PDFRCW 43.03.220

Compensation of members of part-time boards and commissionsClass one groups.

(1) Any part-time board, commission, council, committee, or other similar group which is established by the executive, legislative, or judicial branch to participate in state government and which functions primarily in an advisory, coordinating, or planning capacity shall be identified as a class one group. Unless otherwise identified in law, all newly formed and existing groups are a class one group.
(2) Absent any other provision of law to the contrary, a stipend may be provided to a member of a class one group in accordance with this subsection.
(a) Subject to available funding, an agency may provide a stipend to individuals who are low income or have direct lived experience to support their participation in class one groups when the agency determines such participation is desirable in order to implement the principles of equity described in RCW 43.06D.020, provided that the individuals are not otherwise compensated for their attendance at meetings.
(b) Stipends shall not exceed $200 for each day during which the member attends an official meeting or performs statutorily prescribed duties approved by the chairperson of the group.
(c) Individuals eligible for stipends under this section are eligible for reasonable allowances for child and adult care reimbursement, lodging, and travel expenses as provided in RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 in addition to stipend amounts.
(d) Nothing in this subsection creates an employment relationship, or any membership or qualification in any state or other publicly supported retirement system, for this or any other title due to the payment of a stipend, lodging and travel expenses, or child care expenses provided under this section where such a relationship, membership, or qualification did not already exist.
(e) As allowable by federal and state law, state agencies will minimize, to the greatest extent possible, the impact of stipends and reimbursements on public assistance eligibility and benefit amounts.
(3) Except for members who qualify for a stipend under subsection (2) of this section, no person designated as a member of a class one board, commission, council, committee, or similar group may receive an allowance for subsistence, lodging, or travel expenses if the allowance cost is funded by the state general fund. Exceptions may be granted under RCW 43.03.049. Class one groups, when feasible, shall use an alternative means of conducting a meeting that does not require travel while still maximizing member and public participation and may use a meeting format that requires members to be physically present at one location only when necessary or required by law.
(4) Class one groups that are funded by sources other than the state general fund are encouraged to reduce travel, lodging, and other costs associated with conducting the business of the group including use of other meeting formats that do not require travel.
(5) Agencies exercising their authority to provide stipends and allowances under this section must follow the guidelines established by the office of equity pursuant to RCW 43.03.270.
(6) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Direct lived experience" means direct personal experience in the subject matter being addressed by the board, commission, council, committee, or other similar group.
(b) "Low income" means an individual whose income is not more than 400 percent of the federal poverty level, adjusted for family size.
[ 2024 c 283 s 7; 2022 c 245 s 2. Prior: 2011 1st sp.s. c 21 s 55; 2011 c 5 s 902; 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 s 142; 1984 c 287 s 2.]


FindingsIntent2024 c 283: See note following RCW 43.18A.020.
Findings2022 c 245: "The legislature finds that equitable public policy discussions should include individuals directly impacted by that policy. In order to do so, the legislature supports removing barriers to that participation. The legislature finds that asking community members with lower financial means to volunteer their time and expertise while state employees and representatives of advocacy organizations receive compensation from their respective agency or organization for their time and experience ultimately hinders full and open public participation. As a result, the legislature finds that removing financial barriers for those individuals fosters increased access to government and enriches public policy discussions and decisions, ultimately leading to more equitable and sustainable policy outcomes." [ 2022 c 245 s 1.]
Effective date2011 1st sp.s. c 21: See note following RCW 72.23.025.
Effective date2011 c 5: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [February 18, 2011]." [ 2011 c 5 s 922.]
Effective date2010 1st sp.s. c 26; 2010 1st sp.s. c 7: See note following RCW 43.03.027.
Legislative findings1984 c 287: "The legislature finds that members of part-time boards, commissions, councils, committees, and other similar groups established by the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of state government make a valuable contribution to the public welfare. This time and talent so generously donated to the state is gratefully acknowledged.
The legislature further finds that membership on certain part-time groups involves responsibility for major policy decisions and represents a significant demand on the time and resources of members. The demands and responsibilities are well beyond reasonable expectations of an individual's gratuitous contribution to the public welfare. It is therefore appropriate to provide compensation to members of specific qualifying groups and further to provide three levels of compensation based on the responsibilities of the group and the time required to perform the group's statutory duties." [ 1984 c 287 s 1.]
Section headings1984 c 287: "Section headings and captions used in RCW 43.03.220 through 43.03.250 do not constitute any part of the law." [ 1984 c 287 s 114.]
Severability1984 c 287: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1984 c 287 s 115.]
Effective date1984 c 287: "This act shall take effect on July 1, 1985." [ 1984 c 287 s 116.]