PDFRCW 32.08.040

Examination and action by director.

When any such certificate has been filed for examination the director shall thereupon ascertain from the best source of information at his or her command, and by such investigation as he or she may deem necessary, whether the character, responsibility, and general fitness of the person or persons named in such certificate are such as to command confidence and warrant belief that the business of the proposed bank will be honestly and efficiently conducted in accordance with the intent and purpose of this title, and whether the public convenience and advantage will be promoted by allowing such proposed bank to be incorporated and engage in business, and whether greater convenience and access to a savings bank would be afforded to any considerable number of depositors by opening a mutual savings bank in the place designated, whether the population in the neighborhood of such place, and in the surrounding country, affords a reasonable promise of adequate support for the proposed bank, and whether the contributions to the initial guaranty fund and expense fund have been paid in cash. After the director has satisfied himself or herself by such investigation whether it is expedient and desirable to permit such proposed bank to be incorporated and engage in business, he or she shall within sixty days after the date of the filing of the certificate for examination indorse upon each of the triplicates thereof over his or her official signature the word "approved" or the word "refused," with the date of such indorsement. In case of refusal he or she shall forthwith return one of the triplicates so indorsed to the proposed incorporators from whom the certificate was received.
[ 1994 c 92 s 310; 1955 c 13 s 32.08.040. Prior: 1915 c 175 s 4, part; RRS s 3316, part.]