PDFRCW 43.88.583

Public inspection of state collective bargaining agreementsWebsiteContents.

(1) To facilitate public inspection of state collective bargaining agreements, the office of financial management must maintain a website that is accessible to the public of all agreements collectively bargained with state employees under the authority of chapters 28B.52, 41.56, 41.76, 41.80, and 47.64 RCW. In addition, the website must contain all agreements collectively bargained with persons who are state employees solely for the purpose of collective bargaining under RCW 41.56.026, 41.56.028, 41.56.029, 41.56.473, 41.56.510, and 74.39A.270. Tentatively agreed to collective bargaining agreements must be posted to the website in a searchable format within forty-five days of being submitted to the office of financial management. Revisions and modification to agreements must be posted to the website within fifteen days of the agreement being signed by both parties.
(2) To facilitate public understanding of state collective bargaining agreements, the office of financial management must prepare a summary of each agreement subject to subsection (1) of this section for posting on the website by December 20th of the year in which the agreement was negotiated, but no later than the date that the governor submits a request for funding to the legislature. The summary must identify the following information for each agreement:
(a) The term of the agreement;
(b) The bargaining units covered by the agreement by state agency;
(c) Base compensation;
(d) Provisions for and rate of overtime pay;
(e) Provisions for and rate of compensatory time;
(f) Provisions for and rate of any other compensation including, but not limited to, shift premium pay, on-call pay, stand-by pay, assignment pay, special pay, or employer-provided housing or meals;
(g) Provisions for and rate of pay for each paid leave provision;
(h) Provisions for and rate of pay for any cash out provisions for compensatory time or paid leave;
(i) Temporary layoff provision;
(j) Any impasse procedure subject to bargaining;
(k) Health care benefits provisions expressed as a percentage of cost or as a dollar amount, or in the case of contributions to a third-party benefit fund, the hourly contribution rate to the fund;
(l) Any retirement benefit subject to bargaining, or in the case of contributions to a third-party benefit fund, the hourly contribution rate to the fund;
(m) For compensation or fringe benefits with an anticipated cost of fifty thousand dollars or more, a brief description of each component and its cost that comprises the amount funded by the legislature to implement in accordance with RCW 41.80.010(3);
(n) Number of bargaining unit members covered by the agreement as of the date submitted to the office of financial management;
(o) Content of any agency-specific supplemental agreements affecting (a) through (m) of this subsection; and
(p) Any contract provisions that allow the contract to be reopened during the contract term.
(3) For collective bargaining agreements negotiated by institutions of higher education, the institution of higher education must:
(a) Provide the office of financial management with a searchable version of the tentatively agreed to collective bargaining agreements to be posted on the website identified in subsection (1) of this section to within forty days of submitting the agreements to the office of financial management.
(b) Submit revisions and modifications to agreements to the office of financial management to be posted to the website identified in subsection (1) of this section within ten days of the agreement being signed by both parties.
(c) Submit a summary of each agreement to the office of financial management by December 10th of the year in which a master agreement was negotiated or within fifteen days of a contract revision. The summary must include the information identified in subsection (2)(a) through (p) of this section.
(4) The office of financial management must also include on the website any additional information identified in budget instructions developed by the office of financial management or that is otherwise required under RCW 43.88.030.
(5) Information on the website may include links to salary schedules, pay ranges, and other information on state or federal agency websites to summarize information. Information may include links to specific language within an agreement to summarize information.
(6) By January 1, 2018, the information under this section must be incorporated into the state expenditure information website maintained by the legislative evaluation and accountability program committee under RCW 44.48.150.
(7) The summaries of collective bargaining agreements created under this section must not disclose personally identifiable information of any bargaining unit member.
(8) The summaries of collective bargaining agreements created under this section have no legal effect on the interpretation of the agreements.
[ 2017 3rd sp.s. c 23 s 1.]