PDFRCW 41.06.142

Contracting for servicesEffect on employees in the classified serviceCriteria to be metWebsite postingContract file reportRequirements of agreementsEffectiveness beyond agreement expiration dateViolation of RCW 49.60.030Competitive contractingDefinitions.

(1) If any department, agency, or institution of higher education intends to contract for services that, on or after July 1, 2005, have been customarily and historically provided by, and would displace or relocate, employees in the classified service under this chapter, a department, agency, or institution of higher education may do so by contracting with individuals, nonprofit organizations, businesses, employee business units, or other entities if the following criteria are met:
(a) A comprehensive impact assessment is completed by the agency, department, or institution of higher education to assist it in determining whether the decision to contract out is beneficial.
(i) The comprehensive impact assessment must include at a minimum the following analysis:
(A) An estimate of the cost of performance of the service by employees, including the fully allocated costs of the service, the cost of the employees' salaries and benefits, space, equipment, materials, and other costs necessary to perform the function. The estimate must not include the state's indirect overhead costs unless those costs can be attributed directly to the function in question and would not exist if that function were not performed in state service;
(B) An estimate of the cost of performance of the services if contracted out, including the cost of administration of the program and allocating sufficient employee staff time and resources to monitor the contract and ensure its proper performance by the contractor;
(C) The reason for proposing to contract out, including the objective the agency would like to achieve; and
(D) The reasons for the determination made under (e) of this subsection.
(ii) When the contract will result in termination of state employees or elimination of state positions, the comprehensive impact assessment may also include an assessment of the potential adverse impacts on the public from outsourcing the contract, such as loss of employment, effect on social services and public assistance programs, economic impacts on local businesses and local tax revenues, and environmental impacts;
(b) The invitation for bid or request for proposal contains measurable standards for the performance of the contract;
(c) Employees whose positions or work would be displaced by the contract are provided an opportunity to offer alternatives to purchasing services by contract and, if these alternatives are not accepted, compete for the contract under competitive contracting procedures in subsection (7) of this section;
(d) The department, agency, or institution of higher education has established a contract monitoring process to measure contract performance, costs, service delivery quality, and other contract standards, and to cancel contracts that do not meet those standards; and
(e) The department, agency, or institution of higher education has determined that the contract results in savings or efficiency improvements. The contracting agency, department, or institution of higher education must consider the consequences and potential mitigation of improper or failed performance by the contractor.
(2)(a) The agency, department, or institution of higher education must post on its website the request for proposal, the contract or a statement that the agency, department, or institution of higher education did not move forward with contracting out, and the comprehensive impact assessment pursuant to subsection (1) of this section.
(b) The agency, department, or institution of higher education must maintain the information in (a) of this subsection in its files in accordance with the record retention schedule under RCW 40.14.060.
(3) Every five years or upon completion of the contract, whichever comes first, the agency, department, or institution of higher education must prepare and maintain in the contract file a report, which must include at a minimum the following information:
(a) Documentation of the contractor's performance as measured by the itemized performance standards;
(b) Itemization of any contract extensions or change orders that resulted in a change in the dollar value or cost of the contract; and
(c) A report of any remedial actions that were taken to enforce compliance with the contract, together with an estimate of the cost incurred by the agency, department, or institution of higher education in enforcing such compliance.
(4) In addition to any other terms required by law, the terms of any agreement to contract out a service pursuant to this section must include terms that address the following:
(a) The contract's contract management provision must allow review of the contractor's performance;
(b) The contract's termination clauses must allow termination of the contract if the contractor fails to meet the terms of the contract, including failure to meet performance standards or failure to provide the services at the contracted price;
(c) The contract's damages provision must allow recovery of direct damages and, when applicable, indirect damages that the agency, department, or institution of higher education incurs due to the contractor's breach of the agreement;
(d) If the contractor will be using a subcontractor for performance of services under the contract, the contract must allow the agency, department, or institution of higher education to obtain information about the subcontractor, as applicable to the performance of services under the agreement; and
(e) A provision requiring the contractor to consider employment of employees who may be displaced by the contract, if the contract is with an entity other than an employee business unit.
(5) Any provision contrary to or in conflict with this section in any collective bargaining agreement in effect on July 1, 2005, is not effective beyond the expiration date of the agreement.
(6) When contracting out for services as authorized in this section the agency, department, or institution of higher education must ensure firms adhere to the values of the state of Washington under RCW 49.60.030, which provide its citizens freedom from discrimination. Any relationship with a potential or current industry partner that is found to have violated RCW 49.60.030 by the attorney general shall not be considered and must be immediately terminated unless:
(a) The industry partner has fulfilled the conditions or obligations associated with any court order or settlement resulting from that violation; or
(b) The industry partner has taken significant and meaningful steps to correct the violation, as determined by the Washington state human rights commission.
(7) Competitive contracting shall be implemented as follows:
(a) At least ninety days prior to the date the contracting agency, department, or institution of higher education requests bids from private entities for a contract for services provided by employees, the contracting agency, department, or institution of higher education shall notify the employees whose positions or work would be displaced by the contract. The employees shall have sixty days from the date of notification to offer alternatives to purchasing services by contract, and the agency, department, or institution of higher education shall consider the alternatives before requesting bids.
(b) If the employees decide to compete for the contract, they shall notify the contracting agency, department, or institution of higher education of their decision. Employees must form one or more employee business units for the purpose of submitting a bid or bids to perform the services.
(c) The department of enterprise services, with the advice and assistance of the office of financial management, shall develop and make available to employee business units training in the bidding process and general bid preparation.
(d) The director of enterprise services, with the advice and assistance of the office of financial management, shall, by rule, establish procedures to ensure that bids are submitted and evaluated in a fair and objective manner and that there exists a competitive market for the service. Such rules shall include, but not be limited to: (i) Prohibitions against participation in the bid evaluation process by employees who prepared the business unit's bid or who perform any of the services to be contracted; (ii) provisions to ensure no bidder receives an advantage over other bidders and that bid requirements are applied equitably to all parties; and (iii) procedures that require the contracting agency, department, or institution of higher education to receive complaints regarding the bidding process and to consider them before awarding the contract. Appeal of an agency's, department's, or institution of higher education's actions under this subsection is an adjudicative proceeding and subject to the applicable provisions of chapter 34.05 RCW, the administrative procedure act, with the final decision to be rendered by an administrative law judge assigned under chapter 34.12 RCW.
(e) An employee business unit's bid must include the fully allocated costs of the service, including the cost of the employees' salaries and benefits, space, equipment, materials, and other costs necessary to perform the function. An employee business unit's cost shall not include the state's indirect overhead costs unless those costs can be attributed directly to the function in question and would not exist if that function were not performed in state service.
(f) A department, agency, or institution of higher education may contract with the department of enterprise services to conduct the bidding process.
(8)(a) As used in this section:
(i) "Employee business unit" means a group of employees who perform services to be contracted under this section and who submit a bid for the performance of those services under subsection (7) of this section.
(ii) "Indirect overhead costs" means the pro rata share of existing agency administrative salaries and benefits, and rent, equipment costs, utilities, and materials associated with those administrative functions.
(iii) "Competitive contracting" means the process by which employees of a department, agency, or institution of higher education compete with businesses, individuals, nonprofit organizations, or other entities for contracts authorized by subsection (1) of this section.
(b) Unless otherwise specified, for the purpose of chapter 269, Laws of 2020, "employee" means state employees in the classified service under this chapter except employees in the Washington management service as defined under RCW 41.06.022 and 41.06.500.
(9) The processes set forth in subsections (1)(a), (2), (3), and (4)(a) through (d) of this section do not apply to contracts:
(a) Awarded for the purposes of or by the department of transportation;
(b) With an estimated cost of contract performance of twenty thousand dollars or less;
(c) With an estimated cost of contract performance that exceeds five hundred thousand dollars for public work as defined by RCW 39.04.010; or
(d) Relating to mechanical, plumbing as described in chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in chapter 19.28 RCW, procured to install systems for new construction or life-cycle replacement with an estimated cost of contract performance of seventy-five thousand dollars or more.
(10) The processes set forth in subsections (1) through (4), (7), and (8) of this section do not apply to:
(a) *RCW 74.13.031(6);
(b) The acquisition of printing services by a state agency; and
(c) Contracts for services expressly mandated by the legislature, including contracts for fire suppression awarded by the department of natural resources under RCW 76.04.181, or authorized by law prior to July 1, 2005, including contracts and agreements between public entities.
(11) The processes set forth in subsections (1) through (4), (7), and (8) of this section do not apply to Washington technology solutions when contracting for services or activities as follows:
(a) Contracting for services and activities that are necessary to establish, operate, or manage the state data center, including architecture, design, engineering, installation, and operation of the facility that are approved by the technology services board created in RCW 43.105.285.
(b) Contracting for services and activities recommended by the chief information officer through a business plan and approved by the technology services board created in RCW 43.105.285.
[ 2024 c 54 s 37; 2020 c 269 s 2; 2011 1st sp.s. c 43 s 408; 2008 c 267 s 9; 2002 c 354 s 208.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 74.13.031 was amended by 2024 c 298 s 8, changing subsection (6) to subsection (8), effective July 1, 2025.
IntentFinding2020 c 269: "It is the intent of the legislature to increase transparency and accountability of public contracts by requiring better evaluation of contract performance. Such evaluation should include an assessment of whether decisions to "contract out" government services to the private sector are achieving their stated objectives. In addition, it is the intent of the legislature to ensure that public contractors given access to state resources are held to ethical standards consistent with public values.
The legislature finds that prior to July 1, 2005, state agencies and institutions of higher education were prohibited from contracting out for services regularly and historically provided by classified state employees. Effective July 1, 2005, the personnel system reform act of 2002 lifted the prohibition, authorizing state agencies and institutions of higher education to contract out for services customarily and historically provided by classified state employees. It is therefore the intent of the legislature that this act be applied only to government services that, on or after July 1, 2005, have been customarily and historically performed by state employees in the classified service under chapter 41.06 RCW." [ 2020 c 269 s 1.]
Application2020 c 269: "This act is prospective and applies only to contracts commenced on or after June 11, 2020. Contracts in effect prior to June 11, 2020, remain unaffected by this act through their expiration date." [ 2020 c 269 s 6.]
Effective datePurpose2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following RCW 43.19.003.
Short titleHeadings, captions not lawSeverabilityEffective dates2002 c 354: See RCW 41.80.907 through 41.80.910.