PDFRCW 19.230.070

Issuance of money transmitter license.

(1) When an application for a money transmitter license is filed under this chapter, the director or the director's designee shall investigate the applicant's financial condition and responsibility, financial and business experience, competence, character, and general fitness. The director or the director's designee may conduct an on-site investigation of the applicant, the cost of which must be paid by the applicant as specified in RCW 19.230.320 or rules adopted under this chapter. The director shall issue a money transmitter license to an applicant under this chapter if the director or the director's designee finds that all of the following conditions have been fulfilled:
(a) The applicant has complied with RCW 19.230.040, 19.230.050, and 19.230.060;
(b) The financial condition and responsibility, financial and business experience, competence, character, and general fitness of the applicant; and the competence, financial and business experience, character, and general fitness of the executive officers, proposed responsible individual, board directors, and persons in control of the applicant; indicate that it is in the interest of the public to permit the applicant to engage in the business of providing money transmission services; and
(c) Neither the applicant, nor any executive officer, nor person who exercises control over the applicant, nor the proposed responsible individual is listed on the specially designated nationals and blocked persons list prepared by the United States department of the treasury or department of state under Presidential Executive Order No. 13224.
(2) The director may for good cause extend the application review period or condition the issuance of the license.
(3) An applicant whose application is denied by the director under this chapter may appeal under chapter 34.05 RCW.
(4) A money transmitter license issued under this chapter is valid from the date of issuance and remains in effect with no fixed date of expiration unless otherwise suspended or revoked by the director or unless the license expires for nonpayment of the annual assessment and any late fee, if applicable.
(5) A money transmitter licensee may surrender a license by providing the director with a written notice of surrender through the nationwide licensing system. The written notice of surrender must include notice of where the records of the licensee will be stored and the name, address, telephone number, and other contact information of a responsible party who is authorized to provide access to the records. The surrender of a license does not reduce or eliminate the licensee's civil or criminal liability arising from acts or omissions occurring prior to the surrender of the license, including any administrative actions undertaken by the director or the director's designee to revoke or suspend a license, to assess fines, to order payment of restitution, or to exercise any other authority authorized under this chapter.
[ 2017 c 30 s 6; 2010 c 73 s 5; 2003 c 287 s 9.]