PDFRCW 8.20.100

Payment of damagesEffectAppellate review.

Upon the entry of judgment upon the verdict of the jury or the decision of the court or judge thereof, awarding damages as hereinbefore prescribed, the petitioner, or any officer of, or other person duly appointed by said corporation, may make payment of the damages assessed to the parties entitled to the same, and of the costs of the proceedings, by depositing the same with the clerk of said superior court, to be paid out under the direction of the court or judge thereof; and upon making such payment into the court of the damages assessed and allowed, and of the costs, to any land, real estate, premises or other property mentioned in said petition, such corporation shall be released and discharged from any and all further liability therefor, unless upon appellate review the owner or other person or party interested shall recover a greater amount of damages; and in that case only for the amount in excess of the sum paid into said court, and the costs of appellate review: PROVIDED, That in case of review by the supreme court or the court of appeals of the state by any party to the proceedings, the money so paid into the superior court by such corporation as aforesaid, shall remain in the custody of said court until the final determination of the proceedings by the said supreme court or the court of appeals.
[ 1988 c 202 s 13; 1971 c 81 s 42; 1890 p 299 s 7; RRS s 929.]


Severability1988 c 202: See note following RCW 2.24.050.