PDFRCW 19.118.031

Manufacturers and new motor vehicle dealersResponsibilities to consumersExtension of eligibility period.

(1) The manufacturer shall publish an owner's manual and provide it to the new motor vehicle dealer or leasing company. The owner's manual shall include a list of the addresses and phone numbers for the manufacturer's customer assistance division, or zone or regional offices. A manufacturer shall provide to the new motor vehicle dealer or leasing company all applicable manufacturer's written warranties. The dealer or leasing company shall transfer to the consumer, at the time of original retail sale or lease, the owner's manual and applicable written warranties as provided by a manufacturer.
(2) At the time of purchase, the new motor vehicle dealer shall provide the consumer with a written statement that explains the consumer's rights under this chapter. The written statement shall be prepared and supplied by the attorney general and shall contain a toll-free number that the consumer can contact for information regarding the procedures and remedies under this chapter, and may be presented to the consumer in paper or electronic form. In the event a consumer requests modification of the new motor vehicle in a manner which may partially or completely void the manufacturer's implied or express warranty, and which becomes part of the basis of the bargain of the initial retail sale or lease of the vehicle, a new motor vehicle dealer shall provide a clear and conspicuous written disclosure, independently signed and dated by the consumer, stating "Your requested modification may void all or part of a manufacturer warranty and a resulting defect or condition may not be subject to remedies afforded by the motor vehicle warranties act, chapter 19.118 RCW." A dealer who obtains a signed written disclosure under circumstances where the warranty may be void is not subject to this chapter as a manufacturer to the extent the modification affects the use, value, or safety of a new motor vehicle. Failure to provide the disclosure specified in this subsection does not constitute a violation of chapter 19.86 RCW.
(3) For the purposes of this chapter, if a new motor vehicle does not conform to the warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity during the term of the eligibility period or the period of coverage of the applicable manufacturer's written warranty, whichever is less, to the manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer who sold the new motor vehicle, the manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer shall make repairs as are necessary to conform the vehicle to the warranty, regardless of whether such repairs are made after the expiration of the eligibility period. Any corrections or attempted repairs undertaken by a new motor vehicle dealer under this chapter shall be treated as warranty work and billed by the dealer to the manufacturer in the same manner as other work under the manufacturer's written warranty is billed. For purposes of this subsection, the manufacturer's written warranty shall be at least one year after the date of the original delivery to the consumer of the vehicle or the first twelve thousand miles of operation, whichever occurs first.
(4) Upon request from the consumer, the manufacturer or new motor vehicle dealer shall provide a copy of any report or computer reading compiled by the manufacturer's field or zone representative regarding inspection, diagnosis, or test-drive of the consumer's new motor vehicle, or shall provide a copy of any technical service bulletin issued by the manufacturer regarding the year and model of the consumer's new motor vehicle as it pertains to any material, feature, component, or the performance thereof.
(5) The new motor vehicle dealer shall provide to the consumer each time the consumer's vehicle is returned from being diagnosed or repaired under the warranty, a fully itemized, legible statement or repair order indicating any diagnosis made, and all work performed on the vehicle including but not limited to, a general description of the problem reported by the consumer or an identification of the defect or condition, parts and labor, the date and the odometer reading when the vehicle was submitted for repair, and the date when the vehicle was made available to the consumer.
(6) No manufacturer, its agent, or the new motor vehicle dealer may refuse to diagnose or repair any nonconformity covered by the warranty for the purpose of avoiding liability under this chapter.
(7) For purposes of this chapter, consumers shall have the rights and remedies, including a cause of action, against manufacturers as provided in this chapter.
(8) The eligibility period and thirty-day out-of-service period, and sixty-day out-of-service period in the case of a motor home, shall be extended by any time that repair services are not available to the consumer as a direct result of a strike, war, invasion, fire, flood, or other natural disaster.
[ 2021 c 201 s 1; 2009 c 351 s 2; 1998 c 298 s 3; 1995 c 254 s 2; 1987 c 344 s 3.]


Application2009 c 351: See note following RCW 19.118.021.
Severability1998 c 298: See note following RCW 19.118.021.
Effective dateSeverability1995 c 254: See notes following RCW 19.118.021.