Senate Chamber, Olympia, Monday, January 13, 2014
At 12:00 noon, pursuant to law, the Senate of the 2014 Regular Session of the Sixty-Third Legislature of the State of Washington assembled in the Senate Chamber at the State Capitol. Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen, President of the Senate, called the Senate to order. The Secretary called the roll and announced to the President that all members were present with the exception of Senator Holmquist Newbry.
December 12, 2013
Governor Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Dear Governor Inslee:
Due to my recent election as the next Mayor of Seattle, I am writing to you today submit my notice of resignation from the Legislature. The effective date of my resignation as the Senator of the 43rd Legislative District will be at 12:00 p.m. on December 16, 2013.
Even though I will not assume office as Mayor of Seattle until January 1, the demands of the transition into office are considerable and deserve my full time and attention. In addition, the residents of the 43rd District deserve sufficient time and opportunity to select my replacement before the 2014 Legislative Session begins in January.
My 18-year career as a legislator, first as a member of the House and then as a member of the Senate, has been an honor and a privilege, and has provided me experiences under nearly every legislative scenario. I have served in the majority in both chambers, in the minority in both chambers, and in an effective tie in both chambers. As chair of all three budget committees, I have written Operating, Capital and Transportation budget proposals. And I have had the great opportunity of sponsoring and passing difficult but critical legislation that has made a positive difference in the lives of Washingtonians: from passing the largest transportation funding package in state history, doubling funding for low-income housing, and passing the highest emission standards in the nation, to achieving civil rights protections for gays and lesbians, securing three successive years of domestic partnership rights and, finally, passage marriage equality for all.
These are experiences I am proud of, humbled to have had, and will never forget. I look forward to keeping open lines of communication with you and with the Legislature in my new capacity as Mayor of Seattle, and to working collaboratively and productively to make progress on behalf of residents all across the great state of Washington.
Edward B. Murray
DECEMBER 17, 2013
MOTION 14039
Proposed No. 2013-0528.2
A MOTION making an appointment to fill the vacancy in the position of state senator for the 43rd legislative district.
WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the position of state senator for the 43rd legislative district due to the resignation of Senator Ed Murray following his election as Mayor of Seattle, and
WHEREAS, the 43rd legislative district Democratic precinct committee officers have met to consider candidates for the position and,
WHEREAS, the King County Democratic Central Committee has submitted the names of three nominees to fill the vacancy;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
Jamie Pedersen is hereby appointed to the position of state senator for the 43rd legislative district.
Motion 14039 was introduced on 12/16/2013 and passed as amended by the Metropolitan King County Council on 12/16/2013, by the following vote:
Yeas: 8 – Mr. Phillips, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Patterson, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Dunn, Mr. McDermott and Mr. Dembowski
No: 0
Excused: 1 – Ms. Hague
Larry Gossett, Chair
Anne Noris, Clerk of the Council
Governor Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
November 11, 2013
Dear Governor Inslee:
It is with sadness but without reservation, that I submit to you my notice of resignation as Senator of the 38th Legislative District effective immediately.
I have come to realize that my constituents and the people of our state would be better served by someone who can fully commit their time to a job that requires undivided dedication. The combination of legislative session, a series of special sessions and interim responsibilities are important, exciting work, but require full time attention. As a husband, father of two girls and an attorney, I feel that I am unable to meet that requirement.
I am proud of my time here in Olympia. It was an honor to be asked to work on bringing WSU to Everett as one of my first responsibilities. I was proud to lead the fight against gun violence and the fight for education funding and small businesses.
My three years as Senator are an experience I will never forget. Unfortunately my work in Olympia takes me away from my family far too much. They deserve a full-time husband and father just as the people of the 38th deserve a full-time Senator. I feel that I cannot be both at this time.
Thank you for your leadership and your understanding.
Nick Harper
January 7, 2014
The Honorable Jay Inslee
Office of the Governor
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002
Dear Governor Inslee,
It is with deep regret that I must inform you of my decision to resign from the Washington State Senate, effective immediately. Although I had planned to retire from the Legislature at the end of my term later this year, I have reluctantly determined with the assistance of my family that recent health problems including my age, memory problems, and a recent diagnosis of Alzheimer’s make it impossible for me to represent my constituents in the manner in which they deserve. I believe it is in everyone’s best interest–my family, my constituents, the Senate, and the great State of Washington – for me to step down at this time.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your help and support over the years. It has been a tremendous privilege to be a member of the State Senate and work with such wonderful colleagues.
Paull Shin
Washington State Senator
21st Legislative District
President Owen: “Ladies and Gentleman of the Senate, as we begin the President would like to welcome all the new members. I think this might be some kind of, some sort of record for the second year of the biennium for new members but we are very pleased and privileged to have you here serving with us today.”
The Washington State Patrol Honor Guard consisting of Lieutenant Zach Elmore; Lieutenant Johnny Alexander; Trooper Heather Axtman; Trooper Matt Fehler; Trooper Melissa Walstad and Trooper Ethan Wynecoop presented the Colors.
The President led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The President welcomed and introduced Auburn High School Chamber Choir Double Quartet members Jessica Alley; Sylvia Jones; Keishawna Smith; Lillian Karout; Reymart Balmes; Marco Antonio Garcia; Ethan Hinze and Kirkland Strickland who performed the National Anthem under the direction of Ms. Kandy Gilbert.
The Washington State Patrol Honor Guard retired from the chamber.
President Owen: “Senator Fain, thank you for suggesting the Choir. They were outstanding, outstanding.”
Pastor Matt Krachunis of Faith and Victory church, Auburn offer the prayer.
The President welcomed and introduced Miss Katt Nguyen, 2014 Lakefair Queen, who was seated at the rostrum.
With the permission of the Senate, business was suspended to allow Lakefair Queen Katt Nguyen to address the Senate and welcome the senators to Olympia.
Miss Katt Nguyen: “Good afternoon everyone. As the 2013-2014 Capital Lakefair Queen I’m actually here today to welcome all of you to a new legislative session. My name is Katt Nguyen, short and sweet for Katherine, I am an International Bachelorette senior at Capital High School. As graduation seems to be coming closer and closer, I feel like I’m one step closer to pursuing my aspirations which is to be a pediatrician. I hope to attend the University of Washington this upcoming fall and I hope to major in bio chemistry. So, it’s going to be a very long and hard journey but definitely very worthwhile one. Actually being a part of the Capital Lakefair program has helped me in regards as to my aspirations. The Capital Lakefair program offers twenty-eight thousand dollars in scholarships to its recipients each year and I, as the Capital Lakefair Queen, received five thousand dollars in scholarship while each of the other Princesses received twenty-five hundred dollars in scholarships. So on behalf of my Lakefair Court I would like to thank the Capital Lakefair program for its generosity and rewarding experiences. So, being a Capital Lakefair Queen I have learned that with the crown comes a lot of responsibilities. I represent not only my school but my community as I venture out throughout our community in Washington, Oregon and Canada. So, this Lakefair experience has opened not only my eyes but also my heart to all of the events and festivals that go on throughout the northwest I have been able to be a part of such things like the downtown Arts walk here in Olympia and various other events that go on throughout our northwest. This experience has taught me that the Lakefair experience is not just about myself but it’s about what I can do to make the experiences of other people a lot better and more positive. So, I thank the Capital Lakefair program and because of the Capital Lakefair program I am honored to be here today. I have the privilege to welcome all of you to a new legislative session and it’s not an experience every seventeen year-old can talk about. So, once again I would just like to say thank you for having me here. It is definitely quite an honor and I wish you all a very successful legislative session. Thank you.”
The President welcomed and introduced Mr. Bob Barnes, Executive Director and Mrs. Serry Barnes, Capital Lakefair President, Ms. Peggy Brink, 2014 Royalty Chair; Mr. Thomas Nguyen , and Mrs. Angela Nguyen parents of Miss Nguyen who were all present in the gallery.
On motion of Senator Fain, the Senate advanced to the third order of business.
Pursuant to Article II, Section 1, of the Washington State Constitution and RCW 29A.72.230, prior to the deadline of January 3, the Office of the Secretary of the State received signature petitions submitted in support of Initiative to the Legislature No. 591, “Protect Our Gun Rights.”
The Office of the Secretary of State is currently examining signatures. Article II, Section 1, of the Washington State Constitution requires 246,372 valid signatures.
I hereby attach a true and correct copy of Initiative to the Legislature No. 591.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the State of Washington this 7th day of January, 2014.
Secretary of State
Pursuant to Article II, Section 1, of the Washington State Constitution and RCW 29A.72.230, prior to the deadline of January 3, the Office of the Secretary of the State received signature petitions submitted in support of Initiative to the Legislature No. 594, “Background Check for Gun Sales and Transfers.”
The Office of the Secretary of State is currently examining signatures. Article II, Section 1, of the Washington State Constitution requires 246,372 valid signatures.
I hereby attach a true and correct copy of Initiative to the Legislature No. 594.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the State of Washington this 7th day of January, 2014.
Secretary of State
December 4, 2013
The Honorable Brad Owen
President of the Senate
P.O. Box 40482
Olympia, WA 98504-0482
Dear President Owen:
The returns of the November 5, 2013, General Election have been certified. My office certifies the results for statewide measures, federal offices, statewide offices, and any legislative or judicial office crossing county lines.
Legislative and judicial offices located entirely within one county were certified by the respective county canvassing board on November 26, 2013.
Enclosed please find copies of the measures and races certified by my office, as well as a list of all new senators.
Please feel free to contact my office if you have any questions.
Secretary of State
State of Washington
The Honorable Brad Owen
President of the Senate
The Legislature of the State of Washington
Olympia, Washington
Mr. President:
I, Kim Wyman, Secretary of the state of Washington, do hereby certify that the following is a full, true, and correct list of persons elected to the Office of State Senator at the General Election held in the state of Washington on the 5th day of November, 2013, as shown by the official returns of said election now on file in the office of the Secretary of State.
District Counties Represented Name Party Preference
7 Ferry, Okanogan,
Pend Oreille, Brian Dansel Prefers
Republican Party
Spokane, Stevens
8 Benton Sharon R. Brown Prefers Republican Party
26 Kitsap, Pierce Jan Angel Prefers Republican Party
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the Seal of the state of Washington at Olympia, this 4th day of December, 2013.
Secretary of State
I, Kim Wyman, Secretary of State of the state of Washington, do hereby certify that according to the provisions of RCW 29A.60.250 and RCW 29A.60.260, I have canvassed the returns of the 1,772,290 ballots cast by the 3,914,786 registered voters of the state for and against the initiatives and advisory measures, and for those legislative and judicial offices whose jurisdiction encompasses more than one county, which were submitted to the vote of the people at the November 5, 2013, General Election as received from the County Auditors.
Initiatives to the Legislature
Initiative Measure No. 517
Initiative Measure No. 517 concerns initiative and referendum measures. This measure would set penalties for interfering with or retaliating against signature-gatherers and petition-signers; require that all measures receiving sufficient signatures appear on the ballot; and extend time for gathering initiative petition signatures. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Yes 629,584
No 1,058,572
Initiative Measure No. 522
Initiative Measure No. 522 concerns labeling of genetically-engineered foods. This measure would require most raw agricultural commodities, processed foods, and seeds and seed stocks, if produced using genetic engineering, as defined, to be labeled as genetically engineered when offered for retail sale. Should this measure be enacted into law?
Yes 857,511
No 895,557
Advisory Votes
Advisory Vote No. 3
Substitute Senate Bill 5444
The legislature eliminated, without a vote of the people, a leasehold excise tax credit for taxpayers who lease publicly-owned property, costing approximately $2,000,000 in the first ten years, for government spending. This tax increase should be:
Repealed 737,365
Maintained 813,990
Advisory Vote No. 4
Senate Bill 5627
The legislature imposed, without a vote of the people, an aircraft excise tax on commuter air carriers in lieu of property tax, costing approximately $500,000 in its first ten years, for government spending. This tax increase should be:
Repealed 724,935
Maintained 835,415
Advisory Vote No. 5
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1846
The legislature extended, without a vote of the people, the insurance premium tax to some insurance for pediatric oral services, costing an amount that cannot currently be estimated, for government spending. This tax increase should be:
Repealed 937,473
Maintained 612,611
Advisory Vote No. 6
Second Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1971
The legislature eliminated, without a vote of the people, a retail sales tax exemption for certain telephone and telecommunications services, costing approximately $397,000,000 in the first ten years, for government spending. This tax increase should be:
Repealed 814,968
Maintained 744,392
Advisory Vote No. 7
Engrossed House Bill 2075
The legislature extended, without a vote of the people, estate tax on certain property transfers and increased rates for estates over $4,000,000, costing approximately $478,000,000 in the first ten years, for government spending. This tax increase should be:
Repealed 765,187
Maintained 803,695
Legislative Offices
Legislative District 7 – State Senator
John Smith (Prefers Republican Party) 16,324
Brian Dansel (Prefers Republican Party) 18,873
Legislative District 26 – State Senator
Jan Angel (Prefers Republican Party) 24,112
Nathan Schlicher (Prefers Democratic Party) 22,192
Judicial Offices
Court of Appeals, Division 3, District 2 – Judge Position 1
John Gary Metro 24,933
George Fearing 58,301
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the state of Washington on this 4h day of December, 2013, at Olympia, the State Capital.
Secretary of Sate
The President appointed a committee of honor consisting of Senators Angel and McAuliffe to escort the Honorable Justice James Johnson to the rostrum.
The President welcomed and introduced the Honorable James Johnson Justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Washington, to administer the oath of office to the newly elected Senators.
The Secretary called the roll of the newly elected members of the Senate and all were present: Senators Angel, Brown and Dansel.
The Sergeant at Arms escorted each of the newly elected members of the Senate to the rostrum of the Senate to receive their oath of office.
Chief Justice James Johnson thereupon administered the oath of office to the Senators.
The President presented each of the newly elected Senators a certificate of election.
The Sergeant at Arms escorted each of the newly elected members to their seat on the floor of the Senate.
The Secretary called the roll of the members appointed to fill vacant seats of the Senate and all were present: Senators McCoy and Pedersen.
The Sergeant at Arms escorted each of the appointed members to fill vacant seats of the Senate to the rostrum of the Senate to receive their oath of office.
Chief Justice James Johnson thereupon administered the oath of office to the Senators.
The President presented each of the appointed members a certificate of election.
The Sergeant at Arms escorted each of the appointed members to their seat on the floor of the Senate.
The President thanked Justice James Johnson and Secretary of State Kim Wyman.
The President declared the nominations for the office of Vice President Pro Tempore of the Senate to be open.
Senator Parlette: “Well, it’s with great honor I nominate Senator Sharon Brown for this office but it is with great sadness that at this time we do need to find a replacement and I know we will have our time later to honor Senator Shin. But President I am thrilled to nominate Sharon Brown for this position of the Office of Vice President Pro Tempore. Since the last time we were together in this chamber the number of women has increased by one and the number of women in our caucus has reached a record high. In that light it is an honor to nominate Senator Sharon Brown to the ranks of Senate leaders. As the mother of five she probably has a lot of experience in bringing order to a group but on top of that she is an accomplished attorney and has experience serving as the Mayor Pro Tempore for her home town of Kennewick. I am confident that she will quickly master the parliamentary procedures that are needed for this position.”
Senator Rivers seconded the nomination.
On motion of Senator Fain, the nominations for the office of Vice President Pro Tempore of the Senate were closed.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the election for the office of Vice President Pro Tempore.
The Secretary called the roll for the office of Vice President Pro Tempore and Senator Sharon Brown was elected Vice President Pro Tempore by the following vote: Brown, 47; Absent, 1.
Voting yea: Senators Angel, Bailey, Baumgartner, Becker, Benton, Billig, Braun, Brown, Chase, Cleveland, Conway, Dammeier, Dansel, Darneille, Eide, Ericksen, Fain, Fraser, Frockt, Hargrove, Hasegawa, Hatfield, Hewitt, Hill, Hobbs, Honeyford, Keiser, King, Kline, Kohl-Welles, Litzow, McAuliffe, McCoy, Mullet, Nelson, O'Ban, Padden, Parlette, Pearson, Pedersen, Ranker, Rivers, Roach, Rolfes, Schoesler, Sheldon and Tom
Absent: Senator Holmquist Newbry
The President appointed a committee of honor consisting of Senators Hewitt and Fraser to escort Senator Brown to the rostrum to receive her oath of office.
Justice James Johnson thereupon administered the oath of office to the Senator Brown.
The President presented a certificate of election to Senator Brown.
Senator Brown: “Although we will have the opportunity to thank Senator Shin later I would like to just give him a huge shout out right now because Senator Shin has just been an inspiration for me. I’ve enjoyed setting next to him in committee and also being so close to the President right here I think I’ve got great guidance and also Senator Sheldon I know will be wonderful in guiding me. Thank you for your faith and being able to fill this position.”
The committee of honor escorted Senator Brown to her seat of the floor of the Senate.
The President appointed a committee of honor consisting of Senators Angle and McAuliffe to escort Chief Justice James Johnson from the Senate Chamber.
On motion of Senator Fain, the Senate advanced to the eighth order of business.
Senator Fain moved adoption of the following resolution:
By Senators Tom and Nelson
BE IT RESOLVED, That a committee consisting of two members of the Senate be appointed by the President of the Senate to notify the Governor that the Senate is organized and ready to conduct business.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of Senate Resolution No. 8666.
The motion by Senator Fain carried and the resolution was adopted by voice vote.
In accordance with Senate Floor Resolution No. 8666, the President appointed Senators Dansel and Kline to notify the Governor that the Legislature was organized and ready to conduct business.
On motion of Senator Fain, the appointments were confirmed.
Senator Fain moved adoption of the following resolution:
By Senators Fain and Rolfes
WHEREAS, The Senate adopted permanent rules for the 2013-2015 biennium under Senate Resolution 8601; and
WHEREAS, The notice requirements set forth in Senate Rule 35 have been satisfied; and
WHEREAS, The Senate desires to amend rules 41 and 56;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Rule 41 is amended as follows:
"Rule 41. The president shall appoint all conference, special, joint and standing committees on the part of the senate. The appointment of the conference, special, joint and standing committees shall be confirmed by the senate.
In the event the senate shall refuse to confirm any conference, special, joint or standing committee or committees, such committee or committees shall be elected by the senate.
The following standing committees shall constitute the standing committees of the senate:
Standing Committee Total Membership
1. Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic
Development((7)) 6
2. Commerce & Labor7
3. Early Learning & K-12 Education 11
4. Energy, Environment & Telecommunications 9
5. Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance 7
6. Governmental Operations 7
7. Health Care 9
8. Higher Education 7
9. Human Services & Corrections ((7)) 5
10. Law & Justice 7
11. Natural Resources & Parks 7
12. Rules 21 (plus the Lieutenant Governor)
13. Trade & Economic Development 7
14. Transportation ((16)) 15
15. Ways & Means 23"
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Rule 56 is amended as follows:
"Rule 56. All bills, joint resolutions, and joint memorials introduced shall be endorsed with a statement of the title and the name of the member introducing the same. Any member desiring to introduce a bill, joint resolution, or joint memorial shall file the same with the secretary of the senate by noon of the day before the convening of the session at which said bill, joint resolution, or joint memorial is to be introduced.
Provided that a vote has not been taken on final passage of a bill, joint resolution, or joint memorial, a member may add his or her name as a cosponsor until 2:00 p.m. of the day of its introduction. For any bill, joint resolution, or joint memorial that has been prefiled for a regular session, a member has until 2:00 p.m. of the day following introduction to add his or her name as a cosponsor.
To be considered during a regular session, a bill must be introduced at least ten days before final adjournment of the legislature, unless the legislature directs otherwise by a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, said vote to be taken by yeas and nays and entered upon the journal. The time limitation for introduction of bills shall not apply to substitute bills reported by standing committees for bills pending before such committees and general appropriation and revenue bills. (See also Art. 2, Sec. 36, State Constitution.)"
Senator Nelson spoke on the adoption of the resolution.
Senator Benton: “8667 is a rule change?”
President Owen: “It is a rule change, yes.”
Senator Benton: “It concerns allowing members to sign on an extra day on opening day?”
President Owen: “Use your microphone Senator.”
Senator Benton: “Thank you. This is the rule change that allows members to sign on to bills an additional day on opening day?”
President Owen: “Senator, it does do that, it codifies what has been the tradition of the practice of the senate for a period of time. It also changes some of the numbers on the committee make up as well.”
Senator Benton moved to separate the question.
President Owen: “Senator Benton has moved to separate the question between rule 56 and rule 41. Is that correct Senator? For clarification of members for those who follow the rules and I know all of you know them frontward and backwards so if this was a bill his motion would be out of order but this is a resolution. The President believes that it is appropriate; it is alright to divide the question. So, where we will divide obviously in Rule 41 after 15.15 Ways & Means.., 23 will be the first question that you’ll be voting on, Rule 41 which is the make. Senator, did you wish to make comments?”
Senator Benton spoke in favor of the motion.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of pertaining to Rule 41 to Senate Resolution No. 8667.
Senator Fain spoke in favor of the adoption of pertaining to Rule 41 to Senate Resolution No. 8667.
Senator Nelson spoke on adoption of pertaining to Rule 41 to Senate Resolution No. 8667.
Senator Hasegawa: “Thank you Mr. President. Do both sections have to pass in order for the underlying resolution to pass?”
President Owen: “The President believes no they do not. I would note that this is an unusual move so we’re walking carefully on this.”
The motion by Senator Fain carried and Senate Resolution No. 8667 pertaining to Rule 41 was adopted by voice vote.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of Senate Resolution No. 8667 pertaining to Rule 56.
The motion by Senator Fain carried and Senate Resolution No. 8667 pertaining to Rule 56 was adopted by voice vote.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of Senate Resolution No. 8667.
The motion by Senator Fain carried and the resolution was adopted by voice vote.
The President announced the appointments of members to standing committees as shown on the 2014 Standing Committee Assignments list.
Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development
Hatfield, Chair
Honeyford, Ranking Member
Commerce & Labor
Holmquist Newbry, Chair
Braun, Vice Chair
Conway, Ranking Member
Early Learning & K-12 Education
Litzow, Chair
Dammeier, Vice Chair
McAuliffe, Ranking Member
Rolfes, Assistant Ranking Member
Energy, Environment & Telecommunications
Ericksen, Chair
Sheldon, Vice Chair
McCoy, Ranking Member
Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance
Hobbs, Chair
Mullet, Vice Chair
Benton, Ranking Member
Governmental Operations
Roach, Chair
Benton, Vice Chair
Hasegawa, Ranking Member
Health Care
Becker, Chair
Dammeier, Vice Chair
Pedersen, Ranking Member
Higher Education
Bailey, Chair
Becker, Vice Chair
Kohl-Welles, Ranking Member
Human Services & Corrections
O’Ban, Chair
Pearson, Vice Chair
Darneille, Ranking Member
Law & Justice
Padden, Chair
O’Ban, Vice Chair
Kline, Ranking Member
Natural Resources & Parks
Pearson, Chair
21st District, Ranking Member
Sheldon, Vice Chair
Trade & Economic Development
Braun, Chair
Chase, Ranking Member
Holmquist Newbry
21st District
King, Co-Chair
Eide, Co-Chair
Hobbs, Vice Co-Chair
Fain, Budget Leadership Cabinet
21st District
Ways & Means
Hill, Chair
Baumgartner, Vice Chair
Honeyford, Capital Budget Chair
Hargrove, Ranking Member
Keiser, Assistant Ranking Member on Capital Budget
Ranker, Assistant Ranking Member on the Operating Budget
Senator Fain moved that the appointments in the Standing Committees be confirmed.
Senator Chase: “It looks to me that Human Services & Corrections are losing two, is that true? Is that how? I’m somewhat confused by these numbers. It appears that some of them are getting more and some of them are getting less. Is that correct?”
President Owen: “That is what was stated in the previous motion on the make-up of the committees and the resolution. That is correct. There has been changes to the numbers. The President is not perfectly aware of what exactly the numbers are but you can see as they are stated on here. I mean compared to the previous committee assignments. If you look on the resolution I think that you will see that the old numbers are stricken out and the new numbers are underlined.”
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the motion by Senator Fain that the appointments be confirmed.
Senator Benton demanded a roll call.
The President declared that one-sixth of the members did not support the demand and the demand was not sustained.
On motion of Senator Fain, the appointments were confirmed by voice vote.
On motion of Senator Fain, the Senate reverted to the fifth order of business.
SI 591
Protect our gun rights
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SI 594
Gun sales background check
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5954 by Senators Hasegawa and Chase
AN ACT Relating to industrial hemp; adding a new chapter to Title 15 RCW; and prescribing penalties.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development.
SB 5955 by Senators Hasegawa, Chase, Keiser, Conway, Frockt, Kline and Kohl-Welles
AN ACT Relating to establishing the Washington publicly owned trust in order to create a financing infrastructure to implement Initiative Measure No. 502 that complies with the United States attorney general's guidance letter of August 29, 2013, thereby providing resources for public infrastructure and other public purposes; amending RCW 30.04.020, 42.56.270, 42.56.270, 42.56.400, 43.08.135, and 43.84.080; reenacting and amending RCW 42.56.400; adding a new section to chapter 39.58 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 41.06 RCW; adding a new chapter to Title 43 RCW; creating a new section; providing effective dates; providing expiration dates; and declaring an emergency.
Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance.
SB 5956 by Senators Hatfield, Sheldon and Braun
AN ACT Relating to short-barreled rifles; amending RCW 9.41.190; and prescribing penalties.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5957 by Senators Honeyford and Mullet
AN ACT Relating to the renewal of parking privileges for persons with disabilities; and amending RCW 46.19.040.
Referred to Committee on Transportation.
SB 5958 by Senators McAuliffe, Hargrove, Rolfes, Mullet, Hasegawa, Chase, McCoy, Fraser, Kline, Fain, Hill, Keiser, King and Rivers
AN ACT Relating to holding state agencies accountable for providing opportunities for certain students to participate in transition services; and adding a new section to chapter 28A.155 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
SB 5959 by Senators McAuliffe, Rolfes, Mullet, Billig, Chase, Hasegawa, McCoy, Kline and Conway
AN ACT Relating to professional educator learning days; amending RCW 28A.150.200; adding a new section to chapter 28A.150 RCW; and creating a new section.
Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
SB 5960 by Senators McAuliffe, Mullet, Billig and Rolfes
AN ACT Relating to changing the requirements for the relevant multiple measures of student growth used in teacher and principal evaluations to include the use of student results on the federally mandated statewide administered reading or language arts and mathematics assessments for teachers who teach the relevant subject in a grade in which the assessments are administered and for principals who are assigned to schools in which at least one of the relevant subjects is taught in at least one of the grades in which the assessments are administered; amending RCW 28A.405.100; and creating a new section.
Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
SB 5961 by Senators Mullet, Fain and Hobbs
AN ACT Relating to the enforcement of regional transit authority fares; and amending RCW 81.112.210.
Referred to Committee on Transportation.
SB 5962 by Senators Honeyford and King
AN ACT Relating to services provided by residential habilitation centers; and amending RCW 71A.20.180.
Referred to Committee on Health Care.
SB 5963 by Senators Bailey, Rivers, Chase, Braun, Conway, Schoesler, Shin, Roach, Hobbs, Darneille and Tom
AN ACT Relating to the composition of the officer promotion board; and amending RCW 38.12.125.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 5964 by Senators Fain, Rivers, Braun, Hasegawa, Rolfes, Conway, Frockt, Tom, Keiser, Mullet and Hill
AN ACT Relating to training public officials and employees regarding public records, records management, and open public meetings; adding a new section to chapter 42.30 RCW; adding new sections to chapter 42.56 RCW; creating new sections; and providing an effective date.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 5965 by Senators Padden, Darneille, O'Ban, Mullet, Hargrove, Dammeier, Pearson, Fain, Roach, Kohl-Welles, Kline, Conway, Keiser and McAuliffe
AN ACT Relating to sexually violent predators; amending RCW 71.09.070 and 71.09.020; and providing an effective date.
Referred to Committee on Human Services & Corrections.
SB 5966 by Senators Padden and Kline
AN ACT Relating to possession or use of alcohol, cannabis products, and controlled substances in sentencing provisions; amending RCW 9.94A.505 and 9.94A.607; and reenacting and amending RCW 9.94A.703.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5967 by Senators Padden, Kline and Keiser
AN ACT Relating to mental status evaluations; and amending RCW 9.94B.080.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5968 by Senators Dammeier, Cleveland, Tom, King, Keiser and O'Ban
AN ACT Relating to the safe care of inmates and suspects in Washington hospitals; adding a new section to chapter 70.41 RCW; and adding a new chapter to Title 10 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5969 by Senators O'Ban, McCoy, Schoesler, Hobbs, Hatfield, Brown, Conway, Rolfes, Braun, McAuliffe and Benton
AN ACT Relating to awarding academic credit for military training; and adding a new section to chapter 28B.10 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Higher Education.
SB 5970 by Senators O'Ban, McCoy, Schoesler, Hobbs, Hatfield, Conway, Rolfes, Holmquist Newbry and Braun
AN ACT Relating to evaluating military training and experience toward meeting licensing requirements; amending RCW 18.340.010, 18.340.020, 19.105.570, 42.44.220, 46.82.440, 64.36.350, and 67.08.320; adding new sections to chapter 18.340 RCW; and repealing RCW 18.08.500, 18.11.290, 18.16.300, 18.39.570, 18.43.190, 18.85.490, 18.96.230, 18.140.290, 18.145.150, 18.165.310, 18.170.310, 18.185.310, 18.210.230, 18.220.211, 18.280.200, and 18.300.160.
Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.
SB 5971 by Senators Roach, Chase, Bailey, Rivers, Conway, Schoesler, Shin, Hobbs, Darneille, Tom and Benton
AN ACT Relating to the continuity of government and operations in the event of an emergency, disaster, or attack; amending RCW 42.14.010, 42.14.020, 42.14.030, 42.14.035, 42.14.040, 42.14.050, 42.14.075, 38.52.010, 38.52.020, and 38.52.030; and providing a contingent effective date.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 5972 by Senators Pearson, Rolfes, Hargrove, Mullet, Sheldon, Hewitt, Cleveland, Honeyford, Fain, Hill, Braun, Fraser, Litzow, Parlette, Frockt and Kline
AN ACT Relating to specifying recovery for fire damages to public or private forested lands; amending RCW 4.24.040 and 4.24.060; adding a new section to chapter 76.04 RCW; and creating new sections.
Referred to Committee on Natural Resources & Parks.
SB 5973 by Senators Rolfes, Pearson, Honeyford, Cleveland, Hargrove, Hewitt, Fraser, Litzow, Parlette, Kline and McAuliffe
AN ACT Relating to the community forest trust account; amending RCW 43.30.385, 79.64.020, and 79.64.040; and adding a new section to chapter 79.155 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Natural Resources & Parks.
SB 5974 by Senators Hewitt, Rolfes and McAuliffe
AN ACT Relating to veterans' homes; amending RCW 72.36.020, 72.36.030, 72.36.035, 72.36.055, 72.36.070, 72.36.075, and 43.60A.075; and adding a new section to chapter 72.36 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 5975 by Senators Conway, Bailey, Braun, Hobbs, Rolfes and McAuliffe
AN ACT Relating to the veterans innovations program; amending RCW 43.60A.160, 43.60A.175, and 43.60A.185; and repealing RCW 43.60A.165 and 43.60A.170.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 5976 by Senators Fain and Hobbs
AN ACT Relating to notice given to owners of life insurance policies about alternative transactions; and amending RCW 48.102.100.
Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance.
SB 5977 by Senators Hobbs and Fain
AN ACT Relating to the regulation of service contracts and protection product guarantees; and amending RCW 48.110.020.
Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance.
SB 5978 by Senators Hobbs and Fain
AN ACT Relating to the regulation of service contracts and protection product guarantees; and amending RCW 48.110.030.
Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance.
SB 5979 by Senators Sheldon, King, Pearson and O'Ban
AN ACT Relating to provisions governing commercial motor vehicles; and amending RCW 46.37.140, 46.48.170, and 46.61.350.
Referred to Committee on Transportation.
SB 5980 by Senators Cleveland, Rivers and Keiser
AN ACT Relating to creation of a quality improvement program for the licensees of the medical quality assurance commission; amending RCW 18.71.010; and adding new sections to chapter 18.71 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Health Care.
SB 5981 by Senators Sheldon, Kline, Hewitt and Dammeier
AN ACT Relating to increasing the number of superior court judges in Mason county; amending RCW 2.08.065; and creating a new section.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5982 by Senator Ericksen
AN ACT Relating to preserving K-12 instructional time; amending RCW 28A.150.203, 28A.305.140, 28A.305.140, 28A.655.180, and 28A.655.180; adding a new section to chapter 28A.150 RCW; creating a new section; providing an effective date; and providing an expiration date.
Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
SB 5983 by Senators Ericksen, Sheldon, Holmquist Newbry, Honeyford and Benton
AN ACT Relating to limiting the authority of growth management hearings boards to hear petitions challenging the regulation of permit exempt wells; and amending RCW 36.70A.280.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development.
SB 5984 by Senators Ericksen, Sheldon, Fain and Benton
AN ACT Relating to banning certain flame retardants in children's products and residential upholstered furniture; amending RCW 70.240.050; and adding a new section to chapter 70.240 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Energy, Environment & Telecommunications.
SB 5985 by Senators Darneille, Kline, Rolfes, Conway and Kohl-Welles
AN ACT Relating to recovering costs in consumer protection actions; and amending RCW 19.86.080 and 19.270.060.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5986 by Senators Ericksen, Braun, King, Honeyford, Bailey and Parlette
AN ACT Relating to school district revenues; amending RCW 28A.150.250 and 28A.520.020; creating a new section; and providing an effective date.
Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
SB 5987 by Senators Hatfield and Roach
AN ACT Relating to providing an additional method for water-sewer districts to disburse funds; and adding a new section to chapter 57.20 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 5988 by Senators Fain, Hill, Litzow, Becker, Hewitt, Tom, King, Dammeier, Braun, Rivers, Bailey, Schoesler, Brown, Honeyford and O'Ban
AN ACT Relating to solicitation and acceptance of campaign contributions; and reenacting and amending RCW 42.17A.560.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
SB 5989 by Senators Hobbs, Baumgartner, Darneille, Schoesler, Ranker, Braun, Mullet, Dammeier, Pearson, Nelson, Fain, Rolfes, Hasegawa, Conway, Holmquist Newbry, Hatfield, Hewitt, Tom, McAuliffe, Benton, O'Ban and Kohl-Welles
AN ACT Relating to strengthening economic protections for veterans and military personnel; amending RCW 38.42.010, 38.42.020, and 73.16.070; adding new sections to chapter 38.42 RCW; and prescribing penalties.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5990 by Senator Ericksen
AN ACT Relating to funding for programs under the environmental legacy stewardship account; and reenacting and amending RCW 70.105D.070 and 70.105D.170.
Referred to Committee on Energy, Environment & Telecommunications.
SB 5991 by Senators Ericksen, Sheldon, Hewitt, Brown, Mullet, Honeyford and Benton
AN ACT Relating to studying nuclear power as a replacement for electricity generated from the combustion of fossil fuels; and creating new sections.
Referred to Committee on Energy, Environment & Telecommunications.
SB 5992 by Senators Ericksen, Schoesler, Sheldon, Brown, Braun, Honeyford and Benton
AN ACT Relating to allowing certain incremental electricity produced as a result of efficiency improvements and hydroelectric generation from certain irrigation facilities to qualify as an eligible renewable resource under chapter 19.285 RCW, the energy independence act; amending RCW 19.285.040; and reenacting and amending RCW 19.285.030.
Referred to Committee on Energy, Environment & Telecommunications.
SB 5993 by Senator Ericksen
AN ACT Relating to a sales tax exemption provided to state and local government on purchases made with debt proceeds; adding a new section to chapter 82.08 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 82.12 RCW; and providing an effective date.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
SB 5994 by Senator Ericksen
AN ACT Relating to a sales and use tax exemption provided to the state, public school districts, and public charter schools on school construction when the funds used were obtained from indebtedness; adding a new section to chapter 82.08 RCW; adding a new section to chapter 82.12 RCW; creating a new section; and providing an effective date.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
SB 5995 by Senators Angel and Dammeier
AN ACT Relating to local government selection of the appropriate sewer systems as part of growth management; amending RCW 36.70A.110; and creating a new section.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 5996 by Senators Angel, Fain and McAuliffe
AN ACT Relating to requiring the department of licensing to adopt rules to allow online learning for training in the areas of cosmetology, manicuring, barbering, esthetics, and instructor-training; reenacting and amending RCW 18.16.020; adding a new section to chapter 18.16 RCW; and creating a new section.
Referred to Committee on Commerce & Labor.
SB 5997 by Senator Angel
AN ACT Relating to authorizing the termination of all legal responsibilities of a nonparent if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that a man is not the genetic father of a child; amending RCW 26.26.310, 26.26.320, 26.26.335, 26.26.530, 26.26.535, 26.26.600, and 26.26.405; and adding a new section to chapter 26.26 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5998 by Senator Angel
AN ACT Relating to establishing the position and authority of warrant officers in first-class cities to enforce court orders and outstanding warrants; and adding a new section to chapter 35.20 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 5999 by Senators Pedersen, O'Ban, Kline and Fain
AN ACT Relating to corporate entity conversions; amending RCW 25.15.085 and 23B.13.020; adding new sections to chapter 25.15 RCW; and adding new sections to chapter 23B.09 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 6000 by Senators O'Ban, Kline, Hewitt, Darneille, Brown, Fain, Dammeier, Honeyford and Baumgartner
AN ACT Relating to providing a property tax exemption for property held under lease, sublease, or lease-purchase by a nonprofit organization that provides job training, placement, or preemployment services; amending RCW 84.36.030 and 82.32.534; and creating new sections.
Referred to Committee on Trade & Economic Development.
SB 6001 by Senators Eide and King
AN ACT Relating to transportation funding and appropriations; amending RCW 46.63.160, 47.28.030, and 47.64.360; amending 2013 c 306 ss 101, 103, 106, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 517, 518, 519, and 603 (uncodified); adding a new section to chapter 306, Laws of 2013 (uncodified); making appropriations and authorizing expenditures for capital improvements; and declaring an emergency.
Referred to Committee on Transportation.
SB 6002 by Senators Hill and Hargrove
AN ACT Relating to fiscal matters; amending RCW 49.70.170, 77.36.170, and 82.08.160; reenacting and amending RCW 70.105D.070; amending 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4 ss 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 401, 402, 501, 502, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 701, 703, 704, 706, 710, 714, 801, 802, 803, 804, 805, 932, 933, 937, 939, and 943 (uncodified); adding new sections to 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4 (uncodified); repealing 2013 2nd sp.s. c 4 s 720 (uncodified); making appropriations; and declaring an emergency.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
SB 6003 by Senators Roach and Hasegawa
AN ACT Relating to the scope of state fire service mobilization and ensuring compliance with existing state and federal disaster response policies; and amending RCW 43.43.960 and 43.43.961.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 6004 by Senators Hasegawa, Roach, Keiser and Hobbs
AN ACT Relating to election of public hospital district boards of commissioners; amending RCW 70.44.040 and 70.44.054; and adding a new section to chapter 70.44 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 6005 by Senators Roach and Hasegawa
AN ACT Relating to eliminating the human resources director; amending RCW 43.41.113, 28A.345.060, 41.80.020, 49.74.020, 48.37.060, 43.131.090, 42.17A.705, 41.06.167, 41.06.157, 41.04.665, 34.12.100, 34.05.030, 43.03.040, 43.06.013, and 41.04.680; reenacting and amending RCW 41.04.340 and 41.06.020; and repealing RCW 41.06.160.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 6006 by Senators Roach and Hasegawa
AN ACT Relating to treatment of population enumeration data, including exempting from public inspection and copying; adding a new section to chapter 42.56 RCW; and adding a new section to chapter 43.41 RCW.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 6007 by Senators Rivers, Hatfield, Braun, Tom and Benton
AN ACT Relating to clarifying the exemption in the public records act for customer information held by public utilities; amending RCW 42.56.330.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 6008 by Senators Chase, Roach, Rivers, Hatfield, Hasegawa, Keiser and Benton
AN ACT Relating to voter approval of assumptions of water-sewer districts by cities and towns; adding new sections to chapter 35.13A RCW; and creating a new section.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SB 6009 by Senators Padden and O'Ban
AN ACT Relating to a special allegation for habitual property offenders; amending RCW 9.94A.533; adding a new section to chapter 9.94A RCW; and prescribing penalties.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 6010 by Senator Padden
AN ACT Relating to possession of altered or shaved keys; amending RCW 9A.52.060 and 9A.56.063; and prescribing penalties.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 6011 by Senators Padden, Pearson, Hewitt, Brown and O'Ban
AN ACT Relating to random assaults; amending RCW 9A.36.031; creating a new section; and prescribing penalties.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 6012 by Senator Padden
AN ACT Relating to the prohibition of fees for judicial members of the bar; and amending RCW 2.48.130.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 6013 by Senators Mullet and Tom
AN ACT Relating to making a technical correction to school law governing the use of epinephrine autoinjectors; and amending RCW 28A.210.383.
Referred to Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education.
SB 6014 by Senators Roach and Fain
AN ACT Relating to operation of a vessel under the influence of an intoxicant; and amending RCW 79A.60.040 and 79A.60.700.
Referred to Committee on Law & Justice.
SB 6015 by Senators Roach, Hasegawa and Darneille
AN ACT Relating to reconciling election laws; amending RCW 2.04.100, 2.06.080, 2.08.069, 2.08.120, 3.34.050, 3.34.100, 17.28.090, 27.12.370, 27.12.100, 28A.315.275, 28A.323.050, 28A.343.010, 28A.343.060, 28A.343.350, 35.02.078, 35.02.086, 35.02.100, 35.06.080, 35.07.050, 35.10.410, 35.10.420, 35.13.090, 35.16.030, 35.16.050, 35.17.310, 35.18.020, 35.23.805, 35A.12.040, 35A.14.080, 36.12.050, 36.16.020, 36.16.030, 36.32.030, 36.32.0558, 39.36.050, 52.04.011, 52.06.030, 52.14.060, 53.04.020, 53.04.023, 53.04.080, 53.12.172, 53.12.221, 54.08.060, 57.12.030, 57.12.039, 57.24.240, 68.52.250, 70.44.047, 82.14.036, 82.46.021, 82.80.090, 85.38.060, 85.38.070, 87.03.083, 52.26.080, 29A.04.321, 29A.04.330, 29A.08.161, 29A.08.210, 29A.08.230, 29A.24.111, 29A.60.221, 35.21.005, 35.22.120, 35A.01.040, 53.12.175, 29A.08.107, 53.12.010, 53.12.021, 53.12.115, 53.12.130, 53.16.015, 29A.08.810, 29A.68.020, 2.06.010, 29A.60.280, 35.17.260, 35.17.380, 35.17.400, 35.18.240, 35.22.055, and 36.32.070; reenacting and amending RCW 28A.343.030, 28A.343.320, 28A.343.660, and 29A.40.110; repealing RCW 28A.343.330 and 52.14.030; and repealing 2013 c 11 s 45.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SJR 8211 by Senators Roach, Chase, Bailey, Rivers, Conway, Schoesler, Shin, Hobbs, Darneille and Benton
Amending the state Constitution to provide continuity of state and local government during emergencies and disasters.
Referred to Committee on Governmental Operations.
SJR 8212 by Senators Hill, Fain, Litzow, Schoesler, Becker, King, Brown, Dammeier, Braun, Rivers, Honeyford and O'Ban
Restricting changes in salaries for legislators. Revised for 1st Substitute: Restricting changes in salaries for the governor and legislators.
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means.
SCR 8408 by Senators Tom and Nelson
Establishing cutoff dates for the consideration of legislation during the 2014 regular session of the sixty-third legislature.
On motion of Senator Fain, all measures listed on the Introduction and First Reading report were referred to the committees as designated with the exception of Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8408 was placed on the second reading calendar under suspension of the rules.
Senator Fain: “Thank you Mr. President. For the information of members and in keeping with our long standing senate tradition we have also just adopted a rule change earlier today to allow us to officially sign on to these pieces of legislation until what I’m seeing here is 2:00 pm on Tuesday. That is tomorrow. So, if you’re seeing in the list of bills any legislation that you wish to add your name to, you now have by a matter of rule change ability to sign on by tomorrow at 2:00 pm.”
On motion of Senator Fain, the Senate advanced to the sixth order of business.
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8408, by Senators Tom and Nelson
Establishing cutoff dates for the consideration of legislation during the 2014 regular session of the sixty-third legislature.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Fain, the rules were suspended, Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8408 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8408.
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8408 having received a majority was adopted by voice vote.
On motion of Senator Fain, the Senate reverted to the fourth order of business.
January 13, 2014
The House has adopted:
and the same are herewith transmitted.
On motion of Senator Fain, the Senate advanced to the fifth order of business.
HCR 4414 by Representatives Sullivan and Kretz
Convening the House of Representatives and Senate in Joint Session to receive the State of the State message of Governor Jay Inslee.
HCR 4415 by Representatives Sullivan and Kretz
Specifying the status of bills, resolutions, and memorials.
On motion of Senator Fain, under suspension of the rules House Concurrent Resolution No. 4414 and House Concurrent Resolution No. 4415 were placed on the second reading calendar.
On motion of Senator Fain, the Senate advanced to the sixth order of business.
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4415, by Representatives Sullivan and Kretz
Specifying the status of bills, resolutions, and memorials.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Fain, the rules were suspended, House Concurrent Resolution No. 4415 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of House Concurrent Resolution No. 4415.
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4415 having received a majority was adopted by voice vote.
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4414, by Representatives Sullivan and Kretz
Convening the House of Representatives and Senate in Joint Session to receive the State of the State message of Governor Jay Inslee.
The measure was read the second time.
On motion of Senator Fain, the rules were suspended, House Concurrent Resolution No. 4414 was advanced to third reading, the second reading considered the third and the bill was placed on final passage.
The President declared the question before the Senate to be the adoption of House Concurrent Resolution No. 4414.
HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4414 having received a majority was adopted by voice vote.
The Senate Committee composed of Senators Dansel and Kline appeared before the bar of the Senate and reported the Governor had been notified (under the provisions of Senate Floor Resolution No. 8666) that the Legislature was organized and ready to conduct business.
The President received the report of the committee and the committee was discharged.
Senator Fain: “I move that the Seahawks defeat the 49ers on Sunday.”
President Owen: “Senator Fain has gratuitously made a motion that the Seahawks beat the 49ers on Sunday.”
Senator Nelson: “I’m going to say that the Senate Democrats strongly support this and we know we are going to win.”
President Owen: “The President would note that, would think that, I don’t know, are we on the floor Friday or are we not? The President would strongly suggest that you show your colors on Friday. That would be totally appropriate to wear Seahawks garb on Friday. So, please do.”
At 1:03 p.m., on motion of Senator Fain, the Senate adjourned until 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, January 14, 2014.
BRAD OWEN, President of the Senate
HUNTER G. GOODMAN, Secretary of the Senate
Adopted................................................................................ 15
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 15
Messages.............................................................................. 15
Other Action......................................................................... 15
Second Reading................................................................... 15
Adopted................................................................................ 15
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 15
Messages.............................................................................. 15
Other Action......................................................................... 15
Second Reading................................................................... 15
Introduction & 1st Reading..................................................... 9
Introduction & 1st Reading..................................................... 9
Introduction & 1st Reading..................................................... 9
Introduction & 1st Reading..................................................... 9
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 10
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Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 11
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Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 12
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Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 13
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Adopted................................................................................ 15
Introduction & 1st Reading................................................... 14
Other Action......................................................................... 14
Second Reading................................................................... 15
Adopted.................................................................................. 6
Introduced.............................................................................. 6
Adopted.................................................................................. 8
Introduced.............................................................................. 6
General Election Results........................................................ 3
Initiative No. 591................................................................... 3
Initiative No. 594................................................................... 3
Intro. Special Guests, Auburn High School Chamber Choir Double Quartet.............................................................................. 2
Intro. Special Guests, Capital Lakefair Queen, Katt Nguyen 2
Intro. Special Guests, Capital Lakefair Royaly..................... 2
Remarks by the President................................................. 2, 16
Reply by the President................................................. 7, 9, 16
Parliamentary Inquiry, Senator Benton.................................. 7
Parliamentary Inquiry, Senator Chase................................... 9
Parliamentary Inquiry, Senator Hasegawa............................. 7
Remarks by Miss Katt Nguyen.............................................. 2
Remarks by Senator Brown................................................... 6
Remarks by Senator Fain............................................... 15, 16
Remarks by Senator Nelson................................................. 16
Remarks by Senator Parlette.................................................. 6