PDFRCW 22.09.090

Bond requisitesCertificate of deposit or other securityAdditional securitySuspension of license for failure to maintain.

(1) An applicant for a warehouse or grain dealer license pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall give a bond to the state of Washington executed by the applicant as the principal and by a corporate surety licensed to do business in this state as surety.
(2) The bond required under this section for the issuance of a warehouse license shall be in the sum of not less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars. The department shall, after holding a public hearing, determine the amount that will be required for the warehouse bond which shall be computed at a rate of not less than fifteen cents nor more than thirty cents per bushel multiplied by the number of bushels of licensed commodity storage capacity of the warehouses of the applicant furnishing the bond. The applicant for a warehouse license may give a single bond meeting the requirements of this chapter, and all warehouses operated by the warehouse operator are deemed to be one warehouse for the purpose of the amount of the bond required under this subsection. Any change in the capacity of a warehouse or addition of any new warehouse involving a change in bond liability under this chapter shall be immediately reported to the department.
(3) The bond required under this section for the issuance of a grain dealer license shall be in the sum of not less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars. The department shall, after holding a public hearing, determine the amount that will be required for the dealer bond which shall be computed at a rate not less than six percent nor more than twelve percent of the sales of agricultural commodities purchased by the dealer from producers during the dealer's last completed fiscal year or in the case of a grain dealer who has been engaged in business as a grain dealer less than one year, the estimated aggregate dollar amount to be paid by the dealer to producers for agricultural commodities to be purchased by the dealer during the dealer's first fiscal year.
(4) An applicant making application for both a warehouse license and a grain dealer license may satisfy the bonding requirements set forth in subsections (2) and (3) of this section by giving to the state of Washington a single bond for the issuance of both licenses, which bond shall be in the sum of not less than fifty thousand dollars nor more than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars. The department shall, after holding a public hearing, determine the amount of the bond which shall be computed at a rate of not less than fifteen cents nor more than thirty cents per bushel multiplied by the number of bushels of licensed commodity storage capacity of the warehouses of the applicant furnishing the bond, or at the rate of not less than six percent nor more than twelve percent of the gross sales of agricultural commodities of the applicant whichever is greater.
(5) The bonds required under this chapter shall be approved by the department and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance by the licensee of the duties imposed upon him or her by this chapter. If a person has applied for warehouse licenses to operate two or more warehouses in this state, the assets applicable to all warehouses, but not the deposits except in case of a station, are subject to the liabilities of each. The total and aggregate liability of the surety for all claims upon the bond is limited to the face amount of the bond.
(6) Any person required to submit a bond to the department under this chapter has the option to give the department a certificate of deposit or other security acceptable to the department payable to the director as trustee, in lieu of a bond or a portion thereof. The principal amount of the certificate or other security shall be the same as that required for a surety bond under this chapter or may be in an amount which, when added to the bond, will satisfy the licensee's requirements for a surety bond under this chapter, and the interest thereon shall be made payable to the purchaser of the certificate or other security. The certificate of deposit or other security shall remain on deposit until it is released, canceled, or discharged as provided for by rule of the department. The provisions of this chapter that apply to a bond required under this chapter apply to each certificate of deposit or other security given in lieu of such a bond.
(7) The department may, when it has reason to believe that a grain dealer does not have the ability to pay producers for grain purchased, or when it determines that the grain dealer does not have a sufficient net worth to outstanding financial obligations ratio, or when it believes there may be claims made against the bond in excess of the face amount of the bond, require a grain dealer to post an additional bond in a dollar amount deemed appropriate by the department or may require an additional certificate of deposit or other security. The additional bonding or other security may exceed the maximum amount of the bond otherwise required under this chapter. Failure to post the additional bond, certificate of deposit, or other security constitutes grounds for suspension or revocation of a license issued under this chapter.
(8) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the license of a warehouse operator or grain dealer shall automatically be suspended in accordance with RCW 22.09.100 for failure at any time to have or to maintain a bond, certificate of deposit, or other security or combination thereof in the amount and type required by this chapter. The department shall remove the suspension or issue a license as the case may be, when the required bond, certificate of deposit, or other security has been obtained.
[ 2011 c 336 s 604; 1987 c 509 s 2; 1983 c 305 s 27; 1975 1st ex.s. c 7 s 23; 1969 ex.s. c 132 s 2; 1963 c 124 s 9.]


Severability1987 c 509: See note following RCW 22.09.060.
Severability1983 c 305: See note following RCW 20.01.010.
Grain indemnity fund program: See RCW 22.09.405 through 22.09.471.