PDFRCW 18.233.050

License requiredExemptionsRestrictions.

(1) Beginning January 1, 2025, a person may not practice music therapy or use any title or designation of "music therapist" that indicates that the person is authorized to practice music therapy unless the person is licensed under chapter 175, Laws of 2023.
(2) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to prohibit or restrict the practices, services, or activities of the following:
(a) Any person licensed, certified, or regulated under the laws of Washington state in another profession or occupation or personnel supervised by a licensed professional in this state performing work, including the use of music, incidental to the practice of the licensed, certified, or regulated profession or occupation, if the person does not represent that the person is a music therapist;
(b) Any person whose training and national certification attests to the individual's preparation and ability to practice the certified profession or occupation, if the person does not represent that the person is a music therapist; and
(c) Any use and practice of music therapy as an integral part of a program of study for students enrolled in a music therapy education program.
(3) Unless authorized to practice speech-language pathology, music therapists may not evaluate, examine, instruct, or counsel on speech, language, communication, or swallowing disorders or conditions. An individual licensed as a professional music therapist may not represent to the public that the individual is authorized to treat a communication disorder. This does not prohibit an individual licensed as a professional music therapist from representing to the public that the individual may work with clients who have a communication disorder and address communication skills.
(4) Before providing music therapy services to a client for an identified clinical or developmental need, it is recommended that the licensee review the client's diagnosis, treatment needs, and treatment.
(5) Before providing music therapy services to a student for an identified educational need, the licensee shall review the student's diagnosis, treatment needs, and treatment plan with the individualized family service plan's team or the individualized education program's team.
[ 2023 c 175 s 6.]