PDFRCW 15.115.060

Producer members of the commissionAppointmentNominationAdvisory ballot and advisory vote.

(1) The director shall appoint the producer members of the commission.
(2) Candidates for producer positions on the commission must be nominated to the director in accordance with this section.
(3)(a) The director shall mail nominating petitions for producer members not earlier than September 17th and not later than October 2nd in each district in which an open producer position will occur at the end of the year. Each nominating petition must be signed by the candidate and by at least five affected producers of the district from which the nominated candidate would be appointed.
(b) Signed nominating petitions must be filed with the director. A nominating petition is filed when it is postmarked by the deadline.
(c) The director shall determine the final date for filing nominating petitions and shall display that final date on the face of each nominating petition mailed under this subsection. The final date may not be earlier than October 8th and not later than October 13th in each district in which an open producer position will occur at the end of the year.
(4)(a) The director shall prepare an advisory ballot for each district in which an open producer position will occur. All candidates from a district who have been nominated as a producer member in accordance with subsection (3) of this section shall have their names placed on the advisory ballot for that district.
(b) The director shall mail advisory ballots to all affected producers in each district in which an open producer position will occur. Advisory ballots must be mailed not earlier than October 18th and not later than November 2nd in each district in which an open producer position will occur at the end of the year.
(c) Only those completed advisory ballots may be counted that are sent to the director and postmarked not later than November 25th in each district in which an open producer position will occur at the end of the year. Each advisory ballot must display the following language on its face: "Each completed advisory ballot must be postmarked not later than November 25, [insert year] to be counted."
(d) Each affected producer is entitled to one vote.
(e) The advisory vote must be conducted in a manner so that it is a secret ballot.
(5)(a) If two or more candidates for a position are named in valid petitions, an advisory vote must be held. If only one candidate for a position is named in valid petitions, an advisory vote need not be held, and the director may appoint that candidate or request an additional candidate from the commission for appointment consideration. If a candidate for a position is not named in any valid petition, the commission shall submit a candidate for the director's appointment consideration. Not more than one commission member may be part of the same person under this chapter.
(b) The director may request of any candidate whose name is forwarded to the director for potential appointment that the candidate submit a letter stating why he or she wishes to be appointed to the commission.
(c) If two or more candidates receive votes in an advisory vote, the director may select either of the two candidates receiving the most votes for the position or may reject both candidates and request a new advisory vote with nominees selected by the commission and, if desired, by the director. If no candidate has been nominated in a petition under subsection (3) of this section, the director shall make an appointment to the position as provided in RCW 15.115.080.
(6) Except for good cause shown, appointments under this section must be made no later than fifteen days before the commencement of the term of office of the position for which the appointment is made.
[ 2009 c 33 s 6.]