(1) Each local government is encouraged to adopt further project review provisions to provide prompt, coordinated, and objective review and ensure accountability to applicants and the public, including expedited review for project permit applications for projects that are consistent with adopted development regulations or that include dwelling units that are affordable to low-income or moderate-income households and within the capacity of systemwide infrastructure improvements.
(2) Nothing in this chapter is intended or shall be construed to prevent a local government from requiring a preapplication conference or a public meeting by rule, ordinance, or resolution, where otherwise required by applicable state law.
(3) Each local government shall adopt procedures to monitor and enforce permit decisions and conditions.
(4) Nothing in this chapter modifies any independent statutory authority for a government agency to appeal a project permit issued by a local government.
(5) For the purposes of this section:
(a) A dwelling unit is affordable if it requires payment of monthly housing costs, including utilities other than telephone, of no more than 30 percent of the family's income.
(b) "Dwelling unit" means a residential living unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and that includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation, and that is sold or rented separately from other dwelling units.
(c) "Low-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose adjusted income is less than 80 percent of the median family income, adjusted for household size, for the county where the household is located, as reported by the United States department of housing and urban development, or less than 80 percent of the city's median income if the project is located in the city, the city has median income of more than 20 percent above the county median income, and the city has adopted an alternative local median income.
(d) "Moderate-income household" means a single person, family, or unrelated persons living together whose adjusted income is at or below 120 percent of the median household income, adjusted for household size, for the county where the household is located, as reported by the United States department of housing and urban development, or less than 120 percent of the city's median income if the project is located in the city, the city has median income of more than 20 percent above the county median income, and the city has adopted an alternative local median income.
(1) Each local government is encouraged to adopt further project review and code provisions to provide prompt, coordinated review and ensure accountability to applicants and the public((, including expedited review for project permit applications for projects that are consistent with adopted development regulations and within the capacity of systemwide infrastructure improvements))by:
(a) Expediting review for project permit applications for projects that are consistent with adopted development regulations;
(b) Imposing reasonable fees, consistent with RCW 82.02.020, on applicants for permits or other governmental approvals to cover the cost to the city, town, county, or other municipal corporation of processing applications, inspecting and reviewing plans, or preparing detailed statements required by chapter 43.21C RCW. The fees imposed may not include a fee for the cost of processing administrative appeals. Nothing in this subsection limits the ability of a county or city to impose a fee for the processing of administrative appeals as otherwise authorized by law; (c) Entering into an interlocal agreement with another jurisdiction to share permitting staff and resources;
(d) Maintaining and budgeting for on-call permitting assistance for when permit volumes or staffing levels change rapidly;
(e) Having new positions budgeted that are contingent on increased permit revenue;
(f) Adopting development regulations which only require public hearings for permit applications that are required to have a public hearing by statute;
(g) Adopting development regulations which make preapplication meetings optional rather than a requirement of permit application submittal;
(h) Adopting development regulations which make housing types an outright permitted use in all zones where the housing type is permitted;
(i) Adopting a program to allow for outside professionals with appropriate professional licenses to certify components of applications consistent with their license; or
(j) Meeting with the applicant to attempt to resolve outstanding issues during the review process. The meeting must be scheduled within 14 days of a second request for corrections during permit review. If the meeting cannot resolve the issues and a local government proceeds with a third request for additional information or corrections, the local government must approve or deny the application upon receiving the additional information or corrections.
(2)(a) After January 1, 2026, a county or city must adopt additional measures under subsection (1) of this section at the time of its next comprehensive plan update under RCW 36.70A.130 if it meets the following conditions: (i) The county or city has adopted at least three project review and code provisions under subsection (1) of this section more than five years prior; and
(ii) The county or city is not meeting the permitting deadlines established in RCW 36.70B.080 at least half of the time over the period since its most recent comprehensive plan update under RCW 36.70A.130. (b) A city or county that is required to adopt new measures under (a) of this subsection but fails to do so becomes subject to the provisions of RCW 36.70B.080(1)(l), notwithstanding RCW 36.70B.080(1)(l)(ii).
(((2)))(3) Nothing in this chapter is intended or shall be construed to prevent a local government from requiring a preapplication conference or a public meeting by rule, ordinance, or resolution.
(((3)))(4) Each local government shall adopt procedures to monitor and enforce permit decisions and conditions.
(((4)))(5) Nothing in this chapter modifies any independent statutory authority for a government agency to appeal a project permit issued by a local government.