PDFRCW 26.28.070

Certain types of employment prohibitedPenalty.

Every person who shall employ, or cause to be employed, exhibit or have in his or her custody for exhibition or employment any minor actually or apparently under the age of eighteen years; and every parent, relative, guardian, employer, or other person having the care, custody, or control of any such minor, who shall in any way procure or consent to the employment of such minor:
(1) In begging, receiving alms, or in any mendicant occupation; or,
(2) In any indecent or immoral exhibition or practice; or,
(3) In any practice or exhibition dangerous or injurious to life, limb, health, or morals; or,
(4) As a messenger for delivering letters, telegrams, packages, or bundles, to any known house of prostitution or assignation;
Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[ 2011 c 336 s 697; 1909 c 249 s 194; RRS s 2446.]


Juvenile courts and juvenile offenders: Title 13 RCW.