HTMLPDF | 15.115.010 | Legislative declaration. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.020 | Regulations and restraints applicable to the wheat and barley industries. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.030 | Definitions. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.040 | Washington grain commission—Created—Members—Term of office. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.050 | Initial appointments to the Washington grain commission—Expiration of interim terms. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.060 | Producer members of the commission—Appointment—Nomination—Advisory ballot and advisory vote. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.070 | Industry representative member of the commission—Appointment. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.080 | Vacancy on the commission. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.090 | Removal of a commission member. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.100 | Membership in associations with similar objectives—Contracting with such associations. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.110 | Meetings—Proposed budget—Notice—Voting requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.120 | Quorum requirements—Compensation—Travel expenses. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.130 | Transfer of powers, duties, assets, etc., to the Washington grain commission. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.140 | Powers and duties. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.150 | Director's duties. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.160 | Rule-making proceedings. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.170 | Liquor produced from wheat or barley. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.180 | Promotional printing and literature—Contracts. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.190 | Handling, accounting, and disbursement of moneys. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.200 | Bond requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.210 | Limitation of liability. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.220 | Copies of proceedings, records, and acts of the commission admissible in court as prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements contained therein. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.230 | Application of RCW 42.56.380—Use of commercial information and records. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.240 | Commission shall reimburse department for certain costs—Funding of staff support. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.250 | Preparation of lists of producers and handlers of wheat and barley. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.260 | Annual assessments—Adjustments—Referendum—Temporary reduction—Limit on annual assessment. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.270 | Collection of assessment—Failure to pay assessment—Civil action—Venue. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.280 | Use of moneys received by the commission under this chapter. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.290 | Investment of funds of the commission. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.300 | Proof of eligibility to vote or hold a position on the commission—Records—Inspection by commission—Confidentiality of information—Limitation of section. |
HTMLPDF | 15.115.310 | Penalties—Injunctions—Referring a violation to the county prosecutor—Jurisdiction. |