PDFRCW 29B.50.050

Reporting by lobbyistsRules. (Effective January 1, 2026.)

(1) Any lobbyist registered under RCW 29B.50.010 and any person who lobbies shall file electronically with the commission monthly reports of the lobbyist's or person's lobbying activities. The reports shall be made in the form and manner prescribed by the commission and must be signed by the lobbyist. The monthly report shall be filed within 15 days after the last day of the calendar month covered by the report.
(2) The monthly report shall contain:
(a) The totals of all expenditures for lobbying activities made or incurred by the lobbyist or on behalf of the lobbyist by the lobbyist's employer during the period covered by the report. Expenditure totals for lobbying activities shall be segregated according to financial category, including compensation; food and refreshments; living accommodations; advertising; travel; contributions; and other expenses or services. Each individual expenditure of more than *twenty-five dollars for entertainment shall be identified by date, place, amount, and the names of all persons taking part in the entertainment, along with the dollar amount attributable to each person, including the lobbyist's portion.
(b) In the case of a lobbyist employed by more than one employer, the proportionate amount of expenditures in each category incurred on behalf of each of the lobbyist's employers.
(c) An itemized listing of each contribution of money or of tangible or intangible personal property, whether contributed by the lobbyist personally or delivered or transmitted by the lobbyist, to any candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition, or for or on behalf of any candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition. All contributions made to, or for the benefit of, any candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition shall be identified by date, amount, and the name of the candidate, elected official, or officer or employee of any agency, or any political committee supporting or opposing any ballot proposition receiving, or to be benefited by each such contribution.
(d) The subject matter of proposed legislation or other legislative activity or rule making under chapter 34.05 RCW, the state administrative procedure act, and the state agency considering the same, which the lobbyist has been engaged in supporting or opposing during the reporting period, unless exempt under RCW 29B.50.040(2).
(e) A listing of each payment for an item specified in RCW 42.52.150(5) in excess of *fifty dollars and each item specified in RCW 42.52.010(9) (d) and (f) made to a state elected official, state officer, or state employee. Each item shall be identified by recipient, date, and approximate value of the item.
(f) The total expenditures paid or incurred during the reporting period by the lobbyist for lobbying purposes, whether through or on behalf of a lobbyist or otherwise, for (i) political advertising as defined in RCW 29B.10.410; and (ii) public relations, telemarketing, polling, or similar activities if the activities, directly or indirectly, are intended, designed, or calculated to influence legislation or the adoption or rejection of a rule, standard, or rate by an agency under the administrative procedure act. The report shall specify the amount, the person to whom the amount was paid, and a brief description of the activity.
(3) Lobbyists are not required to report the following:
(a) Unreimbursed personal living and travel expenses not incurred directly for lobbying;
(b) Any expenses incurred for the lobbyist's own living accommodations;
(c) Any expenses incurred for the lobbyist's own travel to and from hearings of the legislature;
(d) Any expenses incurred for telephone, and any office expenses, including rent and salaries and wages paid for staff and secretarial assistance.
(4) The commission may adopt rules to vary the content of lobbyist reports to address specific circumstances, consistent with this section. Lobbyist reports are subject to audit by the commission.
[ 2024 c 164 s 477; 2019 c 428 s 32; 2010 c 204 s 804; 1995 c 397 s 33; 1991 sp.s. c 18 s 2; 1990 c 139 s 3; 1989 c 175 s 90; 1987 c 423 s 1; 1985 c 367 s 9; 1982 c 147 s 13; 1977 ex.s. c 313 s 5; 1975 1st ex.s. c 294 s 10; 1973 c 1 s 17 (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972). Formerly RCW 42.17A.615, 42.17.170.]


*Reviser's note: The dollar amounts in this section may have been adjusted for inflation by rule of the commission adopted under the authority of RCW 29B.20.050. For current dollar amounts, see WAC 390-20-150.
IntentConstructionRules remain validEffective date2024 c 164: See notes following RCW 29B.10.010.
FindingEffective date2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 29B.20.110.
Effective date2010 c 204 ss 101-504, 506-601, 603-702, and 801-1103: See note following RCW 29B.15.010.
Effective date1995 c 397 s 33: "Section 33 of this act takes effect September 1, 1995." [ 1995 c 397 s 36.]
Legislative intent1990 c 139: See note following RCW 29B.50.100.
Effective date1989 c 175: See note following RCW 34.05.010.
Effective date1977 ex.s. c 313: See note following RCW 29B.25.010.
Effective dateConstruction1973 c 1: See notes following RCW 29B.05.010.