PDFRCW 35A.12.090

Appointment and removal of officersTerms.

The mayor shall have the power of appointment and removal of all appointive officers and employees subject to any applicable law, rule, or regulation relating to civil service. The head of a department or office of the city government may be authorized by the mayor to appoint and remove subordinates in such department or office, subject to any applicable civil service provisions. All appointments of city officers and employees shall be made on the basis of ability and training or experience of the appointees in the duties they are to perform, from among persons having such qualifications as may be prescribed by ordinance or by charter, and in compliance with provisions of any merit system applicable to such city. Confirmation by the city council of appointments of officers and employees shall be required only when the city charter, or the council by ordinance, provides for confirmation of such appointments. Confirmation of mayoral appointments by the council may be required by the council in any instance where qualifications for the office or position have not been established by ordinance or charter provision. Appointive offices shall be without definite term unless a term is established for such office by law, charter or ordinance.
[ 1987 c 3 s 15; 1967 ex.s. c 119 s 35A.12.090.]


Severability1987 c 3: See note following RCW 3.70.010.