Title 38 RCW



38.04General provisions.
38.08Powers and duties of governor.
38.10Emergency management assistance compact.
38.12Militia officers and advisory council.
38.14Washington state guard.
38.16Enlistments and reserves.
38.20Armories and rifle ranges.
38.24Claims and compensation.
38.36Trial procedure.
38.38Washington code of military justice.
38.40Miscellaneous provisions.
38.42Service members' civil relief.
38.44Enrollment of persons.
38.48State and national defense.
38.52Emergency management.
38.56Intrastate mutual aid system.
38.60Public safety telecommunicators.


Emergency volunteer health practitioners: Chapter 70.15 RCW.
Explosives, manufacture, sale or storage: Chapter 70.74 RCW.
Limitation on members of the legislature holding office in the stateException: State Constitution Art. 2 § 14.
Microfilming of records to provide continuity of civil government: Chapter 40.10 RCW.
Military subordinate to civil power: State Constitution Art. 1 § 18.
National guard high school career training and national guard youth challenge programRules: RCW 28A.300.165.
Quartering soldiers in residences: State Constitution Art. 1 § 31.
Right to bear arms: State Constitution Art. 1 § 24.
Special act relating to aerospace science and modeling center at Camp Murray: 1969 ex.s. c 85.
SPECIAL ACTS RELATING TO ARMORIES: The following special or temporary acts relating to particular armories are not codified herein:
(1) 1959 c 181; 1961 c 135; 1963 c 146, Seattle.
(2) 1967 c 37, Prosser.
(3) 1967 c 43, Centralia.
(4) 1967 c 44, Chewelah.
(5) 1967 c 214, Stevens County.
(6) 1967 c 224, Tacoma and Pierce County.
(7) 1967 c 226, Yakima.
(8) 1969 ex.s. c 22, Kirkland.
Special legislation: State Constitution Art. 2 § 28(2).
Standing army in time of peace prohibited: State Constitution Art. 1 § 31.
State flag furnished to armed forces: RCW 1.20.010.
State militia: State Constitution Art. 10.
Veterans and veterans' affairs: Title 73 RCW.
Washington national guard postsecondary education grant program: Chapter 28B.103 RCW.