PDFRCW 30A.22.200

Payment to foreign personal representativeRelease of financial institution.

In each case where it is provided in this chapter that payment may be made to the personal representative of the estate of a deceased depositor or trust or P.O.D. account beneficiary, financial institutions may make payment of the funds on deposit in a deceased depositor's or beneficiary's account to the personal representative of the decedent's estate appointed under the laws of any other state or territory or country after:
(1) At least sixty days have elapsed since the date of the deceased depositor's death; and
(2) Upon receipt of the following:
(a) Proof of death of the deceased depositor or beneficiary;
(b) Proof of the appointment and continuing authority of the personal representative requesting payment;
(c) The personal representative's, or its agent's, affidavit to the effect that to the best of his or her knowledge no personal representative has been or will be appointed under the laws of this state; and
(d) Receipt of either an estate tax release from the department of revenue or the personal representative's, or its agent's, affidavit that the estate is not subject to Washington estate tax. However, if a personal representative of the deceased depositor's or beneficiary's estate is appointed and qualified as such under the laws of this state, and delivers proof of the appointment and qualification to the office or branch of the financial institution in which the deposit is maintained prior to the transmissions of the sums on deposit to the foreign personal representative, then the funds shall be paid to the personal representative of the deceased depositor's or beneficiary's estate who has been appointed and qualified in this state.
(3) The financial institution paying, delivering, transferring, or issuing funds on deposit in a deceased depositor's or beneficiary's account in accordance with the provisions of this section is discharged and released to the same extent as if such person has dealt with a personal representative of the decedent, unless at the time of such payment, delivery, transfer, or issuance such institution had actual knowledge of the falsity of any statement or affidavit required to be provided under this section. Such institution is not required to see to the application of funds, or to inquire into the truth of any matter specified in any statement or affidavit required to be provided under this section.
[ 1988 c 29 s 9; 1981 c 192 s 20. Formerly RCW 30.22.200.]