PDFRCW 43.185C.160

County homeless housing task forcesHomeless housing plansReports by counties.

(1) Each county shall create a homeless housing task force to develop a five-year homeless housing plan addressing short-term and long-term housing for homeless persons.
Membership on the task force may include representatives of the counties, cities, towns, housing authorities, civic and faith organizations, schools, community networks, human services providers, law enforcement personnel, criminal justice personnel, including prosecutors, probation officers, and jail administrators, substance abuse treatment providers, mental health care providers, emergency health care providers, businesses, real estate professionals, at large representatives of the community, and a homeless or formerly homeless individual.
In lieu of creating a new task force, a local government may designate an existing governmental or nonprofit body which substantially conforms to this section and which includes at least one homeless or formerly homeless individual to serve as its homeless representative. As an alternative to a separate plan, two or more local governments may work in concert to develop and execute a joint homeless housing plan, or to contract with another entity to do so according to the requirements of this chapter. While a local government has the authority to subcontract with other entities, the local government continues to maintain the ultimate responsibility for the homeless housing program within its borders.
A county may decline to participate in the program authorized in this chapter by forwarding to the department a resolution adopted by the county legislative authority stating the intention not to participate. A copy of the resolution shall also be transmitted to the county auditor and treasurer. If a county declines to participate, the department shall create and execute a local homeless housing plan for the county meeting the requirements of this chapter.
(2) In addition to developing a five-year homeless housing plan, each task force shall establish guidelines consistent with the statewide homeless housing strategic plan, as needed, for the following:
(a) Emergency shelters;
(b) Short-term housing needs;
(c) Temporary encampments;
(d) Supportive housing for chronically homeless persons; and
(e) Long-term housing.
Guidelines must include, when appropriate, standards for health and safety and notifying the public of proposed facilities to house the homeless.
(3) Each county, including counties exempted from creating a new task force under subsection (1) of this section, shall report to the department such information as may be needed to ensure compliance with this chapter, including the annual report required in RCW 43.185C.045.
[ 2018 c 85 s 7; 2005 c 485 s 1.]


IntentShort title2018 c 85: See notes following RCW 43.185C.045.