PDFRCW 36.120.130


(1)(a) Notwithstanding RCW 39.36.020(1), the district may at any time contract indebtedness or borrow money for district purposes and may issue general obligation bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, secured by the pledge of one or more of the taxes, tolls, charges, or fees authorized to be imposed by the district, in an amount not exceeding, together with any existing indebtedness of the district not authorized by the voters, one and one-half percent of the value of the taxable property within the boundaries of the district.
(b) With the assent of three-fifths of the voters voting at an election, a district may contract indebtedness or borrow money for district purposes and may issue general obligation bonds or other evidences of indebtedness as long as the total indebtedness of the district does not exceed five percent of the value of the taxable property within the district, including indebtedness authorized under (a) of this subsection. The bonds shall be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
(2) The district may at any time issue revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, secured by the pledge of one or more of the revenues authorized to be collected by the district, to provide funds to carry out its authorized functions without submitting the matter to the voters of the district. These obligations shall be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.
(3) The district may enter into agreements with the lead agencies or the state of Washington, when authorized by the plan, to pledge taxes or other revenues of the district for the purpose of paying in part or whole principal and interest on bonds issued by the lead agency or the state of Washington. The agreements pledging revenues and taxes shall be binding for their terms, but not to exceed thirty years, and no tax pledged by an agreement may be eliminated or modified if it would impair the pledge made in any agreement.
(4) Once construction of projects in the plan has been completed, revenues collected by the district may only be used for the following purposes: (a) Payment of principal and interest on outstanding indebtedness of the district; (b) to make payments required under a pledging agreement; and (c) to make payments for maintenance and operations of toll facilities as may be required by toll bond covenants.
[ 2003 c 372 s 1; 2002 c 56 s 113.]