Chapter 43.215 RCW
Early learning advisory councilStatewide early learning planEarly achievers review subcommittee.
Integration with local government efforts.
Early achievers programQuality rating and improvement system.
Joint select committee on the early achievers program. (Expires December 1, 2019.)
Early achievers programParticipation of culturally diverse and low-income center and family home child care providers.
Early achievers programAnnual progress reportMitigation plan for areas not achieving required rating levels.
Working connections child care programSubsidy requirementsTiered reimbursementsCopayments.
Working connections child care programNotification of change in providers.
Working connections child care programContracted child care slots and vouchers.
Early start account.
Director's licensing duties. (Effective July 1, 2016.)
Licensing standards.
Eligible providersState-funded supportRequirementsData collectionPathway to early childhood education and assistance program.
Review of applications.
Early learning programVoluntary preschool opportunitiesProgram standardsPrioritizing programsRules.
Early learning programVoluntary preschool opportunitiesFunding and statewide implementation.
Child fatality reviews.
Data collection and program evaluationReports.
Short title2015 3rd sp.s. c 7.