PDFRCW 28A.650.065

Technology grant program.

(1) Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall develop and administer a technology grant program, as described in this section, to advance the following objectives:
(a) Attain a universal 1:1 student to learning device ratio;
(b) Expand technical support and training of school and district staff in using technology to support student learning; and
(c) Develop district-based and school-based capacity to assist students and their families in accessing and using technology to support student learning.
(2) The following entities, individually or in cooperation, may apply to the office of the superintendent of public instruction for a grant under this section: A public school as defined in RCW 28A.150.010; a school district; an educational service district; the Washington center for deaf and hard of hearing youth; and the state school for the blind.
(3) At a minimum, grant applications must include:
(a) The applicant's technology plan for accomplishing the goals of the grant program, the applicant's student demographics, including the percent of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals, and any specialized technology needs of the applicant's students, such as students with disabilities and English learners who may need adaptive or assistive technologies; and
(b) A description of preexisting programs and funding sources used by the applicant to provide learning devices to students, staff, or both.
(4) When ranking and selecting applicants, the office of the superintendent of public instruction must prioritize both of the following:
(a) Applicants without preexisting programs to provide a device for every student and that have 30 percent or more students eligible for free and reduced-price meals; and
(b) Applicants with students who have specialized technology needs.
[ 2021 c 301 s 4.]


FindingPurpose2021 c 301: See note following RCW 28A.650.060.