PDFRCW 42.17A.120

Suspension or modification of reporting requirements. (Effective until January 1, 2026. Recodified as RCW 29B.20.040.)

(1) The commission may suspend or modify any of the reporting requirements of this chapter if it finds that literal application of this chapter works a manifestly unreasonable hardship in a particular case and the suspension or modification will not frustrate the purposes of this chapter. The commission may suspend or modify reporting requirements only to the extent necessary to substantially relieve the hardship and only after a hearing is held and the suspension or modification receives approval. A suspension or modification of the financial affairs reporting requirements in RCW 42.17A.710 may be approved for an elected official's term of office or for up to three years for an executive state officer. If a material change in the applicant's circumstances or relevant information occurs or has occurred, the applicant must request a modification at least one month prior to the next filing deadline rather than at the conclusion of the term.
(2) A manifestly unreasonable hardship exists if reporting the name of an entity required to be reported under RCW 42.17A.710(1)(g)(ii) would be likely to adversely affect the competitive position of any entity in which the person filing the report, or any member of the person's immediate family, holds any office, directorship, general partnership interest, or an ownership interest of ten percent or more.
(3) Requests for reporting modifications may be heard in a brief adjudicative proceeding as set forth in RCW 34.05.482 through 34.05.494 and in accordance with the standards established in this section. The commission, the commission chair acting as presiding officer, or another commissioner appointed by the chair to serve as presiding officer, may preside over a brief adjudicatory proceeding. If a modification is requested by a filer because of a concern for personal safety, the information submitted regarding that safety concern shall not be made public prior to, or at, the hearing on the request. Any information provided or prepared for the modification hearing shall remain exempt from public disclosure under this chapter and chapter 42.56 RCW to the extent it is determined at the hearing that disclosure of such information would present a personal safety risk to a reasonable person.
(4) If the commission, or presiding officer, grants a modification request, the commission or presiding officer may apply the modification retroactively to previously filed reports. In that event, previously reported information of the kind that is no longer being reported is confidential and exempt from public disclosure under this chapter and chapter 42.56 RCW.
(5) Any citizen has standing to bring an action in Thurston county superior court to contest the propriety of any order entered under this section within one year from the date of the entry of the order.
(6) The commission shall adopt rules governing the proceedings.
[ 2019 c 428 s 10; 2010 c 204 s 304.]


Effective dateFindingIntent2019 c 428: See notes following RCW 42.17A.160.