PDFRCW 24.60.005

System establishedMember jurisdictions.

(1) The intrastate building safety mutual aid system is established to provide for mutual assistance among member jurisdictions in the case of a building safety emergency or to participate in training and exercises.
(2) Unless otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, the following governmental entities are member jurisdictions of the intrastate building safety mutual aid system:
(a) Counties;
(b) Cities and towns;
(c) Tribal governmental entities that declare an intention, in writing, to participate as a member jurisdiction in the intrastate building safety mutual aid system; and
(d) Other governmental entities with responsibilities of ensuring building safety.
(3) Nothing in this section precludes a governmental entity participating in the intrastate building safety mutual aid system from entering into other mutual aid agreements otherwise permitted by law.
(4) Mutual assistance may include immediate responses to a building safety emergency, effort to mitigate or prevent further damages, or recovery activities.
(5) Nothing in this section is intended to interfere with other mutual aid systems established by law. Existing mutual aid systems including fire and law enforcement mobilization systems established by RCW 43.43.960 through 43.43.975 are unaffected by this chapter.
[ 2011 c 215 s 1.]