PDFRCW 35.92.270

Passenger transportation systemsAuthority to make studiesContracts with and acquisition of privately owned systems.

Every passenger transportation system owned by a municipal corporation may:
(1) Engage in planning, studies and surveys with respect to areas within and beyond the corporate boundaries of such municipal corporation, in order to develop a sound factual basis for any possible future adjustment or expansion of such municipally owned passenger transportation system;
(2) Purchase or lease privately owned passenger transportation systems: PROVIDED, That such purchases shall not, per se, extend the area of service of such municipally owned passenger transportation system;
(3) Contract with privately owned passenger transportation systems in order to provide adequate service in the service area of the municipal transportation system.
[ 1965 c 7 s 35.92.270. Prior: 1957 c 114 s 1. Formerly RCW 80.40.270.]