It shall be the responsibility of each educational service district board to establish a center for the improvement of teaching. The center shall administer, coordinate, and act as fiscal agent for such programs related to the recruitment and training of certificated and classified K-12 education personnel as may be delegated to the center by the superintendent of public instruction under RCW
28A.310.470. To assist in these activities, each educational service district board shall establish an improvement of teaching coordinating council to include, at a minimum, representatives as specified in RCW
28A.415.040. An existing in-service training task force, established pursuant to RCW
28A.415.040, may serve as the improvement of teaching coordinating council. The educational service district board shall ensure coordination of programs established pursuant to RCW
28A.410.060, and
The educational service district board may arrange each year for the holding of one or more teachers' institutes and/or workshops for professional staff preparation and in-service training in such manner and at such time as the board believes will be of benefit to the teachers and other professional staff of school districts within the educational service district and shall comply with rules of the professional educator standards board pursuant to RCW
28A.410.060 or the superintendent of public instruction. The board may provide such additional means of teacher and other professional staff preparation and in-service training as it may deem necessary or appropriate and there shall be a proper charge against the educational service district general expense fund when approved by the educational service district board.
Educational service district boards of contiguous educational service districts, by mutual arrangements, may hold joint institutes and/or workshops, the expenses to be shared in proportion to the numbers of certificated personnel as shown by the last annual reports of the educational service districts holding such joint institutes or workshops.
In local school districts employing more than one hundred teachers and other professional staff, the school district superintendent may hold a teachers' institute of one or more days in such district, said institute when so held by the school district superintendent to be in all respects governed by the provisions of this title and rules relating to teachers' institutes held by educational service district superintendents.