989 c 48 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:
In the organized militia not in
federal service pursuant to Title 10 U.S.C., general courts-martial may
be convened by the president or by the governor, or by the ((commanding
general of the national guard of the District of Columbia)) adjutant
Sec. 13. RCW 38.38.244 and 1989 c 48 s 23 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In the organized militia not in
federal service pursuant to Title 10 U.S.C., anyone authorized to
convene a general court-martial, the commanding officer of a garrison,
fort, post, camp, air base, auxiliary air base, or other place where troops are
on duty, or of a brigade, regiment, wing, group, detached battalion, separate
squadron, or other detached command((,)) may convene special
courts-martial. Special courts-martial may also be convened by superior
authority. When any such officer is an accuser, the court shall be convened by
superior competent authority.
(2) A special court-martial may not try a commissioned officer.
Sec. 14. RCW 38.38.248 and 1989 c 48 s 24 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In the organized militia not in
federal service pursuant to Title 10 U.S.C., anyone authorized to
convene a special court-martial, the commanding officer of a garrison,
fort, post, camp, air base, auxiliary air base, or other place where troops are
on duty, or of a regiment, wing, group, detached battalion, detached squadron,
detached company, or other detachment((,)) may convene a summary
court-martial consisting of one commissioned officer. The proceedings shall be
(2) When only one commissioned officer is present with a command or detachment the commissioned officer shall be the summary court-martial of that command or detachment and shall hear and determine all summary court-martial cases brought before him or her. Summary courts-martial may, however, be convened in any case by superior competent authority when considered desirable.
Sec. 15. RCW 38.38.312 and 1989 c 48 s 30 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) No person subject to this code
may compel a person((s)) to incriminate ((themselves)) himself
or herself or to answer any question the answer to which may tend to
incriminate ((them)) himself or herself.
(2) No person subject to this code may interrogate, or request any statement from, an accused or a person suspected of an offense without first informing the person of the nature of the accusation and advising that the person does not have to make any statement regarding the offense of which he or she is accused or suspected and that any statement made by the person may be used as evidence against him or her in a trial by court-martial.
(3) No person subject to this code may compel any person to make a statement or produce evidence before any military tribunal if the statement or evidence is not material to the issue and may tend to degrade the person.
(4) No statement obtained from any person in violation of this section, or through the use of coercion, unlawful influence, or unlawful inducement may be received in evidence against the person in a trial by court-martial.
Sec. 16. RCW 38.38.316 and 1989 c 48 s 31 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) No charge or specification may be referred to a general court-martial for trial until a thorough and impartial investigation of all the matters set forth therein has been made. This investigation shall include inquiry as to the truth of the matter set forth in the charges, consideration of the form of charges, and a recommendation as to the disposition which should be made of the case in the interest of justice and discipline.
(2) The accused shall be advised of the charges against him or her and of the right to be represented at that investigation by counsel. The accused has a right to be represented at that investigation as provided in RCW 38.38.376 and in regulations prescribed under that section.
At that investigation full opportunity shall be given to the accused to cross-examine witnesses against him or her if they are available and to present anything the person may desire in his or her own behalf, either in defense or mitigation, and the investigating officer shall examine available witnesses requested by the accused. If the charges are forwarded after the investigation, they shall be accompanied by a statement of the substance of the testimony taken on both sides and a copy thereof shall be given to the accused.
(3) If an investigation of the
subject matter of an offense has been conducted before the accused is charged
with the offense, and if the accused was present at the investigation and
afforded the opportunities for representation, cross-examination, and
presentation prescribed in subsection (2) ((hereof)) of this section,
no further investigation of that charge is necessary under this section unless
it is demanded by the accused after being informed of the charge. A demand for
further investigation entitles the accused to recall witnesses for further
cross-examination and to offer any new evidence in his or her own behalf.
(4) If evidence adduced in an investigation under this chapter indicates that the accused committed an uncharged offense, the investigating officer may investigate the subject matter of that offense without the accused having first been charged with the offense if the accused:
(a) Is present at the investigation;
(b) Is informed of the nature of each uncharged offense investigated; and
(c) Is afforded the opportunities for representation, cross-examination, and presentation prescribed in subsection (2) of this section.
(5) The requirements of this section are binding on all persons administering this code but failure to follow them does not divest a military court of jurisdiction.
Sec. 17. RCW 38.38.376 and 1989 c 48 s 37 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The trial counsel of a general or special court-martial shall prosecute in the name of the state, and shall, under the direction of the court, prepare the record of the proceedings.
(2) ((The accused has the right
to be represented in his or her defense before a general or special
court-martial by civilian counsel if provided by the accused, or by military
counsel of his or her own selection if reasonably available as defined in
regulations of the governor, or by the defense counsel detailed under RCW
38.38.260. Should the accused have civilian counsel of his or her own
selection, the defense counsel, and assistant defense counsel, if any, who were
detailed, shall, if the accused so desires, act as associate counsel; otherwise
they shall be excused by the military judge or president of a special
(3) In every court-martial proceeding, the defense
counsel may, in the event of conviction, forward for attachment to the record
of proceedings a brief of such matters the defense counsel feels should be
considered in behalf of the accused on review, including any objection to the
contents of the record which he or she considers appropriate and assist the
accused in the submission of any matter under RCW 38.38.536.
(4))) The accused has the right to
be represented in his or her defense before a general or special court-martial
or at an investigation under RCW 38.38.316 as provided in this subsection.
(a) The accused may be represented by civilian counsel if provided at his or her own expense.
(b) The accused may be represented by:
(i) Military counsel detailed under RCW 38.38.260; or
(ii) Military counsel of his or her own selection if that counsel is reasonably available, as determined under regulations prescribed under subsection (3) of this section.
(c) If the accused is represented by civilian counsel, military counsel detailed or selected under (b) of this subsection shall act as associate counsel unless excused at the request of the accused.
(d) Except as provided under (e) of this subsection, if the accused is represented by military counsel of his or her own selection under (b)(ii) of this subsection, any military counsel detailed under (b)(i) of this subsection shall be excused.
(e) The accused is not entitled to be represented by more than one military counsel. However, the person authorized under regulations prescribed under RCW 38.38.260 to detail counsel in his or her sole discretion:
(i) May detail additional military counsel as assistant defense counsel; and
(ii) If the accused is represented by military counsel of his or her own selection under (b)(ii) of this subsection, may approve a request from the accused that military counsel detailed under (b)(i) of this subsection act as associate defense counsel.
(3) The state judge advocate shall, by regulation, define "reasonably available" for the purpose of subsection (2) of this section and establish procedures for determining whether the military counsel selected by an accused under subsection (2) of this section is reasonably available.
(4) In any court-martial proceeding resulting in a conviction, the defense counsel:
(a) May forward for attachment to the record of proceedings a brief of such matters as he or she determines should be considered in behalf of the accused on review, including any objection to the contents of the record which he or she considers appropriate;
(b) Shall assist the accused in the submission of any matter under RCW 38.38.536; and
(c) May take other action authorized by this chapter.
(5) An assistant trial counsel of a general court-martial may, under the direction of the trial counsel or when qualified to be a trial counsel as required by RCW 38.38.260, perform any duty imposed by law, regulation, or the custom of the service upon the trial counsel of the court. An assistant trial counsel of a special court-martial may perform any duty of the trial counsel.
(((5))) (6) An
assistant defense counsel of a general or special court-martial may, under the
direction of the defense counsel or when qualified to be the defense counsel as
required by RCW 38.38.260, perform any duty imposed by law, regulation, or the
custom of the service upon counsel for the accused.
Sec. 18. RCW 38.38.388 and 1989 c 48 s 40 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The military judge and members of a general or special court-martial may be challenged by the accused or the trial counsel for cause stated to the court. The military judge or, if none, the court shall determine the relevance and validity of challenges for cause and may not receive a challenge to more than one person at a time. Challenges by the trial counsel shall ordinarily be presented and decided before those by the accused are offered.
(2) If exercise of a challenge for cause reduces the court below the minimum number of members required by RCW 38.38.172, all parties shall, notwithstanding RCW 38.38.268, either exercise or waive any challenge for cause then apparent against the remaining members of the court before additional members are detailed to the court. However, peremptory challenges shall not be exercised at that time.
(3) Each accused and the trial counsel is entitled to one peremptory challenge, but the military judge may not be challenged except for cause.
(4) If exercise of a peremptory challenge reduces the court below the minimum number of members required by RCW 38.38.172, the parties shall, notwithstanding RCW 38.38.268, either exercise or waive any remaining peremptory challenge, that has not been previously waived, against the remaining members of the court before additional members are detailed to the court.
(5) Whenever additional members are detailed to the court, and after any challenges for cause against such additional members are presented and decided, each accused and the trial counsel are entitled to one peremptory challenge against members not previously subject to peremptory challenge.
Sec. 19. RCW 38.38.396 and 1989 c 48 s 42 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A person charged with desertion or absence without leave in time of war, or with aiding the enemy or with mutiny may be tried and punished at any time without limitation.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person charged with desertion in time of peace or with the offense punishable under RCW 38.38.784 is not liable to be tried by court-martial if the offense was committed more than three years before the receipt of sworn charges and specifications by an officer exercising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person charged with any offense is not liable to be tried by court-martial or punished under RCW 38.38.132 if the offense was committed more than two years before the receipt of sworn charges and specifications by an officer exercising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command or before the imposition of punishment under RCW 38.38.132.
(4) Periods in which the accused was absent from territory in which the state has the authority to apprehend the accused, or in the custody of civil authorities, or in the hands of the enemy, shall be excluded in computing the period of limitation prescribed in this section.
(5) If charges or specifications are dismissed as defective or insufficient for any cause and the period prescribed by the applicable statute of limitations:
(a) Has expired; or
(b) Will expire within one hundred eighty days after the date of dismissal of the charges and specifications
trial and punishment under new charges and specifications are not barred by the statute of limitations if the conditions specified in subsection (6) of this section are met.
(6) The conditions referred to in subsection (5) of this section are that the new charges and specifications must:
(a) Be received by an officer exercising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command within one hundred eighty days after the dismissal of the charges or specifications; and
(b) Allege the same acts or omissions that were alleged in the dismissed charges or specifications or allege acts or omissions that were included in the dismissed charges or specifications.
Sec. 20. RCW 38.38.408 and 1989 c 48 s 45 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The trial counsel, the defense counsel, and the court-martial shall have equal opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence in accordance with such regulations as the governor may prescribe.
(2) The president of a special court-martial, military judge, military magistrate, or a summary court officer may:
(a) Issue a warrant for the arrest of any accused person who, having been served with a warrant and a copy of the charges, disobeys a written order by the convening authority to appear before the court;
(b) Issue subpoenas duces tecum and other subpoenas;
(c) Enforce by attachment the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers; and
(d) Sentence for refusal to be sworn or to answer, as provided in actions before civil courts of the state.
(3) Process issued in court-martial cases to compel witnesses to appear and testify and to compel the production of other evidence shall run to any part of the state and shall be executed by civil officers as prescribed by the laws of the state.
Sec. 21. RCW 38.38.412 and 1989 c 48 s 46 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any person not subject to this code who:
(a) Has been duly subpoenaed to appear as a witness or to produce books and records before a court-martial, military commission, court of inquiry, or any other military court or board, or before any military or civil officer designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence before such a court, commission, or board;
(b) Has been duly paid or tendered the fees and mileage of a witness at the rates allowed to witnesses attending the superior court of the state; and
(c) Willfully neglects or refuses to appear, or refuses to qualify as a witness or to testify or to produce any evidence which that person may have been legally subpoenaed to produce;
is guilty of an offense against the state.
(2) Any person who commits an offense named in subsection (1) of this section shall be tried before the superior court of this state having jurisdiction and jurisdiction is conferred upon those courts for that purpose. Upon conviction, such a person shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.
(3) The prosecuting attorney in any such court, upon the certification of the facts by the military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, shall prosecute any person violating this section.
Sec. 22. RCW 38.38.624 and 1963 c 220 s 75 are each amended to read as follows:
No person may be tried or punished
for any offense provided for in RCW 38.38.628 through 38.38.800, unless ((it
was committed while he was in a duty status)) he or she was a member of
the organized militia at the time of the offense.
Sec. 23. RCW 38.38.752 and 1963 c 220 s 107 are each amended to read as follows:
Any person subject to this code
who((, while in a duty status,)) willfully or recklessly wastes,
spoils, or otherwise willfully and wrongfully destroys or damages any
property other than military property of the United States or of the state
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Sec. 24. RCW 38.38.760 and 1963 c 220 s 109 are each amended to read as follows:
((Any person subject to this code
who operates any vehicle while drunk, or in a reckless or wanton manner, shall
be punished as a court martial may direct.))
(1) Any person subject to this code who:
(a) Operates or physically controls any vehicle, aircraft, or vessel in a reckless or wanton manner or while impaired by a substance described in section 25; or
(b) Operates or is in actual physical control of any vehicle, aircraft, or vessel while drunk or when the alcohol concentration in the person's blood or breath is equal to or exceeds the applicable limit under subsection (2) of this section; or
(c) Operates or is in actual physical control of any vehicle, aircraft, or vessel in a reckless or wanton manner
shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
(2) For purposes of subsection (1) of this section, the blood alcohol content limit with respect to alcohol concentration in a person's blood is 0.08 grams of alcohol per one hundred milliliters of blood and with respect to alcohol concentration in a person's breath is 0.08 grams of alcohol per two hundred ten liters of breath, as shown by chemical analysis.
(3) For purposes of this section, "blood alcohol content limit" means the amount of alcohol concentration in a person's blood or breath at which operation or control of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel is prohibited.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 25. A new section is added to chapter 38.38 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Any person subject to this code who wrongfully uses, possesses, distributes, or introduces into an installation, vessel, vehicle, or aircraft used by or under the control of the armed forces or organized militia a substance described in subsection (2) of this section shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
(2) The substances referred to in subsection (1) of this section are the following:
(a) Opium, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, methamphetamine, phencyclidine, barbituric acid, and marijuana and any compound or derivative of any such substance.
(b) Any substance not specified in (a) of this subsection that is listed on a schedule of controlled substances prohibited by the United States army; or
(c) Any other substance not specified in this subsection that is listed in Schedules I through V of section 202 of the federal controlled substances act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 812, as amended.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 26. A new section is added to chapter 38.38 RCW to read as follows:
Any person subject to this code who attempts or offers with unlawful force or violence to do bodily harm to another member of the organized militia, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated, is guilty of assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
Sec. 27. RCW 38.38.800 and 1989 c 48 s 71 are each amended to read as follows:
Though not specifically mentioned in this code, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the organized militia, of which persons subject to this code may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court. However, cognizance may not be taken of, and jurisdiction may not be extended to, the crimes of murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, maiming, sodomy, arson, extortion, assault in the first degree, burglary, or housebreaking, jurisdiction of which is reserved to civil courts.
Sec. 28. RCW 38.38.840 and 1989 c 48 s 72 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by the governor, the adjutant general, or by any other person designated by the governor for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry: PROVIDED, That upon the request of the officer involved such an inquiry shall be instituted as hereinabove set forth.
(2) A court of inquiry consists of three or more commissioned officers. For each court of inquiry the convening authority shall also appoint counsel for the court.
(3) Any person subject to this code whose conduct is subject to inquiry shall be designated as a party. Any person subject to this code or employed in the state military department, who has a direct interest in the subject of inquiry has the right to be designated as a party upon request to the court. Any person designated as a party shall be given due notice and has the right to be present, to be represented by counsel, to cross-examine witnesses, and to introduce evidence.
(4) Members of a court of inquiry may be challenged by a party, but only for cause stated to the court.
(5) The members, counsel, the reporter, and interpreters of courts of inquiry shall take an oath or affirmation to faithfully perform their duties.
(6) Witnesses may be summoned to appear and testify and be examined before courts of inquiry, as provided for courts-martial.
(7) Courts of inquiry shall make findings of fact but may not express opinions or make recommendations unless required to do so by the convening authority.
(8) Each court of inquiry shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be authenticated by the signatures of the president and counsel for the court and forwarded to the convening authority. If the record cannot be authenticated by the president, it shall be signed by a member in lieu of the president. If the record cannot be authenticated by the counsel for the court, it shall be signed by a member in lieu of the counsel.
Sec. 29. RCW 38.38.844 and 1989 c 48 s 73 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The following members of the organized militia may administer oaths for the purposes of military administration, including military justice, and affidavits may be taken for those purposes before persons having the general powers of a notary public:
(a) The state judge advocate and all assistant state judge advocates;
(b) All law specialists or paralegals;
(c) All summary courts-martial;
(d) All adjutants, assistant adjutants, acting adjutants, and personnel adjutants;
(e) The military judge, president, trial counsel, and assistant trial counsel for all general and special courts-martial;
(f) The president and the counsel for the court of any court of inquiry;
(g) All officers designated to take a deposition;
(h) All commanding officers of units of the organized militia;
(i) All officers of the organized militia designated as recruiting officers;
(j) All persons detailed to conduct an investigation; and
(((i))) (k) All other
persons designated by regulations of the ((governor)) adjutant
(2) ((Officers of the organized
militia may not be authorized to administer oaths as provided in this section
unless they are on active state service or inactive duty for training in or
with those forces under orders of the governor as prescribed in this code.
(3))) The signature without seal of any
such person, together with the title of the person's office, is prima facie
evidence of the person's authority.
Sec. 30. RCW 38.38.848 and 1989 c 48 s 74 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) RCW 38.38.008, 38.38.012, 38.38.064 through 38.38.132, 38.38.252, 38.38.260, 38.38.372, 38.38.480, 38.38.624 through 38.38.792, and 38.38.848 through 38.38.860 shall be carefully explained to every enlisted member:
(a) At the time of the member's
enlistment or transfer or induction ((into, or));
(b) At the time of the member's order to duty in or with any of the organized militia; or
(c) Within ((thirty)) forty
days thereafter. ((They))
(2) These sections shall also be explained ((annually
to each unit of the organized militia)) again to each member of the
organized militia each time a member of the organized militia reenlists or
extends his or her enlistment.
(3) A complete text of this code and of the regulations prescribed by the governor thereunder shall be made available to any member of the organized militia, upon request, for personal examination."
Senator Hobbs spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Government Operations & Elections to Substitute House Bill No. 1036.
The motion by Senator Hobbs carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "justice;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 38.32.010, 38.32.020, 38.38.004, 38.38.008, 38.38.024, 38.38.080, 38.38.092, 38.38.132, 38.38.180, 38.38.188, 38.38.240, 38.38.244, 38.38.248, 38.38.312, 38.38.316, 38.38.376, 38.38.388, 38.38.396, 38.38.408, 38.38.412, 38.38.624, 38.38.752, 38.38.760, 38.38.800, 38.38.840, 38.38.844, and 38.38.848; and adding new sections to chapter 38.38 RCW."
On motion of Senator Hobbs, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1036 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Hobbs spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1036 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1036 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1036 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1257, by Representatives Goodman, Rodne, O'Brien, Simpson and Moeller
Eliminating the requirement that courts segregate deferred prosecution files.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kline, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1257 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kline spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1257.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1257 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 47; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
HOUSE BILL NO. 1257, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
Senator Benton gave notice of his intent to move to reconsider the vote by which House Bill No. 1257 passed the Senate.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1271, by House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources (originally sponsored by Representatives Haigh, Finn, Crouse, Green, Liias, Springer, O'Brien, Goodman, Morris, Ormsby, Blake, Van De Wege, Moeller, Cody, Conway, Hurst, Walsh, McCune, Hinkle, Nelson and Kenney)
Regarding dispensing and administration of drugs to registered or licensed veterinary personnel. Revised for 1st Substitute: Regarding the preparing and administration of drugs by registered or licensed veterinary personnel.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Hatfield, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1271 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Hatfield spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senator Rockefeller was excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1271.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1271 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley and Rockefeller
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1271, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1596, by Representatives Green, Hunt, Hudgins, Williams, Rolfes, Morrell, Campbell, Roberts, Kagi, Dickerson, Goodman, Upthegrove, Simpson, Moeller, Ormsby and Nelson
Protecting a woman's right to breastfeed in a place of public resort, accommodation, assemblage, or amusement.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Franklin, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1596 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Franklin spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1596.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1596 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 46; Nays, 0; Absent, 1; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senator McAuliffe
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
HOUSE BILL NO. 1596, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1856, by House Committee on Judiciary (originally sponsored by Representatives Kessler, Pedersen, Flannigan, Roberts, Kirby, Nelson, Ormsby, Carlyle, Green, Moeller, Springer, Williams, Appleton, Goodman, Kelley, Maxwell, Rodne, Driscoll, Kenney, Santos, O'Brien, Darneille and Morrell)
Providing certain procedures for tenants who are victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and stalking. Revised for 1st Substitute: Providing certain procedures for tenants who are victims of sexual assault, unlawful harassment, and stalking.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Regala moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Human Services & Corrections be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 31. RCW 59.18.570 and 2004 c 17 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this section and RCW 59.18.575 through 59.18.585 unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Domestic violence" has the same meaning as set forth in RCW 26.50.010.
(2) "Sexual assault" has the same meaning as set forth in RCW 70.125.030.
(3) "Stalking" has the same meaning as set forth in RCW 9A.46.110.
(4) "Qualified third party" means any of the following people acting in their official capacity:
(a) Law enforcement officers;
(b) Persons subject to the provisions of chapter 18.120 RCW;
(c) Employees of a court of the state;
(d) Licensed mental health professionals or other licensed counselors;
(e) Employees of crime victim/witness programs as defined in RCW 7.69.020 who are trained advocates for the program; and
(f) Members of the clergy as defined in RCW 26.44.020.
(5) "Household member" means a child or adult residing with the tenant other than the perpetrator of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault.
(6) "Tenant screening service provider" means any nongovernmental agency that provides, for a fee, background information on prospective tenants to landlords.
(7) "Credit reporting agency" has the same meaning as set forth in RCW 19.182.010(5).
(8) "Unlawful harassment" has the same meaning as in RCW 10.14.020 and also includes any request for sexual favors to a tenant or household member in return for a change in or performance of any or all terms of a lease or rental agreement.
(9) "Landlord" has the same meaning as in RCW 59.l8.030 and includes the landlord's employees.
Sec. 32. RCW 59.18.575 and 2006 c 138 s 27 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) If a tenant notifies the landlord in writing that he or she or a household member was a victim of an act that constitutes a crime of domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking, and either (a)(i) or (ii) of this subsection applies, then subsection (2) of this section applies:
(i) The tenant or the household member has a valid order for protection under one or more of the following: Chapter 7.90, 26.50, or 26.26 RCW or RCW 9A.46.040, 9A.46.050, 10.14.080, 10.99.040 (2) or (3), or 26.09.050; or
(ii) The tenant or the household member has reported the domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking to a qualified third party acting in his or her official capacity and the qualified third party has provided the tenant or the household member a written record of the report signed by the qualified third party.
(b) When a copy of a valid order for
protection or a written record of a report signed by a qualified third party,
as required under (a) of this subsection, is made available to the landlord,
the tenant may terminate the rental agreement and quit the premises without
further obligation under the rental agreement or under chapter ((59.12))
59.18 RCW. However, the request to terminate the rental agreement must
occur within ninety days of the reported act, event, or circumstance that gave
rise to the protective order or report to a qualified third party. A record of
the report to a qualified third party that is provided to the tenant or
household member shall consist of a document signed and dated by the qualified
third party stating: (i) That the tenant or the household member notified him
or her that he or she was a victim of an act or acts that constitute a crime of
domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking;
(ii) the time and date the act or acts occurred; (iii) the location where the
act or acts occurred; (iv) a brief description of the act or acts of domestic
violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking; and (v) that
the tenant or household member informed him or her of the name of the alleged
perpetrator of the act or acts. The record of the report provided to the
tenant or household member shall not include the name of the alleged
perpetrator of the act or acts of domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful
harassment, or stalking. The qualified third party shall keep a copy of
the record of the report and shall note on the retained copy the name of the
alleged perpetrator of the act or acts of domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful
harassment, or stalking. The record of the report to a qualified third
party may be accomplished by completion of a form provided by the qualified
third party, in substantially the following form:
[Name of organization, agency, clinic, professional service provider] I and/or my . . . . . . (household member) am/is a victim of ,. . . domestic violence as defined by RCW 26.50.010.
. . . sexual assault as defined by RCW 70.125.030.
. . . stalking as defined by RCW 9A.46.110.
. . . unlawful harassment as defined by RCW 59.18.570.
Briefly describe the incident of domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking:
The incident(s) that I rely on in support of this declaration occurred on the following date(s) and time(s) and at the
following location(s): ............................................................. .
The incident(s) that I rely on in support of this declaration were committed by the following person(s):
I state under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct.
Dated at . . . . . . . . . . (city) . ., Washington, this . . . day of . . . ., 20. ..
Signature of Tenant or
Household Member,
I verify that I have provided to the person whose signature appears above the statutes cited in RCW 59.18.575 and that the individual was a victim of an act that constitutes a crime of domestic violence, sexual assault, unlawful harassment, or stalking, and that the individual informed me of the name of the alleged perpetrator of the act.
Dated this . . . day of . . . ., 20. ..,,............................................
Signature of authorized
officer/employee of
(Organization, agency,
clinic, professional
service provider),
(2) A tenant who terminates a rental agreement under this section is discharged from the payment of rent for any period following the last day of the month of the quitting date. The tenant shall remain liable for the rent for the month in which he or she terminated the rental agreement unless the termination is in accordance with RCW 59.18.200(1). Notwithstanding lease provisions that allow for forfeiture of a deposit for early termination, a tenant who terminates under this section is entitled to the return of the full deposit, subject to RCW 59.18.020 and 59.18.280. Other tenants who are parties to the rental agreement, except household members who are the victims of sexual assault, stalking, unlawful harassment, or domestic violence, are not released from their obligations under the rental agreement or other obligations under this chapter.
(3)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision under this section, if a tenant or a household member is a victim of sexual assault, stalking, or unlawful harassment by a landlord, the tenant may terminate the rental agreement and quit the premises without further obligation under the rental agreement or under this chapter prior to making a copy of a valid order for protection or a written record of a report signed by a qualified third party available to the landlord, provided that:
(i) The tenant must deliver a copy of a valid order for protection or written record of a report signed by a qualified third party to the landlord by mail, fax, or personal delivery by a third party within seven days of quitting the tenant's dwelling unit; and
(ii) A written record of a report signed by the qualified third party must be substantially in the form specified under subsection (1)(b) of this section. The record of the report provided to the landlord must not include the name of the alleged perpetrator of the act. On written request by the landlord, the qualified third party shall, within seven days, provide the name of the alleged perpetrator of the act to the landlord only if the alleged perpetrator was a person meeting the definition of the term "landlord" under RCW 59.18.570.
(b) A tenant who terminates his or her rental agreement under this subsection is discharged from the payment of rent for any period following the latter of: (i) The date the tenant vacates the unit; or (ii) the date the record of the report of the qualified third party and the written notice that the tenant has vacated are delivered to the landlord by mail, fax, or personal delivery by a third party. The tenant is entitled to a pro rata refund of any prepaid rent and must receive a full and specific statement of the basis for retaining any of the deposit together with any refund due in accordance with RCW 59.18.280.
(4) If a tenant or a household member is a victim of sexual assault, stalking, or unlawful harassment by a landlord, the tenant may change or add locks to the tenant's dwelling unit at the tenant's expense. If a tenant exercises his or her rights to change or add locks, the following rules apply:
(a) Within seven days of changing or adding locks, the tenant must deliver to the landlord by mail, fax, or personal delivery by a third party: (i) Written notice that the tenant has changed or added locks; and (ii) a copy of a valid order for protection or a written record of a report signed by a qualified third party. A written record of a report signed by a qualified third party must be substantially in the form specified under subsection (1)(b) of this section. The record of the report provided to the landlord must not include the name of the alleged perpetrator of the act. On written request by the landlord, the qualified third party shall, within seven days, provide the name of the alleged perpetrator to the landlord only if the alleged perpetrator was a person meeting the definition of the term "landlord" under RCW 59.18.570.
(b) After the tenant provides notice to the landlord that the tenant has changed or added locks, the tenant's rental agreement shall terminate on the ninetieth day after providing such notice, unless:
(i) Within sixty days of providing notice that the tenant has changed or added locks, the tenant notifies the landlord in writing that the tenant does not wish to terminate his or her rental agreement. If the perpetrator has been identified by the qualified third party and is no longer an employee or agent of the landlord or owner and does not reside at the property, the tenant shall provide the owner or owner's designated agent with a copy of the key to the new locks at the same time as providing notice that the tenant does not wish to terminate his or her rental agreement. A tenant who has a valid protection, antiharassment, or other protective order against the owner of the premises or against an employee or agent of the landlord or owner is not required to provide a key to the new locks until the protective order expires or the tenant vacates; or
(ii) The tenant exercises his or her rights to terminate the rental agreement under subsection (3) of this section within sixty days of providing notice that the tenant has changed or added locks.
(c) After a landlord receives notice that a tenant has changed or added locks to his or her dwelling unit under (a) of this subsection, the landlord may not enter the tenant's dwelling unit except as follows:
(i) In the case of an emergency, the landlord may enter the unit if accompanied by a law enforcement or fire official acting in his or her official capacity. If the landlord reasonably concludes that the circumstances require immediate entry into the unit, the landlord may, after notifying emergency services, use such force as necessary to enter the unit if the tenant is not present; or
(ii) The landlord complies with the requirements of RCW 59.18.150 and clearly specifies in writing the time and date that the landlord intends to enter the unit and the purpose for entering the unit. The tenant must make arrangements to permit access by the landlord.
(d) The exercise of rights to change or add locks under this subsection does not discharge the tenant from the payment of rent until the rental agreement is terminated and the tenant vacates the unit.
(e) The tenant may not change any locks to common areas and must make keys for new locks available to other household members.
(f) Upon vacating the dwelling unit, the tenant must deliver the key and all copies of the key to the landlord by mail or personal delivery by a third party.
(5) A tenant's remedies under this section do not preempt any other legal remedy available to the tenant.
(6) The provision of verification of a report under subsection (1)(b) of this section does not waive the confidential or privileged nature of the communication between a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking with a qualified third party pursuant to RCW 5.60.060, 70.123.075, or 70.125.065. No record or evidence obtained from such disclosure may be used in any civil, administrative, or criminal proceeding against the victim unless a written waiver of applicable evidentiary privilege is obtained, except that the verification itself, and no other privileged information, under subsection (1)(b) of this section may be used in civil proceedings brought under this section."
Senator Regala spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Human Services & Corrections to Substitute House Bill No. 1856.
The motion by Senator Regala carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "stalking;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 59.18.570 and 59.18.575."
On motion of Senator Regala, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1856 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Regala spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1856 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1856 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 0; Absent, 2; Excused, 2.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senators Benton and McAuliffe
Excused: Senators Berkey and Fairley
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1856 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1692, by House Committee on Community & Economic Development & Trade (originally sponsored by Representatives Driscoll, Wood, Crouse and Ormsby)
Addressing the authority of the board of directors of a public facilities district.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Marr, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1692 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Marr spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senator McAuliffe was excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1692.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1692 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 1; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senator Fraser
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley and McAuliffe
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1692, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2013, by House Committee on Financial Institutions & Insurance (originally sponsored by Representatives Green, Roach, Kirby, Warnick and Morrell)
Allowing the owner of a self-service storage facility to offer self-service storage insurance.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Hobbs, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 2013 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Hobbs and Benton spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 2013.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 2013 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 43; Nays, 3; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senators Holmquist, Pridemore and Stevens
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley and McAuliffe
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2013, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
Senator Benton withdrew his notice to reconsider the vote on which House Bill No. 1257 passed the Senate.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2042, by House Committee on Community & Economic Development & Trade (originally sponsored by Representatives Kenney, Parker, Hasegawa, Chase and Ormsby)
Concerning the incentive in the motion picture competitiveness programs.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kohl-Welles, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 2042 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kohl-Welles spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 2042.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 2042 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 2; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senators Honeyford and Kastama
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley and McAuliffe
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 2042, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 2025, by Representatives Orwall, Hinkle, Dickerson, Green, Appleton, Driscoll, Morrell, Kagi, Van De Wege and Kenney
Sharing health care information.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Keiser moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Health & Long-Term Care be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 71.05.630 and 2007 c 191 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided by law, all treatment records shall remain confidential and may be released only to the persons designated in this section, or to other persons designated in an informed written consent of the patient.
(2) Treatment records of a person may be released without informed written consent in the following circumstances:
(a) To a person, organization, or agency as necessary for management or financial audits, or program monitoring and evaluation. Information obtained under this subsection shall remain confidential and may not be used in a manner that discloses the name or other identifying information about the person whose records are being released.
(b) To the department, the director of regional support networks, or a qualified staff member designated by the director only when necessary to be used for billing or collection purposes. The information shall remain confidential.
(c) For purposes of research as permitted in chapter 42.48 RCW.
(d) Pursuant to lawful order of a court.
(e) To qualified staff members of the department, to the director of regional support networks, to resource management services responsible for serving a patient, or to service providers designated by resource management services as necessary to determine the progress and adequacy of treatment and to determine whether the person should be transferred to a less restrictive or more appropriate treatment modality or facility. The information shall remain confidential.
(f) Within the treatment facility where the patient is receiving treatment, confidential information may be disclosed to persons employed, serving in bona fide training programs, or participating in supervised volunteer programs, at the facility when it is necessary to perform their duties.
(g) Within the department as necessary to coordinate treatment for mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcoholism, or drug abuse of persons who are under the supervision of the department.
(h) To a licensed physician who has determined that the life or health of the person is in danger and that treatment without the information contained in the treatment records could be injurious to the patient's health. Disclosure shall be limited to the portions of the records necessary to meet the medical emergency.
(i) Consistent with the requirements of the health information portability and accountability act, to a licensed mental health professional, as defined in RCW 71.05.020, or a health care professional licensed under chapter 18.71, 18.71A, 18.57, 18.57A, 18.79, or 18.36A RCW who is providing care to a person, or to whom a person has been referred for evaluation or treatment, to assure coordinated care and treatment of that person. Psychotherapy notes, as defined in 45 C.F.R. Sec. 164.501, may not be released without authorization of the person who is the subject of the request for release of information.
(j) To administrative and office support staff designated to obtain medical records for those licensed professionals listed in (i) of this subsection.
(k) To a facility that is to receive a person who is involuntarily committed under chapter 71.05 RCW, or upon transfer of the person from one treatment facility to another. The release of records under this subsection shall be limited to the treatment records required by law, a record or summary of all somatic treatments, and a discharge summary. The discharge summary may include a statement of the patient's problem, the treatment goals, the type of treatment which has been provided, and recommendation for future treatment, but may not include the patient's complete treatment record.
(((j))) (l)
Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 71.05.390(7), to a correctional facility
or a corrections officer who is responsible for the supervision of a person who
is receiving inpatient or outpatient evaluation or treatment. Except as
provided in RCW 71.05.445 and 71.34.345, release of records under this section
is limited to:
(i) An evaluation report provided pursuant to a written supervision plan.
(ii) The discharge summary, including a record or summary of all somatic treatments, at the termination of any treatment provided as part of the supervision plan.
(iii) When a person is returned from
a treatment facility to a correctional facility, the information provided under
(((j))) (l)(iv) of this subsection.
(iv) Any information necessary to establish or implement changes in the person's treatment plan or the level or kind of supervision as determined by resource management services. In cases involving a person transferred back to a correctional facility, disclosure shall be made to clinical staff only.
(((k))) (m) To the
person's counsel or guardian ad litem, without modification, at any time in
order to prepare for involuntary commitment or recommitment proceedings,
reexaminations, appeals, or other actions relating to detention, admission,
commitment, or patient's rights under chapter 71.05 RCW.
(((l))) (n) To staff
members of the protection and advocacy agency or to staff members of a private,
nonprofit corporation for the purpose of protecting and advocating the rights
of persons with mental disorders or developmental disabilities. Resource
management services may limit the release of information to the name,
birthdate, and county of residence of the patient, information regarding
whether the patient was voluntarily admitted, or involuntarily committed, the
date and place of admission, placement, or commitment, the name and address of
a guardian of the patient, and the date and place of the guardian's
appointment. Any staff member who wishes to obtain additional information
shall notify the patient's resource management services in writing of the
request and of the resource management services' right to object. The staff
member shall send the notice by mail to the guardian's address. If the
guardian does not object in writing within fifteen days after the notice is
mailed, the staff member may obtain the additional information. If the
guardian objects in writing within fifteen days after the notice is mailed, the
staff member may not obtain the additional information.
(((m))) (o) For
purposes of coordinating health care, the department may release without
informed written consent of the patient, information acquired for billing and
collection purposes as described in (b) of this subsection to all current
treating providers of the patient with prescriptive authority who have written
a prescription for the patient within the last twelve months. The department
shall notify the patient that billing and collection information has been
released to named providers, and provide the substance of the information
released and the dates of such release. The department shall not release
counseling, inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, or drug and alcohol
treatment information without a signed written release from the client.
(3) Whenever federal law or federal regulations restrict the release of information contained in the treatment records of any patient who receives treatment for chemical dependency, the department may restrict the release of the information as necessary to comply with federal law and regulations."
Senator Keiser spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Health & Long-Term Care to House Bill No. 2025.
The motion by Senator Keiser carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "services;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 71.05.630."
On motion of Senator Keiser, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 2025 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Keiser and Pflug spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Regala and Tom were excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 2025 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 2025 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 1; Excused, 4.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Roach, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Absent: Senator Rockefeller
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, McAuliffe and Regala
HOUSE BILL NO. 2025 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1808, by House Committee on Education Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Hinkle, Morrell, Bailey, Green and Kelley)
Creating an interdisciplinary work group with faculty from a paramedic training program and an associate degree nursing program. Revised for 1st Substitute: Creating an interdisciplinary work group for paramedic and nursing training.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kilmer, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1808 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Kilmer and Becker spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Kline, McAuliffe and Rockefeller were excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1808.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1808 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 41; Nays, 0; Absent, 2; Excused, 6.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Pridemore, Ranker, Roach, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Absent: Senators Jarrett and Tom
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, Kline, McAuliffe, Regala and Rockefeller
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1808, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
At 3:11 p.m., on motion of Senator Eide, the Senate was declared to be at ease subject to the call of the President.
The Senate was called to order at 4:06 p.m. by President Owen.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1038, by House Committee on General Government Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Orcutt, Blake, Kretz, Van De Wege, Warnick, McCune, Pearson, Kristiansen and Kessler)
Regarding specialized forest products.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Jacobsen moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. (1) The legislature finds that the specialized forest products work group created pursuant to section 2, chapter 392, Laws of 2007 produced a number of consensus recommendations to the legislature as to how the permitting requirements of chapter 76.48 RCW can be improved. In making recommendations, the work group focused on the goals enumerated in RCW 76.48.010 (as recodified by this act).
(2) It is the intent of the legislature to enact those recommendations contained in the report submitted to the legislature from the specialized forest products work group in December 2008 that require statutory modifications.
(3) It is also the intent of the legislature for the department of natural resources, along with other state and local agencies, to take those administrative actions necessary to execute the recommendations contained in the report that do not require statutory changes. When taking administrative actions regarding specialized forest products, those actions should, when appropriate, be conducted consistent with recommendations contained in the report submitted to the legislature from the specialized forest products work group.
Sec. 2. RCW 76.48.010 and 1967 ex.s. c 47 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) It is in the public interest of
this state to protect ((a great)) an important natural resource
and to provide ((a high degree of)) protection to the landowners of the
state of Washington from the theft of specialized forest products.
(2) To satisfy this public interest, this chapter is intended to:
(a) Provide law enforcement with reasonable tools;
(b) Reasonably protect landowners from theft;
(c) Ensure that requirements are not unduly burdensome to those harvesting, transporting, possessing, and purchasing specialized forest products;
(d) Craft requirements that are clear and readily understandable; and
(e) Establish requirements that are able to be administered and enforced consistently statewide.
Sec. 3. RCW 76.48.020 and 2008 c 191 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Artistic cedar product" means a product made from the wood of a cedar tree, including western red cedar, that is not included in the definition of "cedar products" and has been carved, turned, or otherwise manipulated to more than an insignificant degree with the objective intent to be an artistic expression and that would be or is recognized by the applicable local market as having an economic value greater than the value of the raw materials used. Examples of artistic cedar products include, but are not limited to:
(a) Chainsaw carvings;
(b) Hand carvings;
(c) Decorative bowls and boxes.
(2) "Authorization" means a
properly completed preprinted form authorizing the transportation or possession
of Christmas trees ((which contains the information required by)) prepared
consistent with RCW 76.48.080((, a sample of which is filed before the
harvesting occurs with the sheriff of the county in which the harvesting is to
occur)) (as recodified by this act).
(((2))) (3) "Bill
of lading" means a written or printed itemized list or statement of
particulars pertinent to the transportation or possession of a specialized
forest product prepared consistent with RCW 76.48.080 (as recodified by this
(((3))) (4)
"Cascara bark" means the bark of a Cascara tree.
(((4) "Cedar processor"
means any person who purchases, takes, or retains possession of cedar products
or cedar salvage for later sale in the same or modified form following removal
and delivery from the land where harvested.))
(5) (("Cedar products"
means cedar shakeboards, shake and shingle bolts, and rounds one to three feet
in length.
(6) "Cedar salvage" means
cedar chunks, slabs, stumps, and logs having a volume greater than one cubic
foot and being harvested or transported from areas not associated with the
concurrent logging of timber stands (a) under a forest practices application
approved or notification received by the department of natural resources, or
(b) under a contract or permit issued by an agency of the United States
government.)) (a)
"Cedar products" means the following if made from the wood of a cedar
tree, including western red cedar:
(i) Shake and shingle bolts;
(ii) Fence posts and fence rails;
(iii) Logs not covered by a valid approved forest practices application or notification under chapter 76.09 RCW; and
(iv) Other pieces measuring fifteen inches or longer.
(b) "Cedar products" does not include those materials identified in the definition of "processed cedar products" or "artistic cedar products."
(((7))) (6)
"Christmas trees" means any evergreen trees ((or the top thereof,
commonly known as Christmas trees, with limbs and branches, with or without
roots, including fir, pine, spruce, cedar, and other coniferous species)) including
fir, pine, spruce, cedar, and other coniferous species commonly known as
Christmas trees. The definition of Christmas trees includes trees with or
without the roots intact and the tops of the trees. The definition of Christmas
trees does not include trees without limbs or branches.
(((8))) (7) "Cut
or picked evergreen foliage((," commonly known as brush,)) "
means evergreen boughs, huckleberry foliage, salal, fern, Oregon grape,
rhododendron, mosses, bear grass, ((scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius),))
and other cut or picked evergreen products. "Cut or picked evergreen
foliage" does not ((mean)) include cones, berries, any
foliage that does not remain green year-round, ((or)) seeds, or any
plant listed on the state noxious weed list under RCW 17.10.080.
(((9))) (8)
"Department" means the department of natural resources.
(9) "First specialized forest products buyer" means the first person that receives any specialized forest products after they leave the harvest site.
(10) "Harvest" means to
separate, by cutting, prying, picking, peeling, breaking, pulling, splitting,
or otherwise removing, a specialized forest product (((a) from its physical
connection or contact with the land or vegetation upon which it is or was
growing or (b) from the position in which it is lying upon the land)). "Harvest"
includes both removing a specialized forest product from its original physical
connection with the land and collecting a specialized forest product that has
been previously separated from the land.
(((10))) (11)
"Harvest site" means each location where one or more persons are
engaged in harvesting specialized forest products close enough to each other
that communication can be conducted with an investigating law enforcement
officer in a normal conversational tone.
(((11))) (12)
"Huckleberry" means the following species of edible berries, if they
are not nursery grown: Big huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum),
Cascade blueberry (Vaccinium deliciosum), evergreen
huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum), red huckleberry (Vaccinium
parvifolium), globe huckleberry (Vaccinium globulare),
oval-leaf huckleberry (Vaccinium ovalifolium), Alaska
huckleberry (Vaccinium alaskaense), dwarf huckleberry (Vaccinium
caespitosum), western huckleberry (Vaccinium occidentale),
bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum), dwarf bilberry (Vaccinium
myrtillus), and grouse whortleberry (Vaccinium scoparium).
(((12))) (13)
"Landowner" means, with regard to real property, the private owner,
the state of Washington or any political subdivision, the federal government,
or a person who by deed, contract, or lease has authority to harvest and sell the
specialized forest products of the property. "Landowner" does
not include the purchaser or successful high bidder at a public or private
timber sale.
(((13))) (14)
"Native ornamental trees and shrubs" means any trees or shrubs which
are not nursery grown and which have been removed from the ground with the
roots intact.
(((14) "Permit area"
means a designated tract of land that may contain single or multiple harvest
sites)) (15) "Permittee" means a person who is authorized by a
permit issued consistent with this chapter to harvest, possess, and transport
specialized forest products or to sell huckleberries.
(((15))) (16) "Permittor" means
the landowner of the land from where specialized forest products were, or are
planned to be, harvested under a permit issued consistent with this chapter.
(17) "Person" includes the plural and all corporations, foreign or domestic, copartnerships, firms, and associations of persons.
(((16))) (18)
"Processed cedar products" means ((cedar shakes, shingles, fence
posts, hop poles, pickets, stakes, rails, or rounds less than one foot in
length)) products made from the wood of a cedar tree, including western
red cedar, that have undergone more than an insignificant degree of value-added
processing and are not included in the definition of "cedar
products." Examples of processed cedar products include, but are not
limited to:
(a) Shakes;
(b) Shingles;
(c) Hop poles;
(d) Pickets; and
(e) Stakes.
(((17) "Sheriff" means,
for the purpose of validating specialized forest products permits, the county
sheriff, deputy sheriff, or an authorized employee of the sheriff's office or
an agent of the office.
(18))) (19) "Sales invoice"
means a written or printed itemized list or statement of particulars pertinent
to the transportation or possession of a specialized forest product prepared
consistent with RCW 76.48.080 (as recodified by this act).
(20) "Secondary specialized forest products buyer" means any person who receives any specialized forest products after the transaction with the first specialized forest products buyer.
(21) "Specialized forest
products" means ((Christmas trees, native ornamental trees and shrubs,
cut or picked evergreen foliage, cedar products, cedar salvage, processed cedar
products, specialty wood, wild edible mushrooms, and Cascara bark)) the
(a) Specialty wood;
(b) More than five Christmas trees;
(c) More than five native ornamental trees and shrubs;
(d) More than twenty pounds of cut or picked evergreen foliage;
(e) More than five pounds of Cascara bark; and
(f) More than five United States gallons of wild edible mushrooms.
(((19))) (22) "Specialized forest
products permit" or "permit" means a printed document ((in
a form printed by the department of natural resources, or true copy thereof,
that is signed by a landowner or his or her authorized agent or representative,
referred to in this chapter as "permitters" and validated by the
county sheriff and authorizes a designated person, referred to in this chapter
as "permittee," who has also signed the permit, to harvest and
transport a designated specialized forest product from land owned or controlled
and specified by the permitter and that is located in the county where the
permit is issued, or sell raw or unprocessed huckleberries)) and all
attachments completed in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and
includes both validated permits and verifiable permits.
(((20))) (23)
"Specialty wood" means ((wood)):
(a) A cedar product; or
(b) Englemann spruce, Sitka spruce,
big leaf maple, or western red alder that ((is)):
(((a))) (i) Is in logs
((less than eight feet in length)), chunks, slabs, stumps, or burls; ((and
(b) One or more of the following:
(i) Of the species western red
cedar, Englemann spruce, Sitka spruce, big leaf maple, or western red alder;))
(ii) Is capable of being cut into
a segment that is without knots in a portion of the surface area at least
((twenty-one)) nineteen inches long and seven and a quarter
inches wide when measured from the outer surface toward the center; ((or
(iii) Suitable for the purposes of
making musical instruments or ornamental boxes))
(iii) Measures:
(A) Nineteen inches or longer;
(B) Greater than one and three-quarter inches thick; and
(C) Seven and one-quarter inches or greater in width; and
(iv) Is being harvested or transported from areas not associated with the concurrent logging of timber stands:
(A) Under a forest practices application approval or notification received by the department under chapter 76.09 RCW; or
(B) Under a contract or permit issued by an agency of the United States government.
(((21) "Specialty wood buyer" means the
first person that receives any specialty wood product after it leaves the
harvest site.
(22))) (24) "Specialty wood
processor" means any person who purchases, takes, or retains possession of
specialty wood ((products or specialty wood salvage)) for later sale in
the same or modified form following removal and delivery from the land where
(((23))) (25)
"Transportation" means the physical conveyance of specialized forest
products outside or off of a harvest site by any means.
(((24))) (26)
"True copy" means a replica of a ((validated)) specialized
forest products permit ((as)) reproduced ((by a copy machine capable
of effectively reproducing the information contained on the permittee's copy of
the specialized forest products permit. A copy is made true by the permittee
or the permittee and permitter signing in the space provided on the face of the
copy. A true copy will be effective until the expiration date of the
specialized forest products permit unless the permittee or the permittee and
permitter specify an earlier date. A permitter may require the actual
signatures of both the permittee and permitter for execution of a true copy by
so indicating in the space provided on the original copy of the specialized
forest products permit. A permittee, or, if so indicated, the permittee and
permitter, may condition the use of the true copy to harvesting only,
transportation only, possession only, or any combination thereof)) as
provided in section 6 of this act.
(((25))) (27)
"Validated permit" means a permit that is validated as required under
this chapter prior to the harvest, transportation, or possession of specialized
forest products.
(28) "Verifiable permit" means a permit that contains the required information allowing a law enforcement officer to verify the validity of the information contained on the permit but that does not require validation prior to the harvest, transportation, or possession of specialized forest products.
(29) "Wild edible mushrooms"
means edible mushrooms not cultivated or propagated by ((artificial)) domestic
Sec. 4. RCW 76.48.060 and 2008 c 191 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW
76.48.100 (as recodified by this act), a completed specialized forest
products permit ((validated by the county sheriff shall be obtained by a
person prior to)) issued under this chapter is required prior to
engaging in the following activities:
(a) Harvesting any specialized
forest products from any lands, including his or her own((, more than
five Christmas trees, more than five native ornamental trees or shrubs, more
than five pounds of cut or picked evergreen foliage, any cedar products, cedar
salvage, processed cedar products, or more than five pounds of Cascara bark, or
more than five United States gallons of a single species of wild edible
mushroom; or
(b) Selling, or offering for sale,
any amount of raw or unprocessed huckleberries.
(2) Specialized forest products
permit forms shall be provided by the department of natural resources, and
shall be made available through the office of the county sheriff to permittees
or permitters in reasonable quantities. A permit form shall be completed in
triplicate for each permitter's property on which a permittee harvests
specialized forest products. A properly completed permit form shall be mailed
or presented for validation to the sheriff of the county in which the
specialized forest products are to be harvested.
(3) Before a permit form is
validated by the sheriff, sufficient personal identification may be required to
reasonably identify the person mailing or presenting the permit form and the
sheriff may conduct other investigations as deemed necessary to determine the
validity of the information alleged on the form. When the sheriff is
reasonably satisfied as to the truth of the information, the form shall be
validated with the sheriff's validation stamp.
(4) Upon validation, the form shall
become the specialized forest products permit authorizing the harvesting,
possession, or transportation of specialized forest products and the sale of
huckleberries, subject to any other conditions or limitations which the
permitter may specify. Two copies of the permit shall be given or mailed to
the permitter, or one copy shall be given or mailed to the permitter and the
other copy given or mailed to the permittee. The original permit shall be
retained in the office of the county sheriff validating the permit.
(5) In the event a single land
ownership is situated in two or more counties, a specialized forest product
permit shall be completed as to the land situated in each county.
(6) While engaged in harvesting of
specialized forest products, permittees, or their agents or employees, must
have readily available at each harvest site a valid permit or true copy of the
permit.)) land.
(b) Possessing or transporting any specialized forest products, unless the person has in his or her possession either of the following in lieu of a permit:
(i) A true copy of the permit;
(ii) If the person is transporting the specialized forest product from a location other than the harvest site or is a first or secondary specialized forest products buyer, a sales invoice, bill of lading, or, for the possession and transportation of Christmas trees only, an authorization if a copy of the authorization has been filed prior to the harvest of the Christmas trees with the sheriff's office for the county in which the Christmas trees are to be harvested;
(iii) A bill of lading or documentation issued in or by another state, a Canadian province, or the federal government indicating the true origin of the specialized forest products as being outside of Washington; or
(iv) If the products were harvested within the operational area defined by a valid forest practices application or notification under chapter 76.09 RCW, a sequentially numbered load ticket generated by the landowner or the landowner's agent that includes, at a minimum, all information required on a bill of lading and the forest practices application number.
(c) Selling, or offering for sale, any amount of raw or unprocessed huckleberries, regardless if the huckleberries were harvested with the consent of the landowner, unless the possessor of the huckleberries being offered for sale is able to show that the huckleberries originated on land owned by the United States forest service and displays a valid permit from the United States forest service that lawfully entitles the possessor to harvest the huckleberries in question.
(2)(a) Unless otherwise designated by the permittor as provided in this subsection, a permit or true copy must be readily available for inspection at each harvest site.
(b) An individual permit or true copy must be carried and made readily available for inspection by each individual permittee at a harvest site if the permittor designated an individual permit or true copy as an additional condition or limitation specified on the permit under RCW 76.48.050 (as recodified by this act).
Sec. 5. RCW 76.48.080 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
((The)) An
authorization, sales invoice, or bill of lading ((required by RCW 76.48.070
shall)) must specify the following in order to satisfy the
requirements of this chapter:
(1) The date of ((its execution))
the product's transportation.
(2) The ((number)) amount
and type of specialized forest products ((sold or)) being
(3) The name and address of the ((owner,
vendor, or donor of the specialized forest products.
(4) The name and address of the
vendee, donee, or receiver of the)) person receiving the specialized forest products.
(((5) The location of origin of
the specialized forest products.)) (4) The name and address of the first
or secondary specialized forest products buyer, specialty wood processor, or
other person from where the specialized forest products are being transported.
(5) The name of the driver transporting the specialized forest products.
(6) The license plate number of the vehicle transporting the specialized forest product.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 6. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A true copy of a specialized forest products permit is valid if:
(a) The copy is reproduced by a copy machine capable of effectively reproducing the permit information required under RCW 76.48.050 (as recodified by this act); and
(b)(i) The permittee has provided an original signature in the space provided on the face of the copy.
(ii) An actual signature of the permittor is also required for a true copy to be valid if the permittor indicates on the space provided for signatures on the original permit that the actual signature of the permittor is required for the validation of any copies.
(2) A true copy is effective until the expiration date of the underlying permit unless an earlier date is provided by the signatories to the copy.
(3) Either signatory to a permit may condition the use of the true copy for only harvesting, only possessing, only transporting, or a combination of harvesting, possessing, and transporting the associated specialized forest products by indicating the limitations of the true copy on the permit or the copy.
(4) Any permittee issuing a true copy must record and retain for one year the following information:
(a) The date the true copy is issued;
(b) The license plate number and make and model of the vehicle to be used with the true copy;
(c) The name and address of the person receiving the true copy;
(d) The unique number assigned to a valid state identification document issued to the person; and
(e) The expiration date of the true copy.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
(1)(a) Except for the sale of huckleberries, the permit requirements of RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act) may be satisfied with either a validated permit or a verifiable permit. The decision to use a validated or verifiable permit must be made and agreed upon jointly by the permittee and the permittor.
(b) For the sale of huckleberries, only a validated permit satisfies the requirements of RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act).
(2)(a) Forms for both validated permits and verifiable permits must be provided by the department and be made available in reasonable quantities through county sheriff offices and other locations deemed appropriate by the department.
(b) In designing the forms, the department shall ensure that:
(i) All mandatory requirements of this chapter are satisfied;
(ii) The type of permit is clearly marked on the form;
(iii) Each permit is separately numbered and the issuance of the permits are by unique numbers; and
(iv) The form is designed in a manner allowing a permittor to require his or her signature on all true copies as provided in section 6 of this act.
(3) Permit forms must be completed in triplicate for each property and in each county in which specialized forest products are proposed to be harvested or huckleberries sold.
(4)(a) Within five business days after the signature of the permittor on the form for a verifiable permit, as required in RCW 76.48.050 (as recodified by this act), the original permit form must be provided by the permittee to the sheriff of the county in which the specialized forest products are to be harvested. The permittee may provide the permit form in a manner convenient to the permittee and the sheriff's office, including in-person presentation or by mail. If mailed, the permit form must be postmarked within the time window established under this subsection.
(b) Upon full completion, as provided in RCW 76.48.050 (as recodified by this act), the permit form for a validated permit must, except for permits to sell huckleberries, be mailed or presented for validation to the sheriff of the county in which the specialized forest products are to be harvested. Validated permits relating to the sale of huckleberries may be validated by the sheriff of any county in the state.
(5) Two copies of the permit must be retained by the permittee, of which one copy must be given or mailed to the permittor by the permittee. The original permit must be retained in the office of the county sheriff for the purposes of verifying the permit, if necessary.
(6) All permits expire no later than the end of the calendar year in which they are issued.
(7) Permits provided under this section are subject to any other conditions or limitations that the permittor may specify.
(8) Before a permit form is accepted or validated by a sheriff, sufficient personal identification may be required to reasonably identify the person mailing or presenting the permit form. The sheriff may conduct other investigations as deemed necessary to determine the validity of the information alleged on the form.
(9) In the event a single land ownership is situated in two or more counties, a permit form must be completed, as provided in this section, for the portions of the ownership situated in each county.
(10) Permits that are validated by or provided to a sheriff's office under this section must be maintained by that office for a length of time determined by the appropriate records retention schedule.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Forms for a verifiable permit become valid for the purposes of RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act) upon the completion of all information required by RCW 76.48.050 (as recodified by this act).
(2) Forms for a validated permit become valid for the purposes of RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act) upon the validation of the form by the appropriate county sheriff.
Sec. 9. RCW 76.48.050 and 2008 c 191 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Except as otherwise
provided in subsection (3) of this section,)) A specialized forest
products ((permits shall consist of properly completed permit forms
validated by the sheriff of the county in which the specialized forest products
are to be harvested. Each permit shall be separately numbered and the issuance
of the permits shall be by consecutive numbers. All specialized forest
products permits shall expire at the end of the calendar year in which issued,
or sooner, at the discretion of the permitter)) permit form may not be
validated or accepted for verification by a sheriff unless the permit satisfies
the requirements of this section.
(2) A properly completed ((specialized
forest products)) permit form shall include:
(a) The date of its execution and expiration;
(b) The name, address, up to
three telephone numbers, ((if any,)) and signature of the ((permitter))
permittee and permittor;
(c) ((The name, address,
telephone number, if any, and signature of the permittee;
(d))) The type of specialized forest
products to be harvested or transported;
(((e))) (d) The approximate amount or
volume of specialized forest products to be harvested or transported;
(((f))) (e)(i) For
validated permits only, the parcel number or the legal description of the
property from which the specialized forest products are to be harvested or
transported((, including));
(ii) For verifiable permits only:
(A) The parcel number for where the harvesting is to occur, unless the owner of the parcel actually lives at the parcel and the parcel's boundaries comprise an area one acre in size or smaller;
(B) The address of the property where the harvesting is to occur if the owner of the property lives at the parcel and the parcel's boundaries comprise an area less than one acre;
(C) The name of the county((, or the
state or province if outside the state of Washington)) where the
harvesting is to occur; and
(D) An accurate report or statement from the county assessor of the county where the specialized forest products are to be harvested that provides clear evidence that the permittor named on the verifiable permit is the owner of the parcel named on the permit;
(((g))) (f) A
description by local landmarks of where the harvesting is to occur, or from
where the specialized forest products are to be transported;
(((h))) (g) For ((cedar
products, cedar salvage, and)) specialty wood, a copy of a map or aerial
photograph, with defined permitted boundaries, included as an attachment to the
(((i))) (h)(i) For
validated permits, a copy of a valid picture identification of the
permittee on the copy of the permit form that is presented to the sheriff; and
(ii) For verifiable permits, the unique number assigned to a valid state identification document for both the permittee and permittor; and
(((j))) (i) The details of
any other condition or limitation which the ((permitter)) permittor
may specify.
(3) For permits intended to satisfy
the requirements of RCW ((76.48.210)) 76.48.060 (as recodified by
this act) relating ((only)) to the sale of huckleberries, the ((specialized
forest products)) permit:
(a) ((May be obtained from the
department of natural resources or the sheriff of any county in the state;
(b))) Must, in addition to the requirements of subsection (2)
of this section, also contain information relating to where the huckleberries
were, or plan to be, harvested, and the approximate amount of huckleberries that
are going to be offered for sale; and
(((c))) (b) Must
include a statement designed to inform the possessor that permission from the
landowner is still required prior to the harvesting of huckleberries.
(((4) Except for the harvesting
of Christmas trees, the permit or true copy thereof must be carried by the
permittee and the permittee's agents and be available for inspection at all
times. For the harvesting of Christmas trees only a single permit or true copy
thereof is necessary to be available at the harvest site.))
Sec. 10. RCW 76.48.062 and 1995 c 366 s 15 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) County sheriffs may contract with
other entities to serve as authorized agents to ((validate specialized
forest product)) accept and validate permits under section 7 of
this act. ((These)) Entities that a county sheriff may
contract with include the department, the United States forest
service, the bureau of land management((, the department of natural
resources)), local police departments, and other entities as decided upon
by the county sheriffs' departments.
(2) An entity that contracts with a
county sheriff to serve as an authorized agent ((to validate specialized
forest product permits)) under this section may make reasonable
efforts to verify the information provided on the permit form such as the ((section,
township, and range)) legal description or parcel number of the area
where harvesting is to occur.
(3) All processes and requirements applicable to county sheriffs under section 7 of this act also apply to entities contracted under this section.
Sec. 11. RCW 76.48.094 and 2005 c 401 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Cedar or)) It is
unlawful for any first or secondary specialized forest products buyer, or for
any other person, to purchase, take possession of, or retain specialized forest
products subsequent to the harvesting and prior to the retail sale of the
products unless the supplier of the product displays:
(a) An apparently valid permit required by RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act);
(b) A true copy of an apparently valid permit; or
(c) When applicable:
(i) A bill of lading, authorization, sales invoice, or a government-issued documentation, prepared consistent with RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act) indicating the true origin of the specialized forest products as being outside of Washington;
(ii) If the products were harvested within the operational area defined by a valid forest practices application or notification under chapter 76.09 RCW, a sequentially numbered load ticket generated by the landowner or the landowner's agent that includes, at a minimum, all information required on a bill of lading and the forest practices application number; or
(iii) A statement claiming the products offered for sale are otherwise exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter under RCW 76.48.100 (as recodified by this act).
(2) In addition to the requirements
of RCW 76.48.085 (as recodified by this act), specialty wood processors ((shall make and
maintain a record of the purchase, taking possession, or retention of cedar
products, cedar salvage, or specialty wood for at least one year after the date
of receipt. The record must be legible and must be made at the time each
delivery is made.
(2) The)) are required to ensure that a
bill of lading ((must accompany)), authorization, or sales invoice
accompanies all ((cedar products, cedar salvage, or)) specialty wood
((products after the products are received by the cedar or specialty wood
processor)) upon the receipt of the specialty wood into or the shipping
of the specialty wood out of the property of the specialty wood processor.
((The bill of lading must include the specialized forest products permit
number or the information provided for in RCW 76.48.075(5) and must also
(a) The date of transportation;
(b) The name and address of the
first cedar or specialty wood processor or buyer who recorded the specialized
forest products information;
(c) The name and address from where the cedar or
specialty wood products are being transported;
(d) The name of the person receiving
the cedar or specialty wood products;
(e) The address to where the cedar
or specialty wood products are being transported;
(f) The name of the driver;
(g) The vehicle license number;
(h) The type of cedar or specialty
wood product being shipped; and
(i) The amount of cedar or specialty
wood product being shipped.))
Sec. 12. RCW 76.48.085 and 2008 c 191 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Buyers who purchase
specialized forest products or huckleberries)) (a) First and secondary
specialized forest products buyers and huckleberry buyers are required to
(((a))) (i) If the person
is a first specialized forest product buyer, the permit number or, if
applicable, a sequentially numbered load ticket generated by the landowner or
the landowner's agent that includes, at a minimum, all information required on
a bill of lading and the forest practices application or notification number if
the seller claims the specialized forest product in question is exempt from the
permit requirements of this chapter, as provided in RCW 76.48.100 (as
recodified by this act), due to its harvest within the operational area defined
by a valid forest practices application or notification under chapter 76.09 RCW;
(((b))) (ii) Whether or
not the products were accompanied by a bill of lading, authorization, or sales
(iii) The type of specialized
forest product purchased, and ((whether)), if applicable, an
indication that huckleberries were purchased;
(((c))) (iv) The ((permit
holder's)) name of the seller; ((and
(d))) (v) The amount of specialized
forest product or huckleberries purchased;
(vi) The date of delivery;
(vii) The name of the person driving the vehicle in which the specialized forest products were transported to the buyer, as confirmed by a visual inspection of the applicable driver's license, unless the buyer has previously recorded the driver's information in an accessible record; and
(viii) Except for transactions involving Christmas trees, the license plate number of the vehicle in which the specialized forest products were transported to the buyer.
(((2) The buyer or processor))
(b) First and secondary specialized forest products buyers shall keep a
record of this information, along with any accompanying bill of lading,
sales invoice, or authorization, for a period of one year from the date of
purchase and must make the records available for inspection upon demand by ((authorized))
enforcement officials authorized under RCW 76.48.040 (as recodified by this
act) to enforce this chapter.
(((3) The buyer of specialized
forest products must record the license plate number of the vehicle
transporting the forest products or huckleberries on the bill of sale, as well
as the seller's permit number on the bill of sale. This section shall not
apply to transactions involving Christmas trees.
(4))) (c) In lieu of a permit number
or forest practices identification and load ticket number, the buyer may, when
applicable, note that the seller claims that the products offered for sale are
exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter under RCW 76.48.100 (as
recodified by this act), or were lawfully transported into Washington from out
of state. All other information required by this section must be recorded.
(2) This section ((shall)) does
not apply to buyers of specialized forest products at the retail sales level.
(3) Records of buyers of specialized forest products and huckleberries collected under this section may be made available to colleges and universities for the purpose of research.
Sec. 13. RCW 76.48.098 and 2005 c 401 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
Every ((cedar or)) first
or secondary specialized forest products buyer purchasing specialty wood and
specialty wood ((buyer or)) processor shall prominently display a ((valid
registration certificate,)) master license issued by the department of
licensing under RCW 19.02.070 or a copy ((thereof)) of the
license((, obtained from the department of revenue under RCW 82.32.030))
at each location where the buyer or processor receives ((cedar products,
cedar salvage, or)) specialty wood if the first or secondary specialized
forest products buyer or specialty wood processor is required to possess a
license incorporated into the master license system created in chapter 19.02
((Permittees shall sell cedar products,
cedar salvage, or specialty wood products only to cedar or specialty wood
processors displaying registration certificates which appear to be valid.))
Sec. 14. RCW 76.48.030 and 2007 c 392 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
It is unlawful for any person to:
(1) ((Harvest)) Sell or
attempt to sell huckleberries, or harvest, possess, or transport
specialized forest products ((as described in RCW 76.48.020, in the
quantities specified)) in violation of RCW 76.48.060((, without
first obtaining a validated specialized forest products permit)) (as
recodified by this act);
(2) Engage in activities or phases
of harvesting specialized forest products not authorized by ((the)) a
permit under this chapter;
(3) Harvest specialized forest
products in any lesser quantities than those specified in RCW 76.48.060((,
as now or hereafter amended,)) (as recodified by this act) without
first obtaining permission from the landowner or ((his or her duly)) the
landowner's authorized agent or representative; or
(4) Harvest huckleberries in any amount using a rake, mechanical device, or any other method that damages the huckleberry bush.
Sec. 15. RCW 76.48.120 and 2008 c 191 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) It is unlawful for any person, upon official inquiry, investigation, or other authorized proceedings, to:
(a) Offer as genuine any paper, document,
or other instrument in writing purporting to be a specialized forest products
permit, ((or)) true copy ((thereof)) of a permit,
authorization, sales invoice, ((or)) bill of lading, or other
document required under this chapter; or
(b) To make any representation of
authority to possess or conduct harvesting or transporting of specialized
forest products, or to conduct the sale of huckleberries, ((knowing
the same to be)) with knowledge that the representation of authority is
in any manner false, fraudulent, forged, or stolen.
(2) It is unlawful for any person to produce a document for a first or secondary specialized forest products buyer purporting to be a true and genuine permit when delivering or attempting to deliver a specialized forest product with knowledge that the document is in any manner false, fraudulent, forged, or stolen.
(3) Any person who knowingly or intentionally violates this section is guilty of a class C felony punishable by imprisonment in a state correctional institution for a maximum term fixed by the court of not more than five years or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both imprisonment and fine.
(((3) Whenever any law
enforcement officer reasonably suspects that a specialized forest products permit
or true copy thereof, authorization, sales invoice, or bill of lading is
forged, fraudulent, or stolen, it may be retained by the officer until its
authenticity can be verified.))
Sec. 16. RCW 76.48.130 and 2007 c 392 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW
76.48.120 (as recodified by this act), a person who violates a provision of
this chapter((, other than the provisions contained in RCW 76.48.120, as now
or hereafter amended,)) is guilty of a gross misdemeanor ((and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished)) punishable by a fine of not
more than one thousand dollars ((or by)), imprisonment in the
county jail for a term not to exceed one year, or by both a fine
and imprisonment.
(2) In any prosecution for a
violation of this chapter's requirements to obtain or possess a specialized
forest products permit ((or)), true copy ((thereof, an
authorization, sales invoice, or)), bill of lading, authorization,
or sales invoice, it is an affirmative defense, if established by the
defendant by a preponderance of the evidence, that:
(a) The specialized forest products were harvested from the defendant's own land; or
(b) The specialized forest products were harvested with the permission of the landowner.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 17. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The court presiding over the conviction of any person for a violation of RCW 76.48.120 or 76.48.130 (as recodified by this act) who has been convicted of violating either RCW 76.48.120 or 76.48.130 (as recodified by this act) at least two other times shall order up to a three-year suspension of that person's privilege to obtain a specialized forest products permit under this chapter.
(2) If a court issues a suspension under this section after a conviction involving the misuse of a permit with a specified permittor, the legislature requests that the court notify the permittor listed on the permit of the suspension.
(3) Nothing in this section limits the ability of a court to order the suspension of any privileges related to specialized forest products as a condition of probation regardless of whether the person has any past convictions.
Sec. 18. RCW 76.48.140 and 2005 c 401 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
All fines collected for violations
of ((any provision of)) this chapter shall be paid into the general fund
of the county treasury of the county in which the violation occurred and
distributed equally among the district courts in the county, the county
sheriff's office, and the ((county's general fund)) state treasurer.
The portion of the revenue provided to the state treasurer must be distributed
to the specialized forest products outreach and education account created in
section 26 of this act.
Sec. 19. RCW 76.48.040 and 1995 c 366 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
((Agencies charged with the
enforcement of this chapter shall include, but not be limited to,)) (1)
Primary enforcement responsibility of this chapter belongs with county
sheriffs. However, other entities that may enforce this chapter include:
(a) The department;
(b) The Washington state patrol((,
county sheriffs and their deputies,));
(c) County or municipal police forces((,));
Authorized personnel of the United States forest service((,));
(e) Authorized personnel of the
department((s of natural resources and)) of fish and wildlife.
((Primary enforcement responsibility lies in the county sheriffs and their
(2) The legislature encourages county sheriffs' offices to enter into interlocal agreements with these other agencies in order to receive additional assistance with their enforcement responsibilities.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 20. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A law enforcement officer may take into custody and detain for a reasonable time any specialized forest products, authorizations, sales invoices, bills of lading, other documents, and vehicles in which the specialized forest products were transported if, under official inquiry, investigation, or other authorized proceeding regarding specialized forest products not covered by a valid permit or other acceptable document as provided in this chapter, the inspecting law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that the specialized forest products were obtained in violation of this chapter until the true origin of the specialized forest products can be determined.
(2) A law enforcement officer may retain a specialized forest products permit, true copy of a permit, authorization, sales invoice, bill of lading, or other document required under this chapter if the officer reasonably suspects that the document is forged in violation of RCW 76.48.120 (as recodified by this act), fraudulent, or stolen, until the authenticity of the document can be verified.
(3)(a) If no arrest is made at the conclusion of the official inquiry, investigation, or other authorized proceeding for a violation of this chapter or another state law, all materials detained under this section must be returned to the person or persons from whom the materials were taken.
(b)(i) If an arrest does follow the inquiry, investigation, or authorized proceeding, and the law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a person is selling or attempting to sell huckleberries, or is harvesting, in possession of, or transporting specialized forest products in violation of this chapter, any specialized forest products or huckleberries found at the time of arrest may be seized.
(ii) If the specialized forest product triggering the arrest is specialty wood, the law enforcement officer may also seize any equipment, vehicles, tools, or paperwork associated with the arrest.
(c) Materials seized under this chapter are subject to the provisions of RCW 76.48.110 (as recodified by this act).
Sec. 21. RCW 76.48.110 and 2008 c 191 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Whenever any law
enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a person is harvesting
or is in possession of or transporting specialized forest products, or selling
or attempting to sell huckleberries, in violation of the provisions of this
chapter, he or she may, at the time of making an arrest, seize and take
possession of any specialized forest products or huckleberries found.
If the specialized forest product is
a cedar product, cedar salvage, or specialty wood, at the time of making an
arrest the law enforcement officer may seize and take possession of any
equipment, vehicles, tools, or paperwork. The law enforcement officer shall
provide)) (a) Reasonable
protection must be provided for ((the)) any equipment,
vehicles, tools, paperwork, huckleberries, or specialized forest
products ((involved)) seized under section 20 of this act during
the period of ((litigation or he or she shall dispose of the equipment,
vehicles, tools, paperwork, or specialized forest products at the discretion or
order of)) adjudication unless the court before which the arrested
person is ordered to appear orders the disposal of any or all of the seized
(b) Given the perishable nature of huckleberries and specialized forest products, the seizing agency may sell the product at fair market value and retain all proceeds until a final disposition of the case has been reached.
(2) Upon any disposition of the case by the court, the court shall:
(a) Make a reasonable effort to return ((the
equipment, vehicles, tools, paperwork, huckleberries, or specialized forest
products)) all materials seized under section 20 of this act to its
((rightful)) lawful owner or owners; or
(b) Order the disposal of or return of any or all materials seized under this section, including tools, vehicles, equipment, paperwork, or specialized forest products.
(3) If the court orders the disposal of seized materials, it may:
(a) Pay the proceeds of any sale of seized
specialized forest products or huckleberries, less any reasonable
expenses of the sale, to the ((rightful)) lawful owner;
(b) Pay the proceeds of any sale of seized tools, equipment, or vehicles, less any reasonable expenses of the sale or, if applicable, towards any outstanding court costs, and then to the lawful owner or owners.
(4) If, for any reason, the
proceeds of ((the)) any sale of materials seized under this
section cannot be ((disposed of)) provided to the ((rightful))
lawful owner, the proceeds of the sale, less ((the))
reasonable expenses ((of)) relating to the sale, shall be paid to
the treasurer of the county in which the violation occurred((. The county
treasurer shall deposit the same in)) for deposit into the county
general fund and for distribution equally among the district courts in the
county, the county sheriff's office, and the state treasurer. The portion of
the revenue provided to the state treasurer must be distributed to the
specialized forest products outreach and education account created in section
26 of this act.
(5) The owner or owners of materials seized under section 20 of this act must be offered an opportunity to appeal an order for the disposal of the seized materials.
(6) The return of ((the equipment,
vehicles, tools, paperwork, or specialized forest products)) materials
seized under section 20 of this act, or the payment of the proceeds of any
sale of products seized to the owner, shall not preclude the court from
imposing any fine or penalty upon the violator for the violation of the
provisions of this chapter.
Sec. 22. RCW 76.48.100 and 2005 c 401 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
((The provisions of)) Except
as otherwise conditioned, this chapter ((do)) does not apply
(1) Nursery grown products.
(2) The following products when harvested within the operational areas as defined by a valid forest practices application or notification under chapter 76.09 RCW, and when the person harvesting is able to provide a sequentially numbered load ticket provided by the landowner or the landowner's agent that includes, at a minimum, all information required on a bill of lading and the forest practices application or notification number, or under a contract or permit issued by an agency of the United States government:
(a) Logs (((except as included in
the definition of "cedar salvage" under RCW 76.48.020),));
(b) Speciality wood;
(c) Cut or picked evergreen foliage;
(d) Poles((,));
(e) Pilings((,)); or
(f) Other major forest products from
which substantially all of the limbs and branches have been removed((,
specialty wood, and cedar salvage when harvested concurrently with timber
stands (a) under an approved forest practices application or notification, or
(b) under a contract or permit issued by an agency of the United States
(3) ((The activities of a)) Noncommercial
harvest, transportation, or possession by the landowner, ((his or her))
the landowner's agent((, or)), representative, ((or of
a lessee of land in carrying on noncommercial property management, maintenance,
or improvements on or in connection with the land of the landowner)) or
lessee of specialized forest products originating from property belonging to
the landowner.
(4) Harvest, transportation, or possession of specialized forest products by:
(a) A governmental entity or the entity's agent for the purposes of clearing or maintaining the governmental entity's right-of-way or easement; or
(b) A public or regulated utility or the utility's agent for the purpose of clearing or maintaining the utility's right-of-way or easement.
Sec. 23. RCW 76.48.210 and 2008 c 191 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Except as otherwise
provided in this section, no person may sell, or attempt to sell, any amount of
raw or unprocessed huckleberries without first obtaining a specialized forest
products permit as provided in RCW 76.48.060, regardless if the huckleberries were
harvested with the consent of the landowner.
(2) If the possessor of the
huckleberries being offered for sale is able to show that the huckleberries
originated on land owned by the United States forest service, then the
requirements of this section may be satisfied with the display of a valid
permit from the United States forest service that lawfully entitles the
possessor to harvest the huckleberries in question.
(3))) Nothing in ((this section))
RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act) creates a requirement that a
specialized forest products permit is required for an individual to harvest,
possess, or transport huckleberries.
(((4))) (2) Compliance
with ((this section)) RCW 76.48.060 (as recodified by this act)
allows an individual to sell, or offer for sale, raw or unprocessed
huckleberries. Possession of a specialized forest products permit does not
create a right or privilege to harvest huckleberries. Huckleberries may be
harvested only with the permission of the landowner and under the terms and
conditions established between the landowner and the harvester.
Sec. 24. RCW 76.48.150 and 2005 c 401 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Subject to the availability of
funds in the specialized forest products outreach and education account
established under section 26 of this act, the department ((of natural resources is the
designated agency to develop and print the specialized forest products permit
and distribute it to the county sheriffs. In addition, the department of
natural resources)) shall develop educational material ((and other)),
including printed information, for law enforcement, forest
landowners, and specialized forest products ((harvesters)) permittees,
buyers, and processors specific to this chapter.
(2) The department is encouraged to foster partnerships with federal agencies, other state agencies, universities, local governments, and private interests in order to minimize educational and outreach expenses.
Sec. 25. RCW 76.48.200 and 2008 c 191 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Minority groups have long been
participants in the specialized forest products and huckleberry harvesting
industry. The legislature encourages agencies serving minority communities,
community-based organizations, refugee centers, social service agencies,
agencies and organizations with expertise in the specialized forest products
and huckleberry harvesting ((industry)) industries, and other
interested groups to work cooperatively to accomplish the following purposes:
(((1))) (a) To provide
assistance and make referrals on translation services and to assist in
translating educational materials, laws, and rules regarding specialized forest
products and huckleberries;
(((2))) (b) To hold
clinics to teach techniques for effective picking; and
(((3))) (c) To work
with both minority and nonminority permittees in order to protect resources and
foster understanding between minority and nonminority permittees.
(2) To the extent practicable within
their existing resources, the department, the state commission on ((Asian-American))
Asian Pacific American affairs created in RCW 43.117.030, and
the state commission on Hispanic affairs created in RCW 43.115.020((,
and the department of natural resources)) are encouraged to coordinate ((this
effort)) efforts under this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 26. A new section is added to chapter 76.48 RCW to read as follows:
The specialized forest products outreach and education account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts from RCW 76.48.140 and 76.48.110 (as recodified by this act), any legislative appropriations, private donations, or any other private or public source directed to the account must be deposited in the account. Expenditures from the account may only be used by the department for funding activities under RCW 76.48.150 and 76.48.200 (as recodified by this act). Only the commissioner of public lands or the commissioner's designee may authorize expenditures from the account. The account is subject to the allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but an appropriation is not required for expenditures.
Sec. 27. RCW 76.48.902 and 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 17 are each amended to read as follows:
If any provision of this act or this chapter or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or this chapter or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
Sec. 28. RCW 76.48.910 and 1967 ex.s. c 47 s 16 are each amended to read as follows:
This chapter is not intended to repeal, supersede, or modify any provision of existing law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 29. The following sections are codified or recodified in chapter 76.48 RCW in the following order:
RCW 76.48.010;
RCW 76.48.020;
RCW 76.48.060;
RCW 76.48.080;
Section 6 of this act;
Section 7 of this act;
Section 8 of this act;
RCW 76.48.050;
RCW 76.48.062;
RCW 76.48.094;
RCW 76.48.085;
RCW 76.48.098;
RCW 76.48.030;
RCW 76.48.120;
RCW 76.48.130;
section 17 of this act;
RCW 76.48.140;
RCW 76.48.040;
Section 20 of this act;
RCW 76.48.110;
RCW 76.48.100;
RCW 76.48.210;
RCW 76.48.150;
RCW 76.48.200;
Section 26 of this act;
RCW 76.48.900;
RCW 76.48.902; and
RCW 76.48.910.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 30. The following acts or parts of acts are each repealed:
(1) RCW 76.48.070 (Transporting or possessing cedar or other specialized forest products‑-Requirements) and 2005 c 401 s 4, 1995 c 366 s 6, 1992 c 184 s 3, 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 6, 1977 ex.s. c 147 s 6, & 1967 ex.s. c 47 s 8;
(2) RCW 76.48.086 (Records of buyers available for research) and 2008 c 191 s 5 & 1995 c 366 s 16;
(3) RCW 76.48.096 (Obtaining products from suppliers not having specialized forest products permit unlawful) and 2005 c 401 s 8, 1995 c 366 s 8, 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 10, & 1977 ex.s. c 147 s 12; and
(4) RCW 76.48.075 (Specialized forest products from out-of-state) and 2005 c 401 s 5, 1995 c 366 s 7, & 1979 ex.s. c 94 s 15.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 31. RCW 76.48.901 is decodified."
Senator Jacobsen spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Natural Resources, Ocean & Recreation to Substitute House Bill No. 1038.
The motion by Senator Jacobsen carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "76.48 RCW;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 76.48.010, 76.48.020, 76.48.060, 76.48.080, 76.48.050, 76.48.062, 76.48.094, 76.48.085, 76.48.098, 76.48.030, 76.48.120, 76.48.130, 76.48.140, 76.48.040, 76.48.110, 76.48.100, 76.48.210, 76.48.150, 76.48.200, 76.48.902, and 76.48.910; adding new sections to chapter 76.48 RCW; creating a new section; recodifying RCW 76.48.010, 76.48.020, 76.48.060, 76.48.080, 76.48.050, 76.48.062, 76.48.094, 76.48.085, 76.48.098, 76.48.030, 76.48.120, 76.48.130, 76.48.140, 76.48.040, 76.48.110, 76.48.100, 76.48.210, 76.48.150, 76.48.200, 76.48.900, 76.48.902, and 76.48.910; decodifying RCW 76.48.901; repealing RCW 76.48.070, 76.48.086, 76.48.096, and 76.48.075; and prescribing penalties."
On motion of Senator Jacobsen, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1038 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senators Jacobsen and Morton spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Brown, Prentice and Tom were excused.
On motion of Senator Delvin, Senator Brandland was excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1038 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1038 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 5.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Brown, Fairley, Prentice and Tom
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1038 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SECOND SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1052, by House Committee on General Government Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Moeller, Williams, Blake, Chase and Kretz)
Concerning firearm licenses for persons from other countries.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Kline moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Judiciary be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 9.41.010 and 2001 c 300 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Firearm" means a weapon or device from which a projectile or projectiles may be fired by an explosive such as gunpowder.
(2) "Pistol" means any firearm with a barrel less than sixteen inches in length, or is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand.
(3) "Rifle" means a weapon designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to use the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger.
(4) "Short-barreled rifle" means a rifle having one or more barrels less than sixteen inches in length and any weapon made from a rifle by any means of modification if such modified weapon has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches.
(5) "Shotgun" means a weapon with one or more barrels, designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to be fired from the shoulder and designed or redesigned, made or remade, and intended to use the energy of the explosive in a fixed shotgun shell to fire through a smooth bore either a number of ball shot or a single projectile for each single pull of the trigger.
(6) "Short-barreled shotgun" means a shotgun having one or more barrels less than eighteen inches in length and any weapon made from a shotgun by any means of modification if such modified weapon has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches.
(7) "Machine gun" means any firearm known as a machine gun, mechanical rifle, submachine gun, or any other mechanism or instrument not requiring that the trigger be pressed for each shot and having a reservoir clip, disc, drum, belt, or other separable mechanical device for storing, carrying, or supplying ammunition which can be loaded into the firearm, mechanism, or instrument, and fired therefrom at the rate of five or more shots per second.
(8) "Antique firearm" means a firearm or replica of a firearm not designed or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898, including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
(9) "Loaded" means:
(a) There is a cartridge in the chamber of the firearm;
(b) Cartridges are in a clip that is locked in place in the firearm;
(c) There is a cartridge in the cylinder of the firearm, if the firearm is a revolver;
(d) There is a cartridge in the tube or magazine that is inserted in the action; or
(e) There is a ball in the barrel and the firearm is capped or primed if the firearm is a muzzle loader.
(10) "Dealer" means a person engaged in the business of selling firearms at wholesale or retail who has, or is required to have, a federal firearms license under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 923(a). A person who does not have, and is not required to have, a federal firearms license under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 923(a), is not a dealer if that person makes only occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or sells all or part of his or her personal collection of firearms.
(11) "Crime of violence" means:
(a) Any of the following felonies, as now existing or hereafter amended: Any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or an attempt to commit a class A felony, criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit a class A felony, manslaughter in the first degree, manslaughter in the second degree, indecent liberties if committed by forcible compulsion, kidnapping in the second degree, arson in the second degree, assault in the second degree, assault of a child in the second degree, extortion in the first degree, burglary in the second degree, residential burglary, and robbery in the second degree;
(b) Any conviction for a felony offense in effect at any time prior to June 6, 1996, which is comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence in (a) of this subsection; and
(c) Any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense comparable to a felony classified as a crime of violence under (a) or (b) of this subsection.
(12) "Serious offense" means any of the following felonies or a felony attempt to commit any of the following felonies, as now existing or hereafter amended:
(a) Any crime of violence;
(b) Any felony violation of the uniform controlled substances act, chapter 69.50 RCW, that is classified as a class B felony or that has a maximum term of imprisonment of at least ten years;
(c) Child molestation in the second degree;
(d) Incest when committed against a child under age fourteen;
(e) Indecent liberties;
(f) Leading organized crime;
(g) Promoting prostitution in the first degree;
(h) Rape in the third degree;
(i) Drive-by shooting;
(j) Sexual exploitation;
(k) Vehicular assault, when caused by the operation or driving of a vehicle by a person while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug or by the operation or driving of a vehicle in a reckless manner;
(l) Vehicular homicide, when proximately caused by the driving of any vehicle by any person while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug as defined by RCW 46.61.502, or by the operation of any vehicle in a reckless manner;
(m) Any other class B felony offense with a finding of sexual motivation, as "sexual motivation" is defined under RCW 9.94A.030;
(n) Any other felony with a deadly weapon verdict under RCW 9.94A.602; or
(o) Any felony offense in effect at any time prior to June 6, 1996, that is comparable to a serious offense, or any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense that under the laws of this state would be a felony classified as a serious offense.
(13) "Law enforcement officer" includes a general authority Washington peace officer as defined in RCW 10.93.020, or a specially commissioned Washington peace officer as defined in RCW 10.93.020. "Law enforcement officer" also includes a limited authority Washington peace officer as defined in RCW 10.93.020 if such officer is duly authorized by his or her employer to carry a concealed pistol.
(14) "Felony" means any felony offense under the laws of this state or any federal or out-of-state offense comparable to a felony offense under the laws of this state.
(15) "Sell" refers to the actual approval of the delivery of a firearm in consideration of payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money.
(16) "Barrel length" means the distance from the bolt face of a closed action down the length of the axis of the bore to the crown of the muzzle, or in the case of a barrel with attachments to the end of any legal device permanently attached to the end of the muzzle.
(17) "Family or household member" means "family" or "household member" as used in RCW 10.99.020.
(18) "Nonimmigrant alien" means a person defined as such in 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101(a)(15).
(19) "Lawful permanent resident" has the same meaning afforded a person "lawfully admitted for permanent residence" in 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1101(a)(20).
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows:
It is a class C felony for any person who is not a citizen of the United States to carry or possess any firearm, unless the person: (1) Is a lawful permanent resident; (2) has obtained a valid alien firearm license pursuant to section 3 of this act; or (3) meets the requirements of section 4 of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows:
(1) In order to obtain an alien firearm license, a nonimmigrant alien residing in Washington must apply to the sheriff of the county in which he or she resides.
(2) The sheriff of the county shall within sixty days after the filing of an application of a nonimmigrant alien residing in the state of Washington, issue an alien firearm license to such person to carry or possess a firearm for the purposes of hunting and sport shooting. The license shall be good for two years. The issuing authority shall not refuse to accept completed applications for alien firearm licenses during regular business hours. An application for a license may not be denied, unless the applicant's alien firearm license is in a revoked status, or the applicant:
(a) Is ineligible to possess a firearm under the provisions of RCW 9.41.040 or 9.41.045;
(b) Is subject to a court order or injunction regarding firearms pursuant to RCW 9A.46.080, 10.14.080, 10.99.040, 10.99.045, 26.09.050, 26.09.060, 26.10.040, 26.10.115, 26.26.130, 26.50.060, 26.50.070, or 26.26.590;
(c) Is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal, or sentencing for a felony offense; or
(d) Has an outstanding warrant for his or her arrest from any court of competent jurisdiction for a felony or misdemeanor.
No license application shall be granted to a nonimmigrant alien convicted of a felony unless the person has been granted relief from disabilities by the attorney general under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 925(c), or unless RCW 9.41.040 (3) or (4) applies.
(3) The sheriff shall check with the national crime information center, the Washington state patrol electronic database, the department of social and health services electronic database, and with other agencies or resources as appropriate, to determine whether the applicant is ineligible under RCW 9.41.040 or 9.41.045 to possess a firearm.
(4) The license application shall bear the full name, residential address, telephone number at the option of the applicant, date and place of birth, race, gender, description, not more than two complete sets of fingerprints, and signature of the applicant, a copy of the applicant's passport and visa showing the applicant is in the country legally, and a valid Washington hunting license or documentation that the applicant is a member of a sport shooting club.
A signed application for an alien firearm license shall constitute a waiver of confidentiality and written request that the department of social and health services, mental health institutions, and other health care facilities release information relevant to the applicant's eligibility for an alien firearm license to an inquiring court or law enforcement agency.
The application for an original license shall include a complete set of fingerprints to be forwarded to the Washington state patrol.
The license and application shall contain a warning substantially as follows:
CAUTION: Although state and local laws do not differ, federal law and state law on the possession of firearms differ. If you are prohibited by federal law from possessing a firearm, you may be prosecuted in federal court. A state license is not a defense to a federal prosecution.
The license shall contain a description of the major differences between state and federal law and an explanation of the fact that local laws and ordinances on firearms are preempted by state law and must be consistent with state law. The application shall contain questions about the applicant's eligibility under RCW 9.41.040 to possess a firearm. The nonimmigrant alien applicant shall be required to produce a passport and visa as evidence of being in the country legally.
The license may be in triplicate or in a form to be prescribed by the department of licensing. The original thereof shall be delivered to the licensee, the duplicate shall within seven days be sent to the director of licensing and the triplicate shall be preserved for six years, by the authority issuing the license.
The department of licensing shall make available to law enforcement and corrections agencies, in an online format, all information received under this section.
(5) The sheriff has the authority to collect a nonrefundable fee, paid upon application, for the two-year license. The fee shall be fifty dollars plus additional charges imposed by the Washington state patrol and the federal bureau of investigation that are passed on to the applicant. No other state or local branch or unit of government may impose any additional charges on the applicant for the issuance of the license. The fee shall be retained by the sheriff.
(6) Payment shall be by cash, check, or money order at the option of the applicant. Additional methods of payment may be allowed at the option of the sheriff.
(7) A political subdivision of the state shall not modify the requirements of this section, nor may a political subdivision ask the applicant to voluntarily submit any information not required by this section.
(8) A person who knowingly makes a false statement regarding citizenship or identity on an application for an alien firearm license is guilty of false swearing under RCW 9A.72.040. In addition to any other penalty provided for by law, the alien firearm license of a person who knowingly makes a false statement shall be revoked, and the person shall be permanently ineligible for an alien firearm license.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. A new section is added to chapter 9.41 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A nonimmigrant alien, who is not a resident of Washington or a citizen of Canada, may carry or possess any firearm without having first obtained an alien firearm license if the nonimmigrant alien possesses:
(a) A valid passport and visa showing he or she is in the country legally;
(b) If required under federal law, an approved United States department of justice ATF-6 NIA application and permit for temporary importation of firearms and ammunition by nonimmigrant aliens; and
(c)(i) A valid hunting license issued by a state or territory of the United States; or
(ii) An invitation to participate in a trade show or sport shooting event being conducted in this state, another state, or another country that is contiguous with this state.
(2) A citizen of Canada may carry or possess any firearm so long as he or she possesses:
(a) Valid documentation as required for entry into the United States;
(b) If required under federal law, an approved United States department of justice ATF-6 NIA application and permit for temporary importation of firearms and ammunition by nonimmigrant aliens; and
(c)(i) A valid hunting license issued by a state or territory of the United States; or
(ii) An invitation to participate in a trade show or sport shooting event being conducted in this state, another state, or another country that is contiguous with this state.
(3) For purposes of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the firearms may only be possessed for the purpose of using them in the hunting of game while such persons are in the act of hunting, or while on a hunting trip, or while such persons are competing in a bona fide trap or skeet shoot or any other organized contest where rifles, pistols, or shotguns are used. Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow aliens to hunt or fish in this state without first having obtained a regular hunting or fishing license.
Sec. 5. RCW 9.41.070 and 2002 c 302 s 703 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The chief of police of a municipality or the sheriff of a county shall within thirty days after the filing of an application of any person, issue a license to such person to carry a pistol concealed on his or her person within this state for five years from date of issue, for the purposes of protection or while engaged in business, sport, or while traveling. However, if the applicant does not have a valid permanent Washington driver's license or Washington state identification card or has not been a resident of the state for the previous consecutive ninety days, the issuing authority shall have up to sixty days after the filing of the application to issue a license. The issuing authority shall not refuse to accept completed applications for concealed pistol licenses during regular business hours.
The applicant's constitutional right to bear arms shall not be denied, unless:
(a) He or she is ineligible to possess a firearm under the provisions of RCW 9.41.040 or 9.41.045;
(b) The applicant's concealed pistol license is in a revoked status;
(c) He or she is under twenty-one years of age;
(d) He or she is subject to a court order or injunction regarding firearms pursuant to RCW 9A.46.080, 10.14.080, 10.99.040, 10.99.045, 26.09.050, 26.09.060, 26.10.040, 26.10.115, 26.26.130, 26.50.060, 26.50.070, or 26.26.590;
(e) He or she is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal, or sentencing for a felony offense;
(f) He or she has an outstanding warrant for his or her arrest from any court of competent jurisdiction for a felony or misdemeanor; or
(g) He or she has been ordered to forfeit a firearm under RCW 9.41.098(1)(e) within one year before filing an application to carry a pistol concealed on his or her person.
No person convicted of a felony may
have his or her right to possess firearms restored or his or her privilege to
carry a concealed pistol restored, unless the person has been granted relief
from disabilities by the ((secretary of the treasury)) attorney
general under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 925(c), or RCW 9.41.040 (3) or (4) applies.
(2) The issuing authority shall check with the national crime information center, the Washington state patrol electronic database, the department of social and health services electronic database, and with other agencies or resources as appropriate, to determine whether the applicant is ineligible under RCW 9.41.040 or 9.41.045 to possess a firearm and therefore ineligible for a concealed pistol license. This subsection applies whether the applicant is applying for a new concealed pistol license or to renew a concealed pistol license.
(3) Any person whose firearms rights
have been restricted and who has been granted relief from disabilities by the
((secretary of the treasury)) attorney general under 18 U.S.C.
Sec. 925(c) or who is exempt under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 921(a)(20)(A) shall have his
or her right to acquire, receive, transfer, ship, transport, carry, and possess
firearms in accordance with Washington state law restored except as otherwise
prohibited by this chapter.
(4) The license application shall
bear the full name, residential address, telephone number at the option of the
applicant, date and place of birth, race, gender, description, ((not more
than two)) a complete set((s)) of fingerprints, and signature
of the licensee, and the licensee's driver's license number or state identification
card number if used for identification in applying for the license. A signed
application for a concealed pistol license shall constitute a waiver of
confidentiality and written request that the department of social and health
services, mental health institutions, and other health care facilities release
information relevant to the applicant's eligibility for a concealed pistol
license to an inquiring court or law enforcement agency.
The application for an original license shall include two complete sets of fingerprints to be forwarded to the Washington state patrol.
The license and application shall contain a warning substantially as follows:
CAUTION: Although state and local laws do not differ, federal law and state law on the possession of firearms differ. If you are prohibited by federal law from possessing a firearm, you may be prosecuted in federal court. A state license is not a defense to a federal prosecution.
The license shall contain a
description of the major differences between state and federal law and an
explanation of the fact that local laws and ordinances on firearms are
preempted by state law and must be consistent with state law. The application
shall contain questions about the applicant's eligibility under RCW 9.41.040 to
possess a pistol, the applicant's place of birth, and whether the applicant is
a United States citizen. The applicant shall not be required to produce a
birth certificate or other evidence of citizenship. A person who is not a
citizen of the United States shall, if applicable, meet the additional
requirements of ((RCW 9.41.170)) section 3 of this act and
produce proof of compliance with ((RCW 9.41.170)) section 3 of this
act upon application. The license ((shall)) may be in
triplicate ((and)) or in a form to be prescribed by the
department of licensing.
The original thereof shall be delivered to the licensee, the duplicate shall within seven days be sent to the director of licensing and the triplicate shall be preserved for six years, by the authority issuing the license.
The department of licensing shall make available to law enforcement and corrections agencies, in an on-line format, all information received under this subsection.
(5) The nonrefundable fee, paid upon application, for the original five-year license shall be thirty-six dollars plus additional charges imposed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that are passed on to the applicant. No other state or local branch or unit of government may impose any additional charges on the applicant for the issuance of the license.
The fee shall be distributed as follows:
(a) Fifteen dollars shall be paid to the state general fund;
(b) Four dollars shall be paid to the agency taking the fingerprints of the person licensed;
(c) Fourteen dollars shall be paid to the issuing authority for the purpose of enforcing this chapter; and
(d) Three dollars to the firearms range account in the general fund.
(6) The nonrefundable fee for the renewal of such license shall be thirty-two dollars. No other branch or unit of government may impose any additional charges on the applicant for the renewal of the license.
The renewal fee shall be distributed as follows:
(a) Fifteen dollars shall be paid to the state general fund;
(b) Fourteen dollars shall be paid to the issuing authority for the purpose of enforcing this chapter; and
(c) Three dollars to the firearms range account in the general fund.
(7) The nonrefundable fee for replacement of lost or damaged licenses is ten dollars to be paid to the issuing authority.
(8) Payment shall be by cash, check, or money order at the option of the applicant. Additional methods of payment may be allowed at the option of the issuing authority.
(9) A licensee may renew a license if the licensee applies for renewal within ninety days before or after the expiration date of the license. A license so renewed shall take effect on the expiration date of the prior license. A licensee renewing after the expiration date of the license must pay a late renewal penalty of ten dollars in addition to the renewal fee specified in subsection (6) of this section. The fee shall be distributed as follows:
(a) Three dollars shall be deposited
in the state wildlife ((fund)) account and used exclusively first
for the printing and distribution of a pamphlet on the legal limits of the use
of firearms, firearms safety, and the preemptive nature of state law, and
subsequently the support of volunteer instructors in the basic firearms safety
training program conducted by the department of fish and wildlife. The
pamphlet shall be given to each applicant for a license; and
(b) Seven dollars shall be paid to the issuing authority for the purpose of enforcing this chapter.
(10) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsections (1) through (9) of this section, the chief of police of the municipality or the sheriff of the county of the applicant's residence may issue a temporary emergency license for good cause pending review under subsection (1) of this section. However, a temporary emergency license issued under this subsection shall not exempt the holder of the license from any records check requirement. Temporary emergency licenses shall be easily distinguishable from regular licenses.
(11) A political subdivision of the state shall not modify the requirements of this section or chapter, nor may a political subdivision ask the applicant to voluntarily submit any information not required by this section.
(12) A person who knowingly makes a false statement regarding citizenship or identity on an application for a concealed pistol license is guilty of false swearing under RCW 9A.72.040. In addition to any other penalty provided for by law, the concealed pistol license of a person who knowingly makes a false statement shall be revoked, and the person shall be permanently ineligible for a concealed pistol license.
(13) A person may apply for a concealed pistol license:
(a) To the municipality or to the county in which the applicant resides if the applicant resides in a municipality;
(b) To the county in which the applicant resides if the applicant resides in an unincorporated area; or
(c) Anywhere in the state if the applicant is a nonresident.
Sec. 6. RCW 9.41.097 and 2005 c 274 s 202 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department of social and health services, mental health institutions, and other health care facilities shall, upon request of a court or law enforcement agency, supply such relevant information as is necessary to determine the eligibility of a person to possess a pistol or to be issued a concealed pistol license under RCW 9.41.070 or to purchase a pistol under RCW 9.41.090.
(2) Mental health information received by: (a) The
department of licensing pursuant to RCW 9.41.047 or ((9.41.170)) section
3 of this act; (b) an issuing authority pursuant to RCW 9.41.047 or
9.41.070; (c) a chief of police or sheriff pursuant to RCW 9.41.090 or ((9.41.170))
section 3 of this act; (d) a court or law enforcement agency pursuant to
subsection (1) of this section, shall not be disclosed except as provided in
RCW 42.56.240(4).
Sec. 7. RCW 9.41.0975 and 1996 c 295 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The state, local governmental entities, any public or private agency, and the employees of any state or local governmental entity or public or private agency, acting in good faith, are immune from liability:
(a) For failure to prevent the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person whose receipt or possession of the firearm is unlawful;
(b) For preventing the sale or transfer of a firearm to a person who may lawfully receive or possess a firearm;
(c) For issuing a concealed pistol license or alien firearm license to a person ineligible for such a license;
(d) For failing to issue a concealed pistol license or alien firearm license to a person eligible for such a license;
(e) For revoking or failing to revoke an issued concealed pistol license or alien firearm license;
(f) For errors in preparing or transmitting information as part of determining a person's eligibility to receive or possess a firearm, or eligibility for a concealed pistol license or alien firearm license;
(g) For issuing a dealer's license to a person ineligible for such a license; or
(h) For failing to issue a dealer's license to a person eligible for such a license.
(2) An application may be made to a court of competent jurisdiction for a writ of mandamus:
(a) Directing an issuing agency to issue a concealed pistol license or alien firearm license wrongfully refused;
(b) Directing a law enforcement agency to approve an application to purchase wrongfully denied;
(c) Directing that erroneous information resulting either in the wrongful refusal to issue a concealed pistol license or alien firearm license or in the wrongful denial of a purchase application be corrected; or
(d) Directing a law enforcement agency to approve a dealer's license wrongfully denied.
The application for the writ may be made in the county in which the application for a concealed pistol license or alien firearm license or to purchase a pistol was made, or in Thurston county, at the discretion of the petitioner. A court shall provide an expedited hearing for an application brought under this subsection (2) for a writ of mandamus. A person granted a writ of mandamus under this subsection (2) shall be awarded reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. RCW 9.41.170 (Alien's license to carry firearms‑-Exception) and 1996 c 295 s 11, 1994 c 190 s 1, 1979 c 158 s 3, 1969 ex.s. c 90 s 1, & 1953 c 109 s 1 are each repealed."
Senator Kline spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Judiciary to Second Substitute House Bill No. 1052.
The motion by Senator Kline carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "countries;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 9.41.010, 9.41.070, 9.41.097, and 9.41.0975; adding new sections to chapter 9.41 RCW; repealing RCW 9.41.170; and prescribing penalties."
On motion of Senator Kline, the rules were suspended, Second Substitute House Bill No. 1052 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kline spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Second Substitute House Bill No. 1052 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Second Substitute House Bill No. 1052 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 4.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, Prentice and Tom
SECOND SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1052 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1215, by House Committee on Commerce & Labor (originally sponsored by Representatives Wood, Chandler, Kirby, Ormsby and Morrell)
Modifying motor vehicle warranty provisions.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator Kohl-Welles moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 19.118.021 and 2007 c 425 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Board" means new motor vehicle arbitration board.
(2) "Collateral charges" means any sales or lease related charges including but not limited to sales tax, use tax, arbitration service fees, unused license fees, unused registration fees, unused title fees, finance charges, prepayment penalties, credit disability and credit life insurance costs not otherwise refundable, any other insurance costs prorated for time out of service, transportation charges, dealer preparation charges, or any other charges for service contracts, undercoating, rustproofing, or factory or dealer installed options.
(3) "Condition" means a general problem that results from a defect or malfunction of one or more parts, or their improper installation by the manufacturer, its agents, or the new motor vehicle dealer.
(4) "Consumer" means any
person who has entered into an agreement or contract for the transfer, lease,
or purchase of a new motor vehicle, other than for purposes of resale or
sublease, during the duration of the ((warranty)) eligibility
period defined under this section.
(5) "Court" means the superior court in the county where the consumer resides, except if the consumer does not reside in this state, then the superior court in the county where an arbitration hearing or determination was conducted or made pursuant to this chapter.
(6) "Eligibility period" means the period ending two years after the date of the original delivery to the consumer of a new motor vehicle, or the first twenty-four thousand miles of operation, whichever occurs first.
(7) "Incidental costs" means any reasonable expenses incurred by the consumer in connection with the repair of the new motor vehicle, including any towing charges and the costs of obtaining alternative transportation.
(((7))) (8)
"Manufacturer" means any person engaged in the business of
constructing or assembling new motor vehicles or engaged in the business of
importing new motor vehicles into the United States for the purpose of selling
or distributing new motor vehicles to new motor vehicle dealers. "Manufacturer"
includes to the extent the modification affects the use, value, or safety of a
new motor vehicle, a postmanufacturing modifier of a new motor vehicle that
modifies or has a modification done to a new motor vehicle before the initial
retail sale or lease of a new motor vehicle, except as provided in this
chapter. "Manufacturer" does not include any person engaged in
the business of set-up of motorcycles as an agent of a new motor vehicle dealer
if the person does not otherwise construct or assemble motorcycles.
(((8))) (9)
"Motorcycle" means any motorcycle as defined in RCW 46.04.330 which
has an engine displacement of at least seven hundred fifty cubic centimeters.
(((9))) (10)
"Motor home" means a vehicular unit designed to provide temporary
living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, built on or
permanently attached to a self-propelled motor vehicle chassis or on a chassis
cab or van that is an integral part of the completed vehicle.
(((10))) (11)
"Motor home manufacturer" means the first stage manufacturer, the
component manufacturer, and the final stage manufacturer.
(a) "First stage manufacturer" means a person who manufactures incomplete new motor vehicles such as chassis, chassis cabs, or vans, that are directly warranted by the first stage manufacturer to the consumer, and are completed by a final stage manufacturer into a motor home.
(b) "Component manufacturer" means a person who manufactures components used in the manufacture or assembly of a chassis, chassis cab, or van that is completed into a motor home and whose components are directly warranted by the component manufacturer to the consumer.
(c) "Final stage manufacturer" means a person who assembles, installs, or permanently affixes a body, cab, or equipment to an incomplete new motor vehicle such as a chassis, chassis cab, or van provided by a first stage manufacturer, to complete the vehicle into a motor home.
(((11))) (12)
"New motor vehicle" means any new self-propelled vehicle, including a
new motorcycle, primarily designed for the transportation of persons or
property over the public highways that was originally purchased or leased at
retail from a new motor vehicle dealer or leasing company in this state, but
does not include vehicles purchased or leased by a business as part of a fleet
of ten or more vehicles at one time or under a single purchase or lease
agreement. This chapter shall apply to a motor vehicle purchased or leased
with a manufacturer written warranty by a member of the armed forces regardless
of in which state the vehicle was purchased or leased, if the vehicle otherwise
meets the definition of a new motor vehicle and the consumer is a member of the
armed forces stationed or residing in this state at the time the consumer
submits a request for arbitration to the attorney general. If the motor
vehicle is a motor home, this chapter shall apply to the self-propelled vehicle
and chassis, but does not include those portions of the vehicle designated,
used, or maintained primarily as a mobile dwelling, office, or commercial
space. The term "new motor vehicle" does not include trucks with
nineteen thousand pounds or more gross vehicle weight rating. The term
"new motor vehicle" includes a demonstrator or lease-purchase vehicle
as long as a manufacturer's warranty was issued as a condition of sale.
(((12))) (13)
"New motor vehicle dealer" means a person who holds a dealer
agreement with a manufacturer for the sale of new motor vehicles, who is
engaged in the business of purchasing, selling, servicing, exchanging, or
dealing in new motor vehicles, and who is licensed or required to be licensed
as a vehicle dealer by the state of Washington.
(((13))) (14)
"Nonconformity" means a defect, serious safety defect, or condition
that substantially impairs the use, value, or safety of a new motor vehicle,
but does not include a defect or condition that is the result of abuse,
neglect, or unauthorized modification or alteration of the new motor vehicle.
(((14))) (15)
"Purchase price" means the cash price of the new motor vehicle
appearing in the sales agreement or contract.
(a) "Purchase price" in the instance of a lease means the actual written capitalized cost disclosed to the consumer contained in the lease agreement. If there is no disclosed capitalized cost in the lease agreement the "purchase price" is the manufacturer's suggested retail price including manufacturer installed accessories or items of optional equipment displayed on the manufacturer label, required by 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1232.
(b) "Purchase price" in the instance of both a vehicle purchase or lease agreement includes any allowance for a trade-in vehicle but does not include any manufacturer-to-consumer rebate appearing in the agreement or contract that the consumer received or that was applied to reduce the purchase or lease cost.
Where the consumer is a subsequent transferee and the consumer selects repurchase of the motor vehicle, "purchase price" means the consumer's subsequent purchase price. Where the consumer is a subsequent transferee and the consumer selects replacement of the motor vehicle, "purchase price" means the original purchase price.
(((15))) (16)
"Reasonable offset for use" means the definition provided in RCW
19.118.041(1)(c) ((for a new motor vehicle other than a new motorcycle. The
reasonable offset for use for a new motorcycle shall be computed by the number
of miles that the vehicle traveled before the manufacturer's acceptance of the
vehicle upon repurchase or replacement multiplied by the purchase price, and
divided by twenty-five thousand)).
(((16))) (17)
"Reasonable number of attempts" means the definition provided in RCW
(((17))) (18)
"Replacement motor vehicle" means a new motor vehicle that is
identical or reasonably equivalent to the motor vehicle to be replaced, as the
motor vehicle to be replaced existed at the time of original purchase or lease,
including any service contract, undercoating, rustproofing, and factory or
dealer installed options.
(((18))) (19)
"Serious safety defect" means a life-threatening malfunction or
nonconformity that impedes the consumer's ability to control or operate the new
motor vehicle for ordinary use or reasonable intended purposes or creates a
risk of fire or explosion.
(((19))) (20)
"Subsequent transferee" means a consumer who acquires a motor
vehicle, within the ((warranty)) eligibility period, as defined
in this section, with an applicable manufacturer's written warranty and where
the vehicle otherwise met the definition of a new motor vehicle at the time of
original retail sale or lease.
(((20))) (21)
"Substantially impair" means to render the new motor vehicle
unreliable, or unsafe for ordinary use, or to diminish the resale value of the
new motor vehicle below the average resale value for comparable motor vehicles.
(((21))) (22)
"Warranty" means any implied warranty, any written warranty of the
manufacturer, or any affirmation of fact or promise made by the manufacturer in
connection with the sale of a new motor vehicle that becomes part of the basis
of the bargain. The term "warranty" pertains to the obligations of
the manufacturer in relation to materials, workmanship, a modification by a
new motor vehicle dealer installing the new motor vehicle manufacturer's
authorized parts or their equivalent for the specific new motor vehicle
pursuant to the manufacturer approved specifications, and fitness of a new
motor vehicle for ordinary use or reasonably intended purposes throughout the
duration of the ((warranty)) eligibility period as defined under
this section.
(((22) "Warranty
period" means the period ending two years after the date of the original
delivery to the consumer of a new motor vehicle, or the first twenty-four
thousand miles of operation, whichever occurs first.))
Sec. 2. RCW 19.118.031 and 1998 c 298 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The manufacturer shall publish an owner's manual and provide it to the new motor vehicle dealer or leasing company. The owner's manual shall include a list of the addresses and phone numbers for the manufacturer's customer assistance division, or zone or regional offices. A manufacturer shall provide to the new motor vehicle dealer or leasing company all applicable manufacturer's written warranties. The dealer or leasing company shall transfer to the consumer, at the time of original retail sale or lease, the owner's manual and applicable written warranties as provided by a manufacturer.
(2) At the time of purchase, the new motor vehicle dealer shall provide the consumer with a written statement that explains the consumer's rights under this chapter. The written statement shall be prepared and supplied by the attorney general and shall contain a toll-free number that the consumer can contact for information regarding the procedures and remedies under this chapter. In the event a consumer requests modification of the new motor vehicle in a manner which may partially or completely void the manufacturer's implied or express warranty, and which becomes part of the basis of the bargain of the initial retail sale or lease of the vehicle, a new motor vehicle dealer shall provide a clear and conspicuous written disclosure, independently signed and dated by the consumer, stating "Your requested modification may void all or part of a manufacturer warranty and a resulting defect or condition may not be subject to remedies afforded by the motor vehicle warranties act, chapter 19.118 RCW." A dealer who obtains a signed written disclosure under circumstances where the warranty may be void is not subject to this chapter as a manufacturer to the extent the modification affects the use, value, or safety of a new motor vehicle. Failure to provide the disclosure specified in this subsection does not constitute a violation of chapter 19.86 RCW.
(3) For the purposes of this
chapter, if a new motor vehicle does not conform to the warranty and the
consumer reports the nonconformity during the term of the ((warranty)) eligibility
period or the period of coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written
warranty, whichever is less, to the manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor
vehicle dealer who sold the new motor vehicle, the manufacturer, its agent, or
the new motor vehicle dealer shall make repairs as are necessary to conform the
vehicle to the warranty, regardless of whether such repairs are made after the
expiration of the ((warranty)) eligibility period. Any
corrections or attempted repairs undertaken by a new motor vehicle dealer under
this chapter shall be treated as warranty work and billed by the dealer to the
manufacturer in the same manner as other work under the manufacturer's written
warranty is billed. For purposes of this subsection, the manufacturer's
written warranty shall be at least one year after the date of the original
delivery to the consumer of the vehicle or the first twelve thousand miles of
operation, whichever occurs first.
(4) Upon request from the consumer, the manufacturer or new motor vehicle dealer shall provide a copy of any report or computer reading compiled by the manufacturer's field or zone representative regarding inspection, diagnosis, or test-drive of the consumer's new motor vehicle, or shall provide a copy of any technical service bulletin issued by the manufacturer regarding the year and model of the consumer's new motor vehicle as it pertains to any material, feature, component, or the performance thereof.
(5) The new motor vehicle dealer shall provide to the consumer each time the consumer's vehicle is returned from being diagnosed or repaired under the warranty, a fully itemized, legible statement or repair order indicating any diagnosis made, and all work performed on the vehicle including but not limited to, a general description of the problem reported by the consumer or an identification of the defect or condition, parts and labor, the date and the odometer reading when the vehicle was submitted for repair, and the date when the vehicle was made available to the consumer.
(6) No manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer may refuse to diagnose or repair any nonconformity covered by the warranty for the purpose of avoiding liability under this chapter.
(7) For purposes of this chapter, consumers shall have the rights and remedies, including a cause of action, against manufacturers as provided in this chapter.
(8) The ((warranty)) eligibility
period and thirty-day out-of-service period, and sixty-day out-of-service
period in the case of a motor home, shall be extended by any time that repair
services are not available to the consumer as a direct result of a strike, war,
invasion, fire, flood, or other natural disaster.
Sec. 3. RCW 19.118.041 and 2007 c 426 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If the manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer is unable to conform the new motor vehicle to the warranty by repairing or correcting any nonconformity after a reasonable number of attempts, the manufacturer, within forty calendar days of a consumer's written request to the manufacturer's corporate, dispute resolution, zone, or regional office address shall, at the option of the consumer, replace or repurchase the new motor vehicle.
(a) The replacement motor vehicle shall be identical or reasonably equivalent to the motor vehicle to be replaced as the motor vehicle to be replaced existed at the time of original purchase or lease, including any service contract, undercoating, rustproofing, and factory or dealer installed options. Where the manufacturer supplies a replacement motor vehicle, the manufacturer shall be responsible for sales tax, license, registration fees, and refund of any incidental costs. Compensation for a reasonable offset for use shall be paid by the consumer to the manufacturer in the event that the consumer accepts a replacement motor vehicle.
(b) When repurchasing the new motor vehicle, the manufacturer shall refund to the consumer the purchase price, all collateral charges, and incidental costs, less a reasonable offset for use. When repurchasing the new motor vehicle, in the instance of a lease, the manufacturer shall refund to the consumer all payments made by the consumer under the lease including but not limited to all lease payments, trade-in value or inception payment, security deposit, all collateral charges and incidental costs less a reasonable offset for use. The manufacturer shall make such payment to the lessor and/or lienholder of record as necessary to obtain clear title to the motor vehicle and upon the lessor's and/or lienholder's receipt of that payment and payment by the consumer of any late payment charges, the consumer shall be relieved of any future obligation to the lessor and/or lienholder.
(c) The reasonable offset for use shall be computed by multiplying the number of miles that the vehicle traveled directly attributable to use by the consumer during the time between the original purchase, lease, or in-service date and the date beginning the first attempt to diagnose or repair a nonconformity which ultimately results in the repurchase or replacement of the vehicle multiplied times the purchase price, and dividing the product by one hundred twenty thousand, except in the case of a motor home, in which event it shall be divided by ninety thousand or in the case of a motorcycle, it shall be divided by twenty-five thousand. However, the reasonable offset for use calculation total for a motor home is subject to modification by the board by decreasing or increasing the offset total up to a maximum of one-third of the offset total. The board may modify the offset total in those circumstances where the board determines that the wear and tear on those portions of the motor home designated, used, or maintained primarily as a mobile dwelling, office, or commercial space are significantly greater or significantly less than that which could be reasonably expected based on the mileage attributable to the consumer's use of the motor home. Except in the case of a motor home, where a manufacturer repurchases or replaces a vehicle solely due to accumulated days out of service by reason of diagnosis or repair of one or more nonconformities, "the number of miles that the vehicle traveled directly attributable to use by the consumer" shall be limited to the period between the original purchase, lease, or in-service date and the date of the fifteenth cumulative calendar day out of service. Where the consumer is a second or subsequent purchaser, lessee, or transferee of the motor vehicle and the consumer selects repurchase of the motor vehicle, "the number of miles that the vehicle traveled" directly attributable to use by the consumer shall be limited to the period between the date of purchase, lease by, or transfer to the consumer and the date of the consumer's initial attempt to obtain diagnosis or repair of a nonconformity which ultimately results in the repurchase or replacement of the vehicle or which adds to thirty or more cumulative calendar days out of service. Where the consumer is a second or subsequent purchaser, lessee, or transferee of the motor vehicle and the consumer selects replacement of the motor vehicle, "the number of miles that the vehicle traveled" directly attributable to use by the consumer shall be calculated from the date of the original purchase, lease, or in-service date and the first attempt to diagnose or repair a nonconformity which ultimately results in the replacement of the vehicle. Except in the case of a motor home, where the consumer is a second or subsequent purchaser, lessee, or transferee of the motor vehicle and the manufacturer replaces the vehicle solely due to accumulated days out of service by reason of diagnosis or repair of one or more nonconformities, "the number of miles that the vehicle traveled" directly attributable to use by the consumer shall be calculated from the date of the original purchase, lease, or in service date and the date of the fifteenth cumulative calendar day out of service.
(d) In the case of a motor vehicle that is a motor home, where a manufacturer repurchases or replaces a motor home from the first purchaser, lessee, or transferee or from the second or subsequent purchaser, lessee, or transferee solely due to accumulated days out of service by reason of diagnosis or repair of one or more nonconformities, "the number of miles that a motor home traveled directly attributable to use by the consumer" shall be limited to the period between the original purchase, lease, or in‑service date and the date of the thirtieth cumulative calendar day out‑of‑service.
(2) Reasonable number of attempts,
except in the case of a new motor vehicle that is a motor home ((acquired
after June 30, 1998)), shall be deemed to have been undertaken by the
manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer to conform the new
motor vehicle to the warranty within the ((warranty)) eligibility
period, if: (a) The same serious safety defect has been subject to diagnosis
or repair two or more times, at least one of which is during the period of
coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written warranty, and the serious
safety defect continues to exist; (b) the same nonconformity has been subject
to diagnosis or repair four or more times, at least one of which is during the
period of coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written warranty, and the
nonconformity continues to exist; ((or)) (c) the vehicle is out of
service by reason of diagnosis or repair of one or more nonconformities for a
cumulative total of thirty calendar days, at least fifteen of them during the
period of the applicable manufacturer's written warranty; or (d) within a
twelve-month period, two or more different serious safety defects, each of
which have been subject to diagnosis or repair one or more times, where at
least one attempt for each serious safety defect occurs during the period of
coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written warranty and within the
eligibility period. For purposes of this subsection, the manufacturer's
written warranty shall be at least one year after the date of the original
delivery to the consumer of the vehicle or the first twelve thousand miles of
operation, whichever occurs first. A new motor vehicle is deemed to have been
"subject to diagnose or repair" when a consumer presents the new
motor vehicle for warranty service at a service and repair facility authorized,
designated, or maintained by a manufacturer to provide warranty services or a
facility to which the manufacturer or an authorized facility has directed the
consumer to obtain warranty service. A new motor vehicle has not been
"subject to diagnose or repair" if the consumer refuses to allow the
facility to attempt or complete a recommended warranty repair, or demands
return of the vehicle to the consumer before an attempt to diagnose or repair
can be completed.
(3)(a) In the case of a new motor
vehicle that is a motor home ((acquired after June 30, 1998)), a
reasonable number of attempts shall be deemed to have been undertaken by the
motor home manufacturers, their respective agents, or their respective new
motor vehicle dealers to conform the new motor vehicle to the warranty within
the ((warranty)) eligibility period, if: (i) The same serious
safety defect has been subject to diagnosis or repair one or more times during
the period of coverage of the applicable motor home manufacturer's written
warranty, plus a final attempt to repair the vehicle as provided for in (b) of
this subsection, and the serious safety defect continues to exist; (ii) the
same nonconformity has been subject to repair three or more times, at least one
of which is during the period of coverage of the applicable motor home
manufacturer's written warranty, plus a final attempt to repair the vehicle as
provided for in (b) of this subsection, and the nonconformity continues to
exist; ((or)) (iii) the vehicle is out of service by reason of diagnosis
or repair of one or more nonconformities, including a safety evaluation,
for a cumulative total of sixty calendar days aggregating all motor home
manufacturer days out of service, and the motor home manufacturers have had at
least one opportunity to coordinate and complete an inspection and any repairs
of the vehicle's nonconformities after receipt of notification from the
consumer as provided for in (c) of this subsection; or (iv) within a
twelve-month period, two or more different serious safety defects covered by
the same manufacturer warranty have been each subject to diagnosis or repair
one or more times, where at least one attempt for each serious safety defect
occurs during the period of coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written
warranty and within the eligibility period. Notice of manifestation of one or
more serious safety defects to a manufacturer must be provided in writing by
the consumer to the motor home manufacturer whose warranty covers the defect or
all manufacturers of the motor home. The consumer shall send notices to the
manufacturers in writing at their respective corporate, zone, or regional
office addresses to allow the motor home manufacturers, their respective
agents, or their respective new motor vehicle dealers an opportunity to
coordinate and complete a comprehensive safety evaluation of the motor home.
Notice of the manifestation of one or more serious safety defects should be
made by the consumer as a unique notice to the manufacturers. The notice may
be met by any written notification under this subsection of the need to repair
a defect or condition identified by the consumer as relating to the safety of
the motor home with or without a consumer's specific reference to whether the
defect is a serious safety defect. Any notice of the manifestation of one or
more serious safety defects shall be considered by a manufacturer as a
consumer's request for a safety evaluation of the motor home. If the
manufacturer, at its option, performs a safety evaluation, the manufacturers
must provide a written report to the consumer of the evaluation of the motor
home's safety in a timely manner. For purposes of this subsection, each
motor home manufacturer's written warranty must be at least one year after the
date of the original delivery to the consumer of the vehicle or the first
twelve thousand miles of operation, whichever occurs first.
(b) In the case of a new motor
vehicle that is a motor home, after one attempt has been made to repair a
serious safety defect, or after three attempts have been made to repair the
same nonconformity, the consumer shall give written notification of the need to
repair the nonconformity to each of the motor home manufacturers at their
respective corporate, zone, or regional office addresses to allow the motor
home manufacturers to coordinate and complete a final attempt to cure the
nonconformity. The motor home manufacturers each have fifteen days, commencing
upon receipt of ((the)) a notification under this subsection
(3)(b), to respond and inform the consumer of the location of the facility
where the vehicle will be repaired or evaluated. If the vehicle is
unsafe to drive due to a serious safety defect, or to the extent the repair
facility is more than one hundred miles from the motor home location, the motor
home manufacturers are responsible for the cost of transporting the vehicle to
and from the repair facility. The motor home manufacturers have a cumulative
total of thirty days, commencing upon delivery of the vehicle to the designated
repair facility by the consumer, to conform the vehicle to the applicable motor
home manufacturer's written warranty. This time period may be extended if the
consumer agrees in writing. If a motor home manufacturer fails to respond to
the consumer or perform the repairs within the time period prescribed, that
motor home manufacturer is not entitled to a final attempt to cure the
(c) In the case of a new motor vehicle that is a motor home, if the vehicle is out of service by reason of diagnosis or repair of one or more nonconformities, including any safety evaluation, by the motor home manufacturers, their respective agents, or their respective new motor vehicle dealers for a cumulative total of thirty or more days aggregating all motor home manufacturer days out of service, the consumer shall so notify each motor home manufacturer in writing at their respective corporate, zone, or regional office addresses to allow the motor home manufacturers, their respective agents, or their respective new motor vehicle dealers an opportunity to coordinate and complete an inspection and any repairs of the vehicle's nonconformities. The motor home manufacturers have fifteen days, commencing upon receipt of the notification, to respond and inform the consumer of the location of the facility where the vehicle will be repaired or evaluated. If the vehicle is unsafe to drive due to a serious safety defect, or to the extent the repair facility is more than one hundred miles from the motor home location, the motor home manufacturers are responsible for the cost of transporting the vehicle to and from the repair facility. Once the buyer delivers the vehicle to the designated repair facility, the inspection and repairs must be completed by the motor home manufacturers either (i) within ten days or (ii) before the vehicle is out of service by reason of diagnosis or repair of one or more nonconformities for sixty days, whichever time period is longer. This time period may be extended if the consumer agrees in writing. If a motor home manufacturer fails to respond to the consumer or perform the repairs within the time period prescribed, that motor home manufacturer is not entitled to at least one opportunity to inspect and repair the vehicle's nonconformities after receipt of notification from the buyer as provided for in this subsection (3)(c).
(4) No new motor vehicle dealer may
be held liable by the manufacturer for any collateral charges, incidental
costs, purchase price refunds, or vehicle replacements. Manufacturers shall
not have a cause of action against dealers under this chapter. ((Consumers
shall not have a cause of action against dealers under this chapter, but a
violation of any responsibilities imposed upon dealers under this chapter is a
per se violation of chapter 19.86 RCW.)) A violation of any
responsibilities expressly imposed upon dealers under this chapter is a per se
violation of chapter 19.86 RCW. Except in the limited circumstances of a
dealer becoming a manufacturer due to a postmanufacturing modification of a new
motor vehicle as defined in RCW 19.118.021(8), consumers shall not have a cause
of action against dealers under this chapter. Consumers may pursue rights
and remedies against dealers under any other law, including chapters 46.70 and
46.71 RCW. Manufacturers and consumers may not make dealers parties to
arbitration board proceedings under this chapter.
Sec. 4. RCW 19.118.061 and 1998 c 298 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A manufacturer shall be prohibited from reselling any motor vehicle determined or adjudicated as having a serious safety defect unless the serious safety defect has been corrected and the manufacturer warrants upon the first subsequent resale that the defect has been corrected.
(2) Before any sale or transfer of a
vehicle that has been replaced or repurchased by the manufacturer ((that was
determined or adjudicated as having a nonconformity or to have been out of
service for thirty or more calendar days, or sixty or more calendar days in the
case of a motor home,)) after a determination, adjudication, or
settlement of a claim under this chapter, the manufacturer shall:
(a) Notify the attorney general ((and
the department of licensing, by certified mail or by personal service,))
upon receipt of the motor vehicle and submit a title application to the
department of licensing in this state for title to the motor vehicle in the
name of the manufacturer within sixty days;
(b) Attach a resale disclosure notice to the vehicle in a manner and form to be specified by the attorney general. Only the retail purchaser may remove the resale disclosure notice after execution of the disclosure form required under subsection (3) of this section; and
(c) Notify the attorney general and the department of licensing if the nonconformity in the motor vehicle is corrected.
(3) Upon the first subsequent resale, either at wholesale or retail, or transfer of title of a motor vehicle and which was previously returned after a final determination, adjudication, or settlement under this chapter or under a similar statute of any other state, the manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer who has actual knowledge of said final determination, adjudication or settlement, shall execute and deliver to the buyer before sale an instrument in writing setting forth information identifying the nonconformity in a manner to be specified by the attorney general, and the department of licensing shall place on the certificate of title information indicating the vehicle was returned under this chapter.
(4) Upon receipt of the
manufacturer's notification under subsection (2) of this section that the
nonconformity has been corrected and ((upon)) the manufacturer's ((request
and payment of any fees)) application for title in the name of the
manufacturer under this section, the department of licensing shall issue a
new title with ((information)) a title brand indicating the
vehicle was returned under this chapter and information that the
nonconformity has been corrected. Upon the first subsequent resale, either at
wholesale or retail, or transfer of title of a motor vehicle, as provided under
((subsection (2)(c) of)) this section, the manufacturer shall warrant
upon the resale that the nonconformity has been corrected, and the
manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer who has actual
knowledge of the corrected nonconformity, shall execute and deliver to the
buyer before sale an instrument in writing setting forth information
identifying the nonconformity and indicating that it has been corrected in a
manner to be specified by the attorney general.
(5) After repurchase or replacement and following a manufacturer's receipt of a vehicle under this section and prior to a vehicle's first subsequent retail transfer by resale or lease, any intervening transferor of a vehicle subject to the requirements of this section who has received the disclosure, correction and warranty documents, as specified by the attorney general and required under this chapter, shall deliver the documents with the vehicle to the next transferor, purchaser or lessee to ensure proper and timely notice and disclosure. Any intervening transferor who fails to comply with this subsection shall, at the option of the subsequent transferor or first subsequent retail purchaser or lessee: (a) Indemnify any subsequent transferor or first subsequent retail purchaser for all damages caused by such violation; or (b) repurchase the vehicle at the full purchase price including all fees, taxes and costs incurred for goods and services which were included in the subsequent transaction.
Sec. 5. RCW 19.118.080 and 1998 c 245 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in RCW
19.118.160, the attorney general shall contract with one or more ((private))
entities to conduct arbitration proceedings in order to settle disputes between
consumers and manufacturers as provided in this chapter, and each ((private))
entity shall constitute a new motor vehicle arbitration board for purposes of
this chapter. The entities shall not be affiliated with any manufacturer or
new motor vehicle dealer and shall have available the services of persons with
automotive technical expertise to assist in resolving disputes under this
chapter. No ((private)) entity or its officers or employees conducting
board proceedings and no arbitrator presiding at such proceedings shall be
directly involved in the manufacture, distribution, sale, or warranty service
of any motor vehicle. Payment to the entities for the arbitration services
shall be made from the new motor vehicle arbitration account.
(2) The attorney general shall adopt
rules for the uniform conduct of the arbitrations by the boards whether
conducted by ((a private)) an entity or by the attorney general
pursuant to RCW 19.118.160, which rules shall include but not be limited to the
following procedures:
(a) At all arbitration proceedings, the parties are entitled to present oral and written testimony, to present witnesses and evidence relevant to the dispute, to cross-examine witnesses, and to be represented by counsel.
(b) A dealer, manufacturer, or other
persons shall produce records and documents requested by a party which are
reasonably related to the dispute. If a dealer, manufacturer, or other person
refuses to comply with such a request, a party may present a request ((to
the board)) for the attorney general to issue a subpoena ((on behalf of
the board)).
The subpoena shall be issued only
for the production of records and documents which the ((board)) attorney
general has determined are reasonably related to the dispute, including but
not limited to documents described in RCW 19.118.031 (4) or (5).
If a party fails to comply with the subpoena, the arbitrator may at the outset of the arbitration hearing impose any of the following sanctions: (i) Find that the matters which were the subject of the subpoena, or any other designated facts, shall be taken to be established for purposes of the hearing in accordance with the claim of the party which requested the subpoena; (ii) refuse to allow the disobedient party to support or oppose the designated claims or defenses, or prohibit that party from introducing designated matters into evidence; (iii) strike claims or defenses, or parts thereof; or (iv) render a decision by default against the disobedient party.
If a nonparty fails to comply with a
subpoena and upon an arbitrator finding that without such compliance there is
insufficient evidence to render a decision in the dispute, the attorney general
((shall)) may enforce such subpoena in superior court and the
arbitrator shall continue the arbitration hearing until such time as the
nonparty complies with the subpoena or the subpoena is quashed.
(c) A party may obtain written affidavits from employees and agents of a dealer, a manufacturer or other party, or from other potential witnesses, and may submit such affidavits for consideration by the board.
(d) Records of the board proceedings shall be open to the public. The hearings shall be open to the public to the extent practicable.
(e) ((Where the board proceedings
are conducted by one or more private entities,)) A single arbitrator
may be designated to preside at such proceedings.
(3) A consumer shall exhaust the new motor vehicle arbitration board remedy or informal dispute resolution settlement procedure under RCW 19.118.150 before filing any superior court action.
(4) The attorney general shall maintain records of each dispute submitted to the new motor vehicle arbitration board, including an index of new motor vehicles by year, make, and model.
(5) The attorney general shall compile aggregate annual statistics for all disputes submitted to, and decided by, the new motor vehicle arbitration board, as well as annual statistics for each manufacturer that include, but shall not be limited to, the number and percent of: (a) Replacement motor vehicle requests; (b) purchase price refund requests; (c) replacement motor vehicles obtained in prehearing settlements; (d) purchase price refunds obtained in prehearing settlements; (e) replacement motor vehicles awarded in arbitration; (f) purchase price refunds awarded in arbitration; (g) board decisions neither complied with during the forty calendar day period nor petitioned for appeal within the thirty calendar day period; (h) board decisions appealed categorized by consumer or manufacturer; (i) the nature of the court decisions and who the prevailing party was; (j) appeals that were held by the court to be brought without good cause; and (k) appeals that were held by the court to be brought solely for the purpose of harassment. The statistical compilations shall be public information.
(6) The attorney general shall adopt rules to implement this chapter. Such rules shall include uniform standards by which the boards shall make determinations under this chapter, including but not limited to rules which provide:
(a) A board shall find that a nonconformity exists if it determines that the consumer's new motor vehicle has a defect, serious safety defect, or condition that substantially impairs the use, value, or safety of the vehicle.
(b) A board shall find that a
reasonable number of attempts to repair a nonconformity have been undertaken
if((: (i) The same serious safety defect has been subject to diagnosis or
repair two or more times, at least one of which is during the period of
coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written warranty, and the serious
safety defect continues to exist; (ii) the same nonconformity has been subject
to diagnosis or repair four or more times, at least one of which is during the
period of coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written warranty, and the
nonconformity continues to exist; or (iii) the vehicle is out of service by
reason of diagnosis or repair of one or more nonconformities for a cumulative
total of thirty calendar days, at least fifteen of them during the period of
the applicable manufacturer's written warranty. For purposes of this
subsection, the manufacturer's written warranty shall be at least one year
after the date of the original delivery to the consumer of the vehicle or the
first twelve thousand miles of operation, whichever occurs first)) the
history of attempts to diagnose or repair defects or conditions in the new
motor vehicle meets or exceeds those identified in RCW 19.118.041.
(c) A board shall find that a manufacturer has failed to comply with RCW 19.118.041 if it finds that the manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer has failed to correct a nonconformity after a reasonable number of attempts and the manufacturer has failed, within forty days of the consumer's written request, to repurchase the vehicle or replace the vehicle with a vehicle identical or reasonably equivalent to the vehicle being replaced.
(7) The attorney general shall provide consumers with information regarding the procedures and remedies under this chapter.
Sec. 6. RCW 19.118.090 and 1998 c 298 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A consumer may request
arbitration under this chapter by submitting the request to the attorney
general. Within ten days after receipt of an arbitration request, the attorney
general shall make a reasonable determination of the cause of the request for
arbitration and provide necessary information to the consumer regarding the
consumer's rights and remedies under this chapter. The attorney general shall
((assign the dispute to a board, except that if it clearly appears from the
materials submitted by the consumer that the dispute is not eligible for
arbitration, the attorney general may refuse to assign the dispute and shall
explain any required procedures to the consumer)) accept a request for
arbitration, except where it clearly appears from the materials submitted by
the consumer that the dispute is not eligible because it is lacking a statement
of a claim, incomplete, untimely, frivolous, fraudulent, filed in bad faith,
res judicata, or beyond the authority established in this chapter. A dispute found
to be ineligible for arbitration because it lacks a statement of a claim or is
incomplete may be reconsidered by the attorney general upon the submission of
other information or documents regarding the dispute.
(2) After a dispute is accepted, the attorney general shall assign the dispute to the board. From the date the consumer's request for arbitration is assigned by the attorney general, the board shall have forty-five calendar days to have an arbitrator hear the dispute and sixty days for the board to submit a decision to the attorney general. If the board determines that additional information is necessary to make a fair and reasoned decision, the arbitrator may continue the arbitration proceeding on a subsequent date within ten calendar days of the initial hearing. The board may require a party to submit additional information or request that the attorney general issue a subpoena to a nonparty for documents and records for a continued hearing.
(((2))) (3)
Manufacturers shall submit to arbitration if such arbitration is requested by
the consumer within thirty months from the date of the original delivery of the
new motor vehicle to a consumer at retail and if the consumer's dispute is ((deemed
eligible)) accepted for arbitration by the ((board)) attorney
general. In the case of a motor home, the thirty-month period will be
extended by the amount of time it takes the motor home manufacturers to
complete the final repair attempt at the designated repair facility as provided
for in RCW 19.118.041(3)(b).
(((3) The new motor vehicle
arbitration board may reject for arbitration any dispute that it determines to
be frivolous, fraudulent, filed in bad faith, res judicata or beyond its
authority. Any dispute deemed by the board to be ineligible for arbitration
due to insufficient evidence may be reconsidered by the board upon the
submission of other information or documents regarding the dispute that would
allegedly qualify for relief under this chapter. Following a second review,
the board may reject the dispute for arbitration if evidence is still clearly
insufficient to qualify the dispute for relief under this chapter. A rejection
by the board is subject to review by the attorney general or may be appealed
under RCW 19.118.100.
A decision to reject any dispute for
arbitration shall be sent by certified mail to the consumer and the
manufacturer, and shall contain a brief explanation as to the reason therefor.))
(4) The manufacturer shall complete
a written manufacturer response to the consumer's request for arbitration. The
manufacturer shall provide a response to the consumer and the ((board)) attorney
general within ten calendar days from the date of the manufacturer's
receipt of ((the board's)) notice of ((acceptance)) the
attorney general's assignment of a dispute for arbitration. The
manufacturer response shall include all issues and affirmative defenses related
to the nonconformities identified in the consumer's request for arbitration
that the manufacturer intends to raise at the arbitration hearing.
(5) ((The arbitration board shall
award the remedies under RCW 19.118.041 if it finds a nonconformity and that a
reasonable number of attempts have been undertaken to correct the
nonconformity. The board shall award reasonable costs and attorneys' fees incurred
by the consumer where the manufacturer has been directly represented by
counsel: (a) In dealings with the consumer in response to a request to
repurchase or replace under RCW 19.118.041; (b) in settlement negotiations; (c)
in preparation of the manufacturer's statement; or (d) at an arbitration board
hearing or other board proceeding.
In the case of an arbitration
involving a motor home, the board may allocate liability among the motor home
(6) It is an affirmative defense to
any claim under this chapter that: (a) The alleged nonconformity does not
substantially impair the use, value, or safety of the new motor vehicle; or (b)
the alleged nonconformity is the result of abuse, neglect, or unauthorized
modifications or alterations of the new motor vehicle.
(7) The board shall have forty-five
calendar days from the date the board receives the consumer's request for
arbitration to hear the dispute. If the board determines that additional
information is necessary, the board may continue the arbitration proceeding on
a subsequent date within ten calendar days of the initial hearing. The board
shall decide the dispute within sixty calendar days from the date the board
receives the consumer's request for arbitration.)) It is an affirmative defense
to any claim under this chapter that: (a) The alleged nonconformity does not
substantially impair the use, value, or safety of the new motor vehicle; or (b)
the alleged nonconformity is the result of abuse, neglect, or unauthorized
modifications or alterations of the new motor vehicle.
(6) The arbitration decision ((of
the board shall be delivered by certified mail or personal service to the
consumer and the manufacturer, and shall)) must contain a written
finding of whether the new motor vehicle ((meets)) should be
repurchased or replaced pursuant to the standards set forth under this
(((8))) (a) The board
shall award the remedies under this chapter if a finding is made pursuant to
RCW 19.118.041 that one or more nonconformities have been subject to a
reasonable number of attempts.
(b) If the board awards remedies under this chapter after a finding is made pursuant to RCW 19.118.041 that one or more nonconformities have been subject to a reasonable number of attempts, the board shall award reasonable costs and attorneys' fees incurred by the consumer where the manufacturer has been directly represented by counsel: (i) In dealings with the consumer in response to a request to repurchase or replace under RCW 19.118.041; (ii) in settlement negotiations; (iii) in preparation of the manufacturer's statement; or (iv) at an arbitration hearing or other arbitration proceeding. In the case of an arbitration involving a motor home, the board may allocate liability among the motor home manufacturers.
(c) The decision of the board shall be submitted to the attorney general who shall deliver it by certified mail, electronic mail confirmed by an electronic notice of delivery status or similar confirmation, or personal service to the consumer and the manufacturer.
(7) The consumer may accept or
reject the arbitration board decision ((or appeal to superior court,
pursuant to RCW 19.118.100)). Upon acceptance by the consumer, the
arbitration board decision shall become final. The consumer shall send written
notification of acceptance or rejection to the ((arbitration board)) attorney
general within sixty days of receiving the decision and the ((arbitration
board)) attorney general shall immediately deliver a copy of the
consumer's acceptance to the manufacturer by certified mail, return receipt
requested, electronic mail confirmed by an electronic notice of delivery
status or similar confirmation, or by personal service. Failure of the
consumer to respond to the ((arbitration board)) attorney general
within sixty calendar days of receiving the decision shall be considered a
rejection of the decision by the consumer.
(8) Where a consumer rejects an arbitration decision, the consumer may appeal to superior court pursuant to RCW 19.118.100. The consumer shall have one hundred twenty calendar days from the date of rejection to file a petition of appeal in superior court. At the time the petition of appeal is filed, the consumer shall deliver, by certified mail or personal service, a conformed copy of such petition to the attorney general.
(9) Upon receipt of the consumer's acceptance, the manufacturer shall have forty calendar days to comply with the arbitration board decision or thirty calendar days to file a petition of appeal in superior court. At the time the petition of appeal is filed, the manufacturer shall deliver, by certified mail or personal service, a conformed copy of such petition to the attorney general. If the attorney general receives no notice of petition of appeal after forty calendar days, the attorney general shall contact the consumer to verify compliance.
Sec. 7. RCW 19.118.095 and 1995 c 254 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Compliance with an arbitration board decision under this chapter must be accomplished at a time, place, and in a manner to be determined by the mutual agreement of the consumer and manufacturer.
(a) The consumer shall make the
motor vehicle available to the manufacturer free of damage other than that
related to any nonconformity, defect, or condition to which a warranty applied,
or that can reasonably be expected in the use of the vehicle for ordinary or
reasonably intended purposes and in consideration of the ((mileage
attributable to the consumer's use)) miles traveled by the vehicle.
Any insurance claims or settlement proceeds for repair of damage to the vehicle
due to fire, theft, vandalism, or collision must be assigned to the
manufacturer or, at the consumer's option, the repair must be completed before
return of the vehicle to the manufacturer.
The consumer may not remove any equipment or option that was included in the original purchase or lease of the vehicle or that is otherwise included in the repurchase or replacement award. In removing any equipment not included in the original purchase or lease, the consumer shall exercise reasonable care to avoid further damage to the vehicle but is not required to return the vehicle to original condition.
(b) At the time of compliance with an arbitration board decision that awards repurchase, the manufacturer shall make full payment to the consumers and either the lessor or lienholder, or both, or provide verification to the consumer of prior payment to either the lessor or lienholder, or both.
At the time of compliance with an arbitration board decision that awards replacement, the manufacturer shall provide the replacement vehicle together with any refund of incidental costs.
(c) At any time before compliance a
party may request the ((board)) attorney general to resolve
disputes regarding compliance with the arbitration board decision including but
not limited to time and place for compliance, condition of the vehicle to be
returned, clarification or recalculation of refund amounts under the award, or
a determination if an offered vehicle is reasonably equivalent to the vehicle
being replaced. The attorney general may resolve the dispute or refer compliance-related
disputes to the board pursuant to RCW 19.118.160 for a compliance dispute
hearing and decision. In resolving compliance disputes the attorney
general or board may not review, alter, or otherwise change the findings of
a decision or extend the time for compliance beyond the time necessary ((for
the board)) to resolve the dispute.
(d) Failure of the consumer to make the vehicle available within sixty calendar days in response to a manufacturer's unconditional tender of compliance is considered a rejection of the arbitration decision by the consumer, except as provided in (c) of this subsection or subsection (2) of this section.
(2) If, at the end of the forty calendar day period, neither compliance with nor a petition to appeal the board's decision has occurred, the attorney general may impose a fine of up to one thousand dollars per day until compliance occurs or a maximum penalty of one hundred thousand dollars accrues unless the manufacturer can provide clear and convincing evidence that any delay or failure was beyond its control or was acceptable to the consumer as evidenced by a written statement signed by the consumer. If the manufacturer fails to provide the evidence or fails to pay the fine, the attorney general may initiate proceedings against the manufacturer for failure to pay any fine that accrues until compliance with the board's decision occurs or the maximum penalty of one hundred thousand dollars results. If the attorney general prevails in an enforcement action regarding any fine imposed under this subsection, the attorney general is entitled to reasonable costs and attorneys' fees. Fines and recovered costs and fees shall be returned to the new motor vehicle arbitration account.
Sec. 8. RCW 19.118.120 and 1987 c 344 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
The legislature finds that the
practices covered by this chapter are matters vitally affecting the public
interest for the purpose of applying the consumer protection act, chapter 19.86
RCW. A violation
of this chapter ((shall constitute)) is not reasonable in relation to
the development and preservation of business and is an unfair or deceptive
((trade practice affecting the public interest under)) act in trade
or commerce and an unfair method of competition for the purpose of applying the
consumer protection act, chapter 19.86 RCW. ((All public and private
remedies provided under that chapter shall be available to enforce this
Sec. 9. RCW 19.118.160 and 1989 c 347 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
If the attorney general is unable ((at
any time)) to contract with ((private)) one or more entities
to conduct arbitrations ((under the procedures and standards in this chapter)),
the attorney general shall establish ((one or more new motor vehicle)) an
arbitration ((boards. Each such board shall consist of three members
appointed by the attorney general, only one of whom may be directly involved in
the manufacture, distribution, sale, or service of any motor vehicle. Board
members shall be reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with RCW
43.03.050 and 43.03.060 and shall be compensated pursuant to RCW 43.03.240))
program and conduct arbitrations under the procedures and standards
established in this chapter.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. This act is remedial in nature and applies retroactively to the effective date of this act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected."
Senator Kohl-Welles spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection to Substitute House Bill No. 1215.
The motion by Senator Kohl-Welles carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 1 of the title, after "provisions;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 19.118.021, 19.118.031, 19.118.041, 19.118.061, 19.118.080, 19.118.090, 19.118.095, 19.118.120, and 19.118.160; and creating a new section."
On motion of Senator Kohl-Welles, the rules were suspended, Substitute House Bill No. 1215 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kohl-Welles spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1215 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Substitute House Bill No. 1215 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 4.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, Prentice and Tom
SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1215 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1474, by Representatives Orcutt, Wallace, Herrera and Moeller
Changing border county opportunity program provisions.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Kilmer, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1474 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Kilmer spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1474.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1474 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 44; Nays, 0; Absent, 1; Excused, 4.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Absent: Senator Brown
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, Prentice and Tom
HOUSE BILL NO. 1474, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1375, by Representatives Roberts, Appleton, Walsh, Kagi, Liias, Upthegrove and Kenney
Eliminating foster care citizen review boards.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Regala, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1375 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Regala spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1375.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1375 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 4.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, Prentice and Tom
HOUSE BILL NO. 1375, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1281, by Representatives Hurst, Pearson, Appleton, O'Brien, Goodman, Orcutt, Morrell, Ormsby, Simpson and Orwall
Addressing the rights of victims, survivors, and witnesses of crimes.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Regala, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1281 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Regala spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1281.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1281 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 4.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, Prentice and Tom
HOUSE BILL NO. 1281, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
HOUSE BILL NO. 1506, by Representatives Conway, Bailey, Chase, Kirby, O'Brien, Kenney, Simpson, Carlyle, Hinkle, Goodman, Williams, Upthegrove, White and Kelley
Providing benefits for the survivors of certain firefighters.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Marr, the rules were suspended, House Bill No. 1506 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator Marr spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of House Bill No. 1506.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of House Bill No. 1506 and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 45; Nays, 0; Absent, 0; Excused, 4.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Benton, Brandland, Brown, Carrell, Delvin, Eide, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Holmquist, Honeyford, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Kauffman, Keiser, Kilmer, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, McDermott, Morton, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Pridemore, Ranker, Regala, Roach, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Stevens, Swecker and Zarelli
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley, Prentice and Tom
HOUSE BILL NO. 1506, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1741, by House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Darneille, Quall, Liias, Santos, Van De Wege, Goodman, Dickerson, Jacks, Hurst, Haigh, Pettigrew, Kenney, Dammeier and Morrell)
Expanding the list of crimes that require dismissal or certificate revocation for school employees.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator McAuliffe moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 28A.400 RCW to read as follows:
(1) RCW 28A.400.320, 28A.400.330, 28A.405.470, 28A.410.090(3), 28A.410.110, 9.96A.020, and 43.43.845 apply upon a guilty plea or conviction occurring after July 23, 1989, and before the effective date of this section, for any of the following felony crimes:
(a) Any felony crime involving the physical neglect of a child under chapter 9A.42 RCW;
(b) The physical injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW, except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW;
(c) Sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW;
(d) Sexual offenses under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim;
(e) Promoting prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW;
(f) The sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030;
(g) Violation of laws of another jurisdiction that are similar to those specified in (a) through (f) of this subsection.
(2) RCW 28A.400.320, 28A.400.330, 28A.405.470, 28A.410.090(3), 28A.410.110, 9.96A.020, and 43.43.845 apply upon a guilty plea or conviction occurring on or after the effective date of this section, for any of the following felony crimes or attempts, conspiracies, or solicitations to commit any of the following felony crimes:
(a) A felony violation of RCW 9A.88.010, indecent exposure;
(b) A felony violation of chapter 9A.42 RCW involving physical neglect;
(c) A felony violation of chapter 9A.32 RCW;
(d) A violation of RCW 9A.36.011, assault 1; 9A.36.021, assault 2; 9A.36.120, assault of a child 1; 9A.36.130, assault of a child 2; or any other felony violation of chapter 9A.36 RCW involving physical injury except assault 3 where the victim is eighteen years of age or older;
(e) A sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030;
(f) A violation of RCW 9A.40.020, kidnapping 1; or 9A.40.030, kidnapping 2;
(g) A violation of RCW 9A.64.030, child selling or child buying;
(h) A violation of RCW 9A.88.070, promoting prostitution 1;
(i) A violation of RCW 9A.56.200, robbery 1; or
(j) A violation of laws of another jurisdiction that are similar to those specified in (a) through (i) of this subsection.
Sec. 2. RCW 28A.400.320 and 1990 c 33 s 383 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The school district board of
directors shall immediately terminate the employment of any classified employee
who has contact with children during the course of his or her employment upon a
guilty plea or conviction of any felony crime ((involving the physical
neglect of a child under chapter 9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a
child under chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW (except motor vehicle violations under
chapter 46.61 RCW), sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW,
sexual offenses under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting
prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase of a
minor child under RCW 9A.64.030, or violation of similar laws of another
jurisdiction)) specified under section 1 of this act.
(2) The employee shall have a right of appeal under chapter 28A.645 RCW including any right of appeal under a collective bargaining agreement. A school district board of directors is entitled to recover from the employee any salary or other compensation that may have been paid to the employee for the period between such time as the employee was placed on administrative leave, based upon criminal charges that the employee committed a felony crime specified under section 1 of this act, and the time termination becomes final.
Sec. 3. RCW 28A.400.330 and 1989 c 320 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
The school district board of
directors shall include in any contract for services with an entity or
individual other than an employee of the school district a provision requiring
the contractor to prohibit any employee of the contractor from working at a
public school who has contact with children at a public school during the
course of his or her employment and who has pled guilty to or been convicted of
any felony crime ((involving the physical neglect of a child under chapter
9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36
RCW (except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW), sexual exploitation
of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under chapter 9A.44 RCW
where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution of a minor under chapter
9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030, or
violation of similar laws of another jurisdiction)) specified under
section 1 of this act. The contract shall also contain a provision that
any failure to comply with this section shall be grounds for the school
district immediately terminating the contract.
Sec. 4. RCW 28A.405.470 and 1990 c 33 s 405 are each amended to read as follows:
The school district shall
immediately terminate the employment of any person whose certificate or permit
authorized under chapter 28A.405 or 28A.410 RCW is subject to revocation under
RCW 28A.410.090(((2))) (3) upon a guilty plea or conviction of
any felony crime ((involving the physical neglect of a child under chapter
9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36
RCW (except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW), sexual
exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under chapter
9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution of a minor under
chapter 9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030,
or violation of similar laws of another jurisdiction)) specified under
section 1 of this act. Employment shall remain terminated unless the
employee successfully prevails on appeal. A school district board of
directors is entitled to recover from the employee any salary or other
compensation that may have been paid to the employee for the period between
such time as the employee was placed on administrative leave, based upon
criminal charges that the employee committed a felony crime specified under
section 1 of this act, and the time termination becomes final. This
section shall only apply to employees holding a certificate or permit who have
contact with children during the course of their employment.
Sec. 5. RCW 28A.410.090 and 2005 c 461 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Any certificate or permit authorized under the provisions of this chapter, chapter 28A.405 RCW, or rules promulgated thereunder may be revoked or suspended by the authority authorized to grant the same based upon a criminal records report authorized by law, or upon the complaint of any school district superintendent, educational service district superintendent, or private school administrator for immorality, violation of written contract, unprofessional conduct, intemperance, or crime against the law of the state. School district superintendents, educational service district superintendents, or private school administrators may file a complaint concerning any certificated employee of a school district, educational service district, or private school and this filing authority is not limited to employees of the complaining superintendent or administrator. Such written complaint shall state the grounds and summarize the factual basis upon which a determination has been made that an investigation by the superintendent of public instruction is warranted.
(b) If the superintendent of public instruction has reasonable cause to believe that an alleged violation of this chapter or rules adopted under it has occurred based on a written complaint alleging physical abuse or sexual misconduct by a certificated school employee filed by a parent or another person, but no complaint has been forwarded to the superintendent by a school district superintendent, educational service district superintendent, or private school administrator, and that a school district superintendent, educational service district superintendent, or private school administrator has sufficient notice of the alleged violation and opportunity to file a complaint, the superintendent of public instruction may cause an investigation to be made of the alleged violation, together with such other matters that may be disclosed in the course of the investigation related to certificated personnel.
(2) A parent or another person may file a written complaint with the superintendent of public instruction alleging physical abuse or sexual misconduct by a certificated school employee if:
(a) The parent or other person has already filed a written complaint with the educational service district superintendent concerning that employee;
(b) The educational service district superintendent has not caused an investigation of the allegations and has not forwarded the complaint to the superintendent of public instruction for investigation; and
(c) The written complaint states the grounds and factual basis upon which the parent or other person believes an investigation should be conducted.
(3)(a) Any such certificate
or permit authorized under this chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW shall be revoked
by the authority authorized to grant the certificate upon a guilty plea or the
conviction of any felony crime ((involving the physical neglect of a child
under chapter 9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under chapter
9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW (excepting motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW),
sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under
chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution of a
minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW
9A.64.030, or violation of similar laws of another jurisdiction)) specified
under section 1 of this act, in accordance with this section. The person
whose certificate is in question shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
(b) Mandatory permanent revocation upon
a guilty plea or the conviction of felony crimes specified under ((this
subsection)) section 1(1) of this act shall apply to such
convictions or guilty pleas which occur after July 23, 1989, and before the
effective date of section 1 of this act.
(c) Mandatory permanent revocation upon a guilty plea or conviction of felony crimes specified under section 1(2) of this act shall apply to such convictions or guilty pleas that occur on or after the effective date of section 1 of this act.
(d) Revocation of any certificate or permit authorized under this chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW for a guilty plea or criminal conviction of a crime specified under section 1 of this act occurring prior to July 23, 1989, shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section.
(4)(a) Any such certificate or permit authorized under this chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW shall be suspended or revoked, according to the provisions of this subsection, by the authority authorized to grant the certificate upon a finding that an employee has engaged in an unauthorized use of school equipment to intentionally access material depicting sexually explicit conduct or has intentionally possessed on school grounds any material depicting sexually explicit conduct; except for material used in conjunction with established curriculum. A first time violation of this subsection shall result in either suspension or revocation of the employee's certificate or permit as determined by the office of the superintendent of public instruction. A second violation shall result in a mandatory revocation of the certificate or permit.
(b) In all cases under this subsection (4), the person whose certificate is in question shall be given an opportunity to be heard and has the right to appeal as established in RCW 28A.410.100. Certificates or permits shall be suspended or revoked under this subsection only if findings are made on or after July 24, 2005. For the purposes of this subsection, "sexually explicit conduct" has the same definition as provided in RCW 9.68A.011.
(5) Any such certificate or permit authorized under this chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW shall be revoked by the authority authorized to grant the certificate upon a finding that the certificate holder obtained the certificate through fraudulent means, including fraudulent misrepresentation of required academic credentials or prior criminal record. In all cases under this subsection, the person whose certificate is in question shall be given an opportunity to be heard and has the right to appeal as established in RCW 28A.410.100. Certificates or permits shall be revoked under this subsection only if findings are made on or after the effective date of this section.
Sec. 6. RCW 28A.410.110 and 1990 c 33 s 410 are each amended to read as follows:
In case any certificate or permit authorized
under this chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW is revoked, the holder shall not be
eligible to receive another certificate or permit for a period of twelve months
after the date of revocation. However, if the certificate or permit authorized
under this chapter or chapter 28A.405 RCW was revoked because of a guilty plea
or the conviction of a felony crime ((involving the physical neglect of a
child under chapter 9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under
chapter 9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW (except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61
RCW), sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses
under chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution of
a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, the sale or purchase of a minor child under
RCW 9A.64.030, or violation of similar laws of another jurisdiction)) specified
under section 1 of this act, the certificate or permit shall not be
Sec. 7. RCW 9.96A.020 and 2008 c 134 s 26 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Subject to the exceptions in subsections (3) through (5) of this section, and unless there is another provision of law to the contrary, a person is not disqualified from employment by the state of Washington or any of its counties, cities, towns, municipal corporations, or quasi-municipal corporations, nor is a person disqualified to practice, pursue or engage in any occupation, trade, vocation, or business for which a license, permit, certificate or registration is required to be issued by the state of Washington or any of its counties, cities, towns, municipal corporations, or quasi-municipal corporations solely because of a prior conviction of a felony. However, this section does not preclude the fact of any prior conviction of a crime from being considered.
(2) A person may be denied employment by the state of Washington or any of its counties, cities, towns, municipal corporations, or quasi-municipal corporations, or a person may be denied a license, permit, certificate or registration to pursue, practice or engage in an occupation, trade, vocation, or business by reason of the prior conviction of a felony if the felony for which he or she was convicted directly relates to the position of employment sought or to the specific occupation, trade, vocation, or business for which the license, permit, certificate or registration is sought, and the time elapsed since the conviction is less than ten years. However, for positions in the county treasurer's office, a person may be disqualified from employment because of a prior guilty plea or conviction of a felony involving embezzlement or theft, even if the time elapsed since the guilty plea or conviction is ten years or more.
(3) A person is disqualified for any certificate
required or authorized under chapters 28A.405 or 28A.410 RCW, because of a
prior guilty plea or the conviction of a felony ((involving sexual
exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under chapter
9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution of a minor under
chapter 9A.88 RCW, or a violation of similar laws of another jurisdiction))
crime specified under section 1 of this act, even if the time elapsed
since the guilty plea or conviction is ten years or more.
(4) A person is disqualified from
employment by school districts, educational service districts, and their
contractors hiring employees who will have regularly scheduled unsupervised
access to children, because of a prior guilty plea or conviction of a felony ((involving
sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under
chapter 9A.44 RCW where a minor is the victim, promoting prostitution of a
minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW, or a violation of similar laws of another
jurisdiction)) crime specified under section 1 of this act, even if
the time elapsed since the guilty plea or conviction is ten years or more.
(5) The provisions of this chapter do not apply to issuance of licenses or credentials for professions regulated under chapter 18.130 RCW.
(6) Subsections (3) and (4) of this
section ((only)) as they pertain to felony crimes specified under
section 1(1) of this act apply to a person applying for a certificate or
for employment on or after July 25, 1993, and before the effective date of
section 1 of this act. Subsections (3) and (4) of this section as they pertain
to all felony crimes specified under section 1(2) of this act apply to a person
applying for a certificate or for employment on or after the effective date of
section 1 of this act. Subsection (5) of this section only applies to a
person applying for a license or credential on or after June 12, 2008.
Sec. 8. RCW 43.43.845 and 2006 c 263 s 828 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Upon a guilty plea or conviction
of a person of any felony crime ((involving the physical neglect of a child
under chapter 9A.42 RCW, the physical injury or death of a child under chapter
9A.32 or 9A.36 RCW (except motor vehicle violations under chapter 46.61 RCW),
sexual exploitation of a child under chapter 9.68A RCW, sexual offenses under
chapter 9A.44 RCW, promoting prostitution of a minor under chapter 9A.88 RCW,
or the sale or purchase of a minor child under RCW 9A.64.030)) specified
under section 1 of this act, the prosecuting attorney shall notify the
state patrol of such guilty pleas or convictions.
(2) When the state patrol receives
((information that a person has pled guilty to or been convicted of one of
the felony crimes)) the notice required under subsection (1) of this
section, the state patrol shall transmit that information to the superintendent
of public instruction. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction,
on at least a quarterly basis, to identify whether the person holds a
certificate or permit issued under chapters 28A.405 and 28A.410 RCW or is
employed by a school district, and provide this information to the Washington
professional educator standards board and the school district employing the ((individual
who pled guilty or was convicted of the crimes identified in subsection (1) of
this section)) person.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 9. A new section is added to chapter 28A.405 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A school district superintendent shall immediately notify the office of the superintendent of public instruction when the district terminates the employment contract of a certificated employee on the basis of a guilty plea or a conviction of any felony crime specified under section 1 of this act.
(2) The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall maintain a record of the notices received under this section.
(3) This section applies only to employees holding a certificate or permit authorized under this chapter or chapter 28A.410 RCW who have contact with children during the course of employment.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. A new section is added to chapter 41.59 RCW to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter may be construed to grant employers or employees the right to reach agreements that are in conflict with the termination provisions of RCW 28A.405.470.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 11. A new section is added to chapter 41.56 RCW to read as follows:
Nothing in this chapter may be construed to grant school district employers or classified school district employees the right to reach agreements that are in conflict with the termination provisions of RCW 28A.400.320."
Senator McAuliffe spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1741.
The motion by Senator McAuliffe carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "employees;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "amending RCW 28A.400.320, 28A.400.330, 28A.405.470, 28A.410.090, 28A.410.110, 9.96A.020, and 43.43.845; adding a new section to chapter 28A.400 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 28A.405 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 41.59 RCW; and adding a new section to chapter 41.56 RCW."
On motion of Senator McAuliffe, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1741 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator McAuliffe spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Eide, further consideration of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1741 was deferred and the bill held its place on the second reading calendar.
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1018, by House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs (originally sponsored by Representatives Appleton, Herrera, Chandler, Armstrong, Haigh, Newhouse, Hinkle, Green, Sells, Orcutt, Ross, Bailey, Short, Kretz and Condotta)
Modifying when a special election may be held.
The measure was read the second time.
Senator McDermott moved that the following committee striking amendment by the Committee on Government Operations & Elections be adopted.
Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert the following:
"Sec. 1. RCW 29A.04.321 and 2006 c 344 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) All state, county, city, town, and district general elections for the election of federal, state, legislative, judicial, county, city, town, and district officers, and for the submission to the voters of the state, county, city, town, or district of any measure for their adoption and approval or rejection, shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, in the year in which they may be called. A statewide general election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November of each year. However, the statewide general election held in odd-numbered years shall be limited to (a) city, town, and district general elections as provided for in RCW 29A.04.330, or as otherwise provided by law; (b) the election of federal officers for the remainder of any unexpired terms in the membership of either branch of the Congress of the United States; (c) the election of state and county officers for the remainder of any unexpired terms of offices created by or whose duties are described in Article II, section 15, Article III, sections 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, and Article IV, sections 3 and 5 of the state Constitution and RCW 2.06.080; (d) the election of county officers in any county governed by a charter containing provisions calling for general county elections at this time; and (e) the approval or rejection of state measures, including proposed constitutional amendments, matters pertaining to any proposed constitutional convention, initiative measures and referendum measures proposed by the electorate, referendum bills, and any other matter provided by the legislature for submission to the electorate.
(2) A county legislative authority may call a special
county election by presenting a resolution to the county auditor prior to the
proposed election date. ((Except as provided in subsection (4) of this
section,)) A special election called by the county legislative
authority shall be held on one of the following dates as decided by such
governing body:
(a) The ((first)) second
Tuesday ((after the first Monday)) in February;
(b) ((The second Tuesday in
(c))) The fourth Tuesday in April;
(((d) The third Tuesday in May;
(e))) (c) The day of the primary
as specified by RCW 29A.04.311; or
(((f))) (d) The first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
(3) A resolution calling for a
special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(a) ((through (d)))
and (b) of this section must be presented to the county auditor at least
((fifty‑two)) forty-five days prior to the election date.
A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection
(2)(((e))) (c) or (((f))) (d) of this section must
be presented to the county auditor at least eighty‑four days prior to the
election date.
(4) In addition to the dates set
forth in subsection (2)(a) through (((f))) (d) of this section, a
special election to validate an excess levy or bond issue may be called at any
time to meet the needs resulting from fire, flood, earthquake, or other act of
God. Such county special election shall be noticed and conducted in the manner
provided by law.
(5) ((In a presidential election
year, if a presidential preference primary is conducted in February, March,
April, or May under chapter 29A.56 RCW, the date on which a special election
may be called by the county legislative authority under subsection (2) of this
section during the month of that primary is the date of the presidential
(6))) This section shall supersede the
provisions of any and all other statutes, whether general or special in nature,
having different dates for such city, town, and district elections, the purpose
of this section being to establish mandatory dates for holding elections except
for those elections held pursuant to a home-rule charter adopted under Article
XI, section 4 of the state Constitution. This section shall not be construed
as fixing the time for holding primary elections, or elections for the recall of
any elective public officer.
Sec. 2. RCW 29A.04.330 and 2006 c 344 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) All city, town, and district general elections shall be held throughout the state of Washington on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November in the odd-numbered years.
This section shall not apply to:
(a) Elections for the recall of any elective public officer;
(b) Public utility districts, conservation districts, or district elections at which the ownership of property within those districts is a prerequisite to voting, all of which elections shall be held at the times prescribed in the laws specifically applicable thereto;
(c) Consolidation proposals as provided for in RCW 28A.315.235 and nonhigh capital fund aid proposals as provided for in chapter 28A.540 RCW.
(2) The county auditor, as ex
officio supervisor of elections, upon request in the form of a resolution of
the governing body of a city, town, or district, presented to the auditor prior
to the proposed election date, may call a special election in such city, town,
or district, and for the purpose of such special election he or she may
combine, unite, or divide precincts. ((Except as provided in subsection (3)
of this section,)) Such a special election shall be held on one of
the following dates as decided by the governing body:
(a) The ((first)) second
Tuesday ((after the first Monday)) in February;
(b) ((The second Tuesday in
(c))) The fourth Tuesday in April;
(((d) The third Tuesday in May;
(e))) (c) The day of the primary
election as specified by RCW 29A.04.311; or
(((f))) (d) The first
Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
(3) A resolution calling for a
special election on a date set forth in subsection (2)(a) ((through (d)))
and (b) of this section must be presented to the county auditor at least
((fifty‑two)) forty-five days prior to the election date.
A resolution calling for a special election on a date set forth in subsection
(2)(((e))) (c) or (((f))) (d) of this section must
be presented to the county auditor at least eighty‑four days prior to the
election date.
(4) ((In a presidential election
year, if a presidential preference primary is conducted in February, March,
April, or May under chapter 29A.56 RCW, the date on which a special election
may be called under subsection (2) of this section during the month of that
primary is the date of the presidential primary.
(5))) In addition to subsection (2)(a)
through (((f))) (d) of this section, a special election to
validate an excess levy or bond issue may be called at any time to meet the
needs resulting from fire, flood, earthquake, or other act of God, except that
no special election may be held between the first day for candidates to file
for public office and the last day to certify the returns of the general
election other than as provided in subsection (2)(((e))) (c) and
(((f))) (d) of this section. Such special election shall be
conducted and notice thereof given in the manner provided by law.
(((6))) (5) This
section shall supersede the provisions of any and all other statutes, whether
general or special in nature, having different dates for such city, town, and
district elections, the purpose of this section being to establish mandatory
dates for holding elections."
Senator McDermott spoke in favor of adoption of the committee striking amendment.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of the committee striking amendment by the Committee on Government Operations & Elections to Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1018.
The motion by Senator McDermott carried and the committee striking amendment was adopted by voice vote.
There being no objection, the following title amendment was adopted:
On page 1, line 2 of the title, after "held;" strike the remainder of the title and insert "and amending RCW 29A.04.321 and 29A.04.330."
On motion of Senator McDermott, the rules were suspended, Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1018 as amended by the Senate was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
Senator McDermott spoke in favor of passage of the bill.
Senator Roach spoke against passage of the bill.
On motion of Senator Marr, Senators Brown and Kauffman were excused.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1018 as amended by the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll on the final passage of Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1018 as amended by the Senate and the bill passed the Senate by the following vote: Yeas, 33; Nays, 13; Absent, 0; Excused, 3.
Voting yea: Senators Becker, Brandland, Brown, Delvin, Franklin, Fraser, Hargrove, Hatfield, Haugen, Hewitt, Hobbs, Jacobsen, Jarrett, Kastama, Keiser, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, McDermott, Murray, Oemig, Parlette, Pflug, Prentice, Ranker, Regala, Rockefeller, Schoesler, Sheldon, Shin, Swecker, Tom and Zarelli
Voting nay: Senators Benton, Carrell, Eide, Holmquist, Honeyford, Kilmer, Marr, McAuliffe, McCaslin, Morton, Pridemore, Roach and Stevens
Excused: Senators Berkey, Fairley and Kauffman
ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 1018 as amended by the Senate, having received the constitutional majority, was declared passed. There being no objection, the title of the bill was ordered to stand as the title of the act.
At 4:59 p.m., on motion of Senator Eide, the Senate adjourned until 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 8, 2009.
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate
THOMAS HOEMANN, Secretary of the Senate