PDFRCW 36.57A.040

Cities included or excludedBoundariesOnly benefited areas includedOne area per county, exception.

At the time of its formation no public transportation benefit area may include only a part of any city, and every city shall be either wholly included or wholly excluded from the boundaries of such area. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if subsequent to the formation of a public transportation benefit area additional area became or will become a part of a component city by annexation, merger, or otherwise, the additional area shall be included within the boundaries of the transportation benefit area and be subject to all taxes and other liabilities and obligations of the public transportation benefit area. The component city shall be required to notify the public transportation benefit area at the time the city has added the additional area. Furthermore, notwithstanding any other provisions of law except as specifically provided in this section, if a city that is not a component city of the public transportation benefit area adds area to its boundaries that is within the boundaries of the public transportation benefit area, the area so added shall be deemed to be excluded from the public transportation benefit area: PROVIDED, That the public transportation benefit area shall be given notice of the city's intention to add such area. If a city extends its boundaries through annexation across a county boundary line and such extended boundaries include areas within the public transportation benefit area, then the entire area of the city within the county that is within the public transportation benefit area shall be included within the public transportation benefit area boundaries. Such area of the city in the public transportation benefit area shall be considered a component city of the public transportation benefit area corporation.
The boundaries of any public transportation benefit area shall follow school district lines or election precinct lines, as far as practicable. Only such areas shall be included which the conference determines could reasonably benefit from the provision of public transportation services. Except as provided in RCW 36.57A.140(2), only one public transportation benefit area may be created in any county.
[ 1992 c 16 s 1; 1991 c 318 s 15; 1983 c 65 s 2; 1975 1st ex.s. c 270 s 14.]


Intent1991 c 318: "The legislature recognizes that certain communities have important cultural, economic, or transportation linkages to communities in other counties. Many public services can most efficiently be delivered from public agencies located in counties other than the county within which the community is located. It is the intent of the legislature by enacting sections 15 through 17 of this act to further more effective public transportation linkages between communities, regardless of county association, in order to better serve state citizen needs." [ 1991 c 318 s 14.]
SeverabilityEffective date1975 1st ex.s. c 270: See notes following RCW 35.58.272.