PDFRCW 43.216.395

Child care inspection reportsInternal review processDefinitionsFinal review.

(1) The department shall develop an internal review process to determine whether department licensors have appropriately and consistently applied agency rules in inspection reports that do not involve a violation of health and safety standards. Adverse licensing decisions including license denial, suspension, revocation, modification, or nonrenewal pursuant to RCW 43.216.325 or imposition of civil fines pursuant to RCW 43.216.335 are not subject to the internal review process in this section, but may be appealed using the administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW.
(2) The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section.
(a) "Child care facility licensing compliance agreement" means an agreement issued by the department in lieu of the department taking enforcement action against a child care provider that contains: (i) A description of the violation and the rule or law that was violated; (ii) a statement from the licensee regarding the proposed plan to comply with the rule or law; (iii) the date the violation must be corrected; (iv) information regarding other licensing action that may be imposed if compliance does not occur by the required date; and (v) the signature of the licensor and licensee or the licensee's delegate.
(b) "Health and safety standards" means rules or requirements developed by the department to protect the health and safety of children against risk of bodily, mental, or psychological injury, harm, illness, or death.
(3) The internal review process shall be conducted by the following six individuals:
(a) Three department employees who may include child care licensors; and
(b) Three child care providers selected by the department from names submitted by the oversight board for children, youth, and families established in RCW 43.216.015.
(4) The internal review process established in this section may overturn, change, or uphold a department licensing decision by majority vote. In the event that the six individuals conducting the internal review process are equally divided, the secretary or the secretary's designee shall make the decision of the internal review process. The internal review process must provide the parties with a written decision of the outcome after completion of the internal review process. A licensee must request a review under the internal review process within ten days of the development of an inspection report and the internal review process must be completed within sixty days after the request from the licensee to initiate the internal review process is received.
(5) A licensee may request a final review by the oversight board for children, youth, and families after completing the internal review process established in this section by giving notice to the department and the oversight board for children, youth, and families within ten days of receiving the written decision produced by the internal review process.
[ 2021 c 304 s 18; 2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 s 114.]


Effective date2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 ss 102, 104-115, 201-227, 301-337, 401-419, 501-513, 801-803, and 805-822: See note following RCW 43.216.025.