Any district judge may hold a session in any district in the state, at the request of the judge or majority of judges in the district if the visiting judge determines that the state of business in his or her district allows the judge to be absent. The county legislative authority in which the district court is located shall first approve the temporary absence and the judge pro tempore shall not be required to serve during the judge's absence. A visiting judge shall be entitled to reimbursement for subsistence, lodging, and travel expenses in accordance with the rates applicable to state officers under RCW
43.03.050 and
43.03.060 as now or hereafter amended while so acting, to be paid by the visited district. These expenses shall not be paid to the visiting judge unless the legislative authority of the county in which the visited district is located has approved the payment before the visit. In addition a visiting part-time district court judge, when not serving in a judicial capacity in his or her district, shall be entitled to compensation for judicial services so long as the legislative authority of the county in which the visited district is located has approved the payment before the visit.