Senate Chamber, Olympia, Monday, June 24, 2013
The Senate was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by President Owen. The Secretary called the roll and announced to the President that all Senators were present with the exception of Senators Mullet, Murray and Schlicher.
The Sergeant at Arms Color Guard consisting of Senate Staff Shawn O'Neill and Donald Gribbons, presented the Colors. Senator Kline offered the prayer.
On motion of Senator Fain the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with and it was approved.
At 12:08 p.m., on motion of Senator Fain, the Senate was declared to be at ease subject to the call of the President.
The Senate was called to order at 5:10 p.m. by President Owen.
At 5:11 p.m., on motion of Senator Fain, the Senate adjourned until 12:00 noon Tuesday, June 25, 2013.
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate
HUNTER GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate