PDFRCW 13.40.462

Reinvesting in youth program.

(1) The department shall establish a reinvesting in youth program that awards grants to counties for implementing research-based early intervention services that target juvenile justice-involved youth and reduce crime, subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose.
(2) Effective July 1, 2007, any county or group of counties may apply for participation in the reinvesting in youth program.
(3) Counties that participate in the reinvesting in youth program shall have a portion of their costs of serving youth through the research-based intervention service models paid for with moneys from the reinvesting in youth account established pursuant to *RCW 13.40.466.
(4) The department shall review county applications for funding through the reinvesting in youth program and shall select the counties that will be awarded grants with funds appropriated to implement this program. The department, in consultation with the Washington state institute for public policy, shall develop guidelines to determine which counties will be awarded funding in accordance with the reinvesting in youth program. At a minimum, counties must meet the following criteria in order to participate in the reinvesting in youth program:
(a) Counties must match state moneys awarded for research-based early intervention services with nonstate resources that are at least proportional to the expected local government share of state and local government cost avoidance that would result from the implementation of such services;
(b) Counties must demonstrate that state funds allocated pursuant to this section are used only for the intervention service models authorized pursuant to RCW 13.40.464;
(c) Counties must participate fully in the state quality assurance program established in RCW 13.40.468 to ensure fidelity of program implementation. If no state quality assurance program is in effect for a particular selected research-based service, the county must submit a quality assurance plan for state approval with its grant application. Failure to demonstrate continuing compliance with quality assurance plans shall be grounds for termination of state funding; and
(d) Counties that submit joint applications must submit for approval by the department multicounty plans for efficient program delivery.
[ 2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 s 617; 2011 1st sp.s. c 32 s 4; 2006 c 304 s 2.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 13.40.466 was repealed by 2023 c 41 s 1.
Effective date2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 ss 601-631, 701-728, and 804: See note following RCW 13.04.011.
Conflict with federal requirements2017 3rd sp.s. c 6: See RCW 43.216.908.
Transition planReport to the legislature2011 1st sp.s. c 32: See note following RCW 70.305.005.
FindingIntent2006 c 304: "The legislature finds that there are youth and family-focused intervention services that have been proven through rigorous evaluation in the state of Washington and elsewhere to significantly reduce violence and crime while saving more public safety dollars than they cost. Under current state laws, no local government acting alone has the financial incentive to invest in these cost-effective services because the savings accrue to multiple levels of government with the largest savings going to the state. It is the intent of the legislature to create incentives for local government to invest in cost-effective intervention services that reduce crime by reimbursing local governments with a portion of the cost savings that accrue to the state as the result of local investments in such services." [ 2006 c 304 s 1.]
Entitlement not created2006 c 304: "Nothing in this act creates an entitlement for a county or group of counties to receive funding under the program in sections 2 and 3 of this act." [ 2006 c 304 s 8.]
Effective date2006 c 304: "This act takes effect July 1, 2006." [ 2006 c 304 s 9.]