PDFRCW 18.64.490

Waiver request to authorize the state to license Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic prescription drug wholesalers under RCW 18.64.046ImplementationRules.

(1) By September 1, 2005, the commission shall, in consultation with the department and the health care authority, submit a waiver request to the federal food and drug administration that will authorize the state of Washington to license Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic prescription drug wholesalers under RCW 18.64.046, thereby providing retail pharmacies licensed in Washington state the opportunity to purchase prescription drugs from approved wholesalers and pass those savings on to consumers. The waiver shall provide that:
(a) Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic prescription drug wholesalers meet the requirements of RCW 18.64.046 and any rules adopted by the commission to implement those requirements;
(b) The commission must ensure the integrity of the prescription drug products being distributed by:
(i) Requiring that prescription drugs purchased from Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic wholesalers originate only from approved manufacturing locations;
(ii) Routinely testing prescription drugs purchased from Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic wholesalers for safety;
(iii) Establishing safe labeling, tracking, and shipping procedures for prescription drugs purchased from Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic wholesalers; and
(iv) Closely monitoring compliance with RCW 18.64.046 and any rules adopted to implement the waiver;
(c) The prescription drugs purchased from Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic wholesalers must be limited to those that are not temperature sensitive or infused and for which potential savings to consumers can be demonstrated and those available through purchase by individuals only at licensed retail pharmacies;
(d) To ensure that the program benefits those consumers without insurance coverage for prescription drugs who are most in need of price relief, prescription drug purchases from pharmacies under the waiver will be limited to those not eligible for reimbursement by third party insurance coverage, whether public or private, for the particular drug being purchased; and
(e) Savings associated with purchasing prescription drugs from Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic wholesalers will be passed on to consumers.
(2) Upon approval of the federal waiver submitted in accordance with subsection (1) of this section, the commission, in consultation with the department and the health care authority, shall submit a detailed implementation plan to the governor and appropriate committees of the legislature that details the mechanisms that the commission will use to implement each component of the waiver under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The commission shall adopt rules as necessary to implement chapter 293, Laws of 2005.
[ 2013 c 19 s 29; 2005 c 293 s 2.]


FindingIntent2005 c 293: "The legislature finds that as consumers' prescription drug costs continue to rise, people across the state of Washington are seeking opportunities to purchase lower cost prescription drugs from Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and other countries for their personal use. The state has a strong interest in promoting the safe use of prescription drugs by consumers in Washington state. To address this interest, the legislature intends to seek authorization from the federal government to license Canadian, United Kingdom, Irish, and other nondomestic prescription drug wholesalers, thereby providing licensed retail pharmacies the opportunity to purchase prescription drugs from approved wholesalers and pass those savings on to consumers, and providing consumers the opportunity to purchase prescription drugs from a trusted community pharmacist who is aware of all of their prescription drug needs." [ 2005 c 293 s 1.]
Conflict with federal requirements2005 c 293: "If any part of this act is found to be in conflict with federal requirements that are a prescribed condition to the allocation of federal funds to the state, the conflicting part of this act is inoperative solely to the extent of the conflict and with respect to the agencies directly affected, and this finding does not affect the operation of the remainder of this act in its application to the agencies concerned. Rules adopted under this act must meet federal requirements that are a necessary condition to the receipt of federal funds by the state." [ 2005 c 293 s 3.]