PDFRCW 9.46.0345

Bowling sweepstakes authorized.

The legislature hereby authorizes bowling establishments to conduct, without the necessity of obtaining a permit or license to do so, as a commercial stimulant, a bowling activity which permits bowlers to purchase tickets from the establishment for a predetermined and posted amount of money, which tickets are then selected by the luck of the draw and the holder of the matching ticket so drawn has an opportunity to bowl a strike and if successful receives a predetermined and posted monetary prize: PROVIDED, That all sums collected by the establishment from the sale of tickets shall be returned to purchasers of tickets and no part of the proceeds shall inure to any person other than the participants winning in the game or a recognized charity. The tickets shall be sold, and accounted for, separately from all other sales of the establishment. The price of any single ticket shall not exceed one dollar. Accounting records shall be available for inspection during business hours by any person purchasing a chance thereon, by the commission or its representatives, or by any law enforcement agency.
[ 1987 c 4 s 33. Formerly RCW 9.46.030(8).]