PDFRCW 43.30.325

Deposit of money and feesNatural resources deposit fundRepayments.

(1) The department shall deposit daily all moneys and fees collected or received by the commissioner and the department in the discharge of official duties as follows:
(a) The department shall pay moneys received as advance payments, deposits, and security from successful bidders under RCW 79.15.100 and 79.11.150 to the state treasurer for deposit under (b) of this subsection. Moneys received from unsuccessful bidders shall be returned as provided in RCW 79.11.150;
(b) The department shall pay all moneys received on behalf of a trust fund or account to the state treasurer for deposit in the trust fund or account after making the deduction authorized under RCW 79.64.110, 79.22.050, 79.64.040, and 79.15.520, except as provided in RCW 79.64.130;
(c) The natural resources deposit fund is hereby created. The state treasurer is the custodian of the fund. All moneys or sums which remain in the custody of the commissioner of public lands awaiting disposition or where the final disposition is not known shall be deposited into the natural resources deposit fund. Disbursement from the fund shall be on the authorization of the commissioner or the commissioner's designee, without necessity of appropriation;
(d) If it is required by law that the department repay moneys disbursed under (a) and (b) of this subsection the state treasurer shall transfer such moneys, without necessity of appropriation, to the department upon demand by the department from those trusts and accounts originally receiving the moneys.
(2) Money shall not be deemed to have been paid to the state upon any sale or lease of land until it has been paid to the state treasurer.
[ 2017 c 248 s 4. Prior: 2003 c 334 s 125; 2003 c 313 s 9; 1981 2nd ex.s. c 4 s 1; 1965 c 8 s 43.85.130; prior: (i) 1911 c 51 s 1; RRS s 5555. (ii) 1909 c 133 s 1, part; 1907 c 96 s 1, part; RRS s 5501, part. Formerly RCW 43.85.130.]


Intent2003 c 334: See note following RCW 79.02.010.
FindingsSeverability2003 c 313: See notes following RCW 79.15.500.
Moneys received and invested prior to December 1, 1981: "Moneys received as deposits from successful bidders, advance payments, and security under RCW 79.01.132 and 79.01.204, which have been invested prior to December 1, 1981, in time deposits, shall be subject to RCW 43.85.130 as each time deposit matures." [ 1981 2nd ex.s. c 4 s 2.]
Severability1981 2nd ex.s. c 4: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1981 2nd ex.s. c 4 s 16.]