Title 10 RCW



10.01General provisions.
10.04District court procedureGenerally.
10.05Deferred prosecutionCourts of limited jurisdiction.
10.10Criminal appeals from district courts.
10.16Preliminary hearings.
10.19Bail and appearance bonds.
10.21Bail determinations under Article I, section 20Conditions of release.
10.22Compromise of misdemeanors.
10.25Jurisdiction and venue.
10.27Grand juriesCriminal investigations.
10.29Statewide special inquiry judge act.
10.31Warrants and arrests.
10.32Tribal warrants.
10.34Fugitives of this state.
10.37Accusations and their requisites.
10.43Former acquittal or conviction.
10.46Superior court trial.
10.55Witnesses outside the state (uniform act).
10.56WitnessesEyewitnesses and informants.
10.64Judgments and sentences.
10.66Drug traffickersOff-limits orders.
10.73Criminal appeals.
10.77Criminally insaneProcedures.
10.79Searches and seizures.
10.82Collection and disposition of fines and costs.
10.88Uniform criminal extradition act.
10.89Uniform act on fresh pursuit.
10.91Uniform rendition of accused persons act.
10.92Tribal police officers.
10.93Washington mutual aid peace officers powers act.
10.95Aggravated first degree murder.
10.96Criminal process records.
10.97Washington state criminal records privacy act.
10.98Criminal justice information act.
10.99Domestic violenceOfficial response.
10.101Indigent defense services.
10.105Property involved in a felony.
10.108Blue alert system.
10.109Use of body worn cameras.
10.110Individuals in custodyHealth care services.
10.112Sexual exploitation of children.
10.114Use of deadly force by peace officer.
10.116Peace officers—Tactics and equipment.
10.118Law enforcement—Use of force—Data collection.
10.120Law enforcement and correctional officers—Permissible uses of force.
10.122Uniform electronic recordation of custodial interrogations act.


Criminal justice training commissionEducation and training boards: Chapter 43.101 RCW.
Criminal rules for superior court: Rules of court: Superior Court Criminal Rules (CrR).
Justice without unnecessary delay: State Constitution Art. 1 s 10.
Mental illnessFinancial responsibility: Chapter 71.02 RCW.
Oaths and mode of administering: State Constitution Art. 1 s 6.
Traffic violations: Chapters 46.63, 46.64 RCW.
Victims of crimes, compensation: Chapter 7.68 RCW.